982 resultados para Putnam, Herbert, 1861-1955.
This guide is designed as a finding aid for researchers seeking materials on a particular topic and it indicates the nature and extent of resources for the study of United States history available at the Historical Society of Iowa, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and the Iowa University Libraries.
The article presents and discusses long-run series of per capita GDP and life expectancy for Italy and Spain (1861-2008). After refining the available estimates in order to make them comparable and with the avail of the most up-to-date researches, the main changes in the international economy and in technological and sociobiological regimes are used as analytical frameworks to re-assess the performances of the two countries; then structural breaks are searched for and Granger causality between the two variables is investigated. The long-run convergence notwithstanding, significant cyclical differences between the two countries can be detected: Spain began to modernize later in GDP, with higher volatility in life expectancy until recent decades; by contrast, Italy showed a more stable pattern of life expectancy, following early breaks in per capita GDP, but also a negative GDP break in the last decades. Our series confirm that, whereas at the early stages of development differences in GDP tend to mirror those in life expectancy, this is no longer true at later stages of development, when, if any, there seems to be a negative correlation between GDP and life expectancy: this finding is in line with the thesis of a non-monotonic relation between life expectancy and GDP and is supported by tests of Granger causality.
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Elthon delivered at the State Capitol.
Anàlisi de l'arquitectura de Girona entre l'any de l'aixecament militar del general Franco contra la República i elconsegüent inici de la Guerra Civil (1936) fins a l'any en què Espanya va ser admesa per ingressar a l'ONU (1955)
This is the Inaugural Address of Governor to the General Assembly.
El principal objetivo de nuestro tra bajo es delimitar las prácticas de reciprocidad que se llevaron a cabo durante el período de tiempo analizado y que permitieron reproducirse socialmente a los grupos menos favorecidos por la guerra y la posguerra . Nuestro análisis demuestra que la alimentación es un sistema de comuni - cación mediante el cual se crean o mantienen prácticas de poder , así como expre - siones de identidad y/o defensa o ruptura de las normas morales que comparte un grupo social .
Les textes inédits traduits et présentés dans ce volume constituent un témoignage exceptionnel quant à l'évolution de la pensée de Carnap, l'un des fondateurs de la philosophie analytique. Des premières ébauches d'une construction logique du monde à l'analyse logique des propositions du langage, ils nous font en effet assister aux différents moments d'un programme philosophique inscrit dans le débat du physicalisme et de l'unité de la science. La réductibilité des termes de la psychologie puis de la biologie aux termes de la physique implique-t-elle la dérivabilité de leurs lois aux siennes ? Y a-t-il bonne conséquence d'une épistémologie de la réduction à une réduction ontologique ? Le monde, en somme, est-il entièrement explicable par le langage, et si oui, lequel ?