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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ste11p protein kinase is a homologue of mammalian MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs or MEKKs) as well as the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Byr2p kinase. Ste11p functions in several signaling pathways, including those for mating pheromone response and osmotic stress response. The Ste11p kinase has an N-terminal domain that interacts with other signaling molecules to regulate Ste11p function and direct its activity in these pathways. One of the Ste11p regulators is Ste50p, and Ste11p and Ste50p associate through their respective N-terminal domains. This interaction relieves a negative activity of the Ste11p N terminus, and removal of this negative function is required for Ste11p function in the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway. The Ste50p/Ste11p interaction is also important (but not essential) for Ste11p function in the mating pathway; in this pathway binding of the Ste11p N terminus with both Ste50p and Ste5p is required, with the Ste5p association playing the major role in Ste11p function. In vitro, Ste50p disrupts an association between the catalytic C terminus and the regulatory N terminus of Ste11p. In addition, Ste50p appears to modulate Ste11p autophosphorylation and is itself a substrate of the Ste11p kinase. Therefore, both in vivo and in vitro data support a role for Ste50p in the regulation of Ste11p activity.
Guide RNAs (gRNAs), key components of the RNA editing reaction in Trypanosoma brucei, direct the insertion and deletion of uridylate (U) residues. Analyses of gRNAs reveal three functional elements. The 5′-end of the gRNA contains the anchor, which is responsible for selection and binding to the pre-edited mRNA. The second element (the guiding region) provides the information required for editing. At the 3′-end of the gRNA is a non-encoded U-tail, whose function remains unclear. However, the cleavage–ligation model for editing proposes that the U-tail binds to purine-rich regions upstream of editing sites, thereby strengthening the interaction and holding onto the 5′ cleavage product. Our previous studies demonstrated that the U-tail interacts with upstream sequences and may play roles in both stabilization and tethering. These studies also indicated that the U-tail interactions involved mRNA regions that were to be subsequently edited. This raised the question of what happens to the mRNA–U-tail interaction as editing proceeds in the 3′→5′ direction. We examined gCYb-558 and its U-tail interaction with 5′CYbUT and two partially edited 5′CYb substrates. Our results indicate that the 3′-end of the U-tail interacts with the same sequence in all three mRNAs. Predicted secondary structures using crosslinking data suggest that a similar structure is maintained as editing proceeds. These results indicate that the role of the U-tail may also involve maintenance of important secondary structure motifs.
Host protein synthesis is selectively inhibited in vaccinia virus-infected cells. This inhibition has been associated with the production of a group of small, nontranslated, polyadenylylated RNAs (POLADS) produced during the early part of virus infection. The inhibitory function of POLADS is associated with the poly(A) tail of these small RNAs. To determine the origin of the 5'-ends of POLADS, reverse transcription was performed with POLADS isolated from VV-infected cells at 1 hr and 3.5 hr post infection. The cDNAs of these POLADS were cloned into plasmids (pBS or pBluescript II KS +/-), and their nucleotide composition was determined by DNA sequencing. The results of this investigation show the following: There is no specific gene encoding for POLADS. The 5' ends of POLADS may be derived from either viral or cellular RNAs. Any RNA sequence including tRNAs, small nuclear RNAs and 5'ends of mRNAs can become POLADS if they acquire a poly(A) tail at their 3' ends during infection. This nonspecific polyadenylylation found in vaccinia virus-infected cells is probably conducted by vaccinia virus poly(A)+ polymerase. No consensus sequence is found on the 5' ends of POLADS for polyadenylylation. The 5' ends of POLADS have no direct role in their inhibitory activity of protein synthesis.
In a search for retinoid X receptor-like molecules in Drosophila, we have identified an additional member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, XR78E/F. In the DNA-binding domain, XR78E/F is closely related to the mammalian receptor TR2, as well as to the nuclear receptors Coup-TF and Seven-up. We demonstrate that XR78E/F binds as a homodimer to direct repeats of the sequence AGGTCA. In transient transfection assays, XR78E/F represses ecdysone signaling in a DNA-binding-dependent fashion. XR78E/F has its highest expression in third-instar larvae and prepupae. These experiments suggest that XR78E/F may play a regulatory role in the transcriptional cascade triggered by the hormone ecdysone in Drosophila.
Frequenin was originally identified in Drosophila melanogaster as a Ca(2+)-binding protein facilitating transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction. We have cloned the Xenopus frequenin (Xfreq) by PCR using degenerate primers combined with low-stringency hybridization. The deduced protein has 70% identity with Drosophila frequenin and about 38-58% identity with other Ca(2+)-binding proteins. The most prominent features are the four EF-hands, Ca(2+)-binding motifs. Xfreq mRNA is abundant in the brain and virtually nondetectable from adult muscle. Western blot analysis indicated that Xfreq is highly concentrated in the adult brain and is absent from nonneural tissues such as heart and kidney. During development, the expression of the protein correlated well with the maturation of neuromuscular synapses. To determine the function of Xfreq at the developing neuromuscular junction, the recombinant protein was introduced into Xenopus embryonic spinal neurons by early blastomere injection. Synapses made by spinal neurons containing exogenous Xfreq exhibited a much higher synaptic efficacy. These results provide direct evidence that frequenin enhances transmitter release at the vertebrate neuromuscular synapse and suggest its potential role in synaptic development and plasticity.
GabR è un fattore di trascrizione chimerico appartenente alla famiglia dei MocR/GabR, costituito da un dominio N-terminale elica-giro-elica di legame al DNA e un dominio effettore e/o di oligomerizzazione al C-terminale. I due domini sono connessi da un linker flessibile di 29 aminoacidi. Il dominio C-terminale è strutturalmente omologo agli enzimi aminotransferasici fold-type I, i quali, utilizzando il piridossal-5’-fosfato (PLP) come cofattore, sono direttamente coinvolti nel metabolismo degli aminoacidi. L’interazione contemporanea di PLP e acido γ-aminobutirrico (GABA) a GabR fa sì che questa promuova la trascrizione di due geni, gabT e gabD, implicati nel metabolismo del GABA. GabR cristallizza come un omodimero con una configurazione testa-coda. Il legame con la regione promotrice gabTD avviene attraverso il riconoscimento specifico di due sequenze dirette e ripetute (ATACCA), separate da uno spacer di 34 bp. In questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà biochimiche, strutturali e di legame al DNA della proteina GabR di Bacillus subtilis. L’analisi spettroscopica dimostra che GabR interagisce con il PLP formando l’aldimina interna, mentre in presenza di GABA si ottiene l’aldimina esterna. L’interazione fra il promotore gabTD e le forme holo e apo di GabR è stata monitorata mediante Microscopia a Forza atomica (AFM). In queste due condizioni di legame è stata stimata una Kd di circa 40 ηM. La presenza di GABA invece, determinava un incremento di circa due volte della Kd, variazioni strutturali nei complessi GabR-DNA e una riduzione del compattamento del DNA alla proteina, indipendentemente dalla sequenza del promotore in esame. Al fine di valutare il ruolo delle caratteristiche topologiche del promotore, sono state inserite cinque e dieci bp all’interno della regione spacer che separa le due sequenze ripetute dirette riconosciute da GabR. I significativi cambiamenti topologici riscontrati nel frammento aggiunto di cinque bp si riflettono anche sulla forte riduzione dell’affinità di legame verso la proteina. Al contrario, l’inserzione di 10 bp provoca solamente l’allontanamento delle sequenze ripetute dirette. L’assenza quindi di cambiamenti significativi nella topologia di questo promotore fa sì che l’affinità di legame per GabR rimanga pressoché inalterata rispetto al promotore non mutato. L’analisi del potenziale elettrostatico superficiale di GabR mostra la presenza di una fascia carica positivamente che si estende lungo un’intera faccia della proteina. Per verificare l’importanza di questa caratteristica di GabR nel meccanismo di interazione al DNA, sono stati preparati ed indagati i mutanti R129Q e K362-366Q, in cui la carica positiva superficiale risultava indebolita. L’affinità di legame dei mutanti di GabR per il DNA era inferiore rispetto alla proteina non mutata, in particolar modo nel mutante K362-366Q. Le evidenze acquisite suggeriscono che la curvatura intrinseca del promotore ed il corretto orientamento delle sequenze sulla doppia elica, più della distanza che le separa, siano critici per sostenere l’interazione con GabR. Oltre a questo, la superficie positiva di GabR è richiesta per accomodare la curvatura del DNA sul corpo della proteina. Alla luce di questo, l’interazione GabR-gabTD è un esempio di come il riconoscimento specifico di sequenze, la topologia del DNA e le caratteristiche strutturali della proteina siano contemporaneamente necessarie per sostenere un’interazione proteina-DNA stabile.
L’ubiquitination est une modification post-traductionnelle qui joue un rôle majeur dans la régulation d’une multitude de processus cellulaires. Dans cette thèse, je discuterai de la caractérisation de deux protéines, BRCA1 et BAP1, soit deux suppresseurs de tumeurs fonctionnellement reliés. BRCA1, une ubiquitine ligase qui catalyse la liaison de l’ubiquitine à une protéine cible, est mutée dans les cancers du sein et de l'ovaire. Il est bien établi que cette protéine aide à maintenir la stabilité génomique suite à un bris double brin de l’ADN (BDB), et ce, à l’aide d’un mécanisme de réparation bien caractérisé appelé recombinaison homologue. Cependant, les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 suite à des stresses génotoxiques n’impliquant pas directement un BDB ne sont pas pleinement élucidés. Nous avons démontré que BRCA1 est régulée par dégradation protéasomale suite à une exposition des cellules à deux agents génotoxiques reconnus pour ne pas directement générer des BDBs, soit les rayons UV, qui provoquent la distorsion de l’hélice d’ADN, et le méthyle méthanesulfonate (MMS), qui entraîne l’alkylation de l’ADN. La dégradation de BRCA1 est réversible et indépendante des kinases associées à la voie des PI3 kinase, soit ATM, ATR et DNA-PK, protéines qui sont rapidement activées par les dommages à l’ADN. Nous proposons que la dégradation de BRCA1 prévienne son recrutement intempestif, ainsi que celui des facteurs qui lui sont associés, à des sites de dommages d’ADN qui ne sont pas des BDBs, et que cette régulation coordonne la réparation de l’ADN. L’enzyme de déubiquitination BAP1 a initialement été identifiée comme une protéine capable d’interagir avec BRCA1 et de réguler sa fonction. Elle est également connue pour sa capacité à se lier avec les protéines du groupe Polycomb, ASXL1 et ASXL2. Cependant, l’importance de ces interactions n’a toujours pas été établie. Nous avons démontré que BAP1 forme deux complexes protéiques mutuellement exclusifs avec ASXL1 et ASXL2. Ces interactions sont critiques pour la liaison de BAP1 à l’ubiquitine ainsi que pour la stimulation de son activité enzymatique envers l’histone H2A. Nous avons également identifié des mutations de BAP1 dérivées de cancers qui empêchent à la fois son interaction avec ASXL1 et AXSL2, et son activité de déubiquitinase, ce qui fournit un lien mécanistique direct entre la déubiquitination de H2A et la tumorigenèse. Élucider les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 et BAP1 menera à une meilleure compréhension de leurs rôles de suppresseurs de tumeurs, permettant ainsi d’établir de nouvelles stratégies de diagnostic et traitement du cancer.
Resistance to antibiotics used against Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections is a major public health concern. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) testing relies on time-consuming culture-based methods. Development of rapid molecular tests for detecting AMR determinants could provide valuable tools for surveillance, epidemiological studies and to inform individual case management. We developed a fast (<1.5 hrs) SYBR-green based real-time PCR method with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. One triplex and three duplex reactions included two sequences for N. gonorrhoeae identification and seven determinants of resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs), azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, and spectinomycin. The method was validated by testing 39 previously fully-characterized N. gonorrhoeae strains, 19 commensal Neisseria spp., and an additional panel of 193 gonococcal isolates. Results were compared with culture-based AMR determination. The assay correctly identified N. gonorrhoeae and the presence or absence of the seven AMR determinants. There was some cross-reactivity with non-gonococcal Neisseria species and the detection limit was 10(3)-10(4) gDNA copies/reaction. Overall, the platform accurately detected resistance to ciprofloxacin (sensitivity and specificity, 100%), ceftriaxone (sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%), cefixime (sensitivity 92%, specificity 94%), azithromycin and spectinomycin (both sensitivity and specificity, 100%). In conclusion, our methodology accurately detects mutations generating resistance to antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea. Low assay sensitivity prevents direct diagnostic testing of clinical specimens but this method can be used to screen collections of gonococcal isolates for AMR more quickly than with current culture-based AMR testing.
We describe an approach for characterizing the process performed by a quantum gate using quantum process tomography, by first modeling the gate in an extended Hilbert space, which includes nonqubit degrees of freedom. To prevent unphysical processes from being predicted, present quantum process tomography procedures incorporate mathematical constraints, which make no assumptions as to the actual physical nature of the system being described. By contrast, the procedure presented here assumes a particular class of physical processes, and enforces physicality by fitting the data to this model. This allows quantum process tomography to be performed using a smaller experimental data set, and produces parameters with a direct physical interpretation. The approach is demonstrated by example of mode matching in an all-optical controlled-NOT gate. The techniques described are general and could be applied to other optical circuits or quantum computing architectures.
Highly ordered mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs) with different compositions have been synthesized by a combination of surfactant templating, sol-gel method and evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) processes. The texture properties and compositional homogeneity of MBGs have been characterized and compared with conventional bioactive glasses (BGs) synthesized in the absence of surfactants by evaporation method. The formation mechanism (pore - composition dependence) and compositional homogeneity in the case of MBG materials are different from those in conventional BGs. Unlike conventional sol-gel-derived BGs that shows a direct correlation between their composition and pore architecture, MBGs with different compositions may possess similar pore volume and uniformly distributed pore size when the same structure-directing agent is utilized. The framework of MBG is homogeneously distributed in composition at the nanoscale and the inorganic species generally exists in the form of amorphous phase. MBGs calcined at temperatures
A strategy for the production and subsequent characterization of biofunctionalized silica particles is presented. The particles were engineered to produce a bifunctional material capable of both (a) the attachment of fluorescent dyes for particle encoding and (b) the sequential modification of the surface of the particles to couple oligonucleotide probes. A combination of microscopic and analytical methods is implemented to demonstrate that modification of the particles with 3-aminopropyl trimethoxysilane results in an even distribution of amine groups across the particle surface. Evidence is provided to indicate that there are negligible interactions between the bound fluorescent dyes and the attached biomolecules. A unique approach was adopted to provide direct quantification of the oligonucleotide probe loading on the particle surface through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, a technique which may have a major impact for current researchers and users of bead-based technologies. A simple hybridization assay showing high sequence specificity is included to demonstrate the applicability of these particles to DNA screening.
Spectroscopic characterization of copper(II) binding to the immunosuppressive drug mycophenolic acid
Mycophenolic acid (MPA) is a drug that has found widespread use as an immunosuppressive agent which limits rejection of transplanted organs. Optimal use of this drug is hampered by gastrointestinal side effects which can range in severity. One mechanism by which MPA causes gastropathy may involve a direct interaction between the drug and gastric phospholipids. To combat this interaction we have investigated the potential of MPA to coordinate Cu(II), a metal which has been used to inhibit gastropathy associated with use of the NSAID indomethacin. Using a range of spectroscopic techniques we show that Cu(II) is coordinated to two MPA molecules via carboxylates and, at low pH, water ligands. The copper complex formed is stable in solution as assessed by mass spectrometry and H-1 NMR diffusion experiments. Competition studies with glycine and albumin indicate that the copper-MPA complex will release Cu(II) to amino acids and proteins thereby allowing free MPA to be transported to its site of action. Transfer to serum albumin proceeds via a Cu(MPA)(albumin) ternary complex. These results raise the possibility that copper complexes of MPA may be useful in a therapeutic situation.
To facilitate the study of the regulation and downstream interactions of genes involved in gonad development it is important to have a suitable cell culture model. We therefore aimed to characterize molecularly three different mouse gonad cell lines. TM3 and TM4 cells were originally isolated from prepubertal mouse gonads and were tentatively identified as being of Leydig cell and Sertoli cell origin, respectively, based upon their morphology and hormonal responses. The third line is a conditionally immortalized cell line, derived from 10.5-11.5 days post-coitum (dpc) male gonads of transgenic embryos carrying a temperature-sensitive SV40 large T-antigen. We studied by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) the expression profiles of a number of genes known to be important for early gonad development. Moreover, we assessed these cell lines for their capacity to induce Sox9 transcription upon expression of Sry, a key molecular event occurring during sex determination. We found that all three cell lines were unable to upregulate Sox9 expression upon transfection of Sry-expression constructs, even though these cells express many of the studied embryonic gonad genes. These observations point to a requirement for SRY cofactors for direct or indirect upregulation of Sox9 expression during testis determination. Copyright © 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel
Designing degradable hydrogels is complicated by the structural and temporal complexities of the gel and evolving tissue. A major challenge is to create scaffolds with sufficient mechanical properties to restore initial function while simultaneously controlling temporal changes in the gel structure to facilitate tissue formation. Poly(ethylene glycol) was used in this work, to form biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels with hydrolyzable poly-l-lactide segments in the backbone. Non-degradable poly(ethylene glycol) was also introduced in the formulation to obtain control of the degradation profile that encompasses cell growth and new tissue formation. The dependence on polymer composition was observed by higher degradation profiles and decreased mechanical properties as the content of degradable segments was increased in the formulation. Based on in vitro tests, no toxicity of extracts or biomaterial in direct contact with human adipose tissue stem cells was observed, and the ultraviolet light treatment did not affect the proliferation capacity of the cells.
Direct measurements of the absorbed energy in femtosecond laser inscription in a range of materials is performed. Key absorption parameters are characterized by fitting numerical modelling to measurements.