739 resultados para Social media streams


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Negli ultimi anni Internet ha cambiato le modalità di creazione e distribuzione delle informazioni turistiche. Un ruolo fondamentale viene ricoperto dalle piattaforme di social media, tecnologie che permettono ai consumatori di condividere le proprie esperienze ed opinioni. Diventa necessario, quindi, comprendere i cambiamenti in queste tecnologie e nel comportamento dei viaggiatori per poter applicare strategie di marketing di successo. In questo studio, utilizzando Opinion Finder, un software spesso impiegato nel campo dell'opinion mining, si esamineranno da un punto di vista qualitativo i post e commenti estratti da alcuni profili degli enti di promozione turistica nazionale in Europa, dividendo l'analisi per fattori che possono influenzare il sentimento degli utenti. Attraverso i risultati ottenuti, si può dimostrare che l'analisi delle opinioni e del sentimento si presenta come un ottimo strumento per evidenziare possibili fenomeni utili per la pianificazione di strategie di marketing per gli enti. Studi futuri potrebbero migliorare la valutazione di questi dati attraverso la creazione di un corpus di apprendimento per il software che contenga testi relativi al mondo del turismo e permettendo ad Opinion Finder di incrementare la validità della classificazione del sentimento, contestualizzando le espressioni in maniera corretta.


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La tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di recommender system che hanno lo scopo di supportare chi è alla ricerca di un lavoro e le aziende che devono selezionare la giusta figura. A partire da un insieme di skill il sistema suggerisce alla persona la posizione lavorativa più affine al suo profilo, oppure a partire da una specifica posizione lavorativa suggerisce all'azienda la persona che più si avvicina alle sue esigenze.


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L’obiettivo di questo studio è analizzare in che misura e con quali modalità le società di un mercato ricco ed importante come quello della National Basketball Association stiano sfruttando i canali messi a disposizione dal Web 2.0 e dai cosiddetti nuovi media. Il progetto si propone quindi di rispondere ai seguenti tre quesiti di ricerca:
 1 Quali sono gli strumenti attualmente a disposizione delle società NBA per promuovere il loro “prodotto” relativamente all’utilizzo delle tecnologie del Web 2.0 e dei Social Media?
 2 Quali vantaggi e quali cambiamenti hanno portato queste nuove tecnologie nella comunicazione e nelle relazioni tra impresa sportiva ed i suoi fan?
 3 E' possibile individuare un indice di esposizione su Web e Social Media applicato ai teams NBA in grado di fornire una stima di quanto e come una società stia usando questi mezzi? Il progetto inizia con un’analisi dello stato dell’arte, partendo dal settore più generale del marketing e del management dello sport, passando per l’utilizzo dei Social Media nel settore sportivo fino a focalizzarsi sugli studi specifici relativi al mondo NBA. Successivamente lo studio segue tre fasi: una prima introduttiva dove sono descritti i principali mezzi disponibili per le società in termini di Social Media Marketing e gli effetti benefici che questi possono avere; una seconda fase in cui viene definito l’indice nei suoi diversi parametri, ed infine un’ultima fase in cui vengono raccolti i dati relativi ad un campione di squadre NBA ed analizzati per elaborare i risultati ottenuti. L’elaborazione dei risultati porta poi ad individuare trend comuni, punti di forza e debolezza ed eventuali migliorie future per le strategie delle società NBA.


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The usage of social media in leisure time settings has become a prominent research topic. However, less research has been done on the design of social media in collaboration settings. In this study, we investigate how social media can support asynchronous collaboration in virtual teams and specifically how they can increase activity awareness. On the basis of an open source social networking platform, we present two prototype designs: a standard platform with basic support for information processing, communication and process – as suggested by Zigurs and Buckland (1998) – and an advanced platform with additional support for activity awareness via specialfeed functions. We argue that the standard platform already conveys activity awareness to a certain extent, however, that this awareness can be increased even more by the feeds in the advanced platform. Both prototypes are tested in a field experiment and evaluated with respect to their impact on perceived activity awareness, coordination and satisfaction. We show that the advanced design increases coordination and satisfaction through increased perceived activity awareness.


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Sind Sie es gewohnt, Ihre News in 140 Zeichen zu erhalten? Zeigen Sie all Ihren Freunden (mehr oder weniger) öffentlich, was Sie gerne haben? ... oder schauen Sie regelmäßig Videos unter 10 Minuten Länge an? Falls Sie eine (oder gleich mehrere) dieser Fragen mit Ja beantwortet haben, könnte es gut sein, dass sich die Funktionsweise Ihres Gehirns in den letzten Jahren bereits verändert hat.


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The Internet, and specifically web 2.0 social media applications, offers an innovative method for communicating child health information to low-income parents. The main objective of this study was to use qualitative data to determine the value of using social media to reach low-income parents with child health information. A qualitative formative evaluation employing focus groups was used to determine the value of using social media for dissemination of child health information. Inclusion criteria included: (1) a parent with a child that attends a school in a designated Central Texas school district; and (2) English-speaking. The students who attend these schools are generally economically disadvantaged and are predominately Hispanic. The classic analysis strategy was used for data analysis. Focus group participants (n=19) were female (95%); White (53%), Hispanic (42%) or African American (5%); and received government assistance (63%). Most had access to the Internet (74%) and were likely to have low health literacy (53%). The most preferred source of child health information was the family pediatrician or general practitioner. Many participants were familiar with social media applications and had profiles on popular social networking sites, but used them infrequently. Objections to social media sites as sources of child health information included lack of credibility and parent time. Social media has excellent potential for reaching low-income parents when used as part of a multi-channel communication campaign. Further research should focus on the most effective type and format of messages that can promote behavior change in this population, such as story-telling. ^


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Identity is a recurrent research interest in current sociolinguistics and it is also of primary interest in digital discourse studies. Identity construction is closely related to stance and style (Eckert 2008; Jaffe 2009), which are fundamental concepts for understanding the language use and its social meanings in the case of social media users from Malaga. As the specific social meanings of a set of dialect features constitute a style, this style and the social (and technological) context in which the variants are used determine the meanings that are actually associated with each variant. Hence, every variant has its own indexical field covering any number of potential meanings. The Spanish spoken in Malaga, as Andalusian Spanish in general, was in the past often times considered an incorrect, low prestige variety of Spanish which was strongly associated with the poor, rural, backward South of Spain. This southern Spanish variety is easily recognised because of its innovative phonetic features that diverge from the national standard. In this study several of these phonetic dialect features are looked at, which users from Malaga purposefully employ (in a textualised form) on social media for identity construction. This identity construction is analysed through interactional and ethnographic methods: A perception and an imitation task served as key data and were supplemented by answers to a series of open questions. Further data stems from visual, multimodal elements (e.g. images, photos, videos) posted by users from the city of Malaga. The program TAMS Analyzer was used for data codification and analysis. Results show that certain features that in spoken language are considered rural and old-fashioned, acquire new meaning on social media, namely of urbanity and fashion. Moreover, these features, if used online, are associated with hipsters. That is, the “cool” social media index the “coolness” of the dialect features in question and, thus, the mediatisation makes their indexical fields even more multi-layered and dynamic. Social media users from Malaga performatively employ these stylised dialect features to project a hipster identity and certain related stances.


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This paper describes a method for identifying topics in text published in social media, by applying topic recognition techniques that exploit DBpedia. We evaluate such method for social media in Spanish and we provide the results of the evaluation performed.


