310 resultados para Scaffolding


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This paper examines several issues related to intercultural communication competence and shared reality or inter-subjectivity when teaching in multicultural classrooms in Australia. Using the research method of personal narratives and autoethnography, it examines the challenges faced by lecturers and students in the classroom such as the use of different vocabulary, slang, idiom and keywords and the prior culture-specific knowledge required of both the lecturers and students. The paper also discusses how these challenges can be identified and addressed and how to prepare for future situations more effectively and in advance. It will be examined within the contexts of culturally responsive teaching, communicaiton competence, the hidden curriculum, instructional scaffolding, understanding and being open to other cultures and acknowledgement of the richness and relevance of multicultural students' varied experiences and social realities, from the point of view of the academic discipline of communication studies.


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This paper discusses how course design may draw upon social media in order to teach students appropriate skills for a network society in the context of team-work based learning. The emphasis is not upon web 2.0 and social media as inherently suited to providing educational solutions, but upon the ways in which they can be adapted by course designers within the framework of explicit learning objectives. More specifically, we provide a case study of how the use of social media in a blended or wholly-online learning environment provides affordances for team-based collaborative learning, especially when incorporated within a course design that encourages independent, self-directed and authentic learning. This paper argues we need to assess the social aspects of social media, rather than upon the technological, that is, avoid the fetishisation of 'apps,' through the creation of assessment that alternately foregrounds a critical appraisal of web 2.0 technologies and places onus upon the students to develop, with guidance, teamwork skills and processes. We provide an example of how it is possible to integrate web 2.0 technologies into their learning processes and assessment, in order to teach about the realities of collaborating with others in small teams in a work environment increasingly mediated by the Internet. In order to achieve these learning outcomes, course design needs to balance scaffolding with the need to place the imperative for learning specific content and skills upon the students, the latter through the provision of assessment outcomes and resources that the students need to work towards together.


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Previous research has indicated that undergraduate student learning can be enhanced through active involvement in research. Furthermore, creating an academic environment where teaching and research are intimately linked can facilitate the induction of students into a community of learners where new knowledge is created, explored and critiqued. Scaffolding and supporting student learning via engagement in authentic research experiences can work to ensure graduating students have the capacity to generate and investigate important questions that contributes to the development of new knowledge. This paper presents a case study that outlines curriculum design and pedagogical strategies aimed at integrating teaching and research within the first year of an undergraduate course. First year Food and Nutrition students were asked to partake in a research project where they were asked to complete a series of diet and food related questionnaires, analyse, interpret and critique the resulting data. Students were supported through this learning activity via small group tutorial support and question and answer sessions within the learning management system. Anonymous evaluation of the teaching and learning experience was conducted at the end of the teaching period and the results indicate that the students welcomed the opportunity to engage in an authentic, research based learning activity. Students&rsquo; found the assessment tasks were clearly explained to them (88% agreeing), and felt well supported in approaching this research based assessment task. Furthermore, the qualitative comments indicated that the students&rsquo; found the learning environment to be meaningful and relevant. This case study indicates that it is possible to effectively incorporate authentic research experiences within the curriculum of a first year course. The experiential, inquiry based learning approach used supported the students&rsquo; participation in a systematic, rigorous data collection process required in a structured research environment and blended these requirements with authentic learning of discipline specific skills and knowledge.<br />


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Climate change, global warming, rising sea levels, ice cap melting, carbon&nbsp;taxes and trading schemes etc. are all major environmental issues that&nbsp;confront the modern world. Universities are now trying to ensure that their&nbsp;students graduate with an understanding of environmental sustainability&nbsp;regardless of their field of expertise.&nbsp;<div><br />This study investigates 181&nbsp;undergraduate and 155 post graduate business and law units from five&nbsp;schools within an Australian University to see how they embed&nbsp;environmental sustainability into their existing curriculums. It also examines&nbsp;how environmental sustainability fits into the scaffolding of the main Bachelor&nbsp;of Commerce degree and how each school plays its part into the overall&nbsp;development of graduates&rsquo; understanding of environmental sustainability. In&nbsp;July and December 2011 all unit chairs in the Faculty of Business and Law&nbsp;at Deakin University were asked if and how environmental sustainability was&nbsp;included in their units. <br /><br />Of the 336 unit chairs that completed the survey,&nbsp;37% of those unit chairs replied positively and of the remainder, the vast&nbsp;majority of these believed environmental sustainability was not applicable to&nbsp;their unit. However, measuring the effectiveness of the introduction of&nbsp;environmental sustainability into the curriculum is extremely difficult and this&nbsp;is often done by student assessment methods. Only 7% of the units actually&nbsp;carried out any assessment of the students&rsquo; knowledge of environmental&nbsp;sustainability. <br /><br />The findings across the faculty were mixed, with Post&nbsp;Graduate units and Management and Marketing courses being very strong in&nbsp;embedding environmental sustainability into their curriculum. The Bachelor&nbsp;of Commerce Degree students, especially those with Management or&nbsp;Marketing majors received a good grounding in environmental sustainability.&nbsp;<br /><br />These findings have implications for course and curriculum designers who&nbsp;are trying to effectively embed environmental sustainability into the&nbsp;scaffolding of their existing educational courses.</div>


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Student spoken use of mathematical terminology in public and private classroom discourse distinguishes one mathematics classroom from another. While student-student spoken interactions were frequent in the classrooms studied in Berlin, Melbourne, and San Diego, and non-existent in Shanghai and Seoul, student use of mathematical terminology varied significantly. The variation between the practices of the mathematics classrooms studied in Seoul, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo problematizes any simplistic characterization of &ldquo;the Asian classroom.&rdquo; Our results demonstrate that student spoken facility with the technical language of mathematics requires deliberate scaffolding and, interestingly, this can be achieved through either public or private discourse.


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For some lay observers, play is mistakenly viewed as a leisure and uncomplicated activity done by young children. Lay observers may also see early childhood play-based settings as lacking academic opportunities for young children and may regrettably view the role of teachers in early childhood play-based contexts as simply custodial managers of chaos. However, a play-based context sets a stage for meaningful exchanges of thought that can beneficially challenge children's understandings and be particularly suitable for transforming children's everyday understandings to scientific knowledge.<br /><br />While there have been shifts in theoretical approaches and differing texts on how one may view young children engaging in the human venture of science, early childhood play-based environments are settings for scientific inquiry, which can engender even the youngest of children to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and reflectors of reason.


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The cultural tools to connect, communicate, and prepare learners for future academic and workplace activities underpin today&rsquo;s education. In the 21st century, the use of technologies, and in particular social technologies, provide a paradigm shift in the way teachers become engaged and personalize professional development. The technologies are the cultural tools (Vygotsky, 1975, p. 3) deployed to communicate and analyze learners&rsquo; realities; however, some experienced teachers are reluctant to embrace these realities. However, there are other teachers who are adopting the 21st century cultural tools to make their learning and the learning of their students relevant, social and personal. This paper examines how social practices and cultural tools deployed, in a study with experienced teachers, adds value to teacher professional development. It examines the scaffolding with social technologies to enable learners to progress to higher order development in a Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky, 1978) in Higher Education.


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This article discusses the design of social networking sites created through a PhD action research study. Social and participatory media was used as an active, flexible and motivating learning management system. The study investigated ways in which a social learning framework could be designed for students aged 13 to 16 and aimed to encourage student knowledge growth through peer-to-peer interaction while supporting both formal and informal learning. New literacies and multimodality were infused into the design. It was found that the practitioner-researcher&rsquo;s cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting, action research, provided a mechanism for scaffolding the redesign of curriculum content and instruction. Social media in education can be dynamic, interactive and appreciated (SMEDIA) by the students.


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Recent studies using the mouse showed an inverse correlation between the Caveolin 1 gene expression and lactation, and this was regulated by prolactin. However, current study using mammary explants from pregnant mice showed that while insulin (I), cortisol (F) and prolactin (P) resulted in maximum induction of the &beta;-casein gene, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 1. Additionally, IF, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 2. Immunohistochemistry confirmed localisation of Caveolin 1 specific to myoepithelial cells and adipocytes. Comparative studies with the tammar wallaby showed Caveolin 1 and 2 had 70-80% homology with the mouse proteins. However, in contrast to the mouse, Caveolin 1 and 2 genes showed a significantly increased level of expression in the mammary gland during lactation. The regulation of tammar Caveolin 1 and 2 gene expression was examined in mammary explants from pregnant tammars, and no significant difference was observed either in the absence or in the presence of IFP.


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Silica nanoparticles were applied onto the fiber surface of an interbonded three-dimensional polycaprolactone fibrous tissue scaffold by an electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly technique. The nanoparticle layer was found to improve the fiber wettability and surface roughness. Osteoblast cells were cultured on the fibrous scaffolds to evaluate the biological compatibility. The silica nanoparticle coated scaffold showed enhanced cell attachment, proliferation, and alkaline phosphatase activities. The overall results suggested that interbonded fibrous scaffold with silica nanoparticulate coating could be a promising scaffolding candidate for various applications in bone repair and regeneration.


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Although Australian students spend three or more years studying they can seem quite unaware of any of the expected learning outcomes of their course. They are often single unit focused, paying most attention to individual assessment items thus not developing a holistic view of their course. This paper presents a theoretical framework to support staff and students to recognise, scaffold and achieve learning outcomes and academic skills at unit level and to recognise how these contribute to course and graduate learning outcomes, within the boundaries of Australian university and professional accreditation requirements. A case study is described that demonstrates the manual implementation of the framework. The complex nature of the implementation suggests that a software solution is required to ease the process and ensure the resulting mapping will have some longevity by being maintainable.<br />


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Modern IDEs provide limited support for developers when starting a new data-driven mobile app. App developers are currently required to write copious amounts of boilerplate code, scripts, organise complex directories, and author actual functionality. Although this scenario is ripe for automation, current tools are yet to address it adequately. In this paper we present RAPPT, a tool that generates the scaffolding of a mobile app based on a high level description specified in a Domain Specific Language (DSL). We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by an example case study and feedback from a professional development team. Demo at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffquVgBYpLM.