518 resultados para Rumble strips.


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In this study, 21 small beam specimens with a pre-set through-crack were tested with FRP strips bonded to the sides to study the bond behavior between shear-strengthening FRP and concrete (referred to as "the interface" for simplicity hereafter). The test parameters included the bond length, width, thickness of FRP strip and the angle between fiber orientation and crack opening direction (referred to as "fiber tensile angle" θ hereafter) on the bond behavior of the interface. Test results showed that: 1) the small beam test setup with a pre-set crack is suitable for studying the bond behavior between FRP and concrete; 2) the bond length, width, and thickness of the FRP as well as the fiber angle have significant effects on the bond strength; 3) the distribution of FRP strains along the direction perpendicular to the fiber orientation (FRP width direction) is non-uniform; this is mainly attributed to the progressive debonding of the FRP strips in the width direction, with the FRP at the location of larger crack width debonding earlier.


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Many timber structures may require strengthening due to either decay and aging or an increase of load. This paper presents an experimental study in which eleven timber beams were tested, including three unstrengthened reference beams and eight beams strengthened with NSM CFRP bars. The test parameters include the position of NSM (tensile face or the bottom of the sides), the number of CFRP bars (1 or 2), and additional anchorage of NSM CFRP bars (steel wire U anchors or CFRP U strips). The test results show that the ultimate flexural strength of the timber beams were increased by 14%∼85% with an average of 47% due to NSM CFRP bar strengthening. Their deflection corresponding to the peak load was increased by 33% in average.


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RC beams shear-strengthened with externally-bonded FRP side strips or U-strips usually fail by debonding. As such debonding occurs in a brittle manner at relatively small shear crack widths, some of the internal steel stirrups may not have reached yielding at beam shear failure. Consequently, the internal steel stirrups cannot be fully utilized. This adverse shear interaction between internal steel stirrups and external FRP strips may significantly reduce the benefit of shear-strengthening FRP but has not been considered by any of the existing FRP strengthening design guidelines. In this paper, an improved shear strength model capable of accounting for the effect of the above shear interaction is first presented, in which the unfavorable effect of shear interaction is reflected through a reduction factor (i.e. shear interaction factor). Using a large test database established in the present study, the performance of the proposed model as well as that of three other shear strength models is then assessed. This assessment shows that the proposed shear strength model performs better than the three existing models. The assessment also shows that the inclusion of the proposed shear interaction factor in the existing models can significantly improve their performance.


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A novel type of microwave probes based on the loaded aperture geometry has been proposed and experimentally evaluated for dielectrics characterisation and high-resolution near-field imaging. Experimental results demonstrate the possibility of very accurate microwave spectroscopic characterisation of thin lossy dielectric samples and biological materials containing water. High-resolution images of the subwavelength lossy dielectric strips and wet and dry leaves have been obtained with amplitude contrast around 10-20 dB and spatial resolution better than one-tenth of a wavelength in the near-field zone. A microwave imaging scenario for the early-stage skin cancer identification based on the artificial dielectric model has also been explored. This model study shows that the typical resolution of an artificial malignant tumour with a characteristic size of one-tenth of a wavelength can be discriminated with at least 6 dB amplitude and 50° phase contrast from the artificial healthy skin and with more than 3 dB contrast from a benign lesion of the same size. It has also been demonstrated that the proposed device can efficiently deliver microwave energy to very small, subwavelength, focal areas which is highly sought in the microwave hyperthermia applications.


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Bridge Weigh in Motion (B-WIM) uses accurate sensing systems to transform an existing bridge into a mechanism to determine actual traffic loading. This information on traffic loading can enable efficient and economical management of transport networks and is becoming a valuable tool for bridge safety assessment. B-WIM can provide site specific traffic loading on deteriorating bridges, which can be used to determine if the reduced capacity is still sufficient to allow the structure to remain operational and minimise unnecessary replacement or rehabilitation costs and prevent disruption to traffic. There have been numerous reports on the accuracy classifications of existing B-WIM installations and some common issues have emerged. This paper details some of the recent developments in B-WIM which were aimed at overcoming these issues. A new system has been developed at Queens University Belfast using fibre optic sensors to provide accurate axle detection and improved accuracy overall. The results presented in this paper show that the fibre optic system provided much more accurate results than conventional WIM systems, as the FOS provide clearer signals at high scanning rates which require less filtering and less post processing. A major disadvantage of existing B-WIM systems is the inability to deal with more than one vehicle on the bridge at the same time; sensor strips have been proposed to overcome this issue. A bridge can be considered safe if the probability that load exceeds resistance is acceptably low, hence B-WIM information from advanced sensors can provide confidence in our ageing structures.