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La razón de estudio del proyecto que continúa es comprobar el nivel de interacción presente entre las Administraciones Públicas y los Medios Sociales en la actualidad. El estudio se realiza desde dos perspectivas distintas: la interacción actual entre ambos y cómo puede ir más allá para conseguir la gestión electrónica de la Administración Pública (el e-Gobierno. En la interacción actual, el estudio se realiza en distintos niveles, partiendo desde la Administración Pública de la Unión Europea para, posteriormente, entrar en la española. En esta última se comprueba a distintos niveles: o Administración Central o Administración Autonómica o Administración Provincial o Administración Municipal Este estudio se realiza desde dos perspectivas. Por un lado desde el papel como regulador que toma la Administración Pública en los contenidos publicas en los Medios Sociales y cómo actúa en caso de que no sean adecuados o violen leyes. La otra perspectiva es cómo, la Administración Pública, ejerce de usuario tradicional de los Medios Sociales. Los datos presentados van desde qué plataformas son las más utilizadas, cuál es la temática de los mensajes o cómo influyen estos dos elementos en los propios mensajes. Acercando el concepto de e-Gobierno al lector se presenta una serie de pautas para usar de manera más ventajosa los Medios Sociales. Para finalizar el proyecto y hacer uso de lo analizado con anterioridad se presenta la idea de implantación de un e-Gobierno en el Ministerio de Alimentación, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA) de España. Esta idea abarca el uso de Medios Sociales, ya sean propietarios o los ya creados, tanto de cara al interior del Ministerio como hacia el exterior. De esta forma se analiza las conexiones que tiene el Ministerio con otras entidades de la Administración Pública,con empresas o ciudadanos. ABSTRACT: The reason for the study of this project is to test the level of interaction between government and Social Media today. The study was carried out from two different perspectives: the current interaction between the two and how can go further to get the electronic management of the Public Administration (e-Government.In the current interaction, the study is performed at various levels, starting from the Public Administration of the European Union. Later the study continues in the Public Administration of Spain, in different levels. o Central Administration o Regional Administration o Provincial Administration o Municipal Administration This study is conducted from two perspectives. On the one hand from the role as a regulator that takes the government as public content on Social Media and how it works if not suitable or violate laws. The other perspective is how, Public Administration, holds traditional user of SocialMedia. The data presented are from what platforms are the most used, what is the theme of the messages or how to influence these two elements in the messages.Bringing the concept of e-government presents to the reader a series of guidelines to use more advantageously Social Media. To finish the project and use the analyzed previously presented, the idea of implementing an e-Government in the Ministerio de Alimentación, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA) of Spain. This idea embraces the use of social media, whether owners or those already created,both within the Ministry face as outward. This analyzes the connections it has with other entities of Public Administration, companies or citizens.


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Con el paso de los años, el fenómeno Social Media ha adquirido una mayor importancia entre las empresas, gracias a las posibilidades que les ofrece. Este proyecto está basado en: - En primer lugar, elaborar un estudio teórico con el que se pretende entender el empleo que hace la empresa en general de la Web 2.0. - En segundo lugar, elaborar un estudio práctico con el que se pretende conocer el uso y consecuencias que están logrando las medianas empresas del sector TIC español, gracias a la incorporación de redes sociales, plataformas de contenido y blogs, en su actividad. Para ello se va a realizar un análisis tanto a nivel externo a través de la información aportada por las empresas en su página web y redes sociales, como a nivel interno a través de la información aprotada por una encuesta por cada una de las empresas respectivamente.


