964 resultados para Prostheses and implants
Porous structures are being widely investigated for use in biomedical implants, aiming to mechanically integrate and functionally the implant inside the bone tissue. Moreover, this structure is also important for drugs that can be stored and can induce and accelerate the process of osseointegration. With the purpose to investigate this effect, Ti, Nb and Sn metal powders, were sintered by plasma using a hollow cathode discharge. Sintering was performed in argon plasma set at 4 mbar pressure and temperatures of 500 ° C, 600 ° C and 700 ° C. Samples were also sintered in the electrical resistance furnace at 1200 ° C in order to compare plasma sintering with the conventional method. It was observed that plasma samples sintered with the hollow cathode configuration showed a gradient in porosity, while the samples sintered in the resistive furnace did not. Furthermore, differences in the microstructure of the samples were found, were a surface with higher porosity and ales porous core were obtained at different temperatures. The percolation profile of distilled water and the chemical compositions of the porous layers of the plasma treated samples were the main results obtained. Based on these results, we can conclude that this structure is particularly important for application in the biomedical field such as scaffolds for drug delivery and implants
Työssä selvitettiin sähkötoimisten käsiproteesien nykyteknologian taso. Selvitettäviä asioita olivat keskushermoston ja proteesin välisen hermokytkennän toteutustapa, sähkötoimisten käsiproteesien keskeiset tekniset ominaisuudet sekä käsiproteesin mekaaniset toteutustavat. Tutkimus suoritettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Työhön valittiin esimerkkejä kaupallisesti saatavilla olevista käsiproteeseista jotka löytyivät internetistä hakemalla kaikkein edisty-neintä käsiproteesia. Työstä rajattiin pois proteesin suora kytkeminen keskushermostoon. Liikeinformaation välitys aivoilta proteesille onnistuu mittaamalla lihassähkökäyrä erilaisilla ihon ja lihasten päälle, ihon alle lihaksien yhteyteen tai suoraan hermojen yhteyteen asete-tuilla elektrodeilla. Lihassähkökäyrän mittaamisessa ihon pinnalta on ongelmana sähkömag-neettinen säteily, hiki, joka muuttaa ihon impedanssia ja elektrodien meneminen pois paikal-taan. Ihon alle asetettavat elektrodit kapseloituvat, mikä heikentää niiden toimintaa ja nii-den ihon läpi kulkevat johdot voivat altistaa kohdan infektioille tai takertua johonkin. Her-moihin suorassa kosketuksissa olevat elektrodit aiheuttavat lisäksi hermopinteen. Kohden-netulla uudelleenhermotuksella voidaan hermosyyt johtaa lihaksiin, jolloin lihaksista saa-daan biologiset vahvistimet lihassähkökäyrää varten tai korvaavalle ihoalueelle, johon koh-distuva kosketus tuottaa tuntemuksen käteen kohdistuvasta kosketuksesta. Käden menet-tämisen myötä menetettävät hermo-ohjaustiedot voivat osittain korvautua aivojen mukau-tuvuuden ansiosta, mikä mahdollistaa tekokäden käyttämisen oppimisen samalla tavoin kuin polkupyörällä ajon. Hermotakaisinkytkentä mahdollistaa proteesin paremman hallin-nan. On mahdollista valmistaa keinoihoa johon kohdistuva paine saa aikaan muutoksen sen sähköisissä ominaisuuksissa, mitä voidaan sitten käyttää varsinaisen hermoärsytyksen luo-van laitteen, kuten tynkää ärsyttävän täryttimen, ohjaamisessa. On mahdollista valmistaa keinolihaksia joiden avulla nivelten liike voidaan toteuttaa luonnollisen kaltaisilla rakenteilla ja jotka ovat jopa kymmeniä kertoja voimakkaampia kuin aidot lihakset. Nykyteknologian avulla on mahdollista rakentaa käsiproteesi joka liikeradoiltaan, voimal-taan ja hermotakaisinkytkennän osalta vastaa lähes täydellisesti aitoa ihmiskättä. Haasteena on vielä kokeiluasteella oleva teknologian taso sekä korkea hinta.
