627 resultados para TTA-CAAS
Devido a mudanças tecnológicas e da globalização, o turismo vem passando por grandes transformações, permitindo um maior acesso às informações e uma maior aproximação entre o consumidor e o mercado turístico. O papel das agências de viagens e turismo (AVT’s) é de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento da actividade turística de um país. Face a isto, as AVT’s devem aderir ao novo cenário, procurando acompanhar a evolução, renovando e actualizando sempre os seus serviços. O presente estudo tem por objectivo avaliar o papel das AVT’s da ilha de São Vicente, no âmbito do turismo emissor e receptor. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, incluindo os doze representantes das AVT’s da ilha de S. Vicente, com excepção das empresas exclusivamente marítimas. Foi usado um guião de entrevistas para a obtenção de dados relacionados aos responsáveis dos serviços, a empresa, aos colaboradores internos, clientes, serviços oferecidos, sazonalidade e sua problemática, parceiros, as tecnologias de informação e as perspectivas futuras. As informações foram analisadas sob um enquadramento teórico e prático. Constatou-se que sete agências dedicam-se ao turismo emissor e receptor, três ao turismo emissor, e duas ao receptor. Foi possível observar que as AVT’s apresentam semelhanças na prestação de serviços e a maioria tem a preocupação de acompanhar as exigências actuais do turismo. Pode-se concluir que o turismo emissor e receptor estão bem representados pelas AVT’s de São Vicente. Technological changes and globalization has allowed big transformations in Tourism, greater access to information and a closer relationship between the consumer and tourist market. The role of the Travel and Tourism Agencies (TTA) has fundamental importance for the tourism development in a country, and they must adhere to the new environment, trying to follow the evolution, always renewing and updating their services. The present study aims to evaluate the role of TTA’s in São Vicente Island, in the field of inbound and outbound tourism. It was conducted a case study, including 12 representatives of TTA's in São Vicente, with exception of shipping companies. It was used a scripted interview to obtain data about the service delegate, the company, internal employees, customers, offered services, seasonality and its problems, partners, information technology and future prospects. Data were analyzed from a theoretical and practical view. It was found that seven agencies dedicated to inbound and outbound tourism, three to outbound and two to inbound. The TTA’s have similarities in service delivery and most have the concern to keep up with current demands of tourism. It can be concluded that inbound and outbound tourism are well represented by TTA’s in São Vicente.
The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) in a French-speaking Swiss sample and its relationship with personality dimensions and work engagement. The heterogeneous sample of 391 participants (Mage = 39.59, SD = 12.30) completed the CAAS-International and a short version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. To assess personality dimensions, participants completed either the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (n=283) or the NEO-FFI-R (n=108). The internal consistencies for the four subscales and total scores of the CAAS ranged from good to excellent, and skewness and kurtosis values indicated that scores were normally distributed. Gender differences and cor- relations with age were small or negligible. Several CFA models confirmed the factor structure of the French version of the CAAS-International, with loadings very similar to the ones observed for the international form. Adaptability was related to different personality dimensions, particularly neuroticism and conscientiousness, and also to work engagement. When predicting work engage- ment, career adaptability had a significant incremental validity over personality dimensions. Fi- nally, career adaptability partially moderated the relationship between personality and work engagement, suggesting that career adaptability also contributes to regulating the expression of personality dispositions.
Informes presentado en noviembre de 1853, cuando se inician las extracciones de guano de las islas de Chincha. Se describen la cantidad en toneladas que cuentan, se realizan inventarios de todos los materiales que se utilizaron y se elaboran planos para su mejor ubicación de todo lo mencionado.
