1000 resultados para Sport, dopage, éthique, travail, justice.
The purpose of this study was to examine the development of six leader-athletes. In-depth qualitative interviews were used to explore the various activities that leader athletes engaged in from an early age as well as the roles and influences that peers, coaches, and parents played within these activities. Results indicated that leadership development in sport focused on developing four central components: high skill, strong work ethic, enriched cognitive sport knowledge, and good rapport with people. The types of activities engaged in throughout development as well as receiving feedback, acknowledgement, support, cognitive engagement, mature conversations with adults, and physical encounters with older peers are important social influences that can play an instrumental role in the formation of these four central tenets.
O presente trabalho versa sobre modos de vida no contemporâneo referente às práticas em torno de medicamentos ansiolíticos. Propomos um modo de pesquisa que não visa a descoberta de verdades, mas a escuta e a escrita das sensibilidades em processo na atualidade. Apropriamo-nos do cinema e da entrevista, intercessores deste trabalho, para dar vazão às vozes que se proferem em torno dessa temática. Os filmes: A pele que habito, Medianeras e O palhaço, somado a duas entrevistas com usuários de ansiolíticos, compõe o corpo desta pesquisa. As análises e a escuta deste campo nos levaram a uma discussão paradoxal entre modos de vida os quais, ao mesmo tempo em que nos lança em ritmos cada vez mais velozes e adoecedores - resultado das forças capitalísticas, tecnológica e midiática – também produzem desejo de anestesiamento do corpo, para suportar a saturação a qual nos encontramos. Corpos que não têm agüentado mais os novos ritmos de vida e, por isso, pedem uma nova ética, uma política de recusa aos ritmos estafantes. Uma discussão com base nos autores Deleuze, Guattari, Nietzsche, Spinoza e Foucault.
art. 73º da Constituição quanto aos fins do conhecimento: “2. O Estado promove a democratização da educação e as demais condições para que a educação, realizada através da escola e de outros meios formativos, contribua para a igualdade de oportunidades, a superação das desigualdades económicas, sociais e culturais, o desenvolvimento da personalidade e do espírito de tolerância, de compreensão mútua, de solidariedade e de responsabilidade, para o progresso social e para a participação democrática na vida colectiva.” § Abstract: art. 73 of the Constitution as to the purposes of knowledge: "2. The State shall promote the democratization of education and the other conditions that enable education, both at school and elsewhere, to contribute to equality of opportunities, overcoming the economic, social and cultural inequalities, the development of personality and spirit tolerance, mutual understanding, solidarity and responsibility, to social progress and to democratic participation in public life. ".
Resumo: Pretende-se com esta tarde de trabalho reflectir sobre a intervenção – intervenção social na comunidade – que os técnicos da Associação Solidariedade e Desenvolvimento do Laranjeiro desenvolvem com as famílias à luz da psicanálise de orientação lacaniana.
Brazil has become the center of the spotlight of the whole world recently, amongst many other reasons, one of them was because it was chosen to host a series of mega sporting events - Pan American Games in 2007, Confederations Football Cup in 2013, Fifa Football World Cup 2014 Games and 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016. However, little is known about the country's administrative governmental structure focused on sport policy. The available studies focus their analysis on the sport policies content, but not on the arrangement of its structural decision-making. The main aim of this article is indeed to describe, based on official documentation, the evolution and the current arrangements of the government responsible for the administrative structure for the planning and implementation of sports policies in Brazil. Thus, we tried to list the main problems arising from the organization of the Brazilian sports' management. These problems are: (1) inappropriate institutional structure in terms of human resources and obstacles to participation by other social actors beyond the officials (parliament and members of the Ministry of Sports) in the sports policy; (2) disarticulation between public institutions generating redundancies and conflicts of jurisdiction due to the poor division of labor between bureaucracy agencies; and (3) inadequate planning proved by the lack of organization of some institutions, and by the lack of assessment and continuity of public policies over time. Therefore, we must emphasize those problems from above, and due to these administrative arrangements, Brazilian sports' policy has big challenges in the sport development in this country, which includes the creation of a national "system" for sports and a priority investment in sport education.