[EU]"Arku fazial birtualaren balidazioa eta optimizazioa". Odontologian eta, oro har, medikuntzan, prozesu birtualek geroz eta indar handiagoa hartzen dabiltza, bai espezialista baita pazienteei erraztasuna emateko asmoz. Ildo horretatik jarraituz, protesien eta hortz-errestaurazioen kasuan, ikerketa sakonak burutu dira, prozesuaren ahalik eta zatirik handiena digitalizatzeko. Digitalizazio prozesu honetan CAD/CAM sistemaren aurrerapenek ere zeresan handia izan dute; izan ere, protesi eta errestaurazioen prozesu tradizionala ordezkatzea ahalbidetu du. Prozesu digitalek hainbat onura suposatu arren, zein fidagarriak diren konprobatzea ezinbestekoa da, prozesuarentzat metodologiarik egokiena aukeratu ahal izateko. Horretan zentratzen da hain zuzen proiektu hau. Protesien diseinu birtuala egin ahal izateko, beharrezkoa da horzduren kokapen birtuala lortzea, artikulagailu birtualean kokatu ahal izateko. Horretarako arku fazial birtuala erabiliko da, baina oraindik ez da metodologiarik egokiena zein den konprobatu. Beraz, proiektu honen helburua arku fazial birtual egokiena zein den zehaztea da, horretarako metodologia ezberdinak konparatuko direlarik bai modelo ez-erreala erabiliz (in vitro) baita paziente errealekin (in vivo). Horrela, prozesu ezberdinen zehaztasuna zein den konprobatu ahal izango da, bakoitzaren egiazkotasuna eta doitasuna aztertuz. Emaitzetan oinarrituz, arku fazial birtual gisa metodologiarik egokiena zein den ondorioztatu ahal izango da.
Stress analysis in oral obturator prostheses over parallel and tilted implants: photoelastic imaging
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The current study used strain gauge analysis to perform an in vitro evaluation of the effect of axial and non-axial loading on implant-supported fixed partial prostheses, varying the implant placement configurations and the loading points. Three internal hexagon implants were embedded in the center of each polyurethane block with in-line and offset placements. Microunit abutments were connected to the implants using a torque of 20 N.cm, and plastic prosthetic cylinders were screwed onto the abutments, which received standard patterns cast in Co-Cr alloy (n = 10). Four strain gauges (SGs) were bonded onto the surfaces of the blocks, tangentially to the implants: SG 01 mesially to implant 1, SG 02 and SG 03 mesially and distally to implant 2, respectively, and SG 04 distally to implant 3. Each metallic structure was screwed onto the abutments using a 10-N.cm torque, and axial and non-axial loads of 30 kg were applied at 5 predetermined points. The data obtained from the strain gauge analyses were analyzed statistically through the repeated measures analysis of variance and the Tukey test, with a conventional level of significance of P < 0.05. The results showed a statistically significant difference for the loading point (P = 0.0001), with point E (nonaxial) generating the highest microstrain (327.67 mu epsilon) and point A (axial) generating the smallest microstrain (208.93 mu epsilon). No statistically significant difference was found for implant placement configuration (P = 0.856). It was concluded that the offset implant placement did not reduce the magnitude of microstrain around the implants under axial and non-axial loading conditions, although loading location did influence this magnitude.
To evaluate the clinical and radiographic changes at implants in posterior maxillary and mandibular areas supporting single-unit crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) with one mesial or distal cantilever extension after an observation period of at least 3 years.
To evaluate the hard and the soft tissue parameters around implants supporting fixed prostheses over a period of 5 years and the possible association to the increase in periimplant bone density (IPBD).
PURPOSE To evaluate technical complications and failures of zirconia-based fixed prostheses supported by implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS Consecutive patients received zirconia-based single crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) on implants in a private clinical setting between 2005 and 2010. One dentist performed all surgical and prosthetic procedures, and one master technician performed and coordinated all laboratory procedures. One-piece computer-aided design/ computer-assisted manufacture technology was used to fabricate abutments and frameworks, which were directly connected at the implant level, where possible. All patients were involved in a recall maintenance program and were finally reviewed in 2012. Data on framework fractures, chipping of veneering ceramics, and other technical complications were recorded. The primary endpoint was failure of the prostheses, ie, the need for a complete remake. A life table analysis was calculated. RESULTS A total of 289 implants supported 193 zirconia-based prostheses (120 SCs and 73 FDPs) in 127 patients (51 men, 76 women; average age: 62.5 ± 13.4 years) who were reviewed in 2012. Twenty-five (13%) prostheses were cemented on 44 zirconia abutments and 168 (87%) prostheses were screw-retained directly at the implant level. Fracture of 3 frameworks (1 SC, 2 FDPs) was recorded, and significant chipping resulted in the remake of 3 prostheses (1 SC, 2 FDPs). The 7-year cumulative survival rate was 96.4% ± 1.99%. Minor complications comprised 5 loose screws (these were retightened), small chips associated with 3 prostheses (these were polished), and dislodgement of 3 prostheses (these were recemented). Overall, 176 prostheses remained free of technical problems. CONCLUSIONS Zirconia-based prostheses screwed directly to implants are clinically successful in the short and medium term.
BACKGROUND Little information is yet available on zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants. PURPOSE To evaluate technical problems and failures of implant-supported zirconia-based prostheses with exclusive screw-retention. MATERIAL AND METHODS Consecutive patients received screw-retained zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants and were followed over a time period of 5 years. The implant placement and prosthetic rehabilitation were performed in one clinical setting, and all patients participated in the maintenance program. The treatment comprised single crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) of three to 12 units. Screw-retention of the CAD/CAM-fabricated SCs and FDPs was performed with direct connection at the implant level. The primary outcome was the complete failure of zirconia-based prostheses; outcome measures were fracture of the framework or extensive chipping resulting in the need for refabrication. A life table analysis was performed, the cumulative survival rate (CSR) calculated, and a Kaplan-Meier curve drawn. RESULTS Two hundred and ninety-four implants supported 156 zirconia-based prostheses in 95 patients (52 men, 43 women, average age 59.1 ± 11.7 years). Sixty-five SCs and 91 FDPs were identified, comprising a total of 441 units. Fractures of the zirconia framework and extensive chipping resulted in refabrication of nine prostheses. Nearly all the prostheses (94.2%) remained in situ during the observation period. The 5-year CSR was 90.5%, and 41 prostheses (14 SCs, 27 FDPs) comprising 113 units survived for an observation time of more than 5 years. Six SCs exhibited screw loosening, and polishing of minor chipping was required for five prostheses. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that zirconia-based implant-supported fixed prostheses exhibit satisfactory treatment outcomes and that screw-retention directly at the implant level is feasible.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the precision of the measurements of 2 craniometric anatomic points-glabella and anterior nasal spine-in order to verify their possibility as potential locations for placing implants aimed at nasal prostheses retention. Methods: Twenty-six dry human skulls were scanned in a high-resolution spiral tomography with 1-mm axial slice thickness and 1-mm interval reconstruction using a bone tissue filter. Images obtained were stored and transferred to an independent workstation containing e-film imaging software. The measurements (in the glabella and anterior nasal fossa) were made independently by 2 observers twice for each measurement. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (parametric t test). Results: The results demonstrated no statistically significant difference between interobserver and intraobserver measurements (P > .05). The standard error was found to be between 0.49 mm and 0.84 mrn for measurements in bone protocol, indicating a high /eve/ of precision. Conclusions: The measurements obtained in anterior nasal spine and glabella were considered precise and reproducible. Mean values of such measurements pointed to the possibility of implant placement in these regions, particularly in the anterior nasal spine.
To evaluate the effect of oral rehabilitation with immediately loaded fixed implant-supported mandibular prostheses on chewing and swallowing in elderly individuals. Materials and Methods: Fifteen completely edentulous patients aged more than 60 years (10 women and five men), wearing removable dentures in both arches, had a mandibular denture replaced by an implant-supported prosthesis. All individuals were evaluated before surgery and again 3, 6, and 18 months later with regard to mastication and swallowing conditions. Examinations entailed an interview, evaluation of tactile sensitivity of the face, and observation of food intake, masticatory type, formations of bolus, and pain during mastication. The swallowing evaluation comprised observation of clinical signs related to the oral and pharyngeal stages of swallowing, as well as the presence of oral residue. The findings of different evaluations before and 3, 6, and 18 months after the surgical-prosthetic procedure were statistically compared by analysis of variance for repeated measurements at a significance level of 5%. Results: The questionnaire revealed a reduction in complaints of masticatory and swallowing disturbances, a decreased need for liquid ingestion, and reduced choking and coughing. Clinical evaluations showed improved oral function and bolus propulsion for both solid and paste-consistency foods; pain during mastication was also resolved. Conclusion: Treatment with mandibular implant-supported dentures had positive effects on the clinical aspects of mastication and swallowing in elderly individuals. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009; 24:110-117
The purpose of this in vitro study was to analyze the stress distribution on components of a mandibular-cantilevered implant-supported prosthesis with frameworks cast in cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) or palladium-silver (Pd-Ag) alloys, according to the cantilever length. Frameworks were fabricated on (Co-Cr) and (Pd-Ag) alloys and screwed into standard abutments positioned on a master-cast containing five implant replicas. Two linear strain gauges were fixed on the mesial and distal aspects of each abutment to capture deformation. A vertical static load of 100 N was applied to the cantilever arm at the distances of 10, 15, and 20 mm from the center of the distal abutment and the absolute values of specific deformation were recorded. Different patterns of abutment deformation were observed according to the framework alloy. The Co-Cr alloy framework resulted in higher levels of abutment deformation than the silver-palladium alloy framework. Abutment deformation was higher with longer cantilever extensions. Physical properties of the alloys used for framework interfere with abutment deformations patterns. Excessively long cantilever extensions must be avoided. To cite this article:Jacques LB, Moura MS, Suedam V, Souza EAC, Rubo JH. Effect of cantilever length and framework alloy on the stress distribution of mandibular-cantilevered implant-supported prostheses.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 737-741.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01712.x.
