855 resultados para Repeated Measures
INTRODUCTION : L’articulation temporo-mandibulaire (ATM) est un système articulaire excessivement complexe. L'étiologie des désordres temporo-mandibulaires (DTM) est encore incertaine et le lien de cause à effet des traitements orthodontiques en tant que facteur de risque est une question qui a longuement été discutée. Cette étude clinique prospective vise à évaluer les effets à long terme du port continu de coquilles correctrices Invisalign® sur l’ATM et les muscles du complexe facial. MATÉRIELS ET MÉTHODES : L'étude incluait 43 adolescents et adultes âgés entre 13 et 51 ans (25 femmes et 18 hommes). Deux d'entre eux ont été exclus en raison de mauvaise coopération causant l’arrêt du traitement orthodontique. Les effets dans le temps des coquilles sur l'ATM et les muscles du complexe facial ont été évalués en utilisant l’examen du Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Le nombre de contractions musculaires durant le sommeil a été mesuré objectivement par enregistrements électromyographiques (EMG) et la fréquence de grincement et de serrement des dents à l’éveil a été rapportée subjectivement par les patients à l’aide de questionnaires. Des mesures répétées ont été effectuées aux temps suivants: avant le début du traitement pour les données contrôles (T1), deux semaines (T2), et six mois (T3) après le début du traitement. Les données numériques ont été analysées par l’analyse de variance (ANOVA) en mesures répétées et la méthode de Brunner-Langer, alors que les données nominales ont été évaluées par le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel. Les résultats ont été considérés significatifs si p < 0.05. RÉSULTATS ET DISCUSSION : Le nombre de contractions musculaires par heure (index) durant le sommeil et leur durée moyenne n’ont pas été statistiquement différents entre les trois nuits d’enregistrement EMG (Brunner Langer, p > 0.005). Cependant, 67 % des participants ont rapporté avoir eu du grincement ou du serrement des dents la nuit au T2 et 64 % au T3 comparativement à 39 % au T1, ce qui était une augmentation significative (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, p = 0.0112). Quarante-quatre pour cent des patients ont signalé du grincement ou du serrement des dents pendant le jour au T1, tandis qu'un pourcentage nettement plus élevé de 66 % en a rapporté au T2 et 61 % au T3 (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, p = 0.0294). Au T1, 12 % des sujets ont indiqué qu'ils se sont réveillés avec une douleur musculaire, comparativement à 29 % au T2, ce qui était une augmentation significative (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, p = 0.0347). Au T2, il y avait une réduction significative des mouvements maximaux de la mandibule dans toutes les directions (ANOVA en mesures répétées, p < 0,05). De plus, il y a eu une augmentation significative du nombre de sites douloureux et de l'intensité de la douleur à la palpation de l'ATM et des muscles faciaux avec l'évaluation du RDC/TMD au T2 en comparaison aux T1 et T3 (Brunner Langer, p < 0,05). CONCLUSION : La présente étude n’a révélé aucun effet des coquilles sur l’activité oro-faciale durant le sommeil au fil du temps mesurée objectivement à l’aide des enregistrements EMG, mais une augmentation significative de la fréquence du grincement et du serrement des dents rapportée subjectivement par les patients au moyen des questionnaires aux T2 et T3. Au T2, il y avait une augmentation significative des symptômes de l'ATM et des muscles du complexe oro-facial, mais ces symptômes sont retournés au niveau initial avec le temps.
Au Québec, le trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDA/H) est celui qui requiert le plus grand nombre de consultations en pédopsychiatrie (50 % à 75 %). À ce jour, l’intervention multimodale (traitement pharmacologique, programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP) et programme d’intervention cognitive comportementale (PICC) auprès des enfants ayant un TDA/H) a obtenu de bons résultats à long terme. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué les changements dans le fonctionnement familial suite à un PEHP. La conception de ce PEHP repose sur les deux approches : l’approche systémique familiale de Calgary (Wright & Leahey, 2013) et l’approche de solution collaborative et proactive (Greene, 2014). Le Family Assessment Device (FAD; Epstein, Baldwin, et Bishop, 1983), version courte, a été utilisé pour mesurer le fonctionnement général (FG) de la famille. La collecte de données a été réalisée auprès de deux groupes (groupe participant et groupe témoin) et à deux temps de mesure (avant et après le PEHP). L’échantillon contient 28 familles participantes et 18 familles témoins. L’analyse de variance à mesures répétées (ANOVA) a été utilisée pour tester l’effet des variables indépendantes (Temps et Intervention) sur la variable dépendante (FG). Les résultats indiquent que les parents qui participent à un PEHP perçoivent un fonctionnement familial général amélioré par rapport au groupe témoin. L’interprétation des changements à la suite du PEHP donne des pistes d’intervention infirmières à ces familles afin d’éviter les impacts de ce trouble sur le fonctionnement familial à long terme.
Introduction : La croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants avec une séquence de Pierre Robin (SPR) est controversée dans la littérature. Certains auteurs croient que la croissance mandibulaire est accélérée après la naissance, mais peu se sont penchés sur la croissance du maxillaire supérieur. Cette étude rétrospective sur dossier vise à analyser la croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants atteints de la SPR. Dans un deuxième temps, nous aurions aimé évaluer la sévérité et l’évolution de l’apnée du sommeil en lien avec la croissance des maxillaires, mais un manque de données a empêché l’atteinte de cet objectif. Matériel et méthode : Les dossiers médicaux et orthodontiques de 93 patients (82 volet apnée et 40 volet croissance) du CHU Ste-Justine avec une SPR isolée ont été révisés puis comparés au groupe contrôle composé d’enfants normaux de l’Université du Michigan. L’analyse statistique de modèle mixte pour mesures répétées de même que celle de Brunner-Langer furent effectuées. Résultats : L’évaluation orthodontique a montré un changement statistiquement significatif pour la relation molaire droite, la présence de chevauchement et de diastème au maxillaire et le surplomb vertical. L’analyse des données céphalométriques nous montre que le maxillaire supérieur, la branche montante et le corps de la mandibule sont tous réduits par rapport à la normale. Ce dernier montre une diminution significative avec l’âge (p = 0,03). L’angle gonial, le SNA, SNB, ANB, l’angle de convexité faciale et l’inclinaison de l’incisive supérieure par rapport à FH sont tous normaux. Par contre, on remarque une augmentation statistiquement significative de cette dernière avec l’âge (p = 0,04). L’angle Y est augmenté tandis que les hauteurs faciales supérieure (HFS) et inférieure (HFI) sont diminuées bien que cette dernière montre une tendance à s’approcher de la normale avec l’âge (p ≤ 0,001). Discussion : Les dimensions des maxillaires sont similaires à plusieurs études. En ce qui concerne la mandibule, la croissance est soit plus lente, soit diminuée. Cette observation est plus marquée lorsque l’on s’approche du pic de croissance puisque l’écart par rapport à la normale s’agrandit. On voit une tendance à la croissance hyperdivergente qui pourrait expliquer l’augmentation de la HFI avec l’âge. Le fait que SNA et SNB soient dans la normale pourrait s’expliquer par une diminution de la longueur de la base crânienne. Conclusion : Il n’y a pas de rattrapage de croissance maxillaire et mandibulaire. Les maxillaires restent micrognathes quoique proportionnels l’un envers l’autre et le profil est convexe tout au long de la croissance. La comparaison des données céphalométriques et des traitements orthodontiques avec ceux des patients présentant une fente palatine isolée devrait se faire sous peu. Nous n’avons pas été en mesure d’atteindre nos objectifs concernant l’apnée du sommeil. Une étude prospective serait à prévoir pour y arriver.