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Background: In healthy tissues a family of enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role in regulating turnover and metabolism of connective tissue collagen. MMPs have been implicated in a wide variety of pathological conditions including periodontal disease. MMP-8 has been extensively studied in periodontal health and disease using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Although ELISA quantifies the presence of the MMP-8 protein, it is not possible to determine enzyme activity using this method. Furthermore, since members of the MMP family have poor substrate sequence specificity, a peptide substrate alone cannot differentiate the activity of MMP-8 from other MMPs that may be present in biological samples. Objectives: In the present study, a method to specifically measure MMP-8 activity in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples was developed. Methods: GCF was collected from healthy patients and those with periodontal disease using Perio paper strips. Samples were stored frozen until required for analysis. A specific MMP-8 antibody was used to coat 96 well microtitre plates to selectively remove MMP-8 from the GCF samples. Following a washing step, the activity of bound MMP-8 was measured over 70 minutes using a fluorogenic (FRET) substrate. Results: GCF from healthy subjects exhibited basal MMP-8 activity but in diseased samples MMP-8 activity was significantly higher. Minimal binding of other recombinant MMPs to the specific MMP-8 antibody was observed in cross-reactivity studies. Conclusion: We show for the first time that MMP-8 activity was significantly increased in GCF from periodontitis sites compared with activity levels in healthy sites. Further studies of MMP-8 activity in GCF samples should improve our understanding of its destructive role in periodontal disease.


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Neste trabalho o risco da aplicação de moluscicidas (metaldeído e metiocarbe) para o isópode terrestre Porcellionides pruinosus foi avaliado usando como parâmetros a mortalidade e biomarcadores de exposição. O tempo até à morte dos isópodes (após contacto com os moluscicidas) foi muito curto, especialmente no caso da exposição ao metiocarbe. Os vários biomarcadores revelaram-se úteis para a compreensão do modo de acção dos dois moluscicidas neste isópode, particularmente o efeito do carbamato metiocarbe na inibição da enzima acetilcolinesterase (AChE). Os efeitos de combinações binárias de três produtos de protecção das plantas (PPP) dimetoato, glifosato e espirodiclofeno foram avaliados testando o comportamento de evitamento de P. pruinosus, o sucesso reprodutivo do colêmbolo Folsomia candida e o crescimento das plantas Brassica rapa e Triticum aestivum, usando os dois modelos de referência de concentração de adição (CA) e acção independente (IA). O modelo MIXTOX foi usado para avaliar possíveis desvios (devido a interacções entre os pesticidas) dos dois modelos de referência. Os resultados obtidos permitem constatar que estes PPP quando aplicados segundo a dose recomendada não acarretam efeitos perniciosos para os organismos testados. Foi detectado sinergismo na mistura feita com glifosato e espirodiclofeno no isópode P. pruinosus e na mistura com glifosato e dimetoato na planta T. aestivum. Um ecossistema terrestre em pequena escala (“STEM”) foi desenvolvido, contendo um solo agrícola mediterrânico. Nestes STEM, minhocas (Eisenia andrei), P. pruinosus, B. rapa e “bait-lamina” foram incorporados no sentido de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de dimetoato com espirodiclofeno e glifosato com dimetoato. A dose recomendada de aplicação dos PPP, quer na exposição individual quer nas misturas binárias não teve quaisquer efeitos nas espécies testadas. As minhocas foram sensíveis à aplicação conjunta de dimetoato com espirodiclofeno (10 vezes a dose recomendada) na sua distribuição vertical ao longo da coluna do STEM, e foi detectado sinergismo (i.e. mais minhocas escaparam do que a predição feita pelo modelo IA). Em todas as misturas binárias feitas com glifosato e dimetoato registou-se um decréscimo no consumo de “bait-lamina”, indicando sinergismo (menos “bait-lamina” consumidos que o esperado). Dos quatro biomarcadores (Catalase, AChE, GST e LPO) avaliados nos isópodes, verificaram-se diferenças significativas na actividade da enzima AChE (quando dimetoato foi aplicado no solo) e LPO (aumento da actividade devido à aplicação de glifosato e dimetoato).