Reversed shoulder prostheses are increasingly being used for the treatment of glenohumeral arthropathy associated with a deficient rotator cuff. These non-anatomical implants attempt to balance the joint forces by means of a semi-constrained articular surface and a medialised centre of rotation. A finite element model was used to compare a reversed prosthesis with an anatomical implant. Active abduction was simulated from 0 degrees to 150 degrees of elevation. With the anatomical prosthesis, the joint force almost reached the equivalence of body weight. The joint force was half this for the reversed prosthesis. The direction of force was much more vertically aligned for the reverse prosthesis, in the first 90 degrees of abduction. With the reversed prosthesis, abduction was possible without rotator cuff muscles and required 20% less deltoid force to achieve it. This force analysis confirms the potential mechanical advantage of reversed prostheses when rotator cuff muscles are deficient.
Introduction: Several studies have reported significant alteration of the scapula-humeral rythm after total shoulder arthroplasty. However, the biomechanical and clinical effects, particularly on implants lifespan, are still unknown. The goal of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical consequences of an altered scapula-humeral rhythm. Methods: A numerical musculoskeletal model of the shoulder was used. The model included the scapula, the humerus and 6 scapulohumeral muscles: middle, anterior, and posterior deltoid, supraspinatus, subscapularis and infraspinatus combined with teres minor. Arm motion and joint stability were achieved by muscles. The reverse and anatomic Aequalis prostheses (Tornier Inc) were inserted. Two scapula-humeral rhythms were considered for each prosthesis: a normal 2:1 rhythm, and an altered 1:2 rhythm. For the 4 configurations, a movement of abduction in the scapular plane was simulated. The gleno-humeral force and contact pattern, but also the stress in the polyethylene and cement were evaluated. Results: With the anatomical prosthesis, the gleno-humeral force increased of 23% for the altered rhythm, with a more eccentric (posterior and superior) contact. The contact pressure, polyethylene stress, and cement stress increased respectively by 20%, 48% and 64%. With the reverse prosthesis, the gleno-humeral force increased of 11% for an altered rhythm. There was nearly no effect on the contact pattern on the polyethylene component surface. Conclusion: The present study showed that alteration oft the scapula-humeral rythm induced biomechanical consequences which could preclude the long term survival of the glenoid implant of anatomic prostheses. However,an altered scapula-humeral rhythm, even severe, should not be a contra indication for the use of a reverse prosthesis.
BACKGROUND: It has been hypothesized that bacterial biofilms on breast implants may cause chronic inflammation leading to capsular contracture. The association between bacterial biofilms of removed implants and capsular contracture was investigated. METHODS: Breast implants explanted between 2006 and 2010 at five participating centres for plastic and reconstructive surgery were investigated by sonication. Bacterial cultures derived from sonication were correlated with patient, surgical and implant characteristics, and the degree of capsular contracture. RESULTS: The study included 121 breast implants from 84 patients, of which 119 originated from women and two from men undergoing gender reassignment. Some 50 breast prostheses were implanted for reconstruction, 48 for aesthetic reasons and 23 implants were used as temporary expander devices. The median indwelling time was 4·0 (range 0·1-32) years for permanent implants and 3 (range 1-6) months for temporary devices. Excluding nine implants with clinical signs of infection, sonication cultