887 resultados para Visual Object Recognition


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First responders are in danger when they perform tasks in damaged buildings after earthquakes. Structural collapse due to the failure of critical load bearing structural members (e.g. columns) during a post-earthquake event such as an aftershock can make first responders victims, considering they are unable to assess the impact of the damage inflicted in load bearing members. The writers here propose a method that can provide first responders with a crude but quick estimate of the damage inflicted in load bearing members. Under the proposed method, critical structural members (reinforced concrete columns in this study) are identified from digital visual data and the damage superimposed on these structural members is detected with the help of Visual Pattern Recognition techniques. The correlation of the two (e.g. the position, orientation and size of a crack on the surface of a column) is used to query a case-based reasoning knowledge base, which contains apriori classified states of columns according to the damage inflicted on them. When query results indicate the column's damage state is severe, the method assumes that a structural collapse is likely and first responders are warned to evacuate.


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The US National Academy of Engineering recently identified restoring and improving urban infrastructure as one of the grand challenges of engineering. Part of this challenge stems from the lack of viable methods to map/label existing infrastructure. For computer vision, this challenge becomes “How can we automate the process of extracting geometric, object oriented models of infrastructure from visual data?” Object recognition and reconstruction methods have been successfully devised and/or adapted to answer this question for small or linear objects (e.g. columns). However, many infrastructure objects are large and/or planar without significant and distinctive features, such as walls, floor slabs, and bridge decks. How can we recognize and reconstruct them in a 3D model? In this paper, strategies for infrastructure object recognition and reconstruction are presented, to set the stage for posing the question above and discuss future research in featureless, large/planar object recognition and modeling.


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A visual target is more difficult to recognize when it is surrounded by other, similar objects. This breakdown in object recognition is known as crowding. Despite a long history of experimental work, computational models of crowding are still sparse. Specifically, few studies have examined crowding using an ideal-observer approach. Here, we compare crowding in ideal observers with crowding in humans. We derived an ideal-observer model for target identification under conditions of position and identity uncertainty. Simulations showed that this model reproduces the hallmark of crowding, namely a critical spacing that scales with viewing eccentricity. To examine how well the model fits quantitatively to human data, we performed three experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, we measured observers' perceptual uncertainty about stimulus positions and identities, respectively, for a target in isolation. In Experiment 3, observers identified a target that was flanked by two distractors. We found that about half of the errors in Experiment 3 could be accounted for by the perceptual uncertainty measured in Experiments 1 and 2. The remainder of the errors could be accounted for by assuming that uncertainty (i.e., the width of internal noise distribution) about stimulus positions and identities depends on flanker proximity. Our results provide a mathematical restatement of the crowding problem and support the hypothesis that crowding behavior is a sign of optimality rather than a perceptual defect.


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According to the research results reported in the past decades, it is well acknowledged that face recognition is not a trivial task. With the development of electronic devices, we are gradually revealing the secret of object recognition in the primate's visual cortex. Therefore, it is time to reconsider face recognition by using biologically inspired features. In this paper, we represent face images by utilizing the C1 units, which correspond to complex cells in the visual cortex, and pool over S1 units by using a maximum operation to reserve only the maximum response of each local area of S1 units. The new representation is termed C1 Face. Because C1 Face is naturally a third-order tensor (or a three dimensional array), we propose three-way discriminative locality alignment (TWDLA), an extension of the discriminative locality alignment, which is a top-level discriminate manifold learning-based subspace learning algorithm. TWDLA has the following advantages: (1) it takes third-order tensors as input directly so the structure information can be well preserved; (2) it models the local geometry over every modality of the input tensors so the spatial relations of input tensors within a class can be preserved; (3) it maximizes the margin between a tensor and tensors from other classes over each modality so it performs well for recognition tasks and (4) it has no under sampling problem. Extensive experiments on YALE and FERET datasets show (1) the proposed C1Face representation can better represent face images than raw pixels and (2) TWDLA can duly preserve both the local geometry and the discriminative information over every modality for recognition.


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Eye detection plays an important role in many practical applications. This paper presents a novel two-step scheme for eye detection. The first step models an eye by a newly defined visual-context pattern (VCP), and the second step applies semisupervised boosting for precise detection. VCP describes both the space and appearance relations between an eye region (region of eye) and a reference region (region of reference). The context feature of a VCP is extracted by using the integral image. Aiming to reduce the human labeling efforts, we apply semisupervised boosting, which integrates the context feature and the Haar-like features for precise eye detection. Experimental results on several standard face data sets demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective, robust, and efficient. We finally show that this approach is ready for practical applications.


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Crowding, generally defined as the deleterious influence of nearby contours on visual discrimination, is ubiquitous in spatial vision. Specifically, long-range effects of non-overlapping distracters can alter the appearance of an object, making it unrecognizable. Theories in many domains, including vision computation and high-level attention, have been proposed to account for crowding. However, neither compulsory averaging model nor insufficient spatial esolution of attention provides an adequate explanation for crowding. The present study examined the effects of perceptual organization on crowding. We hypothesize that target-distractor segmentation in crowding is analogous to figure-ground segregation in Gestalt. When distractors can be grouped as a whole or when they are similar to each other but different from the target, the target can be distinguished from distractors. However, grouping target and distractors together by Gestalt principles may interfere with target-distractor separation. Six experiments were carried out to assess our theory. In experiments 1, 2, and 3, we manipulated the similarity between target and distractor as well as the configuration of distractors to investigate the effects of stimuli-driven grouping on target-distractor segmentation. In experiments 4, 5, and 6, we focused on the interaction between bottom-up and top-down processes of grouping, and their influences on target-distractor segmentation. Our results demonstrated that: (a) when distractors were similar to each other but different from target, crowding was eased; (b) when distractors formed a subjective contour or were placed regularly, crowding was also reduced; (c) both bottom-up and top-down processes could influence target-distractor grouping, mediating the effects of crowding. These results support our hypothesis that the figure-ground segregation and target-distractor segmentation in crowding may share similar processes. The present study not only provides a novel explanation for crowding, but also examines the processing bottleneck in object recognition. These findings have significant implications on computer vision and interface design as well as on clinical practice in amblyopia and dyslexia.


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Similarity measurements between 3D objects and 2D images are useful for the tasks of object recognition and classification. We distinguish between two types of similarity metrics: metrics computed in image-space (image metrics) and metrics computed in transformation-space (transformation metrics). Existing methods typically use image and the nearest view of the object. Example for such a measure is the Euclidean distance between feature points in the image and corresponding points in the nearest view. (Computing this measure is equivalent to solving the exterior orientation calibration problem.) In this paper we introduce a different type of metrics: transformation metrics. These metrics penalize for the deformatoins applied to the object to produce the observed image. We present a transformation metric that optimally penalizes for "affine deformations" under weak-perspective. A closed-form solution, together with the nearest view according to this metric, are derived. The metric is shown to be equivalent to the Euclidean image metric, in the sense that they bound each other from both above and below. For Euclidean image metric we offier a sub-optimal closed-form solution and an iterative scheme to compute the exact solution.


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The need to generate new views of a 3D object from a single real image arises in several fields, including graphics and object recognition. While the traditional approach relies on the use of 3D models, we have recently introduced techniques that are applicable under restricted conditions but simpler. The approach exploits image transformations that are specific to the relevant object class and learnable from example views of other "prototypical" objects of the same class. In this paper, we introduce such a new technique by extending the notion of linear class first proposed by Poggio and Vetter. For linear object classes it is shown that linear transformations can be learned exactly from a basis set of 2D prototypical views. We demonstrate the approach on artificial objects and then show preliminary evidence that the technique can effectively "rotate" high- resolution face images from a single 2D view.


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We present a unifying framework in which "object-independent" modes of variation are learned from continuous-time data such as video sequences. These modes of variation can be used as "generators" to produce a manifold of images of a new object from a single example of that object. We develop the framework in the context of a well-known example: analyzing the modes of spatial deformations of a scene under camera movement. Our method learns a close approximation to the standard affine deformations that are expected from the geometry of the situation, and does so in a completely unsupervised (i.e. ignorant of the geometry of the situation) fashion. We stress that it is learning a "parameterization", not just the parameter values, of the data. We then demonstrate how we have used the same framework to derive a novel data-driven model of joint color change in images due to common lighting variations. The model is superior to previous models of color change in describing non-linear color changes due to lighting.


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Alignment is a prevalent approach for recognizing 3D objects in 2D images. A major problem with current implementations is how to robustly handle errors that propagate from uncertainties in the locations of image features. This thesis gives a technique for bounding these errors. The technique makes use of a new solution to the problem of recovering 3D pose from three matching point pairs under weak-perspective projection. Furthermore, the error bounds are used to demonstrate that using line segments for features instead of points significantly reduces the false positive rate, to the extent that alignment can remain reliable even in cluttered scenes.


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Modal matching is a new method for establishing correspondences and computing canonical descriptions. The method is based on the idea of describing objects in terms of generalized symmetries, as defined by each object's eigenmodes. The resulting modal description is used for object recognition and categorization, where shape similarities are expressed as the amounts of modal deformation energy needed to align the two objects. In general, modes provide a global-to-local ordering of shape deformation and thus allow for selecting which types of deformations are used in object alignment and comparison. In contrast to previous techniques, which required correspondence to be computed with an initial or prototype shape, modal matching utilizes a new type of finite element formulation that allows for an object's eigenmodes to be computed directly from available image information. This improved formulation provides greater generality and accuracy, and is applicable to data of any dimensionality. Correspondence results with 2-D contour and point feature data are shown, and recognition experiments with 2-D images of hand tools and airplanes are described.


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A new deformable shape-based method for color region segmentation is described. The method includes two stages: over-segmentation using a traditional color region segmentation algorithm, followed by deformable model-based region merging via grouping and hypothesis selection. During the second stage, region merging and object identification are executed simultaneously. A statistical shape model is used to estimate the likelihood of region groupings and model hypotheses. The prior distribution on deformation parameters is precomputed using principal component analysis over a training set of region groupings. Once trained, the system autonomously segments deformed shapes from the background, while not merging them with similarly colored adjacent objects. Furthermore, the recovered parametric shape model can be used directly in object recognition and comparison. Experiments in segmentation and image retrieval are reported.


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This article applies a recent theory of 3-D biological vision, called FACADE Theory, to explain several percepts which Kanizsa pioneered. These include 3-D pop-out of an occluding form in front of an occluded form, leading to completion and recognition of the occluded form; 3-D transparent and opaque percepts of Kanizsa squares, with and without Varin wedges; and interactions between percepts of illusory contours, brightness, and depth in response to 2-D Kanizsa images. These explanations clarify how a partially occluded object representation can be completed for purposes of object recognition, without the completed part of the representation necessarily being seen. The theory traces these percepts to neural mechanisms that compensate for measurement uncertainty and complementarity at individual cortical processing stages by using parallel and hierarchical interactions among several cortical processing stages. These interactions are modelled by a Boundary Contour System (BCS) that generates emergent boundary segmentations and a complementary Feature Contour System (FCS) that fills-in surface representations of brightness, color, and depth. The BCS and FCS interact reciprocally with an Object Recognition System (ORS) that binds BCS boundary and FCS surface representations into attentive object representations. The BCS models the parvocellular LGN→Interblob→Interstripe→V4 cortical processing stream, the FCS models the parvocellular LGN→Blob→Thin Stripe→V4 cortical processing stream, and the ORS models inferotemporal cortex.


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The processes by which humans and other primates learn to recognize objects have been the subject of many models. Processes such as learning, categorization, attention, memory search, expectation, and novelty detection work together at different stages to realize object recognition. In this article, Gail Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg describe one such model class (Adaptive Resonance Theory, ART) and discuss how its structure and function might relate to known neurological learning and memory processes, such as how inferotemporal cortex can recognize both specialized and abstract information, and how medial temporal amnesia may be caused by lesions in the hippocampal formation. The model also suggests how hippocampal and inferotemporal processing may be linked during recognition learning.


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© 2005-2012 IEEE.Within industrial automation systems, three-dimensional (3-D) vision provides very useful feedback information in autonomous operation of various manufacturing equipment (e.g., industrial robots, material handling devices, assembly systems, and machine tools). The hardware performance in contemporary 3-D scanning devices is suitable for online utilization. However, the bottleneck is the lack of real-time algorithms for recognition of geometric primitives (e.g., planes and natural quadrics) from a scanned point cloud. One of the most important and the most frequent geometric primitive in various engineering tasks is plane. In this paper, we propose a new fast one-pass algorithm for recognition (segmentation and fitting) of planar segments from a point cloud. To effectively segment planar regions, we exploit the orthonormality of certain wavelets to polynomial function, as well as their sensitivity to abrupt changes. After segmentation of planar regions, we estimate the parameters of corresponding planes using standard fitting procedures. For point cloud structuring, a z-buffer algorithm with mesh triangles representation in barycentric coordinates is employed. The proposed recognition method is tested and experimentally validated in several real-world case studies.