966 resultados para Water Treatment Residual
tratamiento debe ser evaluado y controlado periódicamente, para garantizar su calidad para el consumo humano. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue evaluar mediante un estudio físico-químico y microbiológico el Sistema de Calidad y Tratamiento del Agua que se efectúa en la Planta Potabilizadora del cantón Chordeleg. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, de campo, descriptivo y de corte no longitudinal. Para el análisis físico-químico se evaluaron 176 muestras en las 8 semanas, realizando 1 muestreo al día. En cada muestreo se realizó el análisis de 11 muestras que corresponden: 2 muestra de agua cruda, 2 muestras de agua pre-filtrada, 6 muestras de agua filtrada y 1 muestra de agua tratada realizándose un total de 22 muestras a la semana, en los cuales se determinó los parámetros físico-químicos: temperatura, sólidos totales disueltos, turbiedad y color, pH, dureza, alcalinidad, hierro, sulfato, nitritos, nitratos y cloro libre residual; parámetros microbiológicos: Coliformes totales y fecales. Los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas, mediante el análisis estadístico demostraron que los parámetros fisicoquímicos cumplen con lo establecido en la norma INEN 1108-2014, mientras que en los parámetros microbiológicos se estableció que los Coliformes fecales se encuentran dentro del rango establecido por la norma INEN 1108-2014 y los Coliformes totales fuera de lo establecido por la OMS(ausencia).
New bone chars for fluoride adsorption from drinking water have been synthetized via metallic doping using aluminum and iron salts. A detailed statistical analysis of the metal doping process using the signal-to-noise ratios from Taguchi's experimental designs and its impact on the fluoride adsorption properties of modified bone chars have been performed. The best conditions, including the proper metallic salt, for metal doping were identified to improve the fluoride uptakes of modified bone chars. Results showed that the fluoride adsorption properties of bone chars can be enhanced up to 600% using aluminum sulfate for the surface modification. This aluminum-based adsorbent showed an adsorption capacity of 31 mg/g, which outperformed the fluoride uptakes reported for several adsorbents. Surface interactions involved in the defluoridation process were established using FTIR, DRX and XPS analysis. Defluoridation using the metal-doped bone chars occurred via an ion exchange process between fluoride ions and the hydroxyl groups on the adsorbent surface, whereas the Al(OH)xFy, FexFy, and CaF2 interactions could play also an important role in the removal process. These metal-doped adsorbents anticipate a promising behavior in water treatment, especially in developing countries where the efficiency – cost tradeoff is crucial for implementing new defluoridation technologies.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.