976 resultados para Solar cell
A series of measurements on the performance of solar cell string modules with low-concentrating CPC reflectors with a concentration factor C ˜ 4X have been carried out. To minimise the reduction in efficiency due to high cell temperatures, the modules were cooled. Four different way of cooling were tested:1) The thermal mass of the module was increased, 2) passive air cooling was used by introducing a small air gap between the module and the reflector, 3) the PV cells were cooled by a large cooling fin, 4) the module was actively cooled by circulating cold water on the back. The best performance was given with the actively cooled PV module which gave 2,2 times the output from a reference module while for the output from the module with a cooling fin the value was 1,8.Active cooling is also interesting due to the possibility of co-generation of thermal and electrical energy which is discussed in the paper. Simulations, based on climate data from Stockholm, latitude 59.4°N, show that there are good prospects for producing useful temperatures of the cooling fluid with only a slightly reduced performance of the electrical fraction of the PV thermal hybrid system.
Low concentrator PV-T hybrid systems produce both electricity and thermal energy; this fact increases the overall efficiency of the system and reduces the cost of solar electricity. These systems use concentrators which are optical devices that concentrate sunlight on to solar cells and reduce expensive solar cell area. This thesis work deals with the thermal evaluation of a PV-T collector from Solarus.Firstly the thermal efficiency of the low concentrator collector was characterized for the thermal-collector without PV cells on the absorber. Only two types of paint were on the absorber, one for each trough of the collector. Both paints are black one is glossy and the other is dull,. The thermal efficiency at no temperature difference between collector and ambient for these two types of paint was 0.65 and 0.64 respectively; the U-value was 8.4 W/m2°C for the trough with the glossy type of paint and 8.6 W/m2°C for the trough with dull type of paint. The annual thermal output of these two paints was calculated for two different geographic locations, Casablanca, Morocco and Älvkarleby, Sweden.Secondly the thermal efficiency was defined for the PV-T collector with PV cells on the absorber. The PV cells cover 85% of the absorber, without any paint on the rest of the absorber area. We also tested how the electrical power output influences the thermal power output of the PV-T collector. The thermal and total performances for the PV-T collector were only characterized with reflector sides, because of the lack of time we could not characterize them with transparent sides also.
O segundo satélite da Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira (SCD2/MECB) foi colocado em órbita em 23 de Outubro de 1998 e carrega a bordo um experimento de células solares. Célula solar de silício é um dispositivo semicondutor, que pode medir a intensidade da radiação visível e parte da radiação infravermelha (400-1100 nm). O experimento permite medir simultaneamente a insolação direta e parte da radiação solar que é refletida pela Terra para o espaço. Os dados do experimento célula solar são transmitidos em tempo real pela telemetria do satélite e recebidos pela estação terrestre em Cuiabá, MT-Brasil (16°S; 56°W). Este fato limita a cobertura espacial para um círculo sobre a América do Sul. O albedo planetário é obtido dentro desta cobertura e seus valores podem ser agrupados em períodos temporais (anual, sazonal ou mensal), ou podem ser estudados para várias localizações (latitude e longitude) durante a vida do satélite. O coeficiente de transmissão atmosférica ou índice de claridade (Kt), medido em estações meteorológicas na superfície da Terra, junto com o valor medido simultaneamente do albedo planetário, permite calcular o coeficiente de absorção atmosférica (Ka). O método desenvolvido neste trabalho para avaliar Ka considera que o albedo planetário é composto por duas partes: uma refletividade local e uma refletividade não local. Considerando este novo conceito, é definida uma taxa de absorção atmosférica (denominada Ra) que é a razão entre Ka e a potência de irradiância solar líquida, que não atravessou a atmosfera (100%-Kt). A taxa de absorção atmosférica assim definida é independente da cobertura de nuvens. O histograma de freqüência de Ra mostra os valores de 0,86±0,07 e 0,88±0,09 sobre as cidades de Botucatu-SP e do Rio de Janeiro-RJ, durante os anos de 1999 até 2006, respectivamente.
The conversion of solar energy in electric with photo-voltaic cells has been carried through exclusively with devices of semiconducting junction. To put this situation comes moving for better in them last years, thanks to a new technology of production of known solar cells as Dye Solar Cell. This proposal aims at to develop a DSC having as dye lavonoides of the Capsicum frutescens (malagueta pepper). Front is considered to evaluate the photo-voltaic parameters varies it regions of the visible specter, as well as a good efficiency of conversion
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as características de filmes de SnO2 depositados em substrato de vidro borosilicato por um processo de silk-screen modificado para obtenção de espessura fina compatível com a aplicação em células solares policristalinas de baixo custo. O filme de SnO2 é um dos mais apropriados para obtenção de vidro TCO (transparent conductive oxide) para uso em células solares devido a sua baixa resistividade elétrica e alta transmitância, sendo quimicamente inerte, mecanicamente duro e tem resistência a altas temperaturas, o que facilita então a calcinação das amostras entre 500º C a 550º C. Os filmes foram obtidos a partir de uma solução precursora básica, preparada pela dissolução de SnCl2.2H2O em Etanol (99,5 %). Foi realizado um planejamento fatorial 2(3-1) para analisar a influência dos parâmetros concentração da solução precursora (CETN), temperatura de calcinação (TC) e taxa de aquecimento (tX) na calcinação, sendo a concentração CETN o parâmetro que apresentou maior efeito sobre os parâmetros de respostas investigados: espessura do filme (ω), resistividade de superfície (ρ) e a transmitância relativa (θ). Foi possível obter com a metodologia utilizada, filmes com espessuras da ordem de 1 Nm com resistividade de superfície de 10 / e transmitância relativa entre 70 e 80 %.
Structural, optical, electro and photoelectrochemical properties of amorphous and crystalline sol-gel Nb2O5 coatings have been determined. The coatings are n-type semiconductor with indirect allowed transition and present an overall low quantum efficiency (phi < 4%) for UV light to electric conversion. The photoconducting behavior of the coatings is discussed within the framework of the Gartner and Sodergren models. Improvement can be foreseen if Nb2O5 coatings can be made of 10-20 nm size nanoparticles.
The widespread use of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) in the active layers of organic solar cells indicates that it possesses chemical stability and solubility suitable for such an application. However, it would be desirable to have a material that can maintain these properties but with a smaller bandgap, which would lead to more efficient energy harvesting of the solar spectrum. Fifteen P3HT derivatives were studied using the Density Functional Theory. The conclusion is that it is possible to obtain compounds with significantly smaller bandgaps and with solubility and stability similar to that of P3HT, mostly through the binding of oxygen atoms or conjugated organic groups to the thiophenic ring. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The solar energy is far the largest source of energy available in earth and has attracted for milleniuns, the attention and interest for a rational use. The solar energy which strikes the Earth in one hour is bigger than the whole consume of energy in Earth in one year. Among the forms of transformation of this clean, renewable energy, the electrical conversion, photovoltaic cells, have the materials based on silicon or germanium semiconductors due to its technology and production processes involved still have a high production cost. An alternative to this solar cell is based on a synthetic dye and a semiconductor nanocrystalline TiO2, titanium dioxide, called DSC (Dye-Sensitized Cells), which have a cost of up to 80% lower than silicon cells
This work presents a study on the design of a photovoltaic system connected to the grid.It discussed the main characteristics of the solar cell which is the basic component for the manufacture of solar modulethe main components of the photovoltaic system and the steps of the photovoltaic and electrical design of the system, ranging from the choice of the photovoltaic module to the dimensioning of the components of the electrical installation.In addition to the technical design, this work contains a complete comparative analysis of the current situation of photovoltaic generation distributed in Brazil and Portugal, through incentive programs to energy use as well as current legislation in both countries
This work presents a study on the design of a photovoltaic system connected to the grid.It discussed the main characteristics of the solar cell which is the basic component for the manufacture of solar modulethe main components of the photovoltaic system and the steps of the photovoltaic and electrical design of the system, ranging from the choice of the photovoltaic module to the dimensioning of the components of the electrical installation.In addition to the technical design, this work contains a complete comparative analysis of the current situation of photovoltaic generation distributed in Brazil and Portugal, through incentive programs to energy use as well as current legislation in both countries
The down-conversion process in Tb3+-Yb3+ co-doped Calibo glasses was studied. The emission, excitation and time-resolved measurements indicated the existence of an energy conversion through the excitation of Tb3+ ions to near-infrared emission by Yb3+ ions. The emission intensity dependence on excitation power confirms that the one-photon process is responsible for the Yb3+ emission. An enhanced Yb3+ emission was observed with Yb3+ doping and an optimal energy transfer efficiency of 32% was obtained before reaching near-infrared emission quenching. The mechanism of the non-resonant energy transfer from Tb3+ to Yb3+ is discussed in terms of the Tb3+-Yb3+ cross-relaxation and multiphonon decay processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Die zentrale Funktion des Hauptlichtsammlerkomplexes des Photosystems II, LHCII, besteht in der Absorption von Sonnenlicht und der Bereitstellung von Energie für die photosynthetische Ladungstrennung im Reaktionszentrum des Photosystems. Auch in der Regulation der Photosynthese spielt der LHCII eine wichtige Rolle, da die Energieverteilung zwischen Photosystem I und Photosystem II im Rahmen des sog. „State Transition“-Prozesses über die Verteilung der Lichtsammlerkomplexe zwischen den beiden Photosystemen gesteuert wird. Im Blickfeld des ersten Teils dieser Arbeit stand die konformative Dynamik der N-terminalen Domäne des LHCII, die wahrscheinlich in die Regulation der Lichtsammlung involviert ist. Gemeinsam mit Mitarbeitern des 3. Physikalischen Instituts der Universität Stuttgart wurde an der Etablierung einer Methode zur einzelmolekülspektroskopischen Untersuchung der Dynamik des N-Terminus gearbeitet. Als Messgröße diente der Energietransfer zwischen einem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff, der an die N-terminale Domäne gekoppelt war, und den Chlorophyllen des Komplexes. Die Funktion des LHCII als effiziente Lichtantenne bildete die Grundlage für den zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit. Hier wurde untersucht, in wie weit LHCII als Lichtsammler in eine elektrochemische Solarzelle integriert werden kann. In der potentiellen Solarzelle sollte die Anregungsenergie des LHCII auf Akzeptorfarbstoffe übertragen werden, die in der Folge Elektronen in das Leitungsband einer aus Titandioxid oder Zinndioxid bestehenden porösen Halbleiterelektrode injizierten, auf der Komplexe und Farbstoffe immobilisiert waren.