800 resultados para Strategic Spatial Planning


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The public is typically in agreement with the renewable energy targets established in many national states and generally supports the idea of increased reliance on wind energy. Nevertheless, many specific wind power projects face significant local opposition. A key question for the wind energy sector is, therefore, how to better engage local people to foster support for specific projects. IEA Wind Task 28 on Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects aims to facilitate wind energy development by reviewing current practices, emerging ideas, and exchanging successful practices among the participating countries. It also aims to disseminate the insights of leading research to a nontechnical audience, including project developers, local planning officials, and the general public. The interdisciplinary approach adopted by Task 28 enables an in-depth understanding of the nature of opposition to wind projects and a critical assessment of emerging strategies for social acceptance. Task 28 has analyzed a range of key issues related to social acceptance of wind energy, including the impacts on landscapes and ecosystems, on standard of living and well-being, the implementation of energy policy and spatial planning, the distribution of costs and benefits, and procedural justice. It is clear that although wind energy has many benefits; however, specific projects do impact local communities. As such the concerns of the affected people have to be taken seriously. Moreover, as opposition is rarely without foundation, it is in the interests of developers and advocates to engage local people and to improve projects for the benefit of all.


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There is now a strong body of research that suggests that the form of the built environment can influence levels of physical activity, leading to an increasing interest in incorporating health objectives into spatial planning and regeneration policies and projects. There have been a number of strands to this research, one of which has sought to develop “objective” measurements of the built environment using Geographic Information Science (GIS) involving measures of connectivity and proximity to compare the relative “walkability” of different neighbourhoods. The development of the “walkability index” (e.g. Leslie et al 2007, Frank et al 2010) has become a popular indicator of spatial distribution of those features of the built environment that are considered to have the greatest positive influence on levels of physical activity. The success of this measure is built on its ability to succinctly capture built environment correlates of physical activity using routinely available spatial data, which includes using road centre lines as a basis of a proxy for connectivity.

This paper discusses two key aspects of the walkability index. First, it follows the suggestion of Chin et al (2008) that the use of a footpath network (where available), rather than road centre lines, may be far more effective in evaluating walkability. This may be particularly important for assessing changes in walkability arising from pedestrian-focused infrastructure projects, such as greenways. Second, the paper explores the implication of this for how connectivity can be measured. The paper takes six different measures of connectivity and first analyses the relationships between them and then tests their correlation with actual levels of physical activity of local residents in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The analysis finds that the best measurements appear to be intersection density and metric reach and uses this finding to discuss the implications of this for developing tools that may better support decision-making in spatial planning.


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This paper draws upon an analysis of regional spatial planning to highlight the centrality of ethics in praxis. In this context political liberalism is particularly helpful in developing a deeper understanding of the activities of those engaged in planning decision making. At the most basic level it demonstrates the importance of not only using shared liberal values as the foundation for public discourses but also achieving consensus through the development of an inclusive evidence base, derived from both lay and professional knowledge. Specifically, political liberalism provides a practical critique, enabling judgments to be made on problems which pervade operational planning practice and an evaluation to be conducted of the dynamic between and actions of participants.


