868 resultados para Recording and registration
What are the local impacts of energy systems on marine ecosystem services: a systematic map protocol
Background: Increasing concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) and its impact on the climate has resulted in many international governments committing to reduce their GHG emissions. The UK, for example, has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Suggested ways of reaching such a target are to increase dependency on offshore wind, offshore gas and nuclear. It is not clear, however, how the construction, operation and decommissioning of these energy systems will impact marine ecosystem services, i.e. the services obtained by people from the natural environment such as food provisioning, climate regulation and cultural inspiration. Research on ecosystem service impacts associated with offshore energy technologies is still in its infancy. The objective of this review is to bolster the evidence base by firstly, recording and describing the impacts of energy technologies at the marine ecosystems and human level in a consistent and transparent way; secondly, to translate these ecosystem and human impacts into ecosystem service impacts by using a framework to ensure consistency and comparability. The output of this process will be an objective synthesis of ecosystem service impacts comprehensive enough to cover different types of energy under the same analysis and to assist in informing how the provision of ecosystem services will change under different energy provisioning scenarios. Methods: Relevant studies will be sourced using publication databases and selected using a set of selection criteria including the identification of: (i) relevant subject populations such as marine and coastal species, marine habitat types and the general public; (ii) relevant exposure types including offshore wind farms, offshore oil and gas platforms and offshore structures connected with nuclear; (iii) relevant outcomes including changes in species structure and diversity; changes in benthic, demersal and pelagic habitats; and changes in cultural services. The impacts will be synthesised and described using a systematic map. To translate these findings into ecosystem service impacts, the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) frameworks are used and a detailed description of the steps taken provided to ensure transparency and replicability.
As a consequence of the fragility of various neural structures, preterm infants born at a low gestation and/or birthweight are at an increased risk of developing motor abnormalities. The lack of a reliable means of assessing motor integrity prevents early therapeutic intervention. In this paper, we propose a new method of assessing neonatal motor performance, namely the recording and subsequent analysis of intraoral sucking pressures generated when feeding nutritively. By measuring the infant's control of sucking in terms of a new development of tau theory, normal patterns of intraoral motor control were established for term infants. Using this same measure, the present study revealed irregularities in sucking control of preterm infants. When these findings were compared to a physiotherapist's assessment six months later, the preterm infants who sucked irregularly were found to be delayed in their motor development. Perhaps a goal-directed behaviour such as sucking control that can be measured objectively at a very young age, could be included as part of the neurological assessment of the preterm infant. More accurate classification of a preterm infant's movement abnormalities would allow for early therapeutic interventions to be realised when the infant is still acquiring the most basic of motor functions. (C) Springer-Verlag 2000.
Multilayer samples of white architectural paint potentially have very high evidential value in forensic casework, because the probability that two unrelated samples will have the same sequence of layers is extremely low. However, discrimination between the different layers using optical microscopy is often difficult or impossible. Here, lateral scanning Raman spectroscopy has been used to chemically map the cross-sections of multilayer white paint chips. It was found that the spectra did allow the different layers to be delineated on the basis of their spectral features. The boundaries between different layers were not as sharp as expected, with transitions occurring over length scales of > 20 µm, even with laser spot diameters <4 µm. However, the blurring of the boundaries was not so large as to prevent recording and identification of spectra from each of the layers in the samples. This method clearly provides excellent discrimination between different multilayer white paint samples and can readily be incorporated into existing procedures for examination of paint transfer evidence.
Purpose: Although L-type Ca2+ channels are known to play a key role in the myogenic reactivity of retinal arterial vessels, the involvement of other types of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in this process remains unknown. In the present study we have investigated the contribution of T-type Ca2+ channels to myogenic signalling in arterioles of the rat retinal microcirculation.
Methods: Confocal immunolabelling of wholemount preparations was used to investigate the localisation of CaV3.1-3 channels in retinal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. T-type currents and the contribution of T-type channels to myogenic signalling were assessed by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and pressure myography of isolated retinal arteriole segments.
Results: Strong immunolabelling for CaV3.1 was observed on the plasma membrane of retinal arteriolar smooth muscle cells. In contrast, no expression of CaV3.2 or CaV3.3 could be detected in retinal arterioles, although these channels were present on glial cell end feet surrounding the vessels and retinal ganglion cells, respectively. TTA-A2 sensitive T-type currents were recorded in retinal arteriolar myocytes with biophysical properties distinct from those of the L-type currents present in these cells. Inhibition of T-type channels using TTA-A2 or ML-218 dilated isolated, myogenically active, retinal arterioles.
Conclusions: CaV3.1 T-type Ca2+ channels are functionally expressed on arteriolar smooth muscle cells of retinal arterioles and play an important role in myogenic signalling in these vessels. The work has important implications concerning our understanding of the mechanisms controlling blood flow autoregulation in the retina and its disruption during ocular disease.
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
© Ordem dos Médicos 2016
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
According to recent studies, informal learning accounts for more than 75% of our continuous learning through life. However, the awareness of this learning, its benefits and its potential is still not very clear. In engineering contexts, informal learning could play an invaluable role helping students or employees to engage with peers and also with more experience colleagues, exchanging ideas and discussing problems. This work presents an initial set of results of the piloting phase of a project (TRAILER) where an innovative service based on Information & Communication Technologies was developed in order to aid the collection and visibility of informal learning. This set of results concerns engineering contexts (academic and business), from the learners' perspective. The major idea that emerged from these piloting trials was that it represented a good way of collecting, recording and sharing informal learning that otherwise could easily be forgotten. Several benefits were reported between the two communities such as being helpful in managing competences and human resources within an institution.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
A set of radiation measurements were carried out in several public and private institutions. These were selected with basis on the people affluence and passage to these sites. These measurements were registration formed either indoor, outdoor or underground and were compiled in three Case Studies. Radiation doses measurements were also made, surface and underground locations, and compiled in other two Case Studies. There were sampled, at the same time, humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure and relevant construction materials at sampling locations. They were collected and registration formed to analyse if there is any relation or contribution for the measured value in each specific place. Geostatistical models were used to elaborate maps of the results both for radiation values and for doses. Preliminary relations were established among the measured parameters.
The underground scenarios are one of the most challenging environments for accurate and precise 3d mapping where hostile conditions like absence of Global Positioning Systems, extreme lighting variations and geometrically smooth surfaces may be expected. So far, the state-of-the-art methods in underground modelling remain restricted to environments in which pronounced geometric features are abundant. This limitation is a consequence of the scan matching algorithms used to solve the localization and registration problems. This paper contributes to the expansion of the modelling capabilities to structures characterized by uniform geometry and smooth surfaces, as is the case of road and train tunnels. To achieve that, we combine some state of the art techniques from mobile robotics, and propose a method for 6DOF platform positioning in such scenarios, that is latter used for the environment modelling. A visual monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (MonoSLAM) approach based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), complemented by the introduction of inertial measurements in the prediction step, allows our system to localize himself over long distances, using exclusively sensors carried on board a mobile platform. By feeding the Extended Kalman Filter with inertial data we were able to overcome the major problem related with MonoSLAM implementations, known as scale factor ambiguity. Despite extreme lighting variations, reliable visual features were extracted through the SIFT algorithm, and inserted directly in the EKF mechanism according to the Inverse Depth Parametrization. Through the 1-Point RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) wrong frame-to-frame feature matches were rejected. The developed method was tested based on a dataset acquired inside a road tunnel and the navigation results compared with a ground truth obtained by post-processing a high grade Inertial Navigation System and L1/L2 RTK-GPS measurements acquired outside the tunnel. Results from the localization strategy are presented and analyzed.
Para as organizações sobreviverem num novo ambiente competitivo, tiveram que deixar de procurar obter vantagens competitivas nos seus recursos tangíveis para as procurarem nos ativos intangíveis. Assim, várias investigações comprovam a necessidade de se dar a devida importância ao conceito de Capital Intelectual como fonte de criação de vantagens competitivas para as organizações. Esta importância aplica-se a vários níveis de análise entre os quais o setor público. Esta investigação visa analisar a importância relativa de cada dimensão do capital intelectual de uma Instituição de Ensino, bem como o impacto do mesmo na performance (percecionada pelos seus stakeholders). Nesta dissertação adotamos o método de Estudo de Caso, utilizando uma abordagem mista – quantitativa e qualitativa. Utilizámos variadas técnicas na recolha de dados, tais como: entrevista, registo de áudio e questionários. Relativamente à análise de dados, efetuamos uma análise de conteúdo, análise de documentos e análise estatística. Ao nível de resultados, a análise qualitativa sugere que as três dimensões do Capital Intelectual (Capital Humano, Capital Estrutural e Capital Relacional) devem possuir a mesma importância relativa para avaliar o capital intelectual de uma Instituição de Ensino. Os resultados quantitativos sugerem que o capital intelectual tem impacto na performance, o que está em linha com a literatura sobre o tema. Finalmente, considerámos que esta tese contribui para uma sensibilização relativamente à importância do capital intelectual para melhorar a gestão e performance em contextos educacionais.
Les conflits entre les noms de domaine et les marques de commerce surgissent essentiellement par manque de coordination entre le système d'enregistrement des noms de domaine et celui des marques. Les marques sont enregistrées par des autorités publiques gouvernementales et les droits qui en découlent ne peuvent s'exercer que sur le territoire du pays d'origine. Le système d'enregistrement des noms de domaine, basé sur la règle "du premier arrivé, premier servi", ne connaît pas de limites géographiques et ignore le principe de spécialité propre aux marques de commerce. L'absence de lien entre ces deux systèmes a permis, l'enregistrement comme noms de domaine par des tiers, de marques de commerce de renom suscitant la confusion quant aux origines des sites. Le nom de domaine constitue un nouveau signe distinctif se situant à la frontière de la régulation technique et du contenu et représente le cadre idéal pour étudier les fondements légitimes de l'intervention du droit dans le cyberespace. En effet, le système des noms de domaine se construit autour de choix et de contraintes techniques dont les concepteurs n'imaginaient pas qu'ils deviendraient la source d'un important contentieux. Les noms de domaine, portes d'accès au réseau, font l'objet d'une tentative de régulation qui concilie les forces contraires de l' ''aterritorialité'' des noms de domaine, avec la "territorialité" des marques de commerce. Cette régulation repose sur la synergie entre l'architecture technique, les normes sociales, l'autoréglementation, le marché et la loi et se présente comme un laboratoire d'idées pour une définition de la régulation de l'Internet. La problématique des noms de domaine et des marques de commerce, constitue une application pratique de cette "corégulation" et amorce ainsi une évolution juridique, facteur de construction du droit sur l'Internet.