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The current study considered affect-related variables as predictors of the quality of helping relationships between older mothers and their adult daughters. Specifically, self-reported and observed emotional responses to the dyadic discussion of a disagreement between mothers and daughters, as well as baseline measures of respiratory sinus arrhythmia were considered as predictors of mothers' and daughters' satisfaction with their helping relationships. Relationship satisfaction was measured by considering mothers' and daughters' subjective well-being specifically in regards to the help they gave and received. Overall, these variables predicted more variance in mothers' satisfaction with their helping relationships than daughters', and RSA (respiratory sinus arrhythmia) was a stronger predictor than the self-reported or observed emotional reactions to the dyadic discussion of a disagreement. Implications of these findings and limitations to the current study are discussed.
The primary objective of this non-experimental study was to examine the differences based on obesity-related health risk in terms of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and well-being in adults. Participants (N = 50; Mage = 38.50, SDage = 14.21) were asked to wear a SenseWear Armband (SWA) across a seven day monitoring period followed by a questionnaire package. Using the National Institute of Health’s (1998) criteria, participants were classified as either least, increased, or high risk based on waist circumference and Body Mass Index scores. Differences between these classifications were found in the amount of time spent in active energy expenditure for bouts of ten minutes or more (p = .002); specifically between least and high risk (p < .05). No other differences (p > .05) emerged. Participants’ also perceived the SWA as a practical and worthwhile device. Overall, these findings provide practical applications and future directions for health promotional research.
In this thesis I assess the individual and joint predictive associations and effects between multiple motivation and well-being concepts. In particular, three pairs of motivation concepts (intrinsic/extrinsic, approach/avoidance, and eudaimonic/hedonic) are assessed simultaneously at two levels of analysis (disposition and goal) and examined in relation to two types of well-being (eudaimonic and hedonic) in two studies, one correlational and the other experimental. Study 1: Using a correlational design, participants (N = 325, M age = 19.10, 87% female) completed self-report measures assessing six motivation and two well-being concepts. Exploratory factor analyses were used to assess patterns of associations among the motivational constructs. Results indicated that constructs displaying conceptual and empirical similarities co-occur, particularly, intrinsic, approach and eudaimonic motivation. Regression models were used to assess predictive relations between the motivational constructs and well-being. Both types of well-being were predicted by approach and avoidance dispositions, and hedonic goals. Additionally, eudaimonic well-being was uniquely predicted by eudaimonic dispositions and goals, and intrinsic dispositions; and hedonic well-being was uniquely predicted by extrinsic dispositions and approach goals. The patterns of associations among motivational constructs, and similarities and differences in the ways they predict each type of well-being, are discussed. Study 2: Using an experimental design, participants (N = 447, M age = 19.30, 88% female) were randomly assigned to one of eight experimental conditions, each involving a manipulation aimed at priming combinations of the three pairs of motivational constructs at the goal level. Participants then completed measures of both types of well-being. ANOVAs were used to assess the main effects and interactions of experimental condition for each of the three pairs of motivational constructs on well-being. Main effects of experimental conditions were non-significant. However, results indicated that focus on each of the three pairs of motivational constructs predicted well-being and that the manipulation impacted well-being indirectly, through experimentally-shifted motivational focus. Few interactions emerged. Implications for future experimental research and the conceptual integration of motivation and well-being constructs are discussed. In conclusion, Studies 1 and 2 inform the motivation and well-being fields in novel ways and provide preliminary steps towards studying these fields from an integrated and comprehensive motivational framework.
The purpose of this paper is, first, to investigate the interconnections of substantive freedoms, which are indispensable for every individual to “lead the kind of lives they have reason to value” (Sen, 1999b, p.10,18), and which have legitimate and ethical reasons to be publicly secured, second, to investigate a conception of public-provision unit that embodies “the right to well-being freedom”, and a conception of decision-making unit that corresponds to it, based on the perspective of Sen’s capability theory and its extension, comparing with that of Rawls’ Theory of Justice and A Law of People. If we intend to construct such a public-provision unit, which conducts redistribution as a whole, and which receives every individual who cannot belong to any fixed local group, what kind of a body should we assume as a public-provision unit? And further, what kind of a body should we assume as a decision-making unit, which is responsible for deciding or revising the basic conceptions of public provision unit?
L’agression sexuelle (AS) commise envers les enfants est un sujet complexe à enquêter et les allégations reposent souvent exclusivement sur le témoignage de l’enfant. Cependant, même quand l’enfant divulgue une AS, il peut être réticent à révéler certains détails personnels et gênants de l’AS à un étranger. Étant donné qu’il n'est pas toujours possible d'obtenir le consentement de filmer et qu’il est relativement difficile de mesurer l’attitude non verbale de l’enfant et celui de l’enquêteur au cours des entrevues d’investigations, cette recherche a été novatrice dans sa création d’échelles verbales de telles attitudes. Afin de déterminer la corrélation de l’attitude des enquêteurs et la collaboration des enfants, 90 entrevues d’enfants âgés de 4 à 13 ans ont été analysées. Les entrevues ont été enregistrées sur bande audio, transcrites et codifiées à l'aide des sous-échelles verbales d'attitudes soutenantes et non-soutenantes des enquêteurs ainsi que d’attitudes de résistance et de coopération de la part de l'enfant. La proportion des détails sur l’AS fournie par les enfants a également été calculée. Afin de comparer les entrevues avec et sans le protocole du National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), une MANCOVA, contrôlant pour l’âge de l’enfant et la proportion de questions ouvertes, démontre tel qu’attendu que les entrevues avec le protocole obtiennent plus de détails fournis à la suite des questions ouvertes que les entrevues sans le protocole. Cependant, aucune différence ne ressort quant aux attitudes de l’enfant et celle de l’enquêteur. Afin de trouver le meilleur prédicteur de la quantité de détails dévoilés par les enfants, une analyse de régression multiple hiérarchique a été faite. Après avoir contrôlé pour l'âge de l’enfant, l’utilisation du protocole et la proportion de questions ouvertes, la résistance de l’enfant et l’attitude non-soutenante de l’enquêteur expliquent 28 % supplémentaire de la variance, tandis que la variance totale expliquée par le modèle est de 58%. De plus, afin de déterminer si la collaboration de l’enfant et l’attitude de l’enquêteur varient en fonction de l’âge des enfants, une MANOVA démontre que les enquêteurs se comportent similairement, quel que soit l'âge des enfants. Ceci, malgré le fait que les jeunes enfants sont généralement plus réticents et coopèrent significativement moins bien que les préadolescents. Finalement, une régression multiple hiérarchique démontre que le soutien de l'enquêteur est le meilleur prédicteur de la collaboration des enfants, au-delà des caractéristiques de l'enfant et de l’AS. Bien que l’utilisation du protocole NICHD ait permis des progrès considérables dans la manière d’interroger les enfants, augmentant la proportion de détails obtenus par des questions ouvertes/rappel libre et amplifiant la crédibilité du témoignage, l’adhésion au protocole n’est pas en soi suffisante pour convaincre des jeunes enfants de parler en détail d’une AS à un inconnu. Les résultats de cette thèse ont une valeur scientifique et contribuent à enrichir les connaissances théoriques sur les attitudes de l'enfant et de l'enquêteur exprimées lors des entrevues. Même si les enquêteurs de cette étude offrent plus de soutien aux enfants résistants, indépendamment de leur âge, pour promouvoir la divulgation détaillée de l’AS, de meilleures façons de contrer les attitudes de résistance exprimées par les jeunes enfants et une minimisation des attitudes non-soutenantes lors des entrevues sont nécessaires.
The study envisaged herein contains the numerical investigations on Perforated Plate (PP) as well as numerical and experimental investigations on Perforated Plate with Lining (PPL) which has a variety of applications in underwater engineering especially related to defence applications. Finite element method has been adopted as the tool for analysis of PP and PPL. The commercial software ANSYS has been used for static and free vibration response evaluation, whereas ANSYS LS-DYNA has been used for shock analysis. SHELL63, SHELL93, SOLID45, SOLSH190, BEAM188 and FLUID30 finite elements available in the ANSYS library as well as SHELL193 and SOLID194 available in the ANSYS LS-DYNA library have been made use of. Unit cell of the PP and PPL which is a miniature of the original plate with 16 perforations have been used. Based upon the convergence characteristics, the utility of SHELL63 element for the analysis of PP and PPL, and the required mesh density are brought out. The effect of perforation, geometry and orientation of perforation, boundary conditions and lining plate are investigated for various configurations. Stress concentration and deflection factor are also studied. Based on these investigations, stadium geometry perforation with horizontal orientation is recommended for further analysis.Linear and nonlinear static analysis of PP and PPL subjected to unit normal pressure has been carried out besides the free vibration analysis. Shock analysis has also been carried out on these structural components. The analytical model measures 0.9m x 0.9m with stiffener of 0.3m interval. The influence of finite element, boundary conditions, and lining plate on linear static response has been estimated and presented. Comparison of behavior of PP and PPL in the nonlinear strain regime has been made using geometric nonlinear analysis. Free vibration analysis of the PP and PPL has been carried out ‘in vacuum’ condition and in water backed condition, and the influence of water backed condition and effect of perforation on natural frequency have been investigated.Based upon the studies on the vibration characteristics of NPP, PP and PPL in water backed condition and ‘in vacuum’ condition, the reduction in the natural frequency of the plate in immersed condition has been rightly brought out. The necessity to introduce the effect of water medium in the analysis of water backed underwater structure has been highlighted.Shock analysis of PP and PPL for three explosives viz., PEK, TNT and C4 has been carried out and deflection and stresses on plate as well as free field pressure have been estimated using ANSYS LS-DYNA. The effect of perforations and the effect of lining plate have been predicted. Experimental investigations of the measurement of free field pressure using PPL have been conducted in a shock tank. Free field pressure has been measured and has been validated with finite element analysis results. Besides, an experiment has been carried out on PPL, for the comparison of the static deflection predicted by finite element analysis.The distribution of the free field pressure and the estimation of differential pressure from experimentation and the provision for treating the differential pressure as the resistance, as a part of the design load for PPL, has been brought out.
The study is focused on education of tribes particularly the problem of high dropout rate existing among the tribal students at school level. Scheduled Tribe is one of the marginalized communities experiencing high level of educational deprivation. The analysis of the study shows that the extent of deprivation existing among STs of Kerala is much higher compared to that of other communities. The present study covered tribes of three tribal predominant districts of Kerala such as Idukki, Palakkad and Wayanad. Out of the 35 tribal communities in the State, 17 of them are concentrated in these districts. Tribes concentrated in Idukki include Muthuvans, Malai Arayan, Uraly, Mannan and Hill Pulaya. The present study analyzed dropouts situation in tribal areas of Kerala by conducting Field Survey among dropout and non-dropout students at school level. High dropouts among STs persist due to many problems which are of structural in nature. Important problems faced by the tribal students that have been analyzed, this can be classified as economic, social, cultural and institutional. It is found that there exists high correlation between Income and expenditure of the family with the well-being of individuals. Significant economic factors are poverty and financial indebtedness of the family. Some of the common cultural factors of tribes are Nature of Habitation, Difference in Dialect and Medium of Instruction etc. Social factors analyzed in the study are illiteracy of parents, migration of family, family environment, motivation by parents, activities engaged in for helping the family and students’ lack of interest in studies. The analysis showed that all these factors except migration of the family, are affecting the education of tribal students. Apart from social, economic and cultural factors, there are a few institutional factors which will also influence the education of tribal students. Institutional factors analyzed in the study include students’ absenteeism, irregularity of teachers, attitude of non-tribal teachers and non-tribal students, infrastructure facilities and accessibility to school. The study found irregularity of students and accessibility to school as significant factors which determine the dropout of the students.
Understanding how the human visual system recognizes objects is one of the key challenges in neuroscience. Inspired by a large body of physiological evidence (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991; Hubel and Wiesel, 1962; Livingstone and Hubel, 1988; Tso et al., 2001; Zeki, 1993), a general class of recognition models has emerged which is based on a hierarchical organization of visual processing, with succeeding stages being sensitive to image features of increasing complexity (Hummel and Biederman, 1992; Riesenhuber and Poggio, 1999; Selfridge, 1959). However, these models appear to be incompatible with some well-known psychophysical results. Prominent among these are experiments investigating recognition impairments caused by vertical inversion of images, especially those of faces. It has been reported that faces that differ "featurally" are much easier to distinguish when inverted than those that differ "configurally" (Freire et al., 2000; Le Grand et al., 2001; Mondloch et al., 2002) ??finding that is difficult to reconcile with the aforementioned models. Here we show that after controlling for subjects' expectations, there is no difference between "featurally" and "configurally" transformed faces in terms of inversion effect. This result reinforces the plausibility of simple hierarchical models of object representation and recognition in cortex.
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the knowledge transfer in the production of structural components of two aircraft:Q400 and Global Express of Bombardier Aerospace Company, Querétaro. Bombardier Aerospace is a pioneer company in the aviation sector in Mexico, and the third largest civil aircraft manufacturer. In 2005, Bombardier decided to invest in Mexico, creating Bombardier Aerospace de Mexico S. A. C. V. and transferring production lines from Japan and Toronto to Queretaro. The relocation strategy of both plants aims to reduce modular and general production costs facing other competitors. The relocation has been supported by the State Government funds, through a trust and the creation of Queretaro aerospace cluster. Among various benefits, the State of Queretaro donated seventy-eight acres of land where the Queretaro International Airport (QIA) and a training centre will be built to promote the development of this sector. The interest in this research is to analyze and describe the transfer of knowledge to the production of structural components of both aircraft models, thanks to the results of productivity and internal and external factors which have contributed along with this transfer
The relative stability of aggregate labor's share constitutes one of the great macroeconomic ratios. However, relative stability at the aggregate level masks the unbalanced nature of industry labor's shares – the Kuznets stylized facts underlie those of Kaldor. We present a two-sector – one labor-only and the other using both capital and labor – model of unbalanced economic development with induced innovation that can rationalize these phenomena as well as several other empirical regularities of actual economies. Specifically, the model features (i) one sector ("goods" production) becoming increasingly capital-intensive over time; (ii) an increasing relative price and share in total output of the labor-only sector ("services"); and (iii) diverging sectoral labor's shares despite (iii) an aggregate labor's share that converges from above to a value between 0 and unity. Furthermore, the model (iv) supports either a neoclassical steadystate or long-run endogenous growth, giving it the potential to account for a wide range of real world development experiences.
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Three new metal-organic polymeric complexes, [Fe(N-3)(2)(bPP)(2)] (1), [Fe(N-3)(2)(bpe)] (2), and [Fe(N-3)(2)(phen)] (3) [bpp = (1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)-propane), bpe = (1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)-ethane), phen = 1,10-phenanthroline], have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies and low-temperature magnetic measurements in the range 300-2 K. Complexes 1 and 2 crystallize in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with the following cell parameters: a = 19.355(4) Angstrom, b = 7.076(2) Angstrom, c = 22.549(4) Angstrom, beta = 119.50(3)degrees, Z = 4, and a = 10.007(14) Angstrom, b = 13.789(18) Angstrom, c = 10.377(14) Angstrom, beta = 103.50(1)degrees, Z = 4, respectively. Complex 3 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, with a = 7.155(12) Angstrom, b = 10.066(14) Angstrom, c = 10.508(14) Angstrom, alpha = 109.57(1)degrees, beta = 104.57(1)degrees, gamma = 105.10(1)degrees, and Z = 2. All coordination polymers exhibit octahedral Fe(II) nodes. The structural determination of 1 reveals a parallel interpenetrated structure of 2D layers of (4,4) topology, formed by Fe(II) nodes linked through bpp ligands, while mono-coordinated azide anions are pendant from the corrugated sheet. Complex 2 has a 2D arrangement constructed through 1D double end-to-end azide bridged iron(11) chains interconnected through bpe ligands. Complex 3 shows a polymeric arrangement where the metal ions are interlinked through pairs of end-on and end-to-end azide ligands exhibiting a zigzag arrangement of metals (Fe-Fe-Fe angle of 111.18degrees) and an intermetallic separation of 3.347 Angstrom (through the EO azide) and of 5.229 Angstrom (EE azide). Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data suggest that there is no magnetic interaction between the metal centers in 1, whereas in 2 there is an antiferromagnetic interaction through the end-to-end azide bridge. Complex 3 shows ferro- as well as anti-ferromagnetic interactions between the metal centers generated through the alternating end-on and end-to-end azide bridges. Complex I has been modeled using the D parameter (considering distorted octahedral Fe(II) geometry and with any possible J value equal to zero) and complex 2 has been modeled as a one-dimensional system with classical and/or quantum spin where we have used two possible full diagonalization processes: without and with the D parameter, considering the important distortions of the Fe(II) ions. For complex 3, the alternating coupling model impedes a mathematical solution for the modeling as classical spins. With quantum spin, the modeling has been made as in 2.
A simple general route of obtaining very stable octacoordinated non-oxovanadium( IV) complexes of the general formula VL2 (where H2L is a tetradentate ONNO donor) is presented. Six such complexes (1-6) are adequately characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, and various spectroscopic techniques. One of these compounds (1) has been structurally characterized. The molecule has crystallographic 4 symmetry and has a dodecahedral structure existing in a tetragonal space group P4n2. The non-oxo character and VL2 stoichiometry for all of the complexes are established from analytical and mass spectrometric data. In addition, the non-oxo character is clearly indicated by the complete absence of the strong nu(v=o) band in the 925-1025 cm(-1) region, which is a signature of all oxovanadium species. The complexes are quite stable in open air in the solid state and in solution, a phenomenon rarely observed in non-oxovanadium(IV) or bare vanadium(IV) complexes.