937 resultados para Water Quality Management
This paper presents a proposal for a Quality Management System for a generic GNSS Surveying Company as an alternative for management and service quality improvements. As a result of the increased demand for GNSS measurements, a large number of new or restructured companies were established to operate in that market. Considering that GNSS surveying is a new process, some changes must be performed in order to accommodate the old surveying techniques and the old fashioned management to the new reality. This requires a new management model that must be based on a well-described procedure sequence aiming at the Total Management Quality for the company. The proposed Quality Management System was based on the requirements of the Quality System ISO 9000:2000, applied to the whole company, focusing on the productive process of GNSS surveying work.
The applicability of image calibration to like-values in mapping water quality parameters from multitemporal images is explored, Six sets of water samples were collected at satellite overpasses over Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Australia. Analysis of these samples reveals that waters in this shallow bay are mostly TSS-dominated, even though they are occasionally dominated by chlorophyll as well. Three of the images were calibrated to a reference image based on invariant targets. Predictive models constructed from the reference image were applied to estimating total suspended sediment (TSS) and Secchi depth from another image at a discrepancy of around 35 percent. Application of the predictive model for TSS concentration to another image acquired at a time of different water types resulted in a discrepancy of 152 percent. Therefore, image calibration to like-values could be used to reliably map certain water quality parameters from multitemporal TM images so long as the water type under study remains unchanged. This method is limited in that the mapped results could be rather inaccurate if the water type under study has changed considerably. Thus, the approach needs to be refined in shallow water from multitemporal satellite imagery.
The Brisbane River and Moreton Bay Study, an interdisciplinary study of Moreton Bay and its major tributaries, was initiated to address water quality issues which link sewage and diffuse loading with environmental degradation. Runoff and deposition of fine-grained sediments into Moreton Bay, followed by resuspension, have been linked with increased turbidity and significant loss of seagrass habitat. Sewage-derived nutrient enrichment, particularly nitrogen (N), has been linked to algal blooms by sewage plume maps. Blooms of a marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula, in Moreton Bay have resulted in significant impacts on human health (e.g., contact dermatitis) and ecological health (e.g., seagrass loss), and the availability of dissolved iron from acid sulfate soil runoff has been hypothesised. The impacts of catchment activities resulting in runoff of sediments, nutrients and dissolved iron on the health of the Moreton Bay waterways are addressed. The Study, established by 6 local councils in association with two state departments in 1994, forms a regional component of a national and state program to achieve ecologically sustainable use of the waterways by protecting and enhancing their health, while maintaining economic and social development. The Study framework illustrates a unique integrated approach to water quality management whereby scientific research, community participation and the strategy development were done in parallel with each other. This collaborative effort resulted in a water quality management strategy which focuses on the integration of socioeconomic and ecological values of the waterways. This work has led to significant cost savings in infrastructure by providing a clear focus on initiatives towards achieving healthy waterways. The Study's Stage 2 initiatives form the basis for this paper.
The purpose of this study is to characterize how Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) view the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) certification process, after receiving the Quality Management System (QMS) certification. References were based on the ISO 9001 standard for a QMS and OHSAS 18001 for OHSMS. The method used to evaluate the implemented systems, was by form of questionnaire. Those questioned had to have a certified quality management system, an implemented OHSMS and be a SME. The questionnaire was sent to 300 SMEs; 46 responses were received and validated. Of them, only 12 SMEs had the OHSMS certificate according to OHSAS 18001. Within those 12 companies that participated: 7 SMEs are from the industrial sector; 3 belong to the electricity/telecommunications sector and 2 SMEs are from the trade/services activity sector. The size of the sample was small, but corresponds to Portuguese reality. Moreover, 34 SMEs did not have the OHSMS certificate. The questionnaire requested the main reasons for SMEs to opt for non-certification and it was related with high costs, while the main reasons to certificate were, among others, needed to eliminate or minimize risks to workers. The main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, improved working conditions, ensuring compliance with legislation and better internal communication about risks and hazards. Also presented are the main difficulties in achieving an OHSMS certification including high certification costs, difficulties motivating personnel, difficulties in changing the company’s culture and increased bureaucracy.
Lean Thinking is an important pillar in the success of any program of continuous improvement process. Its tools are useful means in the analysis, control and organization of important data for correct decision making in organizations. This project had as main objective the design of a program of quality improvement in Eurico Ferreira, S.A., based on the evaluation of customer satisfaction and the implementation of 5S. Subsequently, we have selected which business area of the company to address. After the selection, there was an initial diagnostic procedure, identifying the various points of improvement to which some tools of Lean Thinking have been applied, in particular Value Stream Mapping and 5S methodology. With the first, we were able to map the current state of the process in which all stakeholders were represented as well as the flow of materials and information throughout the process. The 5S methodology allowed to act on the wastage, identifying and implementing various process improvements.
Both managers and scholars have convictions about the organizational approaches that best support organizational performance of the respective organizations and its Quality Management Systems. After a literature review of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (including the changes introduced by the 2015 edition), Organizational Culture theories are addressed and input from a CEO´s focus group was gathered. The importance of organizational culture for the success of Quality Management Systems and the achievement of the organizational desired results is highlighted. The article advances a proposal to analyze ISO 9001 International Standard through the lens of organizational culture theories identifying a stronger open systems approach (influence of the environment, dynamic perspective, need for survival) of the 2015 ISO 9001 edition when compared with the 2008 one. This provides additional knowledge both to scholars and practitioners for a better understanding of the culture issues that can maximize ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems 2015 edition contributions to organizational enduring success.
