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Pollen and stable carbon (d13C) and hydrogen (dD) isotope ratios of terrestrial plant wax from the South Atlantic sediment core, ODP Site 1085, is used to reconstruct Miocene to Pliocene changes of vegetation and rainfall regime of western southern Africa. Our results reveal changes in the relative amount of precipitation and indicate a shift of the main moisture source from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean during the onset of a major aridification 8 Ma ago. We emphasise the importance of declining precipitation during the expansion of C4 and CAM (mainly succulent) vegetation in South Africa. We suggest that the C4 plant expansion resulted from an increased equator-pole temperature gradient caused by the initiation of strong Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation following the shoaling of the Central American Seaway during the Late Miocene.


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En el cultivo de pimiento, Myzus persicae es una plaga cuyo manejo se basa en el uso de agroquímicos de síntesis. Una alternativa de menor impacto ambiental para su control es la aplicación de extractos naturales. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de extractos provenientes de Melia azedarach, Eucalyptus globulus y Ricinus communis sobre este pulgón. Se escogió la técnica del film residual en papel de filtro, manteniendo los individuos sobre hojas de pimiento ornamental. Se utilizaron extractos acetónicos a una dilución de 10 000 ppm, con 5 individuos en cada una de las 10 réplicas de los tratamiento. Se efectuaron lecturas para mortalidad a los 30 minutos y 24, 48 y 72 horas. Los resultados se analizaron mediante ANOVA de medidas repetidas y prueba de Tukey. El extracto de eucalipto produjo una mortalidad significativa, alcanzando un máximo cercano al 50 % en promedio, para la lectura a las 72 horas. Asimismo se observó un efecto sobre la reproducción, generado por los extractos de eucalipto y ricino, aunque no pudo probarse esto estadísticamente. Para el ricino, se infiere un probable efecto de repelencia. Se propone continuar con los ensayos de extractos, ampliando la evaluación de su efecto sobre el potencial reproductivo del organismo blanco.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to reconstruct pathways of terrigenous input to the oceans and provides a record of vegetation change on adjacent continents. The wind transport routes of aeolian pollen is comprehensively illustrated by clusters of trajectories. Isobaric, 4-day backward trajectories are calculated using the modelled wind-field of ECHAM3, and are clustered on a seasonal basis to estimate the main pathways of aeolian particles to sites of marine cores in the south-eastern Atlantic. Trajectories and clusters based on the modelled wind-field of the Last Glacial Maximum hardly differ from those of the present-day. Trajectory clusters show three regional, and two seasonal patterns, determining the pathways of aeolian pollen transport into the south-eastern Atlantic ocean. Mainly, transport out of the continent occurs during austral fall and winter, when easterly and south-easterly winds prevail. South of 25°S, winds blow mostly from the west and southwest, and aeolian terrestrial input is very low. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. The northern Angola Basin receives pollen and spores from the Congolian and Zambezian forests mainly through river discharge. The Zambezian vegetation zone is the main source area for wind-blown pollen in sediments of the Angola Basin, while the semi-desert and desert areas are the main sources for pollen in sediments of the Walvis Basin and on the Walvis Ridge. A transect of six marine pollen records along the south-western African coast indicates considerable changes in the vegetation of southern Africa between glacial and interglacial periods. Important changes in the vegetation are the decline of forests in equatorial Africa and the north of southern Africa and a northward shift of winter rain vegetation along the western escarpment.


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The cells of the endosperm of castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis) undergo programmed cell death during germination, after their oil and protein reserves have been mobilized. Nuclear DNA fragmentation first was observed at day 3 in the endosperm cells immediately adjacent to the cotyledons and progressed across to the outermost cell layers by day 5. We also detected the accumulation of small organelles known as ricinosomes, by using an antibody against a cysteine endoprotease. By the time the nuclear DNA was susceptible to heavy label by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling, the ricinosomes had released into the cytoplasm their content of cysteine endoprotease, which became activated because of the cleavage of its propeptide. The cysteine endoprotease is distinguished by a C-terminal KDEL sequence, although it is not retained in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and is a marker for ricinosomes. Homologous proteases are found in the senescing tissues of other plants, including the petals of the daylily. Ricinosomes were identified in this tissue by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. It seems that ricinosomes are not unique to Ricinus and play an important role in the degradation of plant cell contents during programmed cell death.


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PII is a protein allosteric effector in Escherichia coli and other bacteria that indirectly regulates glutamine synthetase at the transcriptional and post-translational levels in response to nitrogen availability. Data supporting the notion that plants have a nitrogen regulatory system(s) includes previous studies showing that the levels of mRNA for plant nitrogen assimilatory genes such as glutamine synthetase (GLN) and asparagine synthetase (ASN) are modulated by carbon and organic nitrogen metabolites. Here, we have characterized a PII homolog (GLB1) in two higher plants, Arabidopsis thaliana and Ricinus communis (Castor bean). Each plant PII-like protein has high overall identity to E. coli PII (50%). Western blot analyses reveal that the plant PII-like protein is a nuclear-encoded chloroplast protein. The PII-like protein of plants appears to be regulated at the transcriptional level in that levels of GLB1 mRNA are affected by light and metabolites. To initiate studies of the in vivo function of the Arabidopsis PII-like protein, we have constructed transgenic lines in which PII expression is uncoupled from its native regulation. Analyses of these transgenic plants support the notion that the plant PII-like protein may serve as part of a complex signal transduction network involved in perceiving the status of carbon and organic nitrogen. Thus, the PII protein found in archaea, bacteria, and now in higher eukaryotes (plants) is one of the most widespread regulatory proteins known, providing evidence for an ancestral metabolic regulatory mechanism that may have existed before the divergence of these three domains of life.


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The nucellus is a complex maternal grain tissue that embeds and feeds the developing cereal endosperm and embryo. Differential screening of a barley (Hordeum vulgare) cDNA library from 5-d-old ovaries resulted in the isolation of two cDNA clones encoding nucellus-specific homologs of the vacuolar-processing enzyme of castor bean (Ricinus communis). Based on the sequence of these barley clones, which are called nucellains, a homolog from developing corn (Zea mays) grains was also identified. In dicots the vacuolar-processing enzyme is believed to be involved in the processing of vacuolar storage proteins. RNA-blot and in situ-hybridization analyses detected nucellain transcripts in autolysing nucellus parenchyma cells, in the nucellar projection, and in the nucellar epidermis. No nucellain transcripts were detected in the highly vacuolate endosperm or in the other maternal tissues of developing grains such as the testa or the pericarp. Using an antibody raised against castor bean vacuolar-processing protease, a single polypeptide was recognized in protein extracts from barley grains. Immunogold-labeling experiments with this antibody localized the nucellain epitope not in the vacuoles, but in the cell walls of all nucellar cell types. We propose that nucellain plays a role in processing and/or turnover of cell wall proteins in developing cereal grains.


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Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated as a pathogenic mediator in a variety of central nervous system (CNS) disease states, including the animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS) and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. We have examined post-mortem brain tissues collected from patients previously diagnosed with MS, as well as tissues collected from the brains of patients dying without neuropathies. Both Northern blot analysis and reverse transcriptase (RT)-driven in situ PCR (RT-in situ PCR) studies demonstrated that inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mRNA was present in the brain tissues from MS patients but was absent in equivalent tissues from normal controls. We have also performed experiments identifying the cell type responsible for iNOS expression by RT-in situ PCR in combination with immunohistochemistry. Concomitantly, we analyzed the tissues for the presence of the NO reaction product nitrotyrosine to demonstrate the presence of a protein nitrosylation adduct. We report here that iNOS mRNA was detectable in the brains of 100% of the CNS tissues from seven MS patients examined but in none of the three normal brains. RT-in situ PCR experiments also demonstrated the presence of iNOS mRNA in the cytoplasm of cells that also expressed the ligand recognized by the Ricinus communis agglutinin 1 (RCA-1), a monocyte/macrophage lineage marker. Additionally, specific labeling of cells was observed when brain tissues from MS patients were exposed to antisera reactive with nitrotyrosine residues but was significantly less plentiful in brain tissue from patients without CNS disease. These results demonstrate that iNOS, one of the enzymes responsible for the production of NO, is expressed at significant levels in the brains of patients with MS and may contribute to the pathology associated with the disease.