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GOAL: The manufacturing and distribution of strips of instant thin - layer chromatography with silica gel (ITLC - SG) (reference method) is currently discontinued so there is a need for an alternative method f or the determination of radiochemical purity (RCP) of 99m Tc - tetrofosmin. This study aims to compare five alternative methods proposed by the producer to determine the RCP of 99m Tc - tetrofosmin. METHODS: Nineteen vials of tetrofosmin were radiolabelled with 99m Tc and the percentages of the RCP were determined. Five different methods were compared with the standard RCP testing method (ITLC - SG, 2x20 cm): Whatman 3MM (1x10 cm) with acetone and dichloro - methane (method 1); Whatman 3MM (1x1 0 cm) with ethyl acetate (method 2); aluminum oxide - coated plastic thin - layer chromatography (TLC) plate (1x10 cm) and ethanol (method 3); Whatman 3MM (2x20 cm) with acetone and dichloro - methane (method 4); solid - phase extraction method C18 cartridge (meth od 5). RESULTS: The average values of RCP were 95,30% ± 1,28% (method 1), 93,95 ± 0,61% (method 2), 96,85% ± 0,93% (method 3), 92,94% ± 0,99% (method 4) and 96,25% ± 2,57% (method 5) (n=12 each), and 93,15% ± 1,13% for the standard method (n=19). There we re statistical significant differences in the values obtained for methods 1 (P=0,001), 3 (P=0,000) and 5 (P=0,004), and there were no statistical significant differences in the values obtained for methods 2 (P=0,113) and 4 (P=0,327). CONCLUSION: From the results obtained, methods 2 and 4 showed a higher correlation with the standard method. Unlike method 4, method 2 is less time - consuming than the reference method and can overcome the problems associated with the solvent toxicity. The remaining methods (1, 3 and 5) tended to overestimate RCP value compared to the standard method.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório Final apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º Ciclo de Ensino Básico


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The wide use of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to the emergence of resistant microbial species. It should be avoided/minimized by controlling the amount of drug employed in fish farming. For this purpose, the present work proposes test-strip papers aiming at the detection/semi-quantitative determination of organic drugs by visual comparison of color changes, in a similar analytical procedure to that of pH monitoring by universal pH paper. This is done by establishing suitable chemical changes upon cellulose, attributing the paper the ability to react with the organic drug and to produce a color change. Quantitative data is also enabled by taking a picture and applying a suitable mathematical treatment to the color coordinates given by the HSL system used by windows. As proof of concept, this approach was applied to oxytetracycline (OXY), one of the antibiotics frequently used in aquaculture. A bottom-up modification of paper was established, starting by the reaction of the glucose moieties on the paper with 3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (APTES). The so-formed amine layer allowed binding to a metal ion by coordination chemistry, while the metal ion reacted after with the drug to produce a colored compound. The most suitable metals to carry out such modification were selected by bulk studies, and the several stages of the paper modification were optimized to produce an intense color change against the concentration of the drug. The paper strips were applied to the analysis of spiked environmental water, allowing a quantitative determination for OXY concentrations as low as 30 ng/mL. In general, this work provided a simple, method to screen and discriminate tetracycline drugs, in aquaculture, being a promising tool for local, quick and cheap monitoring of drugs.


