907 resultados para Student with cerebral palsy
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (NAIS) is associated with considerable lifetime burdens such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive impairment. Prospective epidemiologic studies that include outcome assessments are scarce. This study aimed to provide information on the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, infarct characteristics, associated clinical variables, treatment strategies, and outcomes of NAIS in a prospective, population-based cohort of Swiss children. METHODS: This prospective study evaluated the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, vascular territories, associated clinical variables, and treatment of all full-term neonates diagnosed with NAIS and born in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010. Follow-up was performed 2 years (mean 23.3 months, SD 4.3 months) after birth. RESULTS: One hundred neonates (67 boys) had a diagnosis of NAIS. The NAIS incidence in Switzerland during this time was 13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 11-17) per 100 000 live births. Seizures were the most common symptom (95%). Eighty-one percent had unilateral (80% left-sided) and 19% had bilateral lesions. Risk factors included maternal risk conditions (32%), birth complications (68%), and neonatal comorbidities (54%). Antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy use was low (17%). No serious side effects were reported. Two years after birth, 39% were diagnosed with cerebral palsy and 31% had delayed mental performance. CONCLUSIONS: NAIS in Switzerland shows a similar incidence as other population-based studies. About one-third of patients developed cerebral palsy or showed delayed mental performance 2 years after birth, and children with normal mental performance may still develop deficits later in life.
La paralysie cérébrale représente la plus fréquente cause de handicap physique chez l’enfant. Plus de 50 000 canadiens en sont atteints. Rien ne peut aujourd’hui guérir la paralysie cérébrale; il n’en demeure pas moins que les comorbidités associées, de même que les différents traitements, entraînent des besoins importants pour ces patients en matière de services de santé. Alors que les décisions associées à ces soins de santé sont susceptibles de soulever d’importantes questions éthiques telles que le respect de l’autonomie et l’accès équitable aux soins de santé, peu d’études se sont penchées sur cette question. Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente d’abord un bref portrait des caractéristiques et des principaux aspects médicaux de la paralysie cérébrale. Il est suivi de la description des méthodes de recherche utilisées, notamment le questionnaire et l’entrevue semi-dirigée. Vient ensuite la recension des écrits, où sont abordés des thèmes comme la confidentialité et la transition du système de santé pédiatrique vers le système de santé pour adultes. Une étude qualitative a été réalisée auprès de jeunes adultes atteints de paralysie cérébrale et les résultats, présentés dans ce mémoire, comprennent notamment les perspectives des participants sur les attitudes des professionnels de la santé envers eux et les sentiments d’injustice et d’inégalité parfois ressentis lors de l’utilisation des soins de santé. Finalement, une discussion générale est proposée, où il est question entre autres de la justice, du respect de la personne et de l’autonomie et des conclusions à tirer.
Malgré les progrès de la médecine moderne et l’avancement des connaissances, le soulagement de la douleur demeure un domaine peu étudié et peu compris. Les enfants avec un diagnostic de paralysie cérébrale et une incapacité de communiquer verbalement font partie des populations vulnérables à risque de ne pas être compris. Il est maintenant prouvé que ces enfants peuvent ressentir des douleurs provenant de diverses sources. Le but de cette étude exploratoire de type qualitative est de tenter de déterminer les enjeux éthiques qui sont rencontrés par les intervenants d’un milieu d’hébergement, lorsque l’on veut évaluer et soulager la douleur chez cette population d’enfants. L’information a été recueillie à partir d’entrevues semi-structurées avec des familles, des gardiens et des intervenants. Les données ont ensuite été comparées à ce qui est retrouvé dans la littérature. Selon les parents et les gardiens, l’ensemble du personnel régulier du milieu d’hébergement et répit démontre une plus grande compréhension des besoins de leur enfant que les intervenants qu’ils ont rencontrés dans le milieu de soins aigus. Les intervenants évaluent les comportements observés sur une base subjective ce qui entraîne une prise en charge inégale. Ils expriment également que la principale difficulté de travailler auprès de ces enfants est l’incertitude d’avoir bien interprété le comportement et d’avoir posé le bon geste. En conclusion, malgré les recherches et la possibilité d’utiliser des outils validés, la pratique clinique ne répond pas au standard de pratique auquel ces enfants ont droit dans tous les milieux où ils reçoivent des soins.
Las cirugías reconstructivas múltiples de miembros inferiores son intervenciones quirúrgicas que implican un difícil manejo analgésico en el postoperatorio, actualmente la técnica analgésica usada es la analgesia peridural; sin embargo los efectos adversos asociados a esta no la hacen una técnica ideal para manejo de dolor. Los bloqueos de nervio periférico han aparecido como una alternativa para el manejo del dolor; pero no se ha difundido ampliamente su uso. Se pretende evaluar la disminución de efectos adversos con el uso de bloqueos de nervio periférico sobre la analgesia epidural. Este estudio piloto inicial se realizo para verificar efectividad técnicas a usar y problemas que se pudieran presentar. Se aplico el protocolo en 23 pacientes que fueron llevados a cirugía de miembros inferiores, se dividieron en 2 grupos 11 recibieron bloqueos de nervio periférico y 12 analgesia epidural. Se les realizo seguimiento por 48 horas y se evaluó el control del dolor, consumo de opioides y efectos adversos. El tiempo de colocación del bloqueo fue similar en ambos grupos, el grupo de bloqueos presento menos episodios de dolor y menos episodios de dolor severo. No se presento retención urinaria en ningún paciente pero en el grupo de epidural se presento mayor incidencia de nausea y vomito (60% vs 45%). Se encontró que los bloqueos de nervio periférico son una adecuada opción para el manejo del dolor en este tipo de cirugías; y al parecer disminuye la incidencia de eventos adversos asociados a la analgesia epidural.
Introducción: la osteogénesis es una patología de origen genético caracterizada por fragilidad ósea, en su curso natural los pacientes que la padecen se enfrentan a múltiples fracturas y múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas, este tipo de pacientes por ser de alto riesgo necesitan técnicas quirúrgicas que aumenten el tiempo entre cada intervención y que demuestren un mayor impacto en el estado funcional. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto en el estado funcional de los pacientes con osteogénesis imperfecta llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el que se incluyeron 8 pacientes con diagnóstico de osteogénesis imperfecta, llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval desde el 2009 al 2013 a los cuales se les realizó seguimiento menor de 1 año del post operatorio. Resultados: La respuesta encontrada fue satisfactoria en la mayoría de los pacientes analizados 6 de 8, con cercanía a un estado funcional normal; un riesgo de caída bajo, incorporación y deambulación adecuada y una valoración funcional motora gruesa con valores cercanos al 100% identificando un buen nivel de independencia funcional. Se pudo demostrar que existieron cambios en los valores de la escala y que estos fueron estadísticamente significativos con p=0,028 indicando que el aumento dichos valores en el posoperatorio están relacionados con el procedimiento quirúrgico al utilizado en este grupo de pacientes. Conclusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico con el clavo telescopado de Fassier Duval en nuestra experiencia demostró tener una mejoría en el estado funcional de los pacientes del presente estudio, por lo tanto se sugiere la posibilidad de implementar su uso según este indicado con el fin de obtener un mejor resultado quirúrgico y funcional. Palabras clave: Osteogénesis Imperfecta, Clavo de Fassier Duval, Valoración Funcional Motora
O presente estudo de investigação-ação partiu da necessidade de investigar e aprofundar a aprendizagem do mecanismo da leitura e da escrita numa criança com Paralisia Cerebral mediante a aplicação do software educativo “Comunicar com Símbolos”. O trabalho desenvolveu-se inicialmente num Centro Escolar de um Agrupamento de Escolas da zona centro do país, no distrito de Santarém, passando a realizar-se, após avaliação diagnóstica, numa Instituição Particular de Segurança Social - Centro de Deficientes Profundos da mesma região e analisa essencialmente o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita numa criança com Paralisia Cerebral Espástica Bilateral com predomínio nos membros inferiores através da aplicação de dez sessões planificadas com base na utilização do software educativo Comunicar com Símbolos, da Cnotinfor – Imagina. Após a intervenção e a análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que o programa informático supramencionado apresenta vantagens significativas na consolidação da leitura e da escrita da criança com Paralisia Cerbral. Este trabalho de natureza interventiva não pretende, de forma alguma, dar respostas únicas na implementação de estratégias na melhoria do desenvolvimento do mecanismo da leitura e da escrita em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral, mas apenas contribuir para uma reflexão aprofundada sobre a importância da aplicação das tecnologias de apoio na prática pedagógica com crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, no geral.
A paralisia cerebral (PC) trata-se de uma condição que pode ser bastante incapacitante para a criança, gerando um forte impacto social e económico. A fisioterapia em meio aquático pode constituir um fator de promoção da melhoria do quadro clínico naquela população, contribuindo para uma inclusão escolar mas efetiva. Contudo, esta relação não está, ainda, determinada. Objetivo: investigar a opinião dos professores e dos fisioterapeutas sobre o contributo da fisioterapia em meio aquático na educação especial em crianças com PC. Metodologia: Recorreu-se a um estudo descritivo, cuja amostra, constituída por 13 sujeitos, foi selecionada por conveniência. Foi construído e aplicado um questionário à amostra. Resultados: A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por sujeitos maioritariamente do género feminino (n=11), com idades superiores a 30 anos. Todos os participantes do estudo (n=13) consideram importante o contributo da fisioterapia em meio aquático na educação especial de crianças com PC. Conclusões: Apesar de algumas limitações, considera-se que este estudo é de grande importância para a comunidade científica preocupada com a expressiva incidência da PC e dos custos associados. A fisioterapia em meio aquático parece ser uma estratégia importante na melhoria do estado de saúde das crianças com PC, contribuindo para a inclusão escolar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE:
A fully automated and online artifact removal method for the electroencephalogram (EEG) is developed for use in brain-computer interfacing. The method (FORCe) is based upon a novel combination of wavelet decomposition, independent component analysis, and thresholding. FORCe is able to operate on a small channel set during online EEG acquisition and does not require additional signals (e.g. electrooculogram signals). Evaluation of FORCe is performed offline on EEG recorded from 13 BCI particpants with cerebral palsy (CP) and online with three healthy participants. The method outperforms the state-of the-art automated artifact removal methods Lagged auto-mutual information clustering (LAMIC) and Fully automated statistical thresholding (FASTER), and is able to remove a wide range of artifact types including blink, electromyogram (EMG), and electrooculogram (EOG) artifacts.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Objective. To compare, pre- and post-swallowing therapy, the level of oral intake scale, and the degree of severity of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Method. 19 patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia: 10 Post-Stroke adults, aged from 44 years to 76 years (group 1 – G1), and nine children with Cerebral Palsy, aged from two years and five months to 15 years (group 2 – G2). We excluded individuals in the process of spontaneous recovery. We held retrospective analysis of clinical protocols for clinical speech therapy evaluation with classification of the degree of dysphagia severity, applied before and after swallowing therapy. We used the Functional Oral Intake Scale - FOIS to assess the level of oral ingestion, pre and post-swallowing therapy. Results. The degree of commitment of dysphagia was favorable change only in adults, and in FOIS these changes occurred in both groups. Conclusion. There were favorable changes in the degree of impairment of oropharyngeal dysphagia and levels of FOIS, pre and post - speech therapy in stroke, but in ECINP markers used showed no favorable changes should even be reviewed for application in this population. Future studies are needed to investigate the variables in this sample.