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El sistema inmune es el sistema de defensa del organismo involucrado en la protección frente a microorganismos patógenos y neoplasias. Este sistema está formado por una gran variedad de células y moléculas capacitadas para reconocer específicamente estructuras moleculares o antígenos y desarrollar una respuesta inmune que conduce a su eliminación. Sin embargo, en ocasiones esta respuesta puede estar alterada provocando enfermedades derivadas de respuesta insuficiente (inmunodeficiencias, infección, neoplasias), o de respuesta excesiva (alergia, autoinmunidad, rechazo de trasplantes). La estrategia terapéutica utilizada para restaurar el correcto funcionamiento de la respuesta inmune, estimulándola o suprimiéndola, se conoce como inmunomodulación. Para lograr la inmunomodulación se utilizan agentes inmunomoduladores de naturaleza muy variada que incluyen sustancias sintéticas, recombinantes y de origen natural. Dentro de este último grupo cabe destacar a los inmunomoduladores diseñados con el objetivo de estimular mecanismos de inmunidad natural. A este grupo pertenece el fármaco español Inmunoferon®. Se trata de un inmunomodulador oral que ha demostrado capacidad para normalizar la función efectora de las células accesorias y fagocíticas, de las células NK y de los linfocitos T. Simultáneamente, inhibe la producción de TNF-α y modula la producción de otras citoquinas reguladoras (IL-1, IL-2, IL-12, IFN- γ). Se ha empleado en enfermedades diversas, como la hepatitis B crónica, la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, la estomatitis aftosa y la inflamación muscular, entre otras. El principio activo de la especialidad Inmunoferon® es una asociación no covalente de polisacárido/proteína absorbida sobre una matriz estabilizante de sulfato y fosfato cálcicos. El polisacárido es un glucomanano de la pared de Candida utilis y el componente proteico procede de semillas no germinadas de ricino (Ricinus communis). Hasta el presente, el desconocimiento total de la naturaleza de este componente proteico ha impedido estudiar y conocer en profundidad la compleja farmacología de este fármaco...


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The oxygen isotopic composition of plant cellulose is commonly used for the interpretations of climate, ecophysiology and dendrochronology in both modern and palaeoenvironments. Further applications of this analytical tool depends on our in-depth knowledge of the isotopic fractionations associated with the biochemical pathways leading to cellulose. Here, we test two important assumptions regarding isotopic effects resulting from the location of oxygen in the carbohydrate moiety and the biosynthetic pathway towards cellulose synthesis. We show that the oxygen isotopic fractionation of the oxygen attached to carbon 2 of the glucose moieties differs from the average fractionation of the oxygens attached to carbons 3–6 from cellulose by at least 9%, for cellulose synthesized within seedlings of two different species (Triticum aestivum L. and Ricinus communis L.). The fractionation for a given oxygen in cellulose synthesized by the Triticum seedlings, which have starch as their primary carbon source, is different than the corresponding fractionation in Ricinus seedlings, within which lipids are the primary carbon source. This observation shows that the biosynthetic pathway towards cellulose affects oxygen isotope partitioning, a fact heretofore undemonstrated. Our findings may explain the species-dependent variability in the overall oxygen isotope fractionation during cellulose synthesis, and may provide much-needed insight for palaeoclimate reconstruction using fossil cellulose.


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No presente trabalho estudou-se a produção de ésteres etílicos de ácido graxo de Ricinus communis L. através da tranesterificação alcalina do óleo de mamona com etanol. Esta metodologia foi adotada para determinar as melhores condições para a produção de biodiesel a partir de óleo de mamona usando o mínimo de operações unitárias com benefícios do ponto de vista econômico e de produção de efluentes. Para a obtenção dos ésteres etílicos através do processo de transesterificação (etapa 1) utilizou-se como catalisador 1% de NaOH com etanol em uma razão molar de 6:1 seguido da adição de ácido sulfúrico. Após, a reação de esterificação (etapa 2) dos ácidos graxos contidos no biodiesel foi realizada visando reduzir o índice de acidez da amostra, ficando em torno de 2 mg de KOH/g. A quebra in situ dos sabões (provenientes da reação paralela de saponificação do triglicerídeo) pela adição de ácido sulfúrico ao meio reacional foi bem sucedida melhorando a separação dos FAEEs do glicerol. O processo em duas etapas transesterificação/esterificação apresentou boa conversão para os ésteres etílicos, diminuindo o índice de acidez e atingindo as especificações para glicerina total e livre. O biodiesel proveniente do óleo de mamona foi composto de 90,6% ácido ricinoléico (C18:1, OH), 3,2% ácido oléico (C18:1), 4,5% ácido linoléico (C18:2), 0,7% ácido esteárico (C18:0), 1,0% ácido palmítico (C16:0), triacilgliceróis (TGs, 0%), diacilgliceróis (DGs, 0,37%) monoacilgliceróis (MGs, 0,46%) e glicerol livre (0,25%) após o processo em duas etapas transesterificação/esterificação. O processo em duas etapas foi muito importante para determinar a integralidade da reação no rendimento do produto. Os resultados demonstram que o procedimento desenvolvido para a produção de FAEEs em escala de laboratório pode ser escalonado para uma planta piloto.