630 resultados para Wilhite, Clayton
Large quantities of teleseismic short-period seismograms recorded at SCARLET provide travel time, apparent velocity and waveform data for study of upper mantle compressional velocity structure. Relative array analysis of arrival times from distant (30° < Δ < 95°) earthquakes at all azimuths constrains lateral velocity variations beneath southern California. We compare dT/dΔ back azimuth and averaged arrival time estimates from the entire network for 154 events to the same parameters derived from small subsets of SCARLET. Patterns of mislocation vectors for over 100 overlapping subarrays delimit the spatial extent of an east-west striking, high-velocity anomaly beneath the Transverse Ranges. Thin lens analysis of the averaged arrival time differences, called 'net delay' data, requires the mean depth of the corresponding lens to be more than 100 km. Our results are consistent with the PKP-delay times of Hadley and Kanamori (1977), who first proposed the high-velocity feature, but we place the anomalous material at substantially greater depths than their 40-100 km estimate.
Detailed analysis of travel time, ray parameter and waveform data from 29 events occurring in the distance range 9° to 40° reveals the upper mantle structure beneath an oceanic ridge to depths of over 900 km. More than 1400 digital seismograms from earthquakes in Mexico and Central America yield 1753 travel times and 58 dT/dΔ measurements as well as high-quality, stable waveforms for investigation of the deep structure of the Gulf of California. The result of a travel time inversion with the tau method (Bessonova et al., 1976) is adjusted to fit the p(Δ) data, then further refined by incorporation of relative amplitude information through synthetic seismogram modeling. The application of a modified wave field continuation method (Clayton and McMechan, 1981) to the data with the final model confirms that GCA is consistent with the entire data set and also provides an estimate of the data resolution in velocity-depth space. We discover that the upper mantle under this spreading center has anomalously slow velocities to depths of 350 km, and place new constraints on the shape of the 660 km discontinuity.
Seismograms from 22 earthquakes along the northeast Pacific rim recorded in southern California form the data set for a comparative investigation of the upper mantle beneath the Cascade Ranges-Juan de Fuca region, an ocean-continent transit ion. These data consist of 853 seismograms (6° < Δ < 42°) which produce 1068 travel times and 40 ray parameter estimates. We use the spreading center model initially in synthetic seismogram modeling, and perturb GCA until the Cascade Ranges data are matched. Wave field continuation of both data sets with a common reference model confirms that real differences exist between the two suites of seismograms, implying lateral variation in the upper mantle. The ocean-continent transition model, CJF, features velocities from 200 and 350 km that are intermediate between GCA and T7 (Burdick and Helmberger, 1978), a model for the inland western United States. Models of continental shield regions (e.g., King and Calcagnile, 1976) have higher velocities in this depth range, but all four model types are similar below 400 km. This variation in rate of velocity increase with tectonic regime suggests an inverse relationship between velocity gradient and lithospheric age above 400 km depth.
The nature of the subducted lithospheric slab is investigated seismologically by tomographic inversions of ISC residual travel times. The slab, in which nearly all deep earthquakes occur, is fast in the seismic images because it is much cooler than the ambient mantle. High resolution three-dimensional P and S wave models in the NW Pacific are obtained using regional data, while inversion for the SW Pacific slabs includes teleseismic arrivals. Resolution and noise estimations show the models are generally well-resolved.
The slab anomalies in these models, as inferred from the seismicity, are generally coherent in the upper mantle and become contorted and decrease in amplitude with depth. Fast slabs are surrounded by slow regions shallower than 350 km depth. Slab fingering, including segmentation and spreading, is indicated near the bottom of the upper mantle. The fast anomalies associated with the Japan, Izu-Bonin, Mariana and Kermadec subduction zones tend to flatten to sub-horizontal at depth, while downward spreading may occur under parts of the Mariana and Kuril arcs. The Tonga slab appears to end around 550 km depth, but is underlain by a fast band at 750-1000 km depths.
The NW Pacific model combined with the Clayton-Comer mantle model predicts many observed residual sphere patterns. The predictions indicate that the near-source anomalies affect the residual spheres less than the teleseismic contributions. The teleseismic contributions may be removed either by using a mantle model, or using teleseismic station averages of residuals from only regional events. The slab-like fast bands in the corrected residual spheres are are consistent with seismicity trends under the Mariana Tzu-Bonin and Japan trenches, but are inconsistent for the Kuril events.
