857 resultados para Secret sharing schemes
In this paper, some steganalytic techniques designed to detect the existence of hidden messages using histogram shifting methods are presented. Firstly, some techniques to identify specific methods of histogram shifting, based on visible marks on the histogram or abnormal statistical distributions are suggested. Then, we present a general technique capable of detecting all histogram shifting techniques analyzed. This technique is based on the effect of histogram shifting methods on the "volatility" of the histogram of differences and the study of its reduction whenever new data are hidden.
Els científics estudien una espècie vegetal que arriba a viure fins a 350 anys i que no mor a causa de l'envelliment, sinó per infeccions o condicions climàtiques adverses
Several Locus-Specific DataBases (LSDBs) have recently been approached by larger, more general data repositories (including NCBI and UCSC) with the request to share the DNA variant data they have collected. Within the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) a document was generated summarizing the issues related to these requests. The document has been circulated in the HGVS/LSDB community and was discussed extensively. Here we summarize these discussions and present the concluded recommendations for LSDB data sharing with central repositories.
Es proposa fer un estudi d'un col·loqui valencià de l'època baix medieval, molt poc conegut i emmarcat en la literatura satírica valenciana. Es contextualitza l'obra en el corrent satíric valencià de l'època i s'analitza el text i els personatges en relació als tòpics del gènere (anticlericalisme, misogínia, erotisme i incapacitat sexual). L'anàlisi dels personatges descriu tots els tipus establerts (la vídua, el vell, l'alcavota, el clergue, el burgès, etc.). L'estudi fa també un acostament comparatiu a d'altres obres satíriques de l'època en d'altres literatures, com el Decameró i Els contes de Canterbury.
Diffusion MRI has evolved towards an important clinical diagnostic and research tool. Though clinical routine is using mainly diffusion weighted and tensor imaging approaches, Q-ball imaging and diffusion spectrum imaging techniques have become more widely available. They are frequently used in research-oriented investigations in particular those aiming at measuring brain network connectivity. In this work, we aim at assessing the dependency of connectivity measurements on various diffusion encoding schemes in combination with appropriate data modeling. We process and compare the structural connection matrices computed from several diffusion encoding schemes, including diffusion tensor imaging, q-ball imaging and high angular resolution schemes, such as diffusion spectrum imaging with a publically available processing pipeline for data reconstruction, tracking and visualization of diffusion MR imaging. The results indicate that the high angular resolution schemes maximize the number of obtained connections when applying identical processing strategies to the different diffusion schemes. Compared to the conventional diffusion tensor imaging, the added connectivity is mainly found for pathways in the 50-100mm range, corresponding to neighboring association fibers and long-range associative, striatal and commissural fiber pathways. The analysis of the major associative fiber tracts of the brain reveals striking differences between the applied diffusion schemes. More complex data modeling techniques (beyond tensor model) are recommended 1) if the tracts of interest run through large fiber crossings such as the centrum semi-ovale, or 2) if non-dominant fiber populations, e.g. the neighboring association fibers are the subject of investigation. An important finding of the study is that since the ground truth sensitivity and specificity is not known, the comparability between results arising from different strategies in data reconstruction and/or tracking becomes implausible to understand.
Spectrum scarcity demands thinking new ways tomanage the distribution of radio frequency bands so that its use is more effective. The emerging technology that can enable this paradigm shift is the cognitive radio. Different models fororganizing and managing cognitive radios have emerged, all with specific strategic purposes. In this article we review the allocation spectrum patterns of cognitive radio networks andanalyse which are the common basis of each model.We expose the vulnerabilities and open challenges that still threaten the adoptionand exploitation of cognitive radios for open civil networks.
Organizations across the globe are creating and distributing products that include open source software. To ensure compliance with the open source licenses, each company needs to evaluate exactly what open source licenses and copyrights are included - resulting in duplicated effort and redundancy. This talk will provide an overview of a new Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) specification. This specification will provide a common format to share information about the open source licenses and copyrights that are included in any software package, with the goal of saving time and improving data accuracy. This talk will review the progress of the initiative; discuss the benefits to organizations using open source and share information on how you can contribute.
A novel technique to obtain optimum blind spatialprocessing for frequency diversity spread spectrum (FDSS) communicationsystems is introduced. The sufficient statistics for alinear combiner, which prove ineffective due to the interferers frequencycharacteristics, are modified to yield improved detectionunder partial jamming in the spectral domain. Robustness to partialtime jamming is achieved by extending the notion of replicasover the frequency axis to a repetition over the time variable. Analysisand simulations are provided, showing the advantages of usingFDSS with spatial diversity to combat the interference when it isconfined to a narrow frequency band or short time interval relativeto the desired signal extent in either domain.
Pro-gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, miten yritykset tasapainoilevat tiedon jakamisen ja suojaamisen välillä innovaatioyhteistyöprojekteissa, ja miten sopimukset, immateriaalioikeudet ja luottamus voivat vaikuttaa tähän tasapainoon. Yhteistyössä yritysten täytyy jakaa tarpeellista tietoa kumppanilleen, mutta toisaalta niiden täytyy varoa, etteivät ne menetä ydinosaamiseensa kuuluvaa tietoa ja kilpailuetuaan. Yrityksillä on useita keinoja tietovuodon estämiseen. Tutkielmassa keskitytään patenttien, sopimusten ja liikesalaisuuksien käyttöön tietoa suojaavina mekanismeina. Kyseiset suojamekanismit vaikuttavat luottamukseen kumppaneiden välillä, ja täten myös näiden halukkuuteen jakaa tietoa kumppaneilleen. Jos kumppanit eivät jaa tarpeeksi tietoa toisilleen, voi yhteistyö epäonnistua. Sopimusten, immateriaalioikeuksien ja luottamuksen rooleja ja vuorovaikutusta tutkitaan kahdenvälisissä yhteistyöprojekteissa. Tutkielmassa esitellään neljä case-esimerkkiä, jotka on koottu suomalaisen metsätoimialan yrityksen haastatteluista.
The driving forces of technology and globalization continuously transform the business landscape in a way which undermines the existing strategies and innovations of organizations. The challenge for organizations is to establish such conditions where they are able to create new knowledge for innovative business ideas in interaction between other organizations and individuals. Innovation processes continuously need new external stimulations and seek new ideas, new information and knowledge locating more and more outside traditional organizational boundaries. In several studies, the early phases of the innovation process have been considered as the most critical ones. During these phases, the innovation process can emerge or conclude. External knowledge acquirement and utilization are noticed to be important at this stage of the innovation process giving information about the development of future markets and needs for new innovative businessideas. To make it possible, new methods and approaches to manage proactive knowledge creation and sharing activities are needed. In this study, knowledge creation and sharing in the early phases of the innovation process has been studied, and the understanding of knowledge management in the innovation process in an open and collaborative context advanced. Furthermore, the innovation management methods in this study are combined in a novel way to establish an open innovation process and tested in real-life cases. For these purposes two complementary and sequentially applied group work methods - the heuristic scenario method and the idea generation process - are examined by focusing the research on the support of the open knowledge creation and sharing process. The research objective of this thesis concerns two doctrines: the innovation management including the knowledge management, and the futures research concerning the scenario paradigm. This thesis also applies the group decision support system (GDSS) in the idea generation process to utilize the converged knowledge during the scenario process.