Étude longitudinale à propos de l’espace occupé par les pseudosciences dans les librairies du Québec
Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats d’une étude longitudinale concernant la proportion d’espace consacrée d’une part aux ouvrages de pseudosciences (paranormal, ésotérisme, nouvel âge, arts divinatoires, etc.) et de sciences pour adultes et, d’autre part, aux ouvrages de spiritualité et de sciences pour enfants dans les librairies du Québec. Deux mesures ont été prises, l’une en 2001 dans 55 librairies et l’autre, en 2011 dans 72 librairies. Des analyses statistiques ont été réalisées à partir des mesures prises uniquement dans les librairies visitées aux deux temps de mesure. Les résultats des analyses corrélationnelles montrent que les librairies qui consacrent davantage d’espaces aux ouvrages de pseudosciences destinés aux adultes (n = 40) et aux ouvrages de spiritualité destinés aux enfants (n = 38) sont les mêmes en 2001 et en 2011. Par ailleurs, une ANOVA à mesures répétées montre que la proportion d’espace dévolue aux ouvrages de pseudosciences destinés aux adultes a diminué au deuxième temps de mesure, ce qui n’est pas le cas des livres de spiritualité offerts aux enfants. Après un bref retour sur la méthode utilisée et les résultats, nous invoquons quatre raisons susceptibles d’expliquer la popularité des pseudosciences ainsi que quelques conséquences éthiques et sociales de leur vogue. En conclusion, nous proposons deux solutions pour valoriser la démarche scientifique aux yeux des adolescents et des enfants.
Ecological validity of static and intense facial expressions in emotional recognition has been questioned. Recent studies have recommended the use of facial stimuli more compatible to the natural conditions of social interaction, which involves motion and variations in emotional intensity. In this study, we compared the recognition of static and dynamic facial expressions of happiness, fear, anger and sadness, presented in four emotional intensities (25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 %). Twenty volunteers (9 women and 11 men), aged between 19 and 31 years, took part in the study. The experiment consisted of two sessions in which participants had to identify the emotion of static (photographs) and dynamic (videos) displays of facial expressions on the computer screen. The mean accuracy was submitted to an Anova for repeated measures of model: 2 sexes x [2 conditions x 4 expressions x 4 intensities]. We observed an advantage for the recognition of dynamic expressions of happiness and fear compared to the static stimuli (p < .05). Analysis of interactions showed that expressions with intensity of 25 % were better recognized in the dynamic condition (p < .05). The addition of motion contributes to improve recognition especially in male participants (p < .05). We concluded that the effect of the motion varies as a function of the type of emotion, intensity of the expression and sex of the participant. These results support the hypothesis that dynamic stimuli have more ecological validity and are more appropriate to the research with emotions.
En análisis retrospectivo evaluamos 91 pacientes llevados a cirugía cardiaca entre 2013 y 2014 en la Fundación Cardioinfantil, en quienes se administro Custodiol, analizando los niveles de sodio y osmolalidad plasmática efectiva antes, durante y después del procedimiento quirúrgico. Nosotros evaluamos la relación entre administración de Custodiol y cambios en el sodio y osmolalidad plasmática del paciente llevado a cirugía cardiaca.
Based on the potential benefits of cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for human health, there is a need to develop effective strategies for enhancing milk fat CLA concentrations. Levels of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk can be increased by supplements of fish oil (FO) and sunflower oil (SO), but there is considerable variation in the response. Part of this variance may reflect time-dependent ruminal adaptations to high levels of lipid in the diet, which lead to alterations in the formation of specific biohydrogenation intermediates. To test this hypothesis, 16 late lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were used in a repeated measures randomized block design to examine milk fatty acid composition responses to FO and SO in the diet over a 28-d period. Cows were allocated at random to corn silage-based rations (8 per treatment) containing 0 (control) or 45 g of oil supplement/ kg of dry matter consisting (1:2; wt/wt) of FO and SO (FSO), and milk composition was determined on alternate days from d 1. Compared with the control, the FSO diet decreased mean dry matter intake (21.1 vs. 17.9 kg/d), milk fat (47.7 vs. 32.6 g/kg), and protein content (36.1 vs. 33.3 g/kg), but had no effect on milk yield (27.1 vs. 26.4 kg/d). Reductions in milk fat content relative to the FSO diet were associated with increases in milk trans-10 18: 1, trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and trans-9, cis-11 CLA concentrations (r(2) = 0.74, 0.57, and 0.80, respectively). Compared with the control, the FSO diet reduced milk 4: 0 to 18: 0 and cis 18:1 content and increased trans 18:1, trans 18:2, cis-9, trans-11 CLA, 20: 5 n-3, and 22: 6 n-3 concentrations. The FSO diet caused a rapid elevation in milk cis-9, trans-11 CLA content, reaching a maximum of 5.37 g/100 g of fatty acids on d 5, but these increases were transient, declining to 2.35 g/100 g of fatty acids by d 15. They remained relatively constant thereafter. Even though concentrations of trans-11 18: 1 followed the same pattern of temporal changes as cis-9, trans-11 CLA, the total trans 18:1 content of FSO milk was unchanged because of the concomitant increases in the concentration of other isomers (Delta(4-10) and Delta(12-15)), predominantely trans-10 18:1. In conclusion, supplementing diets with FSO enhances milk fat cis-9, trans-11 CLA content, but the high level of enrichment declines because of changes in ruminal biohydrogenation that result in trans-10 replacing trans-11 as the major 18:1 biohydrogenation intermediate formed in the rumen.
