1000 resultados para Survey intercultural
From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues sees interculturalism as movement, transit, travel, the dynamics between cultures. Contemporary intercultural travel is a global journey, a circumnavigation at the speed of light that underwrites all the comings and goings, the departures and arrivals, the transmissions and receptions that are implicit in this title. Hence, From Here to Diversity examines the motivations, characteristics and implications of cultural interactions in their perpetual movement, devoid of spatial or temporal borders, in a dangerous but stimulating indefinition of limits. In the contemporary intercultural dialogue, new voices are making themselves heard, as valuable sources of study: the voices of women; non-occidentals; the non-powerful; forgotten narratives of a past that was as intercultural as the present (after all, what is colonialism other than a perverse form of interculturality?); global entertainment; tourism; oral literature; diaries; mythical narratives; the cinema; ethnography; new teachings, among so many others. Because this project is also intercultural at its source and subject, From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues adds to the coherence of the project by including contributions from the most wide-ranging backgrounds and nationalities, without fear of the alterity that, after all, we propose to study.
Numa primeira abordagem a A Lady’s Visit to Manilla and Japan (1863), de Anna D’Almeida, os leitores não deverão esperar encontrar a narrativa de uma experiência que poderia ter sido produzida por um desses “Etonnants voyageurs! Quelles nobles histoires / Nous lisons dans vos yeux profonds comme les mers!”, citando o último poema de Les Fleurs du Mal de Baudelaire. Nem deverão esperar ser confrontados com o relato superficial de uma turista indolente sobre a diversão convencional ou o previsível choque moral experimentados durante as várias etapas do seu grand tour pessoal, tão em voga, e que são característicos deste tipo de literatura, particularmente popular no campo emergente do turismo do final do século xix. Neste artigo, proponho-me analisar a escrita feminina occidental no contexto dos encontros culturais, mais precisamente, as imagens que uma viajante ocidental do século xix cria a partir da sua breve exposição a vários espaços e práticas da Ásia. A família D’Almeida viajou pelo Extremo Oriente entre Março e Julho de 1862. O título A Lady’s Visit to Manilla and Japan induz em erro, pois a narrativa começa em Singapura e termina em Hong Kong, mas a família visitou também Macau, Xangai, Nagasáqui, Yokohama, Xiamen (Hokkien) e Cantão, entre outros lugares, atestando assim o profundo desejo dos D’Almeida de explorar in loco todas as potencialidades dos países visitados Neste estudo tenciono demonstrar as complexidades que existem dentro de / entre as histórias, experiências e actividades interculturais de mulheres, e como estas alargam o âmbito do estudo dos sistemas sociais e culturais. Ao examinar as diferenças e semelhanças de género, podemos elaborar construções teóricas que analisam as variações entre mulheres; como elas são influenciadas pela classe, raça, etnia e religião; e como estas moldam a forma como entendemos a posição da mulher na cultura e na sociedade. O preconceito de classe da elite ocidental considera a mulher não-ocidental como sendo ‘a outra’, alguém que representa aquilo que o escritor ocasional não é. A questão da representação feminina das suas congéneres como ‘mulheres-outras’, com base numa ampla variedade de diferenças, é definitivamente um desafio para os estudos interculturais e de género.
O artigo explora a experiência intercultural entre Portugal e o Brasil, entre 1807 e 1823, de duas famílias oriundas da pequena nobreza rural do Norte de Portugal, com especial atenção ao percurso intercultural feminino. A Correspondência é uma representação polifónica de um movimento de transculturação pessoal, familiar, social e grupal, ao longo de quase duas décadas, e funciona como uma tradução por vezes consecutiva, outras vezes simultânea, dos eventos históricos testemunhados. O conceito de tradução intercultural aqui utilizado baseia-se no pensamento de Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006; 2008). Esta análise da Correspondência articula os contextos concretos e situados do seu objecto de estudo, com o propósito de construir o conhecimento de diferentes momentos históricos, racionalidades e mundividências.
In Permanent Transit: Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural Experience builds interdisciplinary approaches to the study of migrations, traffics, globalization, communication, regulations, arts, literature, and other intercultural processes, in the context of past and present times. The book offers a convergence of perspectives, combining conceptual and empirical work by sociologists, anthropologists, historians, linguists, educators, lawyers, media, specialists, and literary studies writers, in their shared attempt to understand the many routes of the intercultural experience. In Permanent Transit: Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural Experience builds interdisciplinary approaches to the study of migrations, traffics, globalization, communication, regulations, arts, literature, and other intercultural processes, in the context of past and present times. The book offers a convergence of perspectives, combining conceptual and empirical work by sociologists, anthropologists, historians, linguists, educators, lawyers, media, specialists, and literary studies writers, in their shared attempt to understand the many routes of the intercultural experience.
18th SPACE Annual Conference and EURASHE-SEPHE Seminar 21-24 March 2007 Thursday 22 March 2007
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential advantages and limitations of the use of the Brazilian hospital admission authorization forms database and the probabilistic record linkage methodology for the validation of reported utilization of hospital care services in household surveys. METHODS: A total of 2,288 households interviews were conducted in the county of Duque de Caxias, Brazil. Information on the occurrence of at least one hospital admission in the year preceding the interview was obtained from a total of 10,733 household members. The 130 records of household members who reported at least one hospital admission in a public hospital were linked to a hospital database with 801,587 records, using an automatic probabilistic approach combined with an extensive clerical review. RESULTS: Seventy-four (57%) of the 130 household members were identified in the hospital database. Yet only 60 subjects (46%) showed a record of hospitalization in the hospital database in the study period. Hospital admissions due to a surgery procedure were significantly more likely to have been identified in the hospital database. The low level of concordance seen in the study can be explained by the following factors: errors in the linkage process; a telescoping effect; and an incomplete record in the hospital database. CONCLUSIONS: The use of hospital administrative databases and probabilistic linkage methodology may represent a methodological alternative for the validation of reported utilization of health care services, but some strategies should be employed in order to minimize the problems related to the use of this methodology in non-ideal conditions. Ideally, a single identifier, such as a personal health insurance number, and the universal coverage of the database would be desirable.
The main idea of the article is to consider the interdependence between Politics of Memory (as a type of narrating the Past) and Stereotyping. The author suggests that, in a time of information revolution, we are still constructing images of others on the basis of simplification, overestimation of association between features, and illusory correlations, instead of basing them on knowledge and personal contact. The Politics of Memory, national remembrance, and the historical consciousness play a significant role in these processes, because – as the author argues – they transform historically based 'symbolic analogies' into 'illusory correlations' between national identity and the behavior of its members. To support his theoretical investigation, the author presents results of his draft experiment and two case studies: (a) a social construction of images of neighbors based on Polish narrations about the Past; and (b) various processes of stereotyping based on the Remembrance of the Holocaust. All these considerations lead him to state that the Politics of Memory should be recognized as an influential source of commonly shared stereotypes on other cultures and nations.
Ao longo dos séculos, a China e o Japão foram criando histórias, representações, discursos e identidades que certas vezes se cruzaram e outras vezes se afastaram. Este trabalho é uma reflexão sobre cultura e interculturalidade, porque está relacionado com a produção e a circulação de significados (Hall, 1997:2), numa análise da identidade e da representação da China e do Japão e também das representações que estes dois países têm um do outro. Esta análise integra factos que vão desde a 1ª Guerra Mundial até à actualidade, tornando este estudo contemporâneo. Ao longo do meu trabalho, quando falo em representação, refiro-me à forma como o mundo é socialmente construído e representado por nós e para nós (Chris Barker 2000:8).
