742 resultados para Psych-verbs


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Numerous studies have shown that accentuation and implicit verb causality influenced pronoun resolution. However, many researchers cannot agree on the time course, as well as they know little about the interaction between the two types of information during comprehending Chinese sentences. The study aimed to explore the effects of accentuation and implicit verb causality on the pronoun processing during spoken Chinese sentences comprehension as well as their time courses, using auditory moving window technique and cross-modal probe paradigm. The main results were: 1) The reading time of the second clause in stressed pronoun condition was significantly longer than that in unstressed pronoun condition. Accentuation influenced the activation level of candidate antecedents. 2) Implicit verb causality influenced the pronoun interpretation during spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. It also affected the activation level of candidate antecedents immediately after people heard the pronoun. 3) There was “the first-mentioned effect” in spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. The effect seemed as if a general phenomenon during the pronoun processing. 4) Accentuation, Implicit verb causality and the first-mentioned effect interacted during the pronoun processing and spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. This study supported the focus hypothesis, indicating accentuation could shift the center of attention even in nonparallel-structure sentences; implicit verb causality influences the pronoun processing immediately; there was interaction between accentuation and implicit verb causality during spoken sentence comprehension.


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过去几乎所有的理论都假设知道感是一种由弱到强的主观感受的连续体。近期的脑成像研究结果提示:FOK与FOnK可能是由两种不同的认知与脑机制所实现的,由此结果罗劲等人提出了知道感的“双过程假说”。本研究试图从行为和脑电实验两方面来验证这一假说。 行为实验:以词对为材料、“回忆-FOK判断-再认”为实验程序,分别考察学习遍数、词对关联程度、线索词词频、非词对是否会对FOK和FOnK产生不同的影响。结果表明:如果换一种研究角度,把FOK和FOnK区分开来加以考虑的话,则过去通常认为能够影响知道感预测准确性的变量,对FOK和FOnK可能会造成不同的影响,甚至是相反的影响。学习遍数、词对关联程度、高频线索词提高FOK预测准确性并降低FOnK预测准确性;低频线索词、非词对降低FOK预测准确性并提高FOnK预测准确性,从而实现FOK与FOnK的双重分离。 脑电实验:首次使用事件相关电位(ERP, event-related-potential)研究FOK,借助ERP实时性的特点,探讨FOK和FOnK判断在时间和空间上的分离点。选用双字名词组成无关词对,程序同行为实验。结果提示相对于准确的FOnK判断,准确的FOK判断引发一个更负的波(N4),最高波幅出现在线索词刺激出现后500ms。并首次观察到FOK与FOnK在400ms左右开始发生分离。 研究意义:本研究从行为实验和ERP两方面验证了知道感的“双过程假设”,为这一假说提供了实证支持。


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决策是一种重要的认知活动过程。研究儿童决策的发展过程对揭示人类决策行为产生发展过程和儿童决策行为的发展有重要意义。本研究以7、9、11岁正常儿童和数学学习困难(MD)儿童作为被试,采用信息公告版技术呈现多选择多特征任务,着重探讨一下三个问题:(1)小学儿童决策策略的发展,任务复杂程度和任务特征如何影响决策策略?(2)小学儿童运用策略正确决策的能力如何发展?(3)MD儿童和正常儿童的决策差异? 主要研究结果如下: 1) 7-11岁儿童使用信息搜寻策略的灵活性提高,主要表现在9岁到11岁之间。11岁儿童,能根据任务的复杂程度和任务特征选择更有效的策略,具有了“适应性决策者”的特点。 2) 7-11岁是儿童运用策略做出正确决策的能力随年龄而发展,对不可代偿任务的决策能力在7-9岁快速发展;在较难的可代偿策略任务上,儿童的决策能力逐渐发展,但总体水平仍然较差。 3) 7-11岁儿童决策时间逐渐缩短,且差异出现在7岁到9岁之间。 4) 7-11岁儿童运用可代偿和不可代偿策略的能力沿着两个系统,同时发展。一方面儿童运用“完全加工”策略的能力增强;另一方面,儿童也能更好地运用不可代偿策略,快速而有效地做出正确选择。 5) 7-11岁MD儿童决策能力的发展滞后于正常组儿童。MD儿童比正常儿童需要更多地决策时间;MD儿童在不可代偿/可代偿任务中的决策成绩显著低于正常儿童;MD儿童在不可代偿/可代偿任务中的决策策略存在差异,11岁MD儿童仍然不能根据任务特征选择适应性策略。