The tensile strength of 576 pieces of white line horn collected over 6 mo from 14 dairy cows restricted to parity 1 or 2 was tested. None of the cows had ever been lame. Seven cows were randomly assigned to receive 20 mg/d biotin supplementation, and 7 were not supplemented. Hoof horn samples were taken from zones 2 and 3 (the more proximal and distal sites of the abaxial white line) of the medial and lateral claws of both hind feet on d 1 and on 5 further occasions over 6 mo. The samples were analyzed at 100% water saturation. Hoof slivers were notched to ensure that tensile strength was measured specifically across the white line region. The tensile stress at failure was measured in MPa and was adjusted for the cross-sectional area of the notch site. Data were analyzed in a multilevel model, which accounted for the repeated measures within cows. All other variables were entered as fixed effects. In the final model, there was considerable variation in strength over time. Tensile strength was significantly higher in medial compared with lateral claws, and zone 2 was significantly stronger than zone 3. Where the white line was visibly damaged the tensile strength was low. Biotin supplementation did not affect the tensile strength of the white line. Results of this study indicate that damage to the white line impairs its tensile strength and that in horn with no visible abnormality the white line is weaker in the lateral hind claw than the medial and in zone 3 compared with zone 2. The biomechanical strength was lowest at zone 3 of the lateral hind claw, which is the most common site of white line disease lameness in cattle.
Previous studies have found beneficial effects of aromatherapy massage for agitation in people with dementia, for pain relief and for poor sleep. Children with autism often have sleep difficulties, and it was thought that aromatherapy massage might enable more rapid sleep onset, less sleep disruption and longer sleep duration. Twelve children with autism and learning difficulties (2 girls and 10 boys aged between 12 years 2 months to 15 years 7 months) in a residential school participated in a within subjects repeated measures design: 3 nights when the children were given aromatherapy massage with lavender oil were compared with 14 nights when it was not given. The children were checked every 30 min throughout the night to determine the time taken for the children to settle to sleep, the number of awakenings and the sleep duration. One boy's data were not analyzed owing to lengthy absence. Repeated measures analysis revealed no differences in any of the sleep measures between the nights when the children were given aromatherapy massage and nights when the children were not given aromatherapy massage. The results suggest that the use of aromatherapy massage with lavender oil has no beneficial effect on the sleep patterns of children with autism attending a residential school. It is possible that there are greater effects in the home environment or with longer-term interventions.
Objective: To explore the extent and nature of change in cognitive-motor interference (CMI) among rehabilitating stroke patients who showed dual-task gait decrement at initial assessment. Design: Experimental, with in-subjects, repeated measures design. Setting: Rehabilitation centre for adults with acquired, nonprogressive brain injury. Subjects: Ten patients with unilateral stroke, available for reassessment 1-9 months following their participation in a study of CMI after brain injury. Measures: Median stride duration; mean word generation. Methods: Two x one-minute walking trials, two x one-minute word generation trials, two x one-minute trials of simultaneous walking and word generation; 10-metre walking time; Barthel ADL Scale score. Results: Seven out of ten patients showed reduction over time in dual-task gait decrement. Three out of ten showed reduction in cognitive decrement. Only one showed concomitant reduction in gait and word generation decrement. Conclusion: Extent of CMI during relearning to walk after a stroke reduced over time in the majority of patients. Effects were more evident in improved stride duration than improved cognitive performance. Measures of multiple task performance should be included in assessment for functional recovery.