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O argumento que compagina esta investigação sustenta que, no contexto actual de crescente complexidade dos problemas territoriais e de densidade de actores com interesses contraditórios e conflituantes, o desenvolvimento de metodologias de planeamento territorial promotoras da participação dos actores pode ser particularmente útil, possibilitando a construção de compromissos entre actores, alinhando as suas motivações e mobilizando os seus meios, gerando novas formas de “acção colectiva” em torno dos objectivos de planeamento. Procurou-se, assim: i) perceber o que é território, objecto da actividade do planeamento; ii) estabelecer um conceito de planeamento do território; iii) produzir um quadro de referência sobre planeamento territorial, com particular enfoque para o papel dos actores e participação e iv) desenvolver uma análise crítica de um conjunto de experiências de planeamento territorial, à luz do anterior quadro de referência. Do ponto de vista empírico, ambicionava-se examinar um conjunto de experiências de planeamento territorial onde a participação dos actores tivesse sido particularmente relevante, em diferentes contextos quanto ao entendimento dos objectivos de planeamento e sua concretização, com a particularidade de em ambas ter havido um forte envolvimento do investigador num duplo papel: investigador/cidadão e investigador/promotor do planeamento do território. Durante o trajecto de investigação percorrido, revisitaram-se as principais referências sobre a problemática do planeamento do território e suas metodologias, com enfoque particular nos actores e formas de participação. Assume-se a conceptualização do planeamento do território como uma actividade desenvolvida por um promotor público de planeamento (Estado), o qual, num determinado contexto e em defesa do interesse colectivo, define objectivos para um determinado objecto de planeamento (território, temática e escala). Para os cumprir, mobiliza os meios e actores necessários, produzindo um quadro de referência e identificando as acções, os palcos e os métodos para os alcançar. Identificaram-se seis famílias de metodologias de planeamento do território. Discutiu-se o conceito de actor em planeamento e propôs-se uma tipologia de actores, consoante meios, motivações e palcos. Em seguida, produziu-se uma conceptualização e tipologia de formas de participação dos actores, que vai para além da tradicional participação dos cidadãos. Concluiu-se com a sugestão de princípios de orientação metodológica para o planeamento territorial e participação dos actores. Os dados da análise empírica efectuada permitiram concluir que o papel dos diferentes actores e a forma como foram tidos em conta os seus meios disponíveis e as suas motivações foram determinantes nos resultados alcançados nos dois contextos analisados. Num conjunto de experiências, o envolvimento dos actores visou fortalecer o quadro social e institucional de apoio, o fomento à criação de plataformas de diálogo e colaboração, de valorização de diferentes formas de conhecimento (técnico-científico e “local”) e a mobilização para a construção de políticas ou para a validação do processo de decisão. Noutro conjunto de experiências, o entendimento da participação dos actores foi desvalorizado, produzido de forma burocrática, sem o devido reconhecimento das suas motivações e valorização dos meios disponíveis, sem um adequado envolvimento, o que conduziu a situações de elevada conflitualidade, fragilização e descredibilização do exercício de planeamento e a resultados que contrariam os objectivos inicialmente definidos. Neste contexto, parece pois confirmar-se a hipótese de que as metodologias de planeamento onde a participação dos actores é considerada de forma explícita, coerente e consequente, condicionam de forma clara o envolvimento e alinhamento dos actores e determinam os resultados do planeamento do território.


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The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form neighbourhood forums and to prepare their own neighbourhood development plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the core strategies of higher-tier plans and often make provision for more new homes than planned before 2011. This article discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans, the evidence base on which they are founded and some of the legal challenges which have helped clarify procedures. It then identifies two types of plan based on the ways housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of 10 plans which have been made to date. It concludes that the voluntary nature of localism to date tends to favour more rural and affluent areas and ends with an assessment of the impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process. It suggests that the implications for spatial planning may be far-reaching.


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The development and implementation of measures which promote the reduction of the impacts of forest fires on soils is imperative and should be part of any strategy for forest and soil preservation and recovery, especially considering the actual scenario of continuous growth in the number of fires and burnt area. Consequently, with the dendrocaustologic reality that has characterized the Portuguese mainland in recent decades, a research project promoted by the Center for the Study of Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT) was implemented with the objective of applying several erosion mitigation measures in a burned area of the Peneda-Geres National Park in NW Portugal. This paper therefore seeks to present the measures applied in the study area within the project Soil Protec, relating to triggered channel processes and the results of preliminary observations concerning the evaluation of the effectiveness of erosion mitigation measures implemented, as well as their cost/benefit ratio.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Forecasting future sales is one of the most important issues that is beyond all strategic and planning decisions in effective operations of retail businesses. For profitable retail businesses, accurate demand forecasting is crucial in organizing and planning production, purchasing, transportation and labor force. Retail sales series belong to a special type of time series that typically contain trend and seasonal patterns, presenting challenges in developing effective forecasting models. This work compares the forecasting performance of state space models and ARIMA models. The forecasting performance is demonstrated through a case study of retail sales of five different categories of women footwear: Boots, Booties, Flats, Sandals and Shoes. On both methodologies the model with the minimum value of Akaike's Information Criteria for the in-sample period was selected from all admissible models for further evaluation in the out-of-sample. Both one-step and multiple-step forecasts were produced. The results show that when an automatic algorithm the overall out-of-sample forecasting performance of state space and ARIMA models evaluated via RMSE, MAE and MAPE is quite similar on both one-step and multi-step forecasts. We also conclude that state space and ARIMA produce coverage probabilities that are close to the nominal rates for both one-step and multi-step forecasts.


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A política de ordenamento do território tem um papel indispensável na promoção da qualidade dos espaços urbanos e da complementaridade entre os diferentes usos do solo. Contudo, a prossecução destes objetivos tem encontrado vários obstáculos. Esta investigação entende como principal obstáculo o impacto que a especulação imobiliária e o respetivo ciclo de expansão-depressão têm no crescimento dos centros urbanos. O método do “estudo de caso” é aplicado ao município do Entroncamento, onde são evidentes os impactos territoriais resultantes do ciclo imobiliário: (i) excesso de loteamentos com execução residual; (ii) PMOT expansionistas e desfasados da realidade económico-demográfica; e (iii) fragmentação do tecido urbano provocado pelo crescimento em extensão da cidade, com aumento dos custos de manutenção dos equipamentos e infraestruturas. Os impactos referidos são comprovados através do “método da avaliação”, utilizado para averiguar a execução das áreas urbanizáveis projetadas pelos PMOT com apoio complementar de informação obtida junto da CME. A abordagem centrada na escala local é antecedida de uma explicação teórica acerca da formação do ciclo de expansão/depressão, a uma escala macro, onde se percebe a influência da especulação imobiliária na origem da recente crise económico-financeira no mundo ocidental. Por último, são defendidas soluções alternativas, que reforcem o poder de regulação do mercado imobiliário, e consequentemente, contribuam para a minimização dos impactos territoriais analisados. A principal solução é a reformulação do imposto sobre a propriedade (escala macro), com o intuito de centrar a tributação no valor do solo, ao invés do valor da construção. Esta medida desincentiva a retenção especulativa do solo, pelo que beneficia a reabilitação urbana das áreas consolidadas e a respetiva colmatação. Ao mesmo tempo, é uma ferramenta fundamental para alcançar os objetivos do ordenamento do território, pois cria as condições necessárias para planear por antecipação o desenvolvimento futuro dos territórios.


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This work primarily aims to investigate the ambiguity between the right to build and the need to preserve nature through one of its instruments: the National Ecological Reserve. In both national and international political effort, forced by increasing ecological awareness of the society were being created regulations for environmental problemsolving frameworks. This significant increase in provisions, that regulated the environment and spatial territory, are directly related to the objectives of the European community. In a year when the soil policy has changed, it is important to review the priorities of regional planning in the face of environmental policies. REN is a restriction of public utility that, among other things, aims to define and integrate diverse areas of our territory which by their structure are essential to the ecological stability of the environment. Going through a historical study of the various regimes that regulated REN, the present work aims to inform the understanding of the concept REN, exposing its objectives and form of delimitation of integrated areas, in order to answer questions about the nature of this institute. It were related to all regulations governing the ecological reserves and land, namely Scheme for Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity; Natura 2000, the National Agricultural Reserve, the Law of the ownership of water resources and water, and the RJIGT RJUE, checking to its compatibility with REN. Through a literature review regarding the jurisprudence of national courts applying the doctrine, analysis of legal regimes, analysis of maps depicting the REN, we carried out a qualitative assessment of the trend and legal effect of REN in protecting populations and environment. Therefore we will work with this reflect on the existing environment awareness in our society and its problems in the management of natural resources.