958 resultados para Tutorial Committee


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Meeting of the special committee on new arrangements (3 copies of 1 page, printed). This has John I. Mackenzie listed on the bottom of the page. Copies 2 and 3 are torn at the bottom. This affects the text slightly, Aug. 23, 1881.


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Copy of a report of a Committee of the Honorable and Executive Council dated May 6, 1859 approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council. This is in regard to charges made by Joshua Manly of Port Colborne against Mr. Woodruff, the superintendent and other persons connected with the Welland Canal. The accusations have been substantiated by the committee. This is accompanied by a petition accusing Mr. Woodruff of gross corruption and jobbery [the practice of using a public office or position of trust for one's own advantage]. This was signed by a number of petitioners on July 2, 1858 (2 pages, handwritten), 1859.


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This paper develops a model where the value of the monetary policy instrument is selected by a heterogenous committee engaged in a dynamic voting game. Committee members differ in their institutional power and, in certain states of nature, they also differ in their preferred instrument value. Preference heterogeneity and concern for the future interact to generate decisions that are dynamically ineffcient and inertial around the previously-agreed instrument value. This model endogenously generates autocorrelation in the policy variable and provides an explanation for the empirical observation that the nominal interest rate under the central bank’s control is infrequently adjusted.


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This paper studies the theoretical and empirical implications of monetary policy making by committee under three different voting protocols. The protocols are a consensus model, where super-majority is required for a policy change; an agenda-setting model, where the chairman controls the agenda; and a simple majority model, where policy is determined by the median member. These protocols give preeminence to different aspects of the actual decision making process and capture the observed heterogeneity in formal procedures across central banks. The models are estimated by Maximum Likehood using interest rate decisions by the committees of five central banks, namely the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Swedish Riksbank, and the U.S. Federal Reserve. For all central banks, results indicate that the consensus model is statically superior to the alternative models. This suggests that despite institutionnal differences, committees share unwritten rules and informal procedures that deliver observationally equivalent policy decisions.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Objective: An interprofessional steering committee was created at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine to examine how social media are integrated in medical and health professional education in universities across the globe, and to propose a strategic plan for integrating social media in the Faculty’s various curricula. This presentation will summarize the steering committee’s work and describe the librarian’s contribution. Methods: The Committee’s project leader first conducted a literature search on best practices of social media in medical and health professional curricula. A reference website was then created (mse.med.umontreal.ca) to provide easy access to a large number of the articles and resources reviewed. A steering committee was constituted and 11 meetings were held over a 9-month period. The Committee comprised 18 members and included assistant deans, academic program directors, professors, communication advisors, undergraduate and graduate students and a librarian. An online survey on social media use by students and professors of the Faculty was conducted, ten pilot projects were put forward and a three-year strategic plan was proposed. Results: A total of 1508 students and 565 professors participated in the survey. Results showed that both groups had a strong interest in learning how social media could be integrated in academic and professional activities. Participants reported concern with risks associated with social media use and expressed the need for a Faculty policy and guidelines. The librarian’s contribution to the steering committee included: writing posts on the website’s internal blog, assisting in the design of the survey questionnaires and writing the final report’s survey results chapter. She also proposed two pilot projects: creating a social media learning portal and an altmetrics workshop. Conclusions: Based on the literature review and the survey results, the Committee affirmed the importance of integrating social media in the various study programs of the Faculty of Medicine. Despite the restricted timeline, this interprofessional steering committee was able to carry out its mandate because of the leadership and expertise of each of its members. As the librarian had the most experience with the use of social media in a professional context, her knowledge was instrumental in assisting the project leader in a group mainly composed of social media non-users.


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Documento aprobado por el Consejo de Estudios de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona en acta fechada el 10 de marzo de 2009


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Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone elaborar el proyecto curricular del centro para adaptarlo a las necesidades reales del contexto. Se realiza en el CEIP Cristo de la Salud en N??var, Granada. Los objetivos son: desarrollar los apartados del proyecto curricular del centro; elaborar los elementos del proyecto curricular de centro; evaluaci??n del proyecto curricular.


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La obra es el resultado de la publicación de los materiales del curso de Psicopedagogía de la función tutorial y orientación del Programa de Formación del Profesorado conveniado entre el sindicato ANPE y el MEC. El curso se compone de once unidades didácticas divididas en cinco bloques de contenidos. El primero trata de cuestiones generales sobre psicología evolutiva de los alumnos en las etapas de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria, además de la legislación aplicable. En el segundo se sitúa la orientación en el marco de la nueva ordenación general del sistema educativo; en el tercero se aborda la acción tutorial y a la diversidad y dinámicas de grupo se dedican los últimos bloques.


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El proyecto trata de la elaboración de un plan de actuación del departamento de orientación, concretamente de la elaboración de un plan tutorial, incardinado en la programación general anual en lo que afecta al mencionado departamento. Los bloques de contenido propuestos para la acción tutorial son: convivir, aprender, evaluar, ser persona y tomar decisiones.


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Materiales de un curso de formación de profesorado organizado por el sindicato ANPE y titulado: La orientación tutorial en el sistema educativo, compuesto por catorce unidades didácticas que completan y amplían los materiales de una edición anterior titulada: Psicopedagogía de la función tutorial y orientación. Entre otros los temas abordados son: dinámica de grupos, legislación sobre orientación y tutoría, evolutiva de los alumnos de infantil, primaria y ESO, la acción tutorial, funciones del tutor, líneas de actuación, atención a la diversidad y la acción tutorial en Bachillerato y F.P. específica.


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Proyecto tutorial dirigido a los profesores de primaria cuyo objetivo es integrar la tutoría en la práctica formativa. El libro consta de dos partes, la primera, en la que se aborda la acción tutorial como ámbito de la orientación educativa presente en los proyectos de centro y propone y ejemplifica un Plan de Acción Tutorial y la segunda, compuesta íntegramente por actividades tutoriales en los diferentes ámbitos de trabajo en los centros de primaria.


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El libro está elaborado a modo de catálogo de experiencias y actividades planificadas que abordan los temas fundamentales de la función tutorial


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El manual contiene una sección de páginas web relacionadas con la temática tratada y un glosario para la mejor comprensión de la misma