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A presente dissertação, integra-se no projeto ‘Digitalização e Tratamento da Filmoteca Ultramarina Portuguesa’, que inclui o tratamento e digitalização de uma coleção de microfilmes em películas de 35 mm em AC. A coleção é composta por mais de meio milhão de exposições (511.397) de variadas marcas comerciais. Deste conjunto, os negativos da marca Perutz são a parte considerada em pior estado de preservação, contendo itens considerados irrecuperáveis, devido ao seu total encurvamento e enrolamento, comportamento incomum relacionado com a deterioração do AC. Portanto, este conjunto constitui o nosso objeto de estudo, prioritário a recuperar a informação contida nestes microfilmes, pois as coleções originais, em papel, estão inacessíveis e em mau estado de conservação. Devido a uma deterioração atípica, uma das etapas principais é compreender o material, tendo-se recorrido à MO, para análise da estratigrafia, à μ-FTIR e à medição da acidez com as A-D STRIPS e dois métodos de potenciometria de pH (com a utilização de dois tipos de elétrodo, superfície plana e microelétrodo). Nos microfilmes aparentemente impossíveis de desenrolar, foram ensaiados e comparados neste estudo, diferentes tratamentos de C&R tradicionalmente aplicados nesta área, designadamente humidificação e transferência de emulsão, os quais se revelaram inadequados para as deteriorações em presença. Foi assim necessário recorrer a outras áreas afins da fotografia, para poder encontrar uma solução já testada com sucesso, a qual estaria na área do cinema, com o tratamento deshrinking que permitiu a recuperação da imagem possibilitando a sua informatização e colocação em base de dados, com o benefício inesperado de uma planificação permanente do objeto. Recorreu-se também à área da digitalização 3D e modulação computacional, mas sem resultados até a data. Assim, o tratamento deshrinking mostrou-se o mais eficaz sendo aprimorado, tendo-se passado de uma simples ação pontual e reversível de planificação para uma mais definitiva.


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Un papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification d’un papier en y immobilisant une ou plusieurs biomolécules. La recherche et le développement de papiers bioactifs est en plein essor car le papier est un substrat peu dispendieux qui est déjà d’usage très répandu à travers le monde. Bien que les papiers bioactifs n’aient pas connus de succès commercial depuis la mise en marche de bandelettes mesurant le taux de glucose dans les années cinquante, de nombreux groupes de recherche travaillent à immobiliser des biomolécules sur le papier pour obtenir un papier bioactif qui est abordable et possède une bonne durée de vie. Contrairement à la glucose oxidase, l’enzyme utilisée sur ces bandelettes, la majorité des biomolécules sont très fragiles et perdent leur activité très rapidement lorsqu’immobilisées sur des papiers. Le développement de nouveaux papiers bioactifs pouvant détecter des substances d’intérêt ou même désactiver des pathogènes dépend donc de découverte de nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation des biomolécules permettant de maintenir leur activité tout en étant applicable dans la chaîne de production actuelle des papiers fins. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une technique d’immobilisation efficace et versatile, permettant de protéger l’activité de biomolécules incorporées sur des papiers. La microencapsulation a été choisie comme technique d’immobilisation car elle permet d’enfermer de grandes quantités de biomolécules à l’intérieur d’une sphère poreuse permettant leur protection. Pour cette étude, le polymère poly(éthylènediimine) a été choisi afin de générer la paroi des microcapsules. Les enzymes laccase et glucose oxidase, dont les propriétés sont bien établies, seront utilisées comme biomolécules test. Dans un premier temps, deux procédures d’encapsulation ont été développées puis étudiées. La méthode par émulsion produit des microcapsules de plus petits diamètres que la méthode par encapsulation utilisant un encapsulateur, bien que cette dernière offre une meilleure efficacité d’encapsulation. Par la suite, l’effet de la procédure d’encapsulation sur l’activité enzymatique et la stabilité thermique des enzymes a été étudié à cause de l’importance du maintien de l’activité sur le développement d’une plateforme d’immobilisation. L’effet de la nature du polymère utilisé pour la fabrication des capsules sur la conformation de l’enzyme a été étudié pour la première fois. Finalement, l’applicabilité des microcapsules de poly(éthylèneimine) dans la confection de papiers bioactifs a été démontré par le biais de trois prototypes. Un papier réagissant au glucose a été obtenu en immobilisant des microcapsules contenant l’enzyme glucose oxidase. Un papier sensible à l’enzyme neuraminidase pour la détection de la vaginose bactérienne avec une plus grande stabilité durant l’entreposage a été fait en encapsulant les réactifs colorimétriques dans des capsules de poly(éthylèneimine). L’utilisation de microcapsules pour l’immobilisation d’anticorps a également été étudiée. Les avancées au niveau de la plateforme d’immobilisation de biomolécules par microencapsulation qui ont été réalisées lors de cette thèse permettront de mieux comprendre l’effet des réactifs impliqués dans la procédure de microencapsulation sur la stabilité, l’activité et la conformation des biomolécules. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la plateforme d’immobilisation développée peut être appliquée pour la confection de nouveaux papiers bioactifs.


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Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodicallyloaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic Corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic Corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost