371 resultados para UNIVERSALITY


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A stochastic variational method is applied to calculate the binding energies and root-mean-square radii of 2, 3 and 4 alpha particles using an S-wave Ali-Bodmer potential. The results agree with other calculations. We discuss the application of the present method to study the universality in weakly-bound three and four-body systems in the context of ultracold atomic traps.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We consider the scattering of a photon by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field, up to second order of the perturbation expansion. The resulting cross section is energy dependent which indicates a violation of Galileo's equivalence principle (universality of free fall) and, consequently, of the classical equivalence principle. The deflection angle theta for a photon passing by the sun is evaluated afterward and the likelihood of detecting Delta theta/theta(E) theta-theta(E)/theta(E) (where theta(E) is the value predicted by Einstein's geometrical theory for the light bending) in the foreseeable future, is discussed.


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An integrable asymmetric exclusion process with impurities is formulated. The model displays the full spectrum of the stochastic asymmetric XXZ chain plus new levels. We derive the Bethe equations and calculate the spectral gap for the totally asymmetric diffusion at half filling. While the standard asymmetric exclusion process without impurities belongs to the KPZ universality class with an exponent 3/2, our model has a scaling exponent 5/3.


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In certain Mott-insulating dimerized antiferromagnets, triplet excitations of the paramagnetic phase display both three-particle and four-particle interactions. When such a magnet undergoes a quantum phase transition into a magnetically ordered state, the three-particle interaction becomes part of the critical theory provided that the lattice ordering wave vector is zero. One microscopic example is the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet on the square lattice, for which deviations from O(3) universality have been reported in numerical studies. Using both symmetry arguments and microscopic calculations, we show that a nontrivial cubic term arises in the relevant order-parameter quantum field theory, and we assess its consequences using a combination of analytical and numerical methods. We also present finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo data for the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet which complement recently published results. The data can be consistently interpreted in terms of critical exponents identical to that of the standard O(3) universality class, but with anomalously large corrections to scaling. We argue that the cubic interaction of critical triplons, although irrelevant in two spatial dimensions, is responsible for the leading corrections to scaling due to its small scaling dimension.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We consider a dissipative oval-like shaped billiard with a periodically moving boundary. The dissipation considered is proportional to a power of the velocity V of the particle. The three specific types of power laws used are: (i) F proportional to-V; (ii) F proportional to-V-2 and (iii) F proportional to-V-delta with 1 < delta < 2. In the course of the dynamics of the particle, if a large initial velocity is considered, case (i) shows that the decay of the particle's velocity is a linear function of the number of collisions with the boundary. For case (ii), an exponential decay is observed, and for 1 < delta < 2, an powerlike decay is observed. Scaling laws were used to characterize a phase transition from limited to unlimited energy gain for cases (ii) and (iii). The critical exponents obtained for the phase transition in the case (ii) are the same as those obtained for the dissipative bouncer model. Therefore near this phase transition, these two rather different models belong to the same class of universality. For all types of dissipation, the results obtained allow us to conclude that suppression of the unlimited energy growth is indeed observed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A tese do fim das metanarrativas defendida pelo pós-modernismo implica a negação da universalidade da cultura. Não se trata apenas do fato de que a cultura humana ainda não tenha alcançado um estágio de verdadeira universalidade nem mesmo se trata do fato de que a classe dominante tenha até hoje submetido a cultura humana a seus interesses particulares de classe e, para tanto, tenha sufocado e destruído muito da riqueza contida nas culturas locais. Para o pós-modernismo, o problema não reside na visão burguesa de cultura humana, mas sim na própria idéia de que possa haver uma cultura universal. Os pós-modernos afirmam que qualquer projeto educacional pautado na idéia da existência ou da possibilidade de uma cultura universal é um projeto conservador, autoritário e etnocêntrico. O texto defende a tese de que a concepção marxiana acerca do processo histórico de constituição da riqueza humana universal contém os elementos teóricos necessários para a superação da falsa opção, postulada pelas diversas correntes do pós-modernismo, entre o etnocentrismo e o relativismo cultural. em Marx, a universalização da cultura humana ocorre, na sociedade capitalista, por meio da universalização do valor de troca das mercadorias como mediação fundamental das relações sociais. Trata-se, portanto, de um processo dialético no qual ocorrem ao mesmo tempo a humanização e a alienação do gênero humano e dos indivíduos. O texto conclui com a apresentação dos desafios que, a partir dessa concepção marxiana sobre a riqueza universal, devem ser enfrentados no processo de construção de uma pedagogia marxista.


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Habitualmente não se presta atenção ao fato de que a Primeira Parte da Ideologia Alemã (Feuerbach) foi a última a ser redigida por Marx. O texto, tal como nos aparece hoje, encobre portanto a gênese da crítica ao Humanismo. Esta última, como este pequeno ensaio pretende indicar, só poderia brotar do contacto meticuloso com o texto do Único e sua Propriedade. Após a leitura de Stirner, Marx pôde se acreditar liberado deste último fantasma especulativo e ideológico: o Homem.


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Eucalyptus breeding is typically conducted by selection in open-pollinated progenies. As mating is controlled only on the female side of the cross, knowledge of outcrossing versus selling rates is essential for maintaining adequate levels of genetic variability for continuous gains. Outcrossing rate in an open-pollinated breeding population of Eucalyptus urophylla was estimated by two PCR-based dominant marker technologies, RAPD and AFLP, using 11 open-pollinated progeny arrays of 24 individuals. Estimated outcrossing rates indicate predominant outcrossing and suggest maintenance of adequate genetic variability within families. The multilcous outcrossing rate (t(m)) estimated from RAPD markers (0.93 +/- 0.027), although in the same range, was higher (alpha > 0.01) than the estimate based on AFLP (0.89 +/- 0.033). Both estimates were of similar magnitude to those estimated for natural populations using isozymes. The estimated Wright's fixation index was lower than expected based on t, possibly resulting from selection against selfed seedlings when sampling plants for the study. An empirical analysis suggests that 18 is the minimum number of dominant marker loci necessary to achieve robust estimates of t,. This study demonstrates the usefulness of dominant markers, both RAPD and AFLP, for estimating the outcrossing rate in breeding and natural populations of forest trees. We anticipate an increasing use of such PCR-based technologies in mating-system studies, in view of their high throughput and universality of the reagents, particularly for species where isozyme systems have not yet been optimized.


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As far as external gravitational fields described by Newton's theory are concerned, theory shows that there is an unavoidable conflict between the universality of free fall (Galileo's equivalence principle) and quantum mechanics - a result confirmed by experiment. Is this conflict due perhaps to the use of Newton's gravity, instead of general relativity, in the analysis of the external gravitational field? The response is negative. To show this we compute the low corrections to the cross-section for the scattering of different quantum particles by an external gravitational field, treated as an external field, in the framework of Einstein's linearized gravity. To first order the cross-sections are spin-dependent; if the calculations are pushed to the next order they become dependent upon energy as well. Therefore, the Galileo's equivalence and, consequently, the classical equivalence principle, is violated in both cases. We address these issues here.