Reuse of tire crumb in sport facilities is currently a very cost-effective waste management measure. Considering that incorporation of the waste materials in artificial turf would be facilitated if the rubber materials were already colored green, coatings were specifically developed for this purpose. This paper presents an experimental toxicological and environmental assessment aimed at comparing the obtained emissions to the environment in terms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, and ecotoxicity for coated and noncoated rubber granulates. This study is a comprehensive evaluation of the major potential critical factors related with the release of all of these classes of pollutants because previous studies were not systematically performed. It was concluded that between the two types of coatings tested, one is particularly effective in reducing emissions to the environment, simultaneously meeting the requirements of adherence and color stability.
Reuse of tire crumb in sport facilities is currently a very cost-effective waste management measure. Considering that incorporation of the waste materials in artificial turf would be facilitated if the rubber materials were already colored green, coatings were specifically developed for this purpose. This paper presents an experimental toxicological and environmental assessment aimed at comparing the obtained emissions to the environment in terms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, and ecotoxicity for coated and noncoated rubber granulates. This study is a comprehensive evaluation of the major potential critical factors related with the release of all of these classes of pollutants because previous studies were not systematically performed. It was concluded that between the two types of coatings tested, one is particularly effective in reducing emissions to the environment, simultaneously meeting the requirements of adherence and color stability.
The nature of the Portuguese transition to democracy and the following state crises (1974-1975) created a ‘window of opportunity’ in which the ‘reaction to the past’ was much stronger than in the other Southern or even of Central and Eastern European transitions. In Portugal, initiatives of symbolic rupture with the past began soon after the April 25, 1974, coup d’état and transitional justice policies assumed mainly three formulas. First, the institutional reforms directed primarily to abusive state institutions such as the political police (PIDE-DGS) and political courts (Plenary courts) in order to dismantle the repressive apparatus and prevent further human rights abuses and impunity. Secondly, the criminal prosecutions addressed to perpetrators considered as being the most responsible for repression and abuses. Finally, lustration or political purges (saneamentos, the term used in Portugal to designate political purges) which were, in fact, the most common form of political justice in Portuguese transition to democracy. This paper deals with the peculiarities of transitional justice in Portugal devoting a particular attention to the judicial, a key sector to understand the way the Portuguese dealt with their authoritarian past.
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
Résumé I (Pratiques Pédagogiques)- Ce compte-rendu du stage réalisé pour ma deuxième année de master rapporte le résultat de l’observation des cours donnés à trois élèves de niveaux différents par le professeur de harpe de l’Ecole de Musique « Nossa Senhora do Cabo » à Linda-a-Velha, commune de Oeiras, située près de Lisbonne. Grâce à l’activité du professeur, et par le suivi de l’évolution de ses élèves tout au long de l’année scolaire 2012-2013, tant sur le plan technique que sur le plan musical, j’ai pu participer à toutes les étapes de leur apprentissage et retrouver quelques principes pédagogiques fondamentaux. Ainsi, j’ai constaté la nécessité d’une organisation didactique solide dans la définition d’objectifs, la planification du travail, le choix des méthodes d’étude, mais souple par la régulation des rythmes d’apprentissage et des techniques d’acquisition. La métacognition est aussi une notion composante essentielle de la pratique du professeur, dont un des grands objectifs est de développer chez ses élèves la capacité de se prendre en charge seul. J’ai également apprécié l’importance de l’aspect relationnel intrinsèque à toute situation d’apprentissage, ainsi que celle de la connaissance des théories de la motivation, atout important permettant d’agir au niveau psychologique sur les élèves et d’obtenir à plus ou moins long terme des changements comportementaux influents sur la qualité de ces apprentissages. J’ai enfin essayé de dégager différents types d’approches pédagogiques possibles, parmi les stratégies observées chez le professeur, ainsi que d’après quelques éléments de réflexion personnelle.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Práticas Culturais para Municípios
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics