973 resultados para SALMONELLA SPP.


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In the early 2000s, several colonies of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) in Switzerland ceased growing or began to decrease. Reproductive problems clue to infections with abortive agents might have negatively affected recruitment. We assessed the presence of selected agents of abortion in Alpine ibex by serologic, molecular, and culture techniques and evaluated whether infection with these agents might have affected population densities. Blood and fecal samples were collected from 651 ibex in 14 colonies throughout the Swiss Alps between 2006 and 2008. All samples were negative for Salmonella. spp., Neospora caninum, and Bovine Herpesvirus-1. Antibodies to Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira spp., Chlamydophila abortus, Toxoplasma gondii, and Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus were detected in at least one ibex. Positive serologic results for Brucella spp. likely were false. Overall, 73 samples (11.2%) were antibody-positive for at least one abortive agent. Prevalence was highest for Leptospira spp. (7.9%, 95% CI=5.0-11.7). The low prevalences and the absence of significant differences between colonies with opposite population trends suggest these pathogens do not play a significant role in the population dynamics of Swiss ibex. Alpine ibex do not seem to be a reservoir for these abortive agents or an important source of infection for domestic livestock in Switzerland. Finally, although interactions on summer pastures occur frequently, spillover from infected livestock to free-ranging ibex apparently is uncommon.


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Switzerland implemented a risk-based monitoring of Swiss dairy products in 2002 based on a risk assessment (RA) that considered the probability of exceeding a microbiological limit value set by law. A new RA was launched in 2007 to review and further develop the previous assessment, and to make recommendations for future risk-based monitoring according to current risks. The resulting qualitative RA was designed to ascertain the risk to human health from the consumption of Swiss dairy products. The products and microbial hazards to be considered in the RA were determined based on a risk profile. The hazards included Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin. The release assessment considered the prevalence of the hazards in bulk milk samples, the influence of the process parameters on the microorganisms, and the influence of the type of dairy. The exposure assessment was linked to the production volume. An overall probability was estimated combining the probabilities of release and exposure for each combination of hazard, dairy product and type of dairy. This overall probability represents the likelihood of a product from a certain type of dairy exceeding the microbiological limit value and being passed on to the consumer. The consequences could not be fully assessed due to lack of detailed information on the number of disease cases caused by the consumption of dairy products. The results were expressed as a ranking of overall probabilities. Finally, recommendations for the design of the risk-based monitoring programme and for filling the identified data gaps were given. The aims of this work were (i) to present the qualitative RA approach for Swiss dairy products, which could be adapted to other settings and (ii) to discuss the opportunities and limitations of the qualitative method.


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Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. are important human pathogens. Serious infections due to these organisms are usually treated with extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs). However, in the past two decades we have faced a rapid increasing of infections and colonization caused by ESC-resistant (ESC-R) isolates due to production of extended-spectrum-β-lactamases (ESBLs), plasmid-mediated AmpCs (pAmpCs) and/or carbapenemase enzymes. This situation limits drastically our therapeutic armamentarium and puts under peril the human health. Animals are considered as potential reservoirs of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative organisms. The massive and indiscriminate use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine has contributed to the selection of ESC-R E. coli, ESC-R Salmonella spp. and, to less extent, MDR Acinetobacter spp. among animals, food, and environment. This complex scenario is responsible for the expansion of these MDR organisms which may have life-threatening clinical significance. Nowadays, the prevalence of food-producing animals carrying ESC-R E. coli and ESC-R Salmonella (especially those producing CTX-M-type ESBLs and the CMY-2 pAmpC) has reached worryingly high values. More recently, the appearance of carbapenem-resistant isolates (i.e., VIM-1-producing Enterobacteriaceae and NDM-1 or OXA-23-producing Acinetobacter spp.) in livestock has even drawn greater concerns. In this review, we describe the aspects related to the spread of the above MDR organisms among pigs, cattle, and poultry, focusing on epidemiology, molecular mechanisms of resistance, impact of antibiotic use, and strategies to contain the overall problem. The link and the impact of ESC-R organisms of livestock origin for the human scenario are also discussed.


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La seguridad alimentaria de hortalizas de hoja puede verse comprometida por contaminaciones microbianas, lo que ha motivado la promoción mundial de normas de seguridad en la producción, el manejo poscosecha y el procesado. Sin embargo, en los últimos años las hortalizas han estado implicadas en brotes de Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp y Listeria monocytogenes, lo que obliga a plantear investigaciones que posibiliten la detección de contaminación por microorganismos con técnicas rápidas, no destructivas y precisas. La imagen hiperespectral integra espectroscopia e imagen para proporcionar información espectral y espacial de la distribución de los componentes químicos de una muestra. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron optimizar un sistema de visión hiperespectral y establecer los procedimientos de análisis multivariante de imágenes para la detección temprana de contaminación microbiana en espinacas envasadas (Spinacia oleracea). Las muestras de espinacas fueron adquiridas en un mercado local. Se sometieron a la inoculación mediante la inmersión en suspensiones con poblaciones iniciales de 5 ó 7 unidades logarítmicas de ufc de una cepa no patógena de Listeria innocua. Después de 15 minutos de inoculación por inmersión, las hojas fueron envasadas asépticamente. Se consideró un tratamiento Control-1 no inoculado, sumergiendo las espinacas en una solución tampón (agua de peptona) en lugar de en solución inoculante, y un tratamiento Control-2 en el que las hojas no se sometieron a ninguna inmersión. Las muestras se almacenaron a 8ºC y las mediciones se realizaron 0, 1, 3, 6 y 9 días después de inocular. Cada día se determinaron los recuentos microbianos y se adquirieron las imágenes con una cámara VIS-NIR (400-1000 nm). Sobre los gráficos de dispersión de los scores de PC1 y PC2 (análisis de componentes principales computados sobre las imágenes hiperespectrales considerando el rango de 500-940 nm) se reconocieron diferentes patrones que se identificaron con niveles de degradación; así se seleccionaron píxeles que conformaron las clases de no degradados, semi-degradados y degradados. Se consideraron los espectros promedio de cada clase para asignar los píxeles anónimos a una de las tres clases. Se calculó la distancia SAM (Spectral Angle Mapper) entre el espectro promedio de cada categoría y cada espectro anónimo de las imágenes. Cada píxel se asignó a la clase a la que se calcula la distancia mínima. En general, las imágenes con los porcentajes más altos de píxeles levemente degradados y degradados correspondieron a contenidos microbiológicos superiores a 5 unidades logarítmicas de ufc.


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A qualidade, eficácia e segurança no emprego de drogas vegetais dependem, entre outras questões, de sua qualidade sanitária. Sua origem e manuseio, em condições no geral inadequadas, propiciam biocarga elevada e abrangente, o que implica riscos para saúde. O presente trabalho objetivou conhecimento da microbiota das plantas estudadas e o desenvolvimento de estudos de sua descontaminação por plasma, tendo-se analisado os parâmetros físicos que influenciaram este processo. O projeto possibilitou a descontaminação de drogas vegetais com alta carga microbiana. Estudou-se a alcachofra (Cynara scolymus L.), camomila (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert.), ginco (Ginkgo biloba L.) e guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth), adotando parâmetros de processo que alegadamente permitem a integridade dos princípios ativos termossensíveis. Para isso, foi empregado reator disponível no Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis, pertecente à Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, em sistema com acoplamento capacitivo modo RIE (Reactive Ion Etching). Neste sistema, trabalhou-se com oxigênio adicionado de peróxido de hidrogênio. Todos os processos de descontaminação foram desenvolvidos a temperatura ambiente, sob diferentes parâmetros físicos complementares. A eficácia do processo foi investigada, empregando-se contagem de microrganismos heterotróficos, assim como pesquisa de indicadores de patogênicos (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli). As avaliações microbiológicas, quantitativas e qualitativas, assim como os estudos decorrentes dos dados obtidos, foram desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Controle Biológico da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas - USP. Os resultados obtidos após a descontaminação por plasma de oxigênio (100%), a potência de 150 W, evidenciaram redução de até 4 ciclos de aeróbicos totais. No processo por plasma peróxido de hidrogênio (20%) e oxigênio (80%), a uma potência de 150 W, observou-se a redução de até 4 ciclos log de aeróbios totais para as drogas vegetais deste estudo. A presença de substâncias químicas complexas da camomila, que contêm óleo volátil, flavonóides, aminoácidos, ácidos graxos, sais minerais, cumarinas, mucilagens e ácidos orgânicos, interferem no processo por plasma provavelmente em decorrência de a mucilagem formar um filme protetor, impedindo a difusão gasosa em ambos os processos por plasma. Assim, não só a camomila mas também o guaraná, com biocargas iniciais respectivamente de 6,6x106 UFC/g e 2,7x106 UFC/g, mantiveram-se com níveis de contaminação da mesma ordem de grandeza, após os desafios com plasma. A contagem bacteriana da alcachofra (fornecedor B), que foi submetida ao processo de descontaminação através do plasma O2 (100%), (potência de 150 W, pressão de 100 mTorr e vazão de 200 sccm), sofreu redução de dez vezes, independentemente do tempo do processo. Possivelmente este resultado, que aparenta inconsistência, decorre da ação apenas superficial do plasma. A descontaminação por processo de plasma de oxigênio e de peróxido de hidrogênio para a alcachofra (fornecedor B) não foi eficaz, devido à predominância de elementos lignificados. As amostras de alcachofra (fornecedor C), com baixa percentagem de vasos de xilema lignificados e fibras lignificadas evidenciaram a maior eficácia do processo por plasma, pois possibilitou grande difusão gasosa sobre as amostras. O estudo permitiu ainda concluir que à aplicabilidade do plasma na descontaminação de drogas vegetais depende da resistência dos microrganismos, mas igualmente das características da planta, sejam aquelas de natureza morfoanatômica, enzimática ou química. Estudos específicos devem ser desenvolvidos para cada situação.


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Adherence of pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. to host cells is in part mediated by curli fimbriae which, along with other virulence determinants, are positively regulated by RpoS. Interested in the role and regulation of curli (SEF17) fimbriae of Salmonella enteritidis in poultry infection, we tested the virulence of naturally occurring S. enteritidis PT4 strains 27655R and 27655S which displayed constitutive and null expression of curli (SEF17) fimbriae, respectively, in a chick invasion assay and analysed their rpoS alleles. Both strains were shown to be equally invasive and as invasive as a wild-type phage type 4 strain and an isogenic derivative defective for the elaboration of curli. We showed that the rpoS allele of 27655S was intact even though this strain was non-curliated and we confirmed that a S. enteritidis rpoS::strr null mutant was unable to express curli, as anticipated. Strain 27655R, constitutively curliated, possessed a frameshift mutation at position 697 of the rpoS coding sequence which resulted in a truncated product and remained curliated even when transduced to rpoS::strr. Additionally, rpoS mutants are known to be cold-sensitive, a phenotype confirmed for strain 27655R. Collectively, these data indicated that curliation was not a significant factor for pathogenesis of S. enteritidis in this model and that curliation of strains 27655R and 27655S was independent of RpoS. Significantly, strain 27655R possessed a defective rpoS allele and remained virulent. Here was evidence that supported the concept that different naturally occurring rpoS alleles may generate varying virulence phenotypic traits.


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Toneladas de pescado são desperdiçadas diariamente aquando do processamento do peixe e o hambúrguer de pata-roxa foi desenvolvido para reaproveitar esse pescado subvalorizado e para ser uma fonte nutricional rica em antioxidantes. No presente trabalho, pretendeu-se comprovar o potencial antioxidante antes e após o tratamento térmico do hambúrguer de pata-roxa, e o potencial citotóxico e antiproliferativo sobre um modelo celular do cancro da mama (MCF-7). Foi também observada a estabilidade do hambúrguer de pata-roxa embalado a vácuo e refrigerado. A extração dos compostos fitoquímicos foi realizada com solventes de polaridade distinta (água, metanol e diclorometano) e com diferentes durações do processo (12h e 24h). O tratamento térmico aplicado foi vinte minutos a 180ºC. O potencial antioxidante foi avaliado pela capacidade de redução do radical livre 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e pela capacidade de redução de radicais de oxigénio (ORAC), e através da quantificação total de polifenóis (QTP) pelo método de Folin-Ciocalteu (FC). O potencial citotóxico e antiproliferativo foi avaliado na linha celular MCF-7, cujos resultados foram revelados por ensaios espectrofotométricos (método do brometo de 3- (4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difenil tetrazólio (MTT)) e fluorimétricos (método de acetoxi-metil éster de calceína (calceína-AM)). A estabilidade do hambúrguer de pataroxa em vácuo e refrigerado foi avaliada através do estudo microbiológico com metodologias de referência (contagens de “totais” e produtores de sulfureto de hidrogénio (H2S) aeróbios e anaeróbios, esporos de Clostridium sulfitos-redutores, enterobactérias, Escherichia coli e pesquisa de Salmonella spp.), da determinação do índice de ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA) e da avaliação da cor do hambúrguer pelo sistema CIE-L*a*b*. Os ensaios de DPPH e ORAC comprovaram a atividade antioxidante do extrato de hambúrguer de pata-roxa (metanol, 12h) com 79,5% de redução do DPPH e 8603,01μmol ET/100g para amostras sem tratamento térmico, e 87,4% de redução do DPPH e 2567,27μmol ET/100g para amostras com tratamento térmico. Quanto ao conteúdo fenólico, os extratos (metanol, 12h) revelaram 17,13mg EAG/100g do hambúrguer cru e 31,81mg EAG/100g do hambúrguer cozinhado. A extração de 24 horas não aumentou a quantidade de compostos fitoquímicos presentes no extrato. O hambúrguer apenas revelou ainda um potencial citotóxico in vitro relevante na linha celular MCF-7 (1mg/mL, 24h).Apesar do abuso observado na temperatura de armazenamento em refrigeração (temperatura média de 10,3ºC), o hambúrguer de pata-roxa cru, quando submetido ao embalamento a vácuo, apresentou um aumento no período de vida útil de prateleira de 4 dias relativamente à pata-roxa. Foi detetada a presença de esporos de Clostridium sulfito-redutores e 1,0x101ufc E. coli por 1g de hambúrguer de pata-roxa. Não foi detetada a presença de Salmonella spp. O índice de TBA manteve-se estável, mas o hambúrguer de pata-roxa sofreu uma perda na vivacidade (Cab) e na tonalidade (hab) da cor ao fim de 6 dias em refrigeração. É necessário continuar o estudo para melhorar o novo produto alimentar funcional, mas o presente trabalho permitiu concluir que o hambúrguer de pata-roxa reúne as condições para ter um elevado potencial antioxidante, apresentar maior estabilidade em armazenamento e, em simultâneo, constituir uma solução para o desperdício de pescado.


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No setor alimentar, o controlo da qualidade dos produtos e dos processos é uma etapa essencial, uma vez que é por este meio que se avaliam os padrões exigidos, quer a nível de legislação, quer a nível de mercado. O presente trabalho teve, como objetivos principais, o desenvolvimento de um novo produto alimentar com adição de algas, bem como o controlo de qualidade a nível de uma unidade fabril de produção de sumos e polpas naturais, à base de hortofrutícolas. De forma a garantir a qualidade na obtenção de produtos, foi realizado, diariamente, o controlo de entradas dos produtos hortofrutícolas, o acompanhamento de processos nas linhas de produção da fábrica e a análise das amostras de referência. Considerando a tendência e potencial de crescimento apresentados pelo setor das bebidas, nomeadamente dos sumos de fruta naturais, juntamente com a incessante procura por ingredientes naturais ricos em vários nutrientes e com propriedades bioativas, tem-se vindo a registar o lançamento de um número considerável de bebidas inovadoras, onde as macroalgas têm merecido um papel de destaque. Desta forma, procedeu-se à elaboração de dois protótipos, nomeadamente, sumo de framboesa e sumo de espinafres, com a adição do extrato da alga Gelidium corneum, estabilizados através do processo de Hiperpressão a frio, com o intuito de se avaliar o impacto desse extrato nos diferentes parâmetros de qualidade dos sumos. No que respeita aos parâmetros físico-químicos, o pH e teor de sólidos solúveis (TSS) foram avaliados após produção (t0), no tempo intermédio (t15) e no tempo final (t30). A cor foi determinada no t0 e no t30 e os restantes parâmetros, como acidez titulável, quantificação total de polifenóis, capacidade de redução do radical DPPH, teor de proteína bruta, teor de cinzas, teor de minerais e oligoelementos e teor de vitaminas (A, B1, B2 e C) foram avaliados no tempo final (t30). Foram, também, avaliados os parâmetros microbiológicos mais significativos, nomeadamente, microrganismos totais a 30 ˚C, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp, bolores e leveduras (ao t0, t15 e t30) e realizou-se uma avaliação sensorial ao 29.º dia após produção. Estes sumos apresentaram-se microbiologicamente estáveis, não se tendo verificado crescimento microbiológico durante o período de armazenamento de 30 dias. A análise dos resultados físico-químicos permitiram constatar que a adição do extrato da alga Gelidium corneum aos sumos influenciou as suas características, tendo havido um aumento significativo do pH com a consequente diminuição da acidez titulável e um aumento do teor de sólidos solúveis, em comparação com os sumos controlo. Em relação à avaliação da cor, no caso das amostras de sumos de framboesa, verificou-se que a adição do extrato de algas influenciou o parâmetro a*. No entanto, ambas as amostras permitiram a manutenção deste parâmetro, ao longo do tempo. Quanto ao parâmetro b*, as duas amostras de sumo com algas demonstraram uma evolução mais estável, em relação aos respetivos controlos. No que respeita ao teor em minerais, a adição do extrato da alga demonstrou aumentar os teores de magnésio, sódio, potássio e iodo. Em termos sensoriais, o sumo de framboesa com algas obteve maior aceitação por parte do painel de provadores, podendo-se constatar que o atributo da cor foi o que mostrou maiores variações, entre as duas amostras.