Pentobarbital-anaesthetized male Wistar rats were infused with 6microgkg-1min-1 of noradrenaline. The infusion was supplemented with 8.5 mgkg-1min-1 of D-3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) for 15 min in order to determine its effect on the adrenergic response of the rat. Plasma levels of noradrenaline rose to a plateau of approximately 50 nmoll-1 with infusion. In the group infused with noradrenaline alone, noradrenaline levels were maintained for 1h. Supplementation with 3-OHB induced a decrease in plasma noradrenaline level that was inversely correlated with 3-OHB level. Aortic and interscapular brown adipose tissue temperatures increased with noradrenaline infusion, but the rise was arrested by 3-OHB; replacing 3-OHB with glucose had no effect. Infusion of saline, glucose or 3-OHB in the absence of noradrenaline did not induce a rise in temperature in either tissue. Blood 3-OHB concentration increased to 1.2 mmoll-1 during 3-OHB infusion, decreasing rapidly at the end of infusion. Blood glucose levels increased with noradrenaline infusion; the presence of high 3-OHB levels decreased glucose concentration. The effects observed were transient and dependent on 3-OHB concentration; these effects may help explain most of the other effects of noradrenaline described here. The role of 3-OHB as a regulator of adrenergic responses seems to be part of a complex fail-safe mechanism which prevents wasting.
Zucker lean and obese rats were injected under pentobarbital anesthesia with 125I-labeled insulin; at timed intervals from 30 to 120 sec, blood samples were extracted and used for the estimation of insulin levels by RIA. A group of rats from each series was maintained under a constant infusion of noradrenaline. For each insulin determination, a duplicate blood sample containing the same amount of insulin as that used in the RIA, but without the radioactive label, was used as a blank for insulin measurement. The radioactivity in these tubes was then used for the measurement of insulin label per ml blood. From plasma label decay curves and insulin concentrations, the insulin pool size, half-life, and rate of degradation were calculated. Obese rats had higher insulin levels (2.43 nM) and showed less effect of noradrenaline than their lean counterparts, in which insulin distribution volume shrank with noradrenaline treatment. The half-life of plasma insulin was similar in all groups (range, 226-314 sec). Pool size and overall degradation rates were higher in obese (198 femtokatals) than in lean rats (28 femtokatals). It is postulated that obese rats synthesize and cleave much more insulin than lean controls despite their higher circulating levels of insulin.
La formació dels joves universitaris del segle XXI, immersos en un món global i en la societat de la informació i del coneixement, no es pot concebre sense una clara referència a la dimensió internacional. Mai com fins ara s’havien tingut a l’abast tants recursos de connexió per apropar els pobles i la seva gent, facilitant la comunicació a diversos nivells: informatiu, social, professional i personal. Enguany s’acompleix el vintè aniversari de la nostra plena integració a Europa
This study presents the validation of a French version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in four Francophone countries. The aim was to re-analyze the item selection and then compare this newly developed French-language form with the international form 2.0. Exploratory factor analysis was used as a tool for item selection, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) verified the structure of the CAAS French-language form. Measurement equivalence across the four countries was tested using multi-group CFA. Adults and adolescents (N=1,707) participated from Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Items chosen for the final version of the CAAS French-language form are different to those in the CAAS international form 2.0 and provide an improvement in terms of reliability. The factor structure is replicable across country, age, and gender. Strong evidence for metric invariance and partial evidence for scalar invariance of the CAAS French-language form across countries is given. The CAAS French-language and CAAS international form 2.0 can be used in a combined form of 31 items. The CAAS French-language form will certainly be interesting for practitioners using interventions based on the life design paradigm or aiming at increasing career adapt-ability.
Mitochondrial dysfunction, caspase activation and caspase-dependent DNA fragmentation are involved in cell damage in many tissues. However, differentiated cardiomyocytes repress the expression of the canonical apoptotic pathway and their death during ischemia is caspase-independent. The atypical BH3-only protein Bnip3 is involved in the process leading to caspase-independent DNA fragmentation in cardiomyocytes. However, the pathway by which DNA degradation ensues following Bnip3 activation is not resolved. To identify the mechanism involved, we analyzed the interdependence of Bnip3, Nix and EndoG in mitochondrial damage and DNA fragmentation during experimental ischemia in neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. Our results show that the expression of EndoG and Bnip3 increases in the heart throughout development, while the caspase-dependent machinery is silenced. TUNEL-positive DNA damage, which depends on caspase activity in other cells, is caspase-independent in ischemic cardiomyocytes and ischemia-induced DNA high and low molecular weight fragmentation is blocked by repressing EndoG expression. Ischemia-induced EndoG translocation and DNA degradation are prevented by silencing the expression of Bnip3, but not Nix, or by overexpressing Bcl-xL. These data establish a link between Bnip3 and EndoG-dependent, TUNEL-positive, DNA fragmentation in ischemic cardiomyocytes in the absence of caspases, defining an alternative cell death pathway in postmitotic cells.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of cultivars, to quantify the variability and to estimate the genetic distances of 66 wine grape accessions in the Grape Germplasm Bank of the EMBRAPA Semi-Arid, in Juazeiro, BA, Brazil, through the characterization of discrete and continuous phenotypic variables. Multivariate statistics, such as, principal components, Tocher's optimization procedure, and the graphic of the distance, were efficient in grouping more similar genotypes, according to their phenotypic characteristics. There was no agreement in the formation of groups between continuous and discrete morpho-agronomic traits, when Tocher's optimization procedure was used. Discrete variables allowed the separation of Vitis vinifera and hybrids in different groups. Significant positive correlations were observed between weight, length and width of bunches, and a negative correlation between titratable acidity and TSS/TTA. The major part (84.12%) of the total variation present in the original data was explained by the four principal components. The results revealed little variability between wine grape accessions in the Grape Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Semi-Arid.
The objective of this study was to evaluate agronomic and molecular traits of the 'Italia Muscat' clone and compare it with the cv. 'Italia', providing information to support the cultivation of 'Italia Muscat' this cultivar in the São Francisco River Valley. Agronomic characteristics of both clones were evaluated for two seasons in 2004. The characteristics were phenology, bud break (%), bud fertility (%), yield (kg) mass of bunches (g), length and width of bunches (cm), mass of berries (g), length and diameter of berries (mm), TSS (ºBrix), ATT (% titratable acidity) and TSS/TTA. Molecular analysis of seven SSR markers were carried out. The clone 'Italia Muscat' showed larger berries, mass of bunches and better TSS/TA ratio than 'Italia'. The molecular analysis resulted in the same allelic profile in both clones, highlighting the need to use a larger number of microsatellite markers or other molecular technique to allow their discrimination. Based on their morpho-agronomic characteristics, 'Italia Muscat' seems to be a good table grape cultivar alternative for grape growers of São Francisco River Valley.
This work describes the cyclization of lapachol (1) induced by thallium triacetate (TTA) and thallium trinitrate (TTN) in several solvents using magnetic stirring and under microwave irradiation. alpha-Xyloidone (2) - dehydro-alpha-lapachone - was obtained as the main product in these reactions in 20 75% yield. However, rhinacanthin-A (4) was isolated as main product in a 40% yield, using TTA and acetic anhydride:water (1:1) as solvent, and dehydro-iso-alpha-lapachone (3) in 21% yield, using TTA and dichloromethane as solvent. The reaction time decreased drastically under microwave conditions, but the yields of these reactions were not the expected.
Molekyylimarkkerit ja pitkäaikainen alfainterferonihoito munuaissyövässä Munuaissyöpäpotilaiden viiden vuoden elossaololuku on noin 50 %. Aikaisempien tutkimuksien mukaan viiden vuoden elossaololuku metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä on 3-16 %, kun käytettiin alfainterferonia sisältävää hoitoa. Tyypillisesti alfainterferonia on käytetty vähemmäin kuin 6 kuukautta. Avoimia kysymyksiä ovat alfainterferonin optimaalinen hoitoannos ja hoidon kesto yksin tai yhdessä uusien täsmähoitojen kanssa. Tärkeimmät tavoitteet olivat tutkia 1) jaksotetun pitkäaikaisen alfainterferonihoidon tehoa ja siedettävyyttä metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä ja 2) p53-, Ki-67- ja COX-2-proteiinituotannon ennusteellista merkitystä munuaissyövässä. Tutkimuksessa 117 metastasoituneelle munuaissyöpää sairastaneelle potilaalle etsittiin yksilöllinen hänen sietämänsä maksimaalinen hoitoannos rekombinanttia alfa2a-interferonia (Roferon-ATM). Hoitoa pyrittiin jatkamaan 24 kuukauden ajan. Kolmen hoitoviikon jälkeen pidettiin yhden viikon tauko. Hoito lopetettiin, jos ilmaantui vakavia haittavaikutuksia tai tauti eteni. Toisessa tutkimuksessa proteiinituotanto analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti munuaissyöpäpotilaiden kasvainnäytteistä, joita oli säilytetty parafiinissa. Kasvainnäytteet oli otettu talteen munuaisen poistoleikkauksen yhteydessä. Nämä potilaat jaettiin kolmeen eri ryhmään: metastasointi primaarivaiheessa (n=29), metastasointi myöhemmin (n=37) ja ei metastasointia (n=51). Keskimääräinen alfainterferonihoidon kesto oli 11 kuukautta (kk) [0,5 – 32 kk]. Objektiivinen hoitovaste todettiin 17 %:lla, tautitilanne pysyi ennallaan 42 %:lla ja myöhäinen vaste (yli 12 kk:tta hoidon aloittamisesta) todettiin 3 %:lla. Aika vasteen saavuttamisesta taudin etenemiseen oli keskimäärin 8 kk ja elinaika 19,1 kk. Viiden vuoden elossaololuku oli 16 %. Jos metastasoituneella munuaissyöpäpotilaalla oli keuhkometastasointi, hän selvisi todennäköisemmin viisi vuotta kuin muut potilaat. Henkeä uhkaavia sivuvaikutuksia ei todettu. Yli 12 kk:n ajan kestävä alfainterferonihoito on hyödyllistä niille potilaille, jotka ovat saaneet objektiivisen hoitovasteen tai tautitilanne on pysynyt ennallaan. Positiivinen p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat suureen metastasoinnin todennäköisyyteen. Positiivinen COX-2-ekspressio viittaa viivästyneeseen metastaasien ilmaantumiseen. Metastasoituneilla potilailla positiiviset p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressiot viittaavat huonoon ennusteeseen, mutta positiivinen COX-2 ekspressio viittaa suotuisaan ennusteeseen. Positiivinen COX-2- ja negatiivinen Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat parantuneeseen ennusteeseen metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä.
Organic Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry involving the study of the carbon atom, its compounds and reactions. Numerous investigations carried out in the field of teaching and learning processes indicate that knowledge of a conceptual and explanatory type is not conveyed in a conventional manner, but rather each individual is constructed. Therefore, the proposal for this study was devised to help students achieve significant sustainable learning in the area of reactivity in organic chemistry, using the Concept Maps described by Novak (1998) as a teaching tool.
In this study, dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on the solidification of floating organic droplets was used for the preconcentration and determination of thorium in the water samples. In this method, acetone and 1-undecanol were used as disperser and extraction solvents, respectively, and the ligand 1-(2-thenoyl)-3,3,3-trifluoracetone reagent (TTA) and Aliquat 336 was used as a chelating agent and an ion-paring reagent, for the extraction of thorium, respectively. Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry was applied for the quantitation of the analyte after preconcentration. The effect of various factors, such as the extraction and disperser solvent, sample pH, concentration of TTA and concentration of aliquat336 were investigated. Under the optimum conditions, the calibration graph was linear within the thorium content range of 1.0-250 µg L-1 with a detection limit of 0.2 µg L-1. The method was also successfully applied for the determination of thorium in the different water samples.