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行为学研究显示,对毒品相关刺激的注意偏向是海洛因成瘾者的认知特点。本文介绍的一系列实验室研究,试图借助成熟的认知心理学研究方法,深入探讨这个现象。首先,在先期实验中,考虑到配对图片的情绪色彩的情况下,利用点-探测范式复制出注意偏向的现象。在此基础上,借助事件相关电位技术,利用提示-靶刺激范式试图为毒品相关性注意偏向提供一些电生理证据,并验证了诱因-敏化理论。 本文的主要结论是: 1、中国黄种人中的海洛因成瘾者也存在着对毒品相关刺激的注意偏向,为前人研究提供了跨种族、跨文化的支持性证据。 2、在控制了配对图片的情绪色彩之后,成瘾者仍然表现出对毒品线索的注意偏向。 3、首次为海洛因成瘾者对毒品相关刺激的注意偏向提供了较为严谨的电生理学依据。毒品线索视觉提示对其后的视觉加工具有调节作用。这种调节作用表现在ERP上,是对顶枕部P1波幅的调节。毒品相关注意偏向引发的偏差行为,很可能源于偏差了的感觉加工。 4、行为学数据与脑电数据显示出高度的一致性:海洛因成瘾者的注意偏向发生在脱离(Disengagement)阶段,而没有发生在投放(Engagement)阶段,即成瘾者的注意力更不愿意从毒品处脱离而不是毒品信息更容易攫取他们的注意力。这一结果验证了诱因-敏化理论,证实毒品线索会诱发成瘾者对毒品的病理性欲望(Wanting)。 5、海洛因成瘾者对毒品线索注意偏向的程度受成瘾时间、戒毒次数及其控制力的影响。


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创造力发展的年龄特征一直是研究者非常关注的问题。很多研究者认为,只有更全面地探查儿童创造力的发展,才能充分了解创造力的本质,所以,应该在多个领域中研究创造力。本研究以文学领域中儿童比较熟悉并喜欢的讲故事的形式,采用同感评估技术(CAT),对4-7岁儿童的创造力发展趋势进行了研究,并深入探讨了经常被人们提到的出现在该阶段中的“入学突降”现象。研究共分为两个部分:研究一考察了4-7岁儿童创造力的发展趋势和创造力的“入学突降”现象;研究二探查了讲故事任务的创造力与言语能力的关系,讨论了创造力的领域特殊性。研究结果发现: 1. 4-7岁儿童的创造力随年龄的增长总体上表现出先上升后下降的趋势,并且存在性别差异。性别差异的具体表现为,女生在4-5岁的发展快于男生,且在6岁开始出现下降趋势。 2. 排除入学影响,随年龄增长,6-7岁儿童的创造力显著上升。 3. 6岁已入学儿童的创造力显著低于同年龄未入学儿童,其中女生受到的影响更大。 4. 言语能力是讲故事创造力的基础,只有达到了一定水平的言语能力才能够表现出较高水平的创造力,但是言语能力只是讲故事创造力的必要而非充分条件。 5. 研究结果部分支持了创造力领域特殊性的理论。


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儿童的故事重述涉及工作记忆和抽象表征能力,是与儿童的日常学业任务密切联系。儿童能否把握时间线索来组织故事重述,反映的是儿童抽象出故事事件内在时间关系的能力,因此对儿童故事重述的探查可以揭示儿童抽象思维发展的一般规律和特点。本研究在前人研究的基础上,系统探查了7-11岁儿童故事重述能力及其策略的发展过程,探讨了时间线索对儿童故事重述的影响,并对ADHD儿童和正常儿童的故事重述及策略进行了比较。 主要研究结果如下: (1)7-11岁儿童故事重述能力总体上随年龄增长而提高,按正确顺序重述的事件数量增多,重述过程中提取和使用的时间线索也增加。其中7-9岁有较快速的发展。 (2)随故事中包含的事件数量的增加,故事难度增大,儿童的故事重述成绩有所下降,故事长度对7岁和9岁儿童的影响大于对11岁儿童的影响。 (3)有、无时间线索语词会影响儿童的故事重述。故事中包含时间语词线索有助于儿童的故事重述。11岁儿童的故事重述已不受有、无时间线索的影响,他们在无时间线索的条件下,更多地主动使用表示因果关系的语词来表征事件关系。 (4)ADHD儿童的故事重述能力在9岁到11岁有较快的发展。但总体而言,ADHD儿童对含有时间线索故事的重述能力显著差于正常儿童。 (5)故事再学习对ADHD儿童和正常儿童的故事重述都存在促进作用。但ADHD儿童故事再学习效果不如正常儿童,低龄儿童中差距尤其明显,随着年龄的增加,ADHD儿童与正常儿童故事再学习效果的差距逐渐缩小。 (6)不同年龄的儿童主要采用四种策略解决问题。随年龄增长,正常儿童和ADHD儿童中使用水平较高的内容主线和逻辑关系策略的人数都有所增加。但ADHD儿童中高水平策略使用人数比例仍低于正常儿童。


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本研究采用跨通道词汇再认法,在语篇的韵律结构和信息结构两个层面上,考察重读和信息结构的关系在在口语语篇理解中的作用,以探索重读是如何影响语篇表征中的信息的激活以及重读影响语篇理解加工的作用机制。 本研究有以下主要结论: [1] 与无重读的基线条件相比,无论在目标句中旧信息位于新信息之前还是之后,一致性重读(新信息重读、旧信息不重读)都会抑制旧信息在语篇表征中的激活。在一致性重读条件下,不被重读的旧信息引导听者对其分配较少的注意资源,将较多的注意资源分配给较重要的新信息,对新信息进行充分的加工,而将较少的注意资源分配给相对不重要的旧信息。 [2] 在口语语篇理解过程中,与无重读条件比较,重读提高被重读的新信息和被重读的旧信息在语篇表征中的激活。这表明无论被重读的词汇的信息结构如何,重读会提高其所标识的概念节点在语篇表征中的激活。


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电子商务是国家“以信息化带动工业化”战略的一个重点,也是社会生活中一种重要的经济活动方式。本研究试图系统地探讨网上购物中商品/服务类别对消费者认知风险的影响,进一步完善网上购物的风险认知理论,并为我国电子商务的发展提供科学建议。 研究包括两部分:一部分是不同类别的商品对消费者网上购物时认知风险的影响;另一部分是不同类别的服务对消费者网上购物时认知风险的影响。研究者采用实验室实验与问卷测量相结合的方法考察了不同商品/服务类别对消费者认知风险的影响。被试为206名有过网上购物经验的大学生/研究生。 结果表明,第一,在网上商品购买实验的非判断性测量中,商品类别和商品价格的主效应都显著。 第二,问卷测量中,商品类别和商品价格存在着交互作用。对于价格低的商品,搜索型商品、体验型商品和信任型商品的总体认知风险是递增的。对于价格高的商品,搜索型商品、体验型商品和信任型商品的总体认知风险差异不显著。 第三,不同类别服务的总体认知风险差异显著。 第四,网上购物时,商品/服务类别不仅给消费者带来了财务风险、时间风险、身体风险、绩效风险和心理风险而且也给消费者带来了社会风险。 第五,对于大多数商品/服务来说,身体风险并不是消费者在网上购物时所担心的。 第六,与商品相比,消费者在网上购买服务时,并不在意其时间风险和隐私风险。网上服务的便利性表现得比商品更为优越。


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This study was aimed at examining the effects of contexts on pronouns comprehension in discourse comprehension. When a pronoun appears in a discourse in which there are not less than two antecedents, its comprehension may be influenced by the local and global contexts. This study explored the effects of global and local contexts on pronouns comprehension, the comprehension process of implicature in pronouns comprehension, the relationship between the effects of local and global contexts on pronouns comprehension . The main conclusions of the present study were: 1 The global contexts and the local contexts prior to the pronoun both influenced the pronouns comprehension, and the effects of the two contexts were additive. When the global contexts were inconsistent with the local context, the comprehender understood the pronouns based on the local context. 2 When a pronoun appears in a discourse, the comprehender understand the pronouns based on the global context immediately. After the local context appears in succession, the comprehender understand the pronouns based on the local context. 3 If the semantic information posterior to the pronouns are needed to decide the antecedent of the pronouns, the semantic information would be influenced by the global contexts prior to pronouns. 4 When a pronoun appears in global contexts and local contexts prior to the pronouns, the pronouns comprehension were influenced by the two contexts. The global contexts played role in the initial stage of pronouns comprehension, and the local contexts, in despite of being prior to the pronouns, played role in the later stage of pronouns comprehension. 5 Language was not an absolute incremental semantic interpretation process. Some information prior the target words didn’t influence the processing of target words immediately, but played role in later stage.


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According to the influential dual-route model of reading (Coltheart, Rastle et al. 2001), there are two routes to access the meaning of visual words: one directly by orthography (orthography-semantic) and the other indirectly via the phonology (phonology-semantic). Because of the dramatic difference between written Chinese and alphabetical languages, it is still on debate whether Chinese readers have the same semantic activation processes as readers of alphabetical languages. In this study, the semantic activation processes in alphabetical German and logographic Chinese were compared. Since the N450 for incongruent color words in the Stroop tasks was induced by the semantic conflict between the meaning of the incongruent color words and color naming, this component could be taken as an index for semantic activation of incongruent color words in Stroop tasks. Two cross-script Stroop experiments were adopted to investigate the semantic activation processes in Chinese and German. The first experiment focused on the the role of phonology, while the second one focused on the realative importance of orthography. Cultural differences in cognitive processing between individuals in western and eastern countries have been found (Nisbett & Miyamoto, 2005). In order to exclude potential differences in basic cognitive processes like visual discrimination capabilities during reading, a visual Oddball experiment with non-lexical materials was conducted with all participants. However, as indicated by the P300 elicited by deviant stimuli in both groups, no group difference was observed. In the first Stroop experiments, color words (e.g., “green”), color-word associates (e.g., “grass”), and homophones of color words were used. These words were embedded into color patches with either congruent color (e.g. word “green” in green color patch) or incongruent colors (e.g. word “green” in either red or yellow or blue color patch). The key point is to observe whether homophones in both languages could induce similar behavioral and ERP Stroop effects to that induced by color words. It was also interesting to observe to which extent the N450 was related to the semantic conflicts. Nineteen Chinese adult readers and twenty German adult readers were asked to respond to the back color of these words in the Stroop experiment in their native languages by pressing the corresponding keys. In the behavioral data, incongruent conditions (incongruent color words, incongruent color-word associates, incongruent homophones) had significantly longer reaction times as compared to corresponding congruent conditions. All incongruent conditions in the Geman group elicited an N450 in the 400 to 500 ms time window. In the Chinese group, the N450 in the same time window was also observed for the incongruent color words and incongruent color-word associates. These results indicated that the N450 was very sensitive to semantic conflict-even words with semantic association to colors (e.g. “grass”) could elicite similar N450. However, the N450 was absent for incongruent homophones of color words in the Chinese group. Instead, in a later time window (600-800 ms), incongruent homophones elicited a positivity over left posterior regions as compared to congruent homophones. Similar positivity was also observed for color words in the 700 to 1000 ms time window in the Chinese group and 600 to 1000 ms time window for incongruent color words and homophones in the Geman group. These results indicate that phonology plays an important role in Geman semantic activation processes, but not in Chinese. In the second Stroop experiment, color words and pseudowords which had similiar visual shape to color words in both languages were used as materials. Another group of eighteen Chinese and twenty Germans were involved in the Stroop experiment in their native languages.The ERPs were recorded during their performance. In the behavioral data, strong and comparable Stroop effects (as counted by substract the reaction times in the congruent conditions from reaction times in the incongruent conditions) were observed. In the ERP data, both incongruent color words and incongruent pseudowords elicited an N450 over the whole brain scalp in both groups. These results indicated that orthography played an equally important role in semantic activation processes in both languages. The results of the two Stroop experiments support the view that the semantic activation process in Chiense readers differs significantly from that in German readers. The former rely mainly on the direct route (orthography-semantic), while the latter use both direct route and incirect route (phonology-semantic). These findings also indicate that the characteritics of different languages shape the semantic activation processes.


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One of the great puzzles in the psychology of visual perception is that the visual world appears to be a coherent whole despite our viewing it through temporally discontinuous series of eye fixations. The investigators attempted to explain this puzzle from the perspective of sequential visual information integration. In recent years, investigators hypothesized that information maintained in the visual short-term memory (VSTM) could become visual mental images gradually during time delay in visual buffer and integrated with information perceived currently. Some elementary studies had been carried out to investigate the integration between VSTM and visual percepts, but further research is required to account for several questions on the spatial-temporal characteristics, information representation and mechanism of integrating sequential visual information. Based on the theory of similarity between visual mental image and visual perception, this research (including three studies) employed the temporal integration paradigm and empty cell localization task to further explore the spatial-temporal characteristics, information representation and mechanism of integrating sequential visual information (sequential arrays). The purpose of study 1 was to further explore the temporal characteristics of sequential visual information integration by examining the effects of encoding time of sequential stimuli on the integration of sequential visual information. The purpose of study 2 was to further explore the spatial characteristics of sequential visual information integration by investigating the effects of spatial characteristics change on the integration of sequential visual information. The purpose of study 3 was to explore the information representation of information maintained in the VSTM and integration mechanism in the process of integrating sequential visual information by employing the behavioral experiments and eye tracking technology. The results indicated that: (1) Sequential arrays could be integrated without strategic instruction. Increasing the duration of the first array could cause improvement in performance and increasing the duration of the second array could not improve the performance. Temporal correlation model was not fit to explain the sequential array integration under long-ISI conditions. (2) Stimuli complexity influenced not only the overall performance of sequential arrays but also the values of ISI at asymptotic level of performance. Sequential arrays still could be integrated when the spatial characteristics of sequential arrays changed. During ISI, constructing and manipulating of visual mental image of array 1 were two separate processing phases. (3) During integrating sequential arrays, people represented the pattern constituted by the objects' image maintained in the VSTM and the topological characteristics of the objects' image had some impact on fixation location. The image-perception integration hypothesis was supported when the number of dots in array 1 was less than empty cells, and the convert-and-compare hypothesis was supported when the number of the dot in array 1 was equal to or more than empty cells. These findings not only contribute to make people understand the process of sequential visual information integration better, but also have significant practical application in the design of visual interface.