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Water remains a predominant vector for human enteric pathogens not just for developing countries but also developed nations, where numerous infectious disease outbreaks, linked to the contamination of drinking water have been documented. Private drinking water wells are a source of drinking water that is largely unstudied even though a significant percentage of the population in Ontario relies on wells as their primary water source. As there exists little to no systematic surveillance for enteric infections or outbreaks related to well water sources, these individuals may be at higher risk of waterborne infectious diseases. The relationships between various fecal indicators in the water of private drinking water wells, including E. coli, Total Coliforms (TC) and Bacteroides, and enteric pathogens, including Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp., and Shiga toxin producing E. coli, were studied. Convenience private well water samples collected from various regions of interest during the summer of 2014 underwent membrane filtration and culture to determine quantities of E. coli and TC colony forming units. 289 E. coli positive and 230 TC-only waters were successfully analyzed by individual qPCR assays for the aforementioned enteric pathogens. Microbial source tracking methods targeted to specific Bacteroides were used to determine the source of fecal contamination as either human or bovine. The source of fecal contamination varied by geographic region and is thought to be due to such things as differences in septic tank density and underlying geology, among others. Fecal indicators, E. coli and Bacteroides, were significantly correlated. E. coli as measured by qPCR was more strongly correlated to both total and human-specific Bacteroides genetic markers than culturable E. coli. Lastly, 1.9% of samples showed molecular evidence of contamination with enteric pathogens. Although low, this finding is significant given the limited volume of water available for testing, and suggests a potential health risk to consumers. Knowing the extent of contamination, as well as the biologic source, can better inform risk assessment and the development of potential intervention strategies for private well water in specific regions of Ontario.


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Jerked beef, an industrial meat product obtained from beef with the addition of sodium chloride and curing salts and subjected to a maturing and drying process is a typical Brazilian product which has been gradually discovered by the consumer. The replacement of synthetic antioxidants by natural substances with antioxidant potential due to possible side effects discovered by lab tests, consumer health, is being implemented by the meat industry. This study aimed to evaluate the lipid oxidation of jerked beef throughout the storage period by replacing the sodium nitrite by natural extracts of propolis and Yerba Mate. For jerked beef processing brisket was used as raw material processed in 6 different formulations: formulation 1 (control - in nature), formulation 2 (sodium nitrite - NO), formulation 3 (Yerba Mate - EM), formulation 4 (propolis extract - PRO), formulation 5 (sodium nitrite + Yerba Mate - MS + NO), formulation 6 (propolis extract + sodium nitrite - PRO + NO). The raw material was subjected to wet salting, dry salting (tombos), drying at 25°C, packaging and storage in BOD 25°C. Samples of each formulation were taken every 7 days for analysis of lipid oxidation by the TBARS method. In all formulations, were carried out analysis of chemical composition at time zero and sixty days of storage. The water activity analysis and color (L *, a *, b *) was monitored at time zero, thirty and sixty days of storage. The Salmonella spp count, Coliform bacteria, Termotolerant coliforms and coagulase positive staphylococci were taken at time zero and sixty days. The activity of natural antioxidants evaluated shows the decline of lipid oxidation up to 2.5 times compared with the product in natura and presented values with no significant differences between treatments NO and EM, confirming the potential in minimize lipid oxidation of Jerked beef throughout the 60 days of storage. The results also showed that yerba mate has a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the propolis except the PRO + NO formulation. When associated with yerba mate with sodium nitrate, TBARS values become close to values obtained only for the control samples with the addition of sodium nitrite. The proximal composition of the formulations remained within the standards required in the IN nº22/2000 for jerked beef. Samples that differ significantly at 5% are directly related to the established type of formulation. The count of microorganisms was within the standards of the DRC nº12/2001 required for matured meat products. The intensity of the red (a*) decreased with storage time and increase the intensity of yellow (b*) indicates a darkening of the product despite L* also have been increased. These results suggest that yerba mate is a good alternative to meat industry in reducing healing addition salts when associated with another antioxidant.


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The current scenario of the Brazilian poultry production is defined by high productivity motivated by exports to markets with elevated levels of sanitary requirement. The work aimed to evaluate the efficacy of chlorinated compounds (chlorine dioxide, dichloro and trichloro) and organic acids (citric, lactic and peracetic acids) in reducing the contamination of poultry by Salmonella spp., mesophiles and enterobacteriaceae. Were isolated 102 strains Salmonella spp. poultry carcass from June to September 2014. Strains were identified by PCR. Was determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antimicrobial compounds for the standard strains of S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis and S. Heidelberg. MIC of lactic acid and peracetic acid (20 to 10 g/L) was applied in strains of Salmonella spp. isolated from the slaughter. The MIC of the compounds lactic acid and sodium dichloro was applied in contaminated chiller water with Salmonella (109 CFU/mL) and this was determined Salmonella count in water. Thighs and drumsticks poultry were contaminated with S. Heidelberg (109 UFC/mL) and were applied dichloro (60 mg/L), lactic acid (20 g/L) and sodium hypochlorite (5,0 and 0,5 mg/L) compounds. In the identification by PCR, 93,1% of the strains were identified as Salmonella. For sodium dichloro the MIC was 60 mg/L for 15 minutes to S. Heidelberg and 60 mg/L for 20 minutes for S. Enteritidis. Lactic acid presented MIC of the 5 g/L for 10 minutes to S. Enteritidis 10 g/L for 15 minutes to S. Typhimurium and 20 g/L for 20 minutes to S. Heidelberg. For peracetic acid, MICs were 10 g/L for 10 minutes to S. Typhimurium and S. Heidelberg and 10 g/L for 20 minutes to S. Enteritidis. To citric acid, MICs were 10 g/L for 10 minutes to S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis and 25 g/L for 20 minutes to S. Heidelberg. In the isolated Salmonella strains, lactic acid inhibited 97,89% of the strains and peracetic inhibited 100% of the strains. In contaminated chiller water, the compounds reduced the growth of standards strains. When applied to contaminated poultry meat, there was a reduction of Salmonella spp. 1,06 log10 CFU/g relative to the positive control with the use of sodium hypochlorite at 5,0 mg/L, 0,97 log10 CFU/g with dichloro and 0,56 log10 CFU/g with sodium hypochlorite 0,5 mg/L. For mesophiles reduction observed was 0,90 log10 CFU/g relative to the positive control with the use of sodium hypochlorite at 5,0 mg/L, 0,83 log10 CFU/g with dichloro and there isn´t reduction with hypochlorite with sodium 0,5 mg/L. For enterobacteriaceae reduction was 1,0 log10 CFU/g relative to the positive control with the use of sodium hypochlorite at 5,0 mg/L, 0,79 log10 CFU/g with dichloro and 0,22 log10 CFU/g with sodium hypochlorite at 0,5 mg/L. Lactic acid inhibit growth of the microorganisms tested. The data supports the discussions to regulate the use of the technology coadjuvants in the slaughter of poultry.


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Sodium is an essential nutrient with important functions in the organism, however, its ingestion in excess may cause various health problems such as arterial hypertension, brain diseases, heart failure and chronic renal failure. In this context, the present study proposes to prepare Minas Padrão cheese with different contents of sodium with the objective of evaluating the effect of the addition of potassium chloride in sensory characteristics and hysicochemical properties, as well as in the proximal composition and in microbiological quality. The cheeses were elaborate in concentrations of 100% of NaCl (C), 80% of NaCl + 20% of KCl (T1), 60% of NaCl + 40% of KCl (T2), 40% of NaCl + 60% of KCl (T3) and 20% of NaCl + 80% of KCl (T4) and stored for 20 days at 10 ºC. The proximal composition and physicochemical was based on the determination of moisture content, fat, protein, ash, chloride, sodium, potassium, titratable acidity and pH of all treatments after 20 days of storage. The microbiological quality of the samples was monitored through the count of Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., mold and yeast in the first and fifteenth day of storage. The sensorial characterization was performed by the technique of Free Profile choice. The results showed that the replacement of sodium chloride by potassium in the Minas Padrão cheese in concentration higher than 40% presented significantly higher moisture contents. Cheese with a reduction greater than 60% of sodium obtained significantly effect in the titratable acidity, presenting higher values compared to the other treatments. The cheese with 20% of salt replacement did not differ statistically in relation to the control. When the proportion of substituent was increased, a significant reduction of the sodium content of up to 73% was observed. As the sodium was replaced by potassium in cheese, the potassium content increased significantly, stablishing a reduction of 82% in relation to the control. There was no effect to sodium substitution by potassium in fat, protein, ash and chlorides, as well as the pH values. The microbiological results were in accordance with the current legislation, therefore suitable to be eaten. According to the Free Profile Choice technique it was observed that the control C cheese (100% of NaCl) showed results very close to the other treatments, differing only in flavor attributes. The replacement of sodium by potassium in proportions of 20% contributed to a bitter taste detected by the tasters. Whereas, the appearance, flavor and texture attributes showed no significant differences compared to the Minas Padrão cheese.


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An effective hygiene and sanitation inspection of meat and meat products is essential for its production and commercialization. For this reason, the national and international standards responsible for these products quality control employs microbiological analyses methods as quality control tools. In December of 2012, it was included in the Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) website, a Microbiological Scope of food and water, which presents the replacement of some methods proposed by the Normative Instruction 62. Some of these methodologies are considered rapid, practical and convenient. However, other methodologies were still replaced by conventional ones, which presents disadvantages as incorrect interpretations of the microorganism phenotypical and biochemical characteristics, leading to the misinterpretation of test results. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive, practical and illustrative guidebook of microbiological analysis for in natura poultry cuts. The methods addressed in this guide are the official standards analysis required by the poultry cuts legislation, which are the Escherichia coli count, the thermotolerant coliforms count, the aerobic plate count and the detection of Salmonella spp. The approached methodologies for these analysis will be the AOAC 998.08, the Normative Instruction 62 and the ISO 4833-1:2013 and ISO 6579:2002, respectively. In these events, it is expected to obtain an enlightening and approved guidebook evaluated by laboratory technicians, which will help reduce the analytical subjectivity leading to a more reliable interpretation of the test results.


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The pig slaughter process involve different steps that can influence the microbiological quality of carcasses. At this, the understanding of the slaughter process on the microbiological aspects is necessary for the implementation and evaluation of critical control points. The microbiological control of the slaughter process should involve the evaluation of pathogens prevalence and levels of quality and hygiene indicator microorganisms. This study aimed at investigating the influence of steps slaughter process on the microbiological levels of pig carcasses, and evaluate if there is correlation between pathogens (Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes) and indicators (aerobic mesophilic counts, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae) microorganisms. A high Salmonella soroprevalence in pigs were founded before the slaughter (57.49 %). While the Salmonella prevalence in carcasses at the initial stage of the slaughter was 26.67 % and in the final stage 1.11 %, L. monocytogenes was detected only in the final washing and cooling steps, with a prevalence of 21.11 and 8.89 %, respectively. The aerobic mesophilic counts, Enterobacteriaceae, total coliforms and E. coli levels in initial steps of slaughter process were 4.25 ± 0.37; 1.25 ± 0.38; 1.10 ± 0.35 and 0.86 ± 0.36, respectively. At the end of slaughter process the results were lower (ranging from 0.16 at 2.70 log CFU/cm2). The step that most reduced microbiological levels was the scalding. The dehairing was a critical step that led to a significant increase of microorganisms levels in the process (p < 0.05). The evisceration not proved to be a critical step on the increase of microbial levels, differently of the final washing, which showed significant increases (p < 0.05) over the levels of aerobic counts, total coliforms, E. coli and enterobacterias (0.30; 0.36; 0.27 and 0.42 log respectively) and Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes. The chilling contributes significantly to the reduction of microbiological levels of carcasses, bringing them to levels below the all process stages, with the exception of scalding. No correlation between the hygiene indicator microorganisms used and presence of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes were obtained (p < 0.05). The results show that steps in the process are critical to the sanitary profile, which implies the need to implement actions in the process to reducing the microbiological levels.


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O consumo de pescado no Brasil cresceu 40% nos últimos 7 anos passando de 6,46 para 9,03 kg/habitante/ano, valor que se aproxima do recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A razão está relacionada com a subutilização de determinadas espécies e a falta de diversificação da indústria processadora para a produção de alimentos com maior valor agregado. Considerando o esgotamento de determinadas espécies com a utilização da sobrepesca, é possível o emprego da anchoita na forma de conservas através da utilização de meios de cobertura como molho de tomate e óleo comestível. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar conservas de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) com a utilização de 2 meios de cobertura: molho de tomate e óleo de girassol, submetidas a tempos de salmouragem diferenciados, 2 e 5 min e com o emprego ou não de pré-cozimento. De acordo com os padrões estabelecidos, as amostras de pescado fresco utilizadas para a execução dos enlatados apresentaram resultados físico químicos adequados comprovando o frescor do pescado envolvido no processo, ou sejam: 16,29 mg/100 g amostra para N-BVT, 7,90 mg/100 g amostra para N-TMA e pH 6,5. As conservas em molho de tomate submetidas a operação de salmouragem durante 2 min, com e sem pré-cozimento apresentaram, respectivamente, 16,57 e 16,24% proteínas, 3,94 e 4,66% lipídios, 73,0 e 73,28% umidade, 3,22 e 3,67% cinzas, 0,17 e 0,19% de cloretos (NaCl). As conservas com molho de tomate, utilizando anchoita eviscerada salmourada por 5 min, com e sem pré-cozimento, apresentaram respectivamente, 15,94 e 15,31% proteínas, 3,15 e 4,90 lipídios%, 73,70 e 73,98% umidade, 3,80 e 4,10% cinzas, 0,21 e 0,24% cloretos (NaCl). Para as conservas de anchoita em óleo de girassol, utilizando tempo de salmouragem de 2 min, com e sem pré-cozimento, apresentaram 16,97 e 16,76% proteínas, 7,68 e 5,70% lipídios, 65,87 e 68,74% umidade, 3,16 e 3,28% cinzas, 0,10 e 0,12% cloretos (NaCl), respectivamente. As conservas utilizando o pescado previamente submetido a salmouragem por 5 min e posteriormente enlatado com a adição de óleo de girassol, com e sem pré-cozimento apresentaram respectivamente, 15,97 e 15,89% proteínas, 7,91 e 5,19% lipídios, 66,26 e 68,23% umidade, 3,78 e 3,87% cinzas, 0,13 e 0,21% NaCl. As análises microbiológicas das conservas submetidas aos diferentes tratamentos mostraram ausência de Salmonella spp, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e Clostridium sulfito-redutor, resultados estes, de acordo com o estabelecido pela legislação higiênico-sanitária brasileira. Nos testes de esterilidade comercial não foram constatadas alterações visíveis nos enlatados submetidos a incubação por 5 dias a 36 ± 1°C (determinação de micro-organismos aeróbios viáveis) e a 7-10 dias a 55 ± 1°C (termófilos). Considerando as quantidades de pescado enlatado (80, 90 e 100g), o rendimento para todas as amostras apresentaram, no mínimo, 50% de pescado em relação ao peso líquido. A avaliação sensorial realizada por teste de ordenação para a avaliação da preferência não apresentou diferenças significativas entre as amostras.