The comparison of the tomographic models with earthquake focal mechanisms shows that deep compression axes and fast velocity slab anomalies are in consistent alignment, even when the slab is contorted or flattened. Abnormal stress patterns are seen at major junctions of the arcs. The depth boundary between tension and compression in the central parts of these arcs appears to depend on the dip and topology of the slab.
The O18/O16 ratios of coexisting minerals from a number of regionally metamorphosed rocks have been measured, using a bromine pentafluoride extraction-technique. Listed in order of their increasing tendency to concentrate O18, the minerals analyzed are magnetite, ilmenite, chlorite, biotite, garnet, hornblende, kyanite, muscovite, feldspar, and quartz. The only anomalous sequence detected occurs in a xenolith of schist, in which quartz, muscovite, biotite, and ilmenite, but not garnet, have undergone isotopic exchange with surrounding trondjemite.
With few exceptions, quartz-magnetite and quartz-ilmenite fractionations decrease with increasing metamorphic grade determined by mineral paragenesis and spatial distribution. This consistency does not apply to quartz-magnetite and quartz-ilmenite fractionations obtained from rocks in which petrographic evidence of retrogradation is present.
Whereas measured isotopic fractionations among quartz, garnet, ilmenite, and magnetite are approximately related to metamorphic grade, fractionations between these minerals and biotite or muscovite show poor correlation with grade. Variations in muscovite-biotite fractionations are relatively small. These observations are interpreted to mean that muscovite and biotite are affected by retrograde re-equilibration to a greater extent than the anhydrous minerals analyzed.
Measured quartz-ilmenite fractionations range from 12 permil in the biotite zone of central Vermont to 6.5 permil in the sillimanite-orthoclase zone of southeastern Connecticut. Analyses of natural assemblages from the kyanite and sillimanite zones suggest that equilibrium quartz-ilmenite fractionations are approximately 8 percent smaller than corresponding quartz-magnetite fractionations. Employing the quartz-magnetite geothermometer calibrated by O'Neil and Clayton (1964), a temperature of 560°C was obtained for kyanite-bearing schists from Addison County, Vermont. Extending the calibration to quartz-ilmenite fractionations, a temperature of 600°C was obtained for kyanite-schists from Shoshone County, Idaho. At these temperatures kyanite is stable only at pressures exceeding 11 kbars (Bell, 1963), corresponding to lithostatic loads of over 40 km.
Tomando as favelas do Rio de Janeiro como campo privilegiado de análise, esta dissertação busca trazer para o centro da discussão a forma a partir do qual os moradores destes territórios da cidade vivenciam e externalizam sua percepção da injustiça e lidam com a frustração de seus desejos e aspirações, quando confrontados com a ação policial. Partindo da observação das possíveis interferências de uma ação de policiamento, as Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPPs), na esfera pública local do Morro do Andaraí, buscou-se entender como agem seus moradores diante do contexto sócio-político atual de reconfiguração do pensamento estatal em relação à atuação da segurança pública na cidade. Quais representações sociais os moradores organizam para formular uma rede de relações entre seus membros e como estas representações estabelecem objetivos e procedimentos específicos para interpretar e pensar a realidade cotidiana. E, em que medida a ação do Estado interfere, efetivamente, de modo a reconfigurar a esfera pública local, são questões que foram abordadas ao longo do trabalho teórico e empírico. Partindo de uma abordagem holística, que considerou observar os fatos humanos como totalidades, adotou-se uma postura reflexiva diante do objeto de estudo e dos sujeitos que o constroem em seu cotidiano no desenrolar da esfera pública local. Desta forma, junto a uma extensa pesquisa bibliográfica foram associados um trabalho de campo exploratório e a aplicação de um instrumento de investigação não diretivo a um conjunto de moradores, posteriormente as falas recolhidas dos moradores foram tratadas segundo a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Percebe-se nas representações sociais dos moradores, o entendimento de que as ordens ideológica, política e econômica que compõem o Estado continuam a olhar para as favelas como o espaço onde identificam a desordem e a causa dos problemas sociais enfrentados pelo conjunto da cidade. Espaço que por isso precisa ser reordenado, pacificado para acabar com ideia da cidade partida em frações marginais. Por fim, relacionando a conjuntura atual vivenciada nas favelas ocupadas com os conceitos de policiamento comunitário, busca-se compreender em que medida as UPPs podem ou não contribuir para as mudanças tão esperadas nas ações de policiamento das favelas. O momento atual é de observação atenta e discussão constante para a constituição de uma cidade de mais direitos, pacífica não apenas para os moradores do asfalto
A presente tese busca compreender e explicar a formação do Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia a partir do legado de símbolos, procedimentos e modelos de aquisição de legitimidade deixados ao longo de sua história e que podem ser agrupados em três grandes matrizes políticas: o liberalismo-constitucional, o indianismo-comunitário e o nacional-popular. Assim, o objetivo é analisar como o legado destas três matrizes políticas, através principalmente da evolução histórica de seus horizontes políticos e da memória de suas agendas e promessas inconclusas acerca do Estado e da nação na Bolívia, influenciam o atual experimento inaugurado em 2009 com a promulgação de sua atual Constituição Política do Estado (CPE). A hipótese subjacente é a de que o experimento plurinacional, em sua tentativa de resolver a forte crise de legitimidade estatal trazida pela conjuntura crítica dos anos 2000-2005, se nutre fortemente das agendas destas três matrizes seja intencional e deliberadamente como no caso do Indianismo e do Nacional-popular ou de maneira reticente como no caso do Liberalismo - de forma a tentar reconciliar o Estado com sua altamente heterogênea formação social. A fim de verificá-la, foi realizado um estudo de natureza eminentemente bibliográfica complementado por pesquisa de campo de seis meses a fim de traçar a evolução política das três matrizes em seus momentos constitutivos, horizontes e agendas e contrastá-las com as características institucionais assumidas pelo novo Estado Plurinacional, bem como a prática política dos principais atores bolivianos contemporâneos. Dessa maneira, foi possível perceber o quanto de fato persistem no experimento refundacionista atual e na prática política corrente do país uma mescla heterogênea e com distintas ênfases das agendas e práticas das três matrizes, representadas sobretudo no apego à democracia como valor e procedimento; no reconhecimento étnico-cultural trazido ao interior do Estado com a incorporação potencial pelo mesmo de formatos institucionais comunitários e a preservação de espaços autônomos de deliberação; e na busca por participação política mais direta por parte do povo e na ênfase relativa à soberania popular sobre os recursos naturais do país e um maior intervencionismo estatal na economia.
This working paper aims to synthesize and share learning from the experience of adapting and operationalizing the Research in Development(RinD) approach to agricultural research in the five hubs under the The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. It seeks to share learning about how the approach is working in context and to explore the outcomes it is achieving through initial implementation over 3 ½ years. This learning can inform continuation of agricultural research in the second phase of the CGIAR research programs and will be useful to others aiming to implement research programs that seek to equitably build capacity to innovate in complex social-ecological systems. Each of the chapters in this working paper have shown that RinD has produced a range of outcomes that were often unexpected and broader in scope than might result from other approaches to agricultural research. RinD also produces innovations, and there is evidence that it builds capacity to innovate.
Knowing the timing, level, cellular localization, and cell type that a gene is expressed in contributes to our understanding of the function of the gene. Each of these features can be accomplished with in situ hybridization to mRNAs within cells. Here we present a radioactive in situ hybridization method modified from Clayton et al. (1988)(1) that has been working successfully in our lab for many years, especially for adult vertebrate brains(2-5). The long complementary RNA (cRNA) probes to the target sequence allows for detection of low abundance transcripts(6,7). Incorporation of radioactive nucleotides into the cRNA probes allows for further detection sensitivity of low abundance transcripts and quantitative analyses, either by light sensitive x-ray film or emulsion coated over the tissue. These detection methods provide a long-term record of target gene expression. Compared with non-radioactive probe methods, such as DIG-labeling, the radioactive probe hybridization method does not require multiple amplification steps using HRP-antibodies and/or TSA kit to detect low abundance transcripts. Therefore, this method provides a linear relation between signal intensity and targeted mRNA amounts for quantitative analysis. It allows processing 100-200 slides simultaneously. It works well for different developmental stages of embryos. Most developmental studies of gene expression use whole embryos and non-radioactive approaches(8,9), in part because embryonic tissue is more fragile than adult tissue, with less cohesion between cells, making it difficult to see boundaries between cell populations with tissue sections. In contrast, our radioactive approach, due to the larger range of sensitivity, is able to obtain higher contrast in resolution of gene expression between tissue regions, making it easier to see boundaries between populations. Using this method, researchers could reveal the possible significance of a newly identified gene, and further predict the function of the gene of interest.
Variations in the interleukin 4 receptor A (IL4RA) gene have been reported to be associated with atopy, asthma, and allergy, which may occur less frequently in subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Since atopy shows a humoral immune reactivity pattern, and T1D results from a cellular (T lymphocyte) response, we hypothesised that alleles predisposing to atopy could be protective for T1D and transmitted less often than the expected 50% from heterozygous parents to offspring with T1D. We genotyped seven exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the -3223 C>T SNP in the putative promoter region of IL4RA in up to 3475 T1D families, including 1244 Finnish T1D families. Only the -3223 C>T SNP showed evidence of negative association (P=0.014). There was some evidence for an interaction between -3233 C>T and the T1D locus IDDM2 in the insulin gene region (P=0.001 in the combined and P=0.02 in the Finnish data set). We, therefore, cannot rule out a genetic effect of IL4RA in T1D, but it is not a major one.
Este artículo resulta de investigaciones en torno al “enverdecimiento” de las ciudades y las oportunidades de la agricultura urbana para la alimentación de una población en constante aumento que no trabaja la tierra. También es fruto de actividades de mejora de ambientes urbanos realizadas con la Escuela de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A través de casos de agricultura urbana, entendiendo por ella el conjunto de prácticas para la producción de alimentos y plantas ornamentales dentro de las ciudades y en sus entornos, se analizan alternativas para la recuperación de espacios construidos e incremento de la calidad de vida de la población. Todo ello se traduce, además, en creación de riqueza y mejora del paisaje urbano, siempre desde criterios de sostenibilidad que favorecen el desarrollo local desde la Cumbre de la Tierra de Río de 1992 y la Conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible Río+20 de 2013.
We propose a new approach for modeling nonlinear multivariate interest rate processes based on time-varying copulas and reducible stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In the modeling of the marginal processes, we consider a class of nonlinear SDEs that are reducible to Ornstein--Uhlenbeck (OU) process or Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985) (CIR) process. The reducibility is achieved via a nonlinear transformation function. The main advantage of this approach is that these SDEs can account for nonlinear features, observed in short-term interest rate series, while at the same time leading to exact discretization and closed-form likelihood functions. Although a rich set of specifications may be entertained, our exposition focuses on a couple of nonlinear constant elasticity volatility (CEV) processes, denoted as OU-CEV and CIR-CEV, respectively. These two processes encompass a number of existing models that have closed-form likelihood functions. The transition density, the conditional distribution function, and the steady-state density function are derived in closed form as well as the conditional and unconditional moments for both processes. In order to obtain a more flexible functional form over time, we allow the transformation function to be time varying. Results from our study of U.S. and UK short-term interest rates suggest that the new models outperform existing parametric models with closed-form likelihood functions. We also find the time-varying effects in the transformation functions statistically significant. To examine the joint behavior of interest rate series, we propose flexible nonlinear multivariate models by joining univariate nonlinear processes via appropriate copulas. We study the conditional dependence structure of the two rates using Patton (2006a) time-varying symmetrized Joe--Clayton copula. We find evidence of asymmetric dependence between the two rates, and that the level of dependence is positively related to the level of the two rates. (JEL: C13, C32, G12) Copyright The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org, Oxford University Press.
Background: Art Therapy has been promoted as a means of helping people who may find it difficult to express themselves verbally engage in psychological treatment. Group Art Therapy has been widely used as an adjunctive treatment for people with schizophrenia but there have been few attempts to examine its effects and cost effectiveness has not been examined. The MATISSE study aims to evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of group Art Therapy for people with schizophrenia.
Objectives To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of group art therapy for people with schizophrenia and to test whether any benefits exceed those of an active control treatment.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of blindness in older individuals. To accelerate the understanding of AMD biology and help design new therapies, we executed a collaborative genome-wide association study, including >17,100 advanced AMD cases and >60,000 controls of European and Asian ancestry. We identified 19 loci associated at P <5 × 10(-8). These loci show enrichment for genes involved in the regulation of complement activity, lipid metabolism, extracellular matrix remodeling and angiogenesis. Our results include seven loci with associations reaching P <5 × 10(-8) for the first time, near the genes COL8A1-FILIP1L, IER3-DDR1, SLC16A8, TGFBR1, RAD51B, ADAMTS9 and B3GALTL. A genetic risk score combining SNP genotypes from all loci showed similar ability to distinguish cases and controls in all samples examined. Our findings provide new directions for biological, genetic and therapeutic studies of AMD.