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Este trabajo trata el estudio de la implementación y desarrollo de las diversas plataformas del social media: redes sociales y del conocimiento, blogs y herramientas colaborativas en el ámbito corporativo de la empresa. El estudio recopila información de consultoras tecnológicas, de artículos y de diversas plataformas social media y se realiza una investigación sobre el tema planteado. Se incluye el análisis de 42 encuestas a profesionales de dos grandes empresas de las telecomunicaciones en España. Estas dos empresas cuentan una con cerca de 28000 empleados y la otra con más 300 empleados en sus filiales españolas. Ambas tienen una importante presencia internacional. Estas dos empresa se diferencian de otras empresas del sector de las telecomunicaciones en que están apostando en la implementación del social media en sus procesos internos. Además se incluye el estudio y análisis de las estadísticas de uso y de una series de encuestas realizadas en el muro de la red social corporativa de una multinacional de las telecomunicaciones durante tres meses. Se presenta una nueva cultura social de empresa innovadora en áreas como la gestión del conocimiento, comunicación interna, formación e innovación. Y se ofrece una visión cuantitativa y de la implantación del social media en los procesos de una empresa. Se desarrolla una exposición donde se detalla el proceso de estudio de las diferentes plataformas social media y áreas de aplicación en la empresa, el estudio de los aspectos legales de su aplicación y uso y la implementación y desarrollo. Asimismo se expone un análisis teórico-práctico del cálculo del retorno de la inversión (ROI) y por último un análisis de la información recopilada en las encuestas y en el estudio estadístico de la red social corporativa. Los datos de las encuestas fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva basada en gráficos y tablas de contingencia donde se calculan residuos y porcentajes totales para analizar la dependencia entre el social media, eficiencia, productividad y cuenta de resultados, además del análisis de la aportación del social media a la misión, comunicación interna y gestión del conocimiento en la empresa. También se realizan cálculos de distribuciones Chi-cuadrado para demostrar la dependencia del social media-productividad y del GAP que relaciona la importancia y el nivel de satisfacción del social media. En el análisis teórico-práctico se toman como parámetros los beneficios, costes, flexibilidad y riesgo. Los beneficios van ligados a la productividad, gestión del conocimiento, capital humano y procesos internos. Los costes a las licencias de software, administración, implementación y formación. A partir de estos parámetros se realizó el estudio de un modelo de empresa que representa a una gran empresa de las TIC en España. Los datos para el estudio son estimativos dentro de la realidad, debido a que la intención no es saber estos valores reales sino el estudio teórico-práctico del método y su aplicación para el calculo del ROI. El estudio estadístico del la red social se realizo durante tres meses y se obtuvo el progreso de uso de la red social en eventos tales como: número de participantes activos, mensajes publicados, archivos subidos, grupos activos y tipos y plataformas de acceso. Del estudio de los datos estadísticos de estos eventos se obtuvieron indicadores de participación, actividad y conocimiento de la red social que son útiles par el calculo del ROI. En conclusión, se demuestran las mejoras que ofrece el social media en campos como la comunicación interna, gestión del conocimiento, formación e innovación. Y gracias a estas mejoras el aumento de la productividad y eficiencia del profesional y asimismo un potencial retorno de la inversión (ROI). ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the study of the implementation and development of the different platforms of social media: social networks and knowledge, blogs and collaborative tools in the corporate enterprise level. The study collects information technology consulting, articles and several social media platforms and an investigation into the question raised is performed. Analysis of 42 surveys of professionals from two big companies telecommunications in Spain are included. These two companies have one about 28000 employees and another with more than 300 employees at its Spanish subsidiaries. Both have a strong international presence. These two companies differ from other companies in the telecommunications sector they are betting in the implementation of social media in their internal processes. Furthermore, the study and analysis of usage statistics and a series of surveys on the wall of the corporate social network of a multinational telecommunications is included for three months. A new social culture enterprise is presented innovative in areas such as knowledge management, internal communications, training and innovation. And a quantitative vision into implementation of social media in the processes of a company is offered. They develops an exhibition where shown the process of studying the different social media platforms and application areas in the company, the study of the legal aspects of your application and use and implementation and development. A theoretical and practical analysis also exposed of calculation of return on investment (ROI) and finally an analysis of the information collected in surveys and statistical study of corporate social network. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics based on graphs and contingency tables where waste and total percentages are calculated for analyze the dependence between the social media, efficiency, productivity and income statement, plus analysis of the contribution of social media on the mission, internal communication and knowledge management in the company. Also Calculations of chi-square distributions are conducted to demonstrate the dependence between of productivity and social media and the GAP that relates the importance and satisfaction level in social media. The theoretical and practical analysis parameters are the benefits, costs, flexibility and risk. The benefits are linked to productivity, knowledge management, human capital and internal processes. The costs are linked the software licensing, management, implementation and training. Based on these parameters was performed the study of a business model that represents a large ICT company in Spain. The data for the study are estimates within the reality, because the intention is not to know these real values but the theoretical and practical study and application of the method for calculating the ROI. Statistical analysis of the social network was made during or three months and was obtained the progress of social network use at events such as: number of active participants, messages posted, files uploaded, active groups and types and access platforms. Into study of statistical data of these events were obtained indicators of participation, activity and knowledge of the social network that are useful for calculating the ROI. In conclusion, the improvements offered by the social media in areas such as internal communication, knowledge management, training and innovation are shown. And thanks to these improvements increase the productivity and efficiency of professional and also a potential return on investment (ROI).