Research on the production of relative clauses (RCs) has shown that in English, although children start using intransitive RCs at an earlier age, more complex, bi-propositional object RCs appear later (Hamburger & Crain, 1982; Diessel and Tomasello, 2005), and children use resumptive pronouns both in acceptable and unacceptable ways (McKee, McDaniel, & Snedeker, 1998; McKee & McDaniel, 2001). To date, it is unclear whether or not the same picture emerges in Turkish, a language with an SOV word-order and overt case marking. Some studies suggested that subject RCs are more frequent in adults and children (Slobin, 1986) and yield a better performance than object RCs (Özcan, 1996), but others reported the opposite pattern (Ekmekçi, 1990). Our study addresses this issue in Turkish children and adults, and uses participants’ errors to account for the emerging asymmetry between subject and object RCs. 37 5-to-8 year old monolingual Turkish children and 23 adult controls participated in a novel elicitation task involving cards, each consisting of four different pictures (see Figure 1). There were two sets of cards, one for the participant and one for the researcher. The former had animals with accessories (e.g., a hat) whereas the latter had no accessories. Participants were instructed to hold their card without showing it to the researcher and describe the animals with particular accessories. This prompted the use of subject and object RCs. The researcher had to identify the animals in her card (see Figure 2). A preliminary repeated measures ANOVA with the factor Group (pre-school, primary-school children) showed no differences between the groups in the use of RCs (p>.1), who were therefore collapsed into one for further analyses. A repeated measures ANOVA with the factors Group (children, adults) and RC-Type (Subject, Object) showed that children used fewer RCs than adults (F(1,58)=7.54, p<.01), and both groups used fewer object than subject RCs (F(1,58)=22.46, p<.001), but there was no Group by RC-Type interaction (see Figure 3). A similar ANOVA on the rate of grammatical RCs showed a main effect of Group (F(1,58)=77.25, p<.001), a main effect of RC-Type (F(1,58)=66.33, p<.001), and an interaction of Group by RC-Type (F(1,58)=64.6, p<.001) (see Figure 4). Children made more errors than adults in object RCs (F(1,58)=87.01, p<.001), and children made more errors in object compared to subject RCs (F(1,36)=106.35, p<.001), but adults did not show this asymmetry. The error analysis revealed that children systematically avoided the object-relativizing morpheme –DIK, which requires possessive agreement with the genitive-marked subject. They also used resumptive pronouns and resumptive full-DPs in the extraction site similarly to English children (see Figure 5). These findings are in line with Slobin (1986) and Özcan (1996). Children’s errors suggest that they avoid morphosyntactic complexity of object RCs and try to preserve the canonical word order by inserting resumptive pronouns in the extraction site. Finally, cross-linguistic similarity in the acquisition of RCs in typologically different languages suggests a higher accessibility of subject RCs both at the structural (Keenan and Comrie, 1977) and conceptual level (Bock and Warren, 1986).
Multiparous rumen-fistulated Holstein cows were fed, from d 1 to 28 post-calving, an ad libitum TMR containing (g/kg DM) grass silage (196), corn silage (196), wheat (277), soybean meal (100), and other feeds (231) with CP, NDF, starch and water soluble carbohydrate concentrations of 176, 260, 299 and 39 g/kg DM respectively and ME of 12.2 MJ/kg DM. Treatments consisting of a minimum of 1010 cfu Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB 41125 in 250 ml solution (MEGA) or 250 ml of autoclaved M. elsdenii (CONT) were administered via the rumen cannula on d 3 and 12 of lactation (n=7 per treatment). Mid-rumen pH was measured every 15 minutes and eating and ruminating behavior was recorded for 24 h on d 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 22 and 28. Rumen fluid for VFA and lactic acid (LA) analysis was collected at 11 timepoints on each of d 2, 4, 6, 13 and 15. Data were analysed as repeated measures using the Glimmix (LA data) or Mixed (all other data) procedures of SAS with previous 305 d milk yield and d 2 measurements as covariates where appropriate. Milk yield was higher (CONT 43.0 vs MEGA 45.4 ±0.75 kg/d, P=0.051) and fat concentration was lower (CONT 45.6 vs MEGA 40.4 ±1.05 g/kg, P=0.005) in cows that received MEGA. Time spent eating (263 ±15 min/d) and ruminating (571 ±13 min/d), DM intake (18.4 ±0.74 kg/d), proportion of each 24 h period with rumen pH below 5.6 (3.69 ±0.94 h) and LA concentrations (2.00 mM) were similar (P>0.327) across treatments. Ruminal total VFA concentration (104 ±3 mM) was similar (P=0.404) across treatments, but a shift from acetate (CONT 551 vs MEGA 524 ±14 mmol/mol VFA, P=0.161) to propionate production (CONT 249 vs MEGA 275 ±11 mmol/mol VFA, P=0.099) meant that the acetate:propionate ratio (CONT 2.33 vs MEGA 1.94 ±0.15) was reduced (P=0.072) in cows that received MEGA. This study provides evidence that supplementation of early lactation dairy cows with MEGA alters rumen fermentation patterns in favour of propionate, with potential benefits for animal health and productivity.