The school participation is a prerequisite for the construction of knowledge, learning and development. Neurological deficits may affect child's ability to explore the environment and engage in typical activities. Considering the importance of encouraging professionals in the field of education to conduct simple adjustments in school activities of daily life, this study aimed to adapt, with low cost materials, resources of entertainment and educational for children with neuromotor disorders . It was objects of this study eight resources prescribed and designed for three children diagnosed with cerebral palsy: domino, puzzle, memory game, moving magnetized alphabet, crossword, doll body scheme, adaptation of pencils for writing and bracelet sinker.The analysis of these resources occurred in the parameters of conventional design and management skills, followed by identifying the limiting conditions of the motor skills of the cases observed, indicating the materials used in the adaptation and possible uses. This study provides subsidy for implementation of teaching strategies in the care of students with neuromotor disorders.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
A main objective of the human movement analysis is the quantitative description of joint kinematics and kinetics. This information may have great possibility to address clinical problems both in orthopaedics and motor rehabilitation. Previous studies have shown that the assessment of kinematics and kinetics from stereophotogrammetric data necessitates a setup phase, special equipment and expertise to operate. Besides, this procedure may cause feeling of uneasiness on the subjects and may hinder with their walking. The general aim of this thesis is the implementation and evaluation of new 2D markerless techniques, in order to contribute to the development of an alternative technique to the traditional stereophotogrammetric techniques. At first, the focus of the study has been the estimation of the ankle-foot complex kinematics during stance phase of the gait. Two particular cases were considered: subjects barefoot and subjects wearing ankle socks. The use of socks was investigated in view of the development of the hybrid method proposed in this work. Different algorithms were analyzed, evaluated and implemented in order to have a 2D markerless solution to estimate the kinematics for both cases. The validation of the proposed technique was done with a traditional stereophotogrammetric system. The implementation of the technique leads towards an easy to configure (and more comfortable for the subject) alternative to the traditional stereophotogrammetric system. Then, the abovementioned technique has been improved so that the measurement of knee flexion/extension could be done with a 2D markerless technique. The main changes on the implementation were on occlusion handling and background segmentation. With the additional constraints, the proposed technique was applied to the estimation of knee flexion/extension and compared with a traditional stereophotogrammetric system. Results showed that the knee flexion/extension estimation from traditional stereophotogrammetric system and the proposed markerless system were highly comparable, making the latter a potential alternative for clinical use. A contribution has also been given in the estimation of lower limb kinematics of the children with cerebral palsy (CP). For this purpose, a hybrid technique, which uses high-cut underwear and ankle socks as “segmental markers” in combination with a markerless methodology, was proposed. The proposed hybrid technique is different than the abovementioned markerless technique in terms of the algorithm chosen. Results showed that the proposed hybrid technique can become a simple and low-cost alternative to the traditional stereophotogrammetric systems.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (NAIS) is associated with considerable lifetime burdens such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive impairment. Prospective epidemiologic studies that include outcome assessments are scarce. This study aimed to provide information on the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, infarct characteristics, associated clinical variables, treatment strategies, and outcomes of NAIS in a prospective, population-based cohort of Swiss children. METHODS This prospective study evaluated the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, vascular territories, associated clinical variables, and treatment of all full-term neonates diagnosed with NAIS and born in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010. Follow-up was performed 2 years (mean 23.3 months, SD 4.3 months) after birth. RESULTS One hundred neonates (67 boys) had a diagnosis of NAIS. The NAIS incidence in Switzerland during this time was 13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 11-17) per 100,000 live births. Seizures were the most common symptom (95%). Eighty-one percent had unilateral (80% left-sided) and 19% had bilateral lesions. Risk factors included maternal risk conditions (32%), birth complications (68%), and neonatal comorbidities (54%). Antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy use was low (17%). No serious side effects were reported. Two years after birth, 39% were diagnosed with cerebral palsy and 31% had delayed mental performance. CONCLUSIONS NAIS in Switzerland shows a similar incidence as other population-based studies. About one-third of patients developed cerebral palsy or showed delayed mental performance 2 years after birth, and children with normal mental performance may still develop deficits later in life.