Leadership and Management in Engineering, January 2009
En los últimos años el grupo de investigación ha caracterizado la calidad de los cuerpos de agua, detectando gradientes de calidad ambiental que se manifiestan por la aparición de tóxicos que generan cambios en la calidad del agua, sedimento y especialmente en la biota. El presente proyecto propone una evaluación integrada de la contaminación de los recursos hídricos abarcando el estudio de las causas de la contaminación y las respuestas biológicas que se producen ante dichas alteraciones. Por ello nuestro objetivo principal es evaluar la contaminación de los recursos acuáticos a través del desarrollo y aplicación de diversas herramientas. El enfoque multidisciplinario del mismo permitirá integrar los análisis de las diferentes áreas de estudio, con el fin de brindarán soluciones al problema generalizado de la contaminación acuática. El fin último es alcanzar una mejor valoración de los cambios temporales y espaciales en la calidad de las cuencas hídricas. Se propone analizar la presencia y concentración de tóxicos en agua, suelo, sedimento y biota conjuntamente con la evaluación de los efectos sobre los organismos a diferentes niveles de organización, lo que permitirá determinar y seleccionar los indicadores más eficientes de la contaminación ambiental. Se desarrollarán biomarcadores moleculares basados en expresión genética en la biota acuática y biomarcadores morfológicos, histológicos y bioquímicos. Además se evaluará el efecto del estrés tóxico sobre los hábitos natatorios de peces utilizando un software recientemente desarrollado por el grupo. También se intensificará la búsqueda de biomarcadores específicos de disrupción endocrina en peces tales como aromatasa, vitelogenina, parámetros estáticos y dinámicos de espermatozoides y comportamiento de cortejo y cópula. Así, el plan propuesto brindará un conjunto de herramientas, con diverso grado de complejidad, para ser usadas en la correcta evaluación del impacto ambiental de las actividades humanas. El grupo de trabajo pretende realizar una fuerte contribución a los conocimientos de base para crear conciencia sobre el problema de las diferentes cuencas en estudio, a fin de llevar a cabo un control sostenido de la calidad de los recursos acuáticos.
Los embalses constituyen reservorios de agua artificiales que se forman para brindar múltiples propósitos. La generación de energía, la provisión de agua para consumo y riego, la atenuación de crecientes y los usos recreacionales, figuran como los más destacados. La calidad del agua y el grado de eutrofización, condicionan la realización de diferentes usos con consecuencias directas e indirectas para la Salud Pública y el recurso íctico. La eutrofización es precisamente uno de los problemas más recurrentes en los embalses de la provincia de Córdoba. Las hipótesis son: 1-El incremento en la concentración de nutrientes, principalmente fósforo y nitrógeno, favorecen la producción de florecimientos algales, con consecuencias negativas sobre la sociedad y el ambiente; 2 - El estrés ambiental producto del grado de eutrofización de los embalses aumenta la susceptibilidad de Odontesthes bonariensis, situación que contribuye al desarrollo de parásitos y a la disminución de su condición corporal. Los objetivos generales del proyecto son: a) Evaluar la variabilidad temporal y espacial de la calidad del agua de tres embalses de la cuenca del río Tercero; b) Estudiar diferentes características biológicas de la ictiofauna presente. Los reservorios a estudiar son Arroyo Corto (64,57W, 32,22S; 357 ha), Río Tercero (64,38W, 32,17S; 4600 ha) y Piedras Moras (64,28W, 32,18S; 830 ha). La superficie, cantidad de tributarios y características limnológicas que presentan estos embalses son contrastantes. Se determinará de manera estacional y en diferentes sitios de muestreo de cada embalse la calidad del agua para distintos usos, a través de análisis físico-químicos y biológicos según metodología estándar, realizando mediciones in situ y en laboratorio. Se evaluará el grado de eutrofia de los reservorios a través de la concentración de nutrientes, clorofila-a y transparencia de agua. Para evaluar la distribución espacial de clorofila-a se integraran SIG-sensores remotos y se determinarán modelos geoestadísticos para predecir florecimientos algales su composición y su relación con riesgos potenciales para la salud y el recurso íctico. Se determinará la diversidad y riqueza de la ictiofauna y la abundancia poblacional (captura por unidad de esfuerzo), la condición corporal, el crecimiento y el estado sanitario del pejerrey O. bonariensis. Para ello se utilizaran artes de pesca pasivos (red de enmalle, trasmallo), activos (red de arrastre) y aparejos de pesca (espineles). Por último, se determinará la abundancia y distribución de Limnoperma fortunei en el embalse Río Tercero. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán evaluar la calidad del agua, el estado trófico y prevenir los riesgos para la salud pública y animal en una de las cuencas de alto impacto antrópico del país. Por su parte, se obtendrán datos sobre distribución, ecología y condición de la ictiofauna, permitiendo el uso sustentable del recurso pesquero. Se obtendrán herramientas que facilitarán la gestión sistémica y la toma de decisiones en el manejo del recurso agua, su saneamiento y la determinación de áreas críticas de riesgo.
Quality Management is a well-developed and widely used approach within industry to gain competitive edge and increased market share. It is a new management approach for schools who are now applying it without having the culture or experience of its evolution. Industrially based Quality management systems and excellence models have been developed. These excellence models and frameworks are based on the principles and concepts of TQM which are recognised as essential elements of high performing organisations. Schools are complex social institutions that provide a service. Like any other service industry, the customers of education are expecting and demanding a better service or else they will go elsewhere. Schools are beginning to reform and change to adapt to such demands. This has been reflected in Ireland in the Education Act, 1998. It is now the right time to develop a quality management system specifically for schools. The existing industrial excellence models have been modified for use in the private and public sector and some have been specifically tailored for education. The problem with such models is that they are still too sophisticated and the language still too industrial for schools. This Thesis develops and Excellence Model for Second Level Schools and provides guidance and school specific tools for its implementation.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012