The present study was carried out to examine the effect of the daily intake of 10 g inulin on fasting blood lipid, glucose and insulin levels in healthy middle-aged men and women with moderately raised total plasma cholesterol (TC) and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels. This study was a doubleblind randomized placebo-controlled parallel study in which fifty-four middle-aged subjects received either inulin or placebo for a period of 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples were collected before the supplementation period (baseline samples 1 and 2, separated by 1 week) and at weeks 4 and 8, with a follow-up at week 12. Compared with baseline values, insulin concentrations were significantly lower at 4 weeks (P,0×01) in the inulin group. There was a trend for TAG values, compared with baseline, to be lower in the inulin group at 8 weeks (P,0×08) returning to baseline concentrations at week 12. On comparison of the inulin and placebo groups, the fasting TAG responses over the 8-week test period were shown to be significantly different (P,0×05, repeated measures ANOVA), which was largely due to lower plasma TAG levels in the inulin group at week 8. The percentage change in TAG levels in the inulin group during the 8-week study was shown to correlate with the initial TAG level of the subjects (rs -0×499, P = 0×004). We therefore conclude that the daily addition of 10 g inulin to the diet significantly reduced fasting insulin concentrations during the 8-week test period and resulted in lower plasma TAG levels, particularly in subjects in whom fasting TAG levels were greater than 1×5 mmol/l. These data support findings from animal studies that fructans influence the formation and/or degradation of TAG-rich lipoprotein particles, and the insulin data are also consistent with recent studies showing attenuation of insulin levels in fructan-treated rats.
Background Few studies of the effects of postnatal depression on child development have considered the chronicity of depressive symptoms. We investigated whether early postnatal depressive symptoms (PNDS) predicted child developmental outcome independently of later maternal depressive symptoms. Methods In a prospective, longitudinal study, mothers and children were followed-up from birth to 2 years; repeated measures of PNDS were made using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS); child development was assessed using the Bayley Scales II. Multilevel modelling techniques were used to examine the association between 6 week PNDS, and child development, taking subsequent depressive symptoms into account. Results Children of mothers with 6 week PNDS were significantly more likely than children of non-symptomatic mothers to have poor cognitive outcome; however, this association was reduced to trend level when adjusted for later maternal depressive symptoms. Conclusion Effects of early PNDS on infant development may be partly explained by subsequent depressive symptoms.
Purpose: This is a cross-national study which investigates changes in purchase intentions of UK versus Chinese consumers following exposure to successive e-WOM comments in the form of positive and negative user reviews for experience versus search products. Design/methodology/approach: A 2(e-WOM valence and order: negative vs. positive most recent) X 2(product type: experience vs. search) X 3(purchase intentions at t1, t2, t3) repeated measures factorial design is used to test a set of hypotheses developed from the literature. Findings: Chinese consumers are susceptible to recent e-WOM comments regardless of their valence, while UK consumers anchor on negative information regardless of the order in which it is acquired. This holds particularly for experience products. Originality/value: This cross-national study contributes to the scarce literature on the impact of e-WOM on consumer purchase decisions by comparing UK and Chinese consumers. We suggest that culture moderates the development of product evaluations following exposure to e-WOM.