Na actividade tradutiva, situamo-nos num plano intercultural que cruza culturas diferenciadas, inerentes às línguas de partida e de chegada. De facto, ao traduzirmos um texto, defrontamo-nos sempre com um universo valorativo a que importa aceder, de modo a que o tradutor possa chegar a uma equivalência semântica e ideológica. É o que sucede, com especial relevância, no âmbito da tradução de textos literários, económicos e, até mesmo, científicos e técnicos. Por tal motivo, a análise dos valores presentes no discurso, que permite determinar a orientação ideológica aí inscrita, revela-se particularmente útil no plano intercultural da tradução. A sua determinação poderá ser feita, é certo, em função de vários enquadramentos mas, na nossa opinião, é a perspectiva de Oswald Ducrot, constituinte de uma Pragmática integrada na Semântica, que melhor se adequa à análise discursiva de acordo com estes objectivos. Trata-se assim de adoptar uma concepção teórica que permita abranger as duas componentes: por um lado, determinar o sentido, vector fundamental, no caso da tradução, entendido como orientação argumentativa inscrita nas estruturas linguísticas, por outro, através dos princípios de argumentação convocados, coincidentes com o recorte ideológico, aceder aos valores presentes no universo discursivo.
Na qualidade de Diretora Regional das Comunidades, fomos responsável pela redação dos artigos e coordenação da página "Comunidades", integrada no jornal Açoriano Oriental, servindo a mesma para a divulgação das atividades realizadas pela Direção Regional Das Comunidades do Governo dos Açores.
In this paper we explore the importance of analyzing the exercises that the manuals have in Mathematics study, because the difficulty of identifying some errors on them can interfere with the capabilities of children. We work with some exercises related to the theme of temporal notions, based on a survey of textbooks from the 1st and 2nd grade (K-1 and K-2). Our concern is to alert about the importance of reflecting on the content of the books, in order to promote a teaching-learning process tailored to the needs of children. The activities present in the manuals should allow children to develop their logical- mathematical reasoning, for later be able to understand and apply Mathematics. To this end, we present some reflection about the exercises of manuals, and we give our opinion about what is the correct and incorrect. Also, some activities are suggested, among which were implemented with children of the 2nd grade, K- 2, along the experiments that support our work.
Purpose – Quantitative instruments to assess patient safety culture have been developed recently and a few review articles have been published. Measuring safety culture enables healthcare managers and staff to improve safety behaviours and outcomes for patients and staff. The study aims to determine the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) Portuguese version's validity and reliability. Design/methodology/approach – A missing-value analysis and item analysis was performed to identify problematic items. Reliability analysis, inter-item correlations and inter-scale correlations were done to check internal consistency, composite scores. Inter-correlations were examined to assess construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to investigate the observed data's fit to the dimensional structure proposed in the AHRQ HSPSC Portuguese version. To analyse differences between hospitals concerning composites scores, an ANOVA analysis and multiple comparisons were done. Findings – Eight of 12 dimensions had Cronbach's alphas higher than 0.7. The instrument as a whole achieved a high Cronbach's alpha (0.91). Inter-correlations showed that there is no dimension with redundant items, however dimension 10 increased its internal consistency when one item is removed. Originality/value – This study is the first to evaluate an American patient safety culture survey using Portuguese data. The survey has satisfactory reliability and construct validity.
Concentrations of eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Si) were measured in 39 (natural and flavoured) water samples. Determinations were performed using graphite furnace electrothermetry for almost all elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Si). For Se determination hydride generation was used, and cold vapour generation for Hg. These techniques were coupled to atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The trace element content of still or sparkling natural waters changed from brand to brand. Significant differences between natural still and natural sparkling waters (p<0.001) were only apparent for Mn. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to search for significant differences between flavoured and natural waters. The concentration of each element was compared with the presence of flavours, preservatives, acidifying agents, fruit juice and/or sweeteners, according to the labelled composition. It was shown that flavoured waters generally increase the trace element content. The addition of preservatives and acidifying regulators had a significant influence on Mn, Co, As and Si contents (p<0.05). Fruit juice can also be correlated to the increase of Co and As. Sweeteners did not provide any significant difference in Mn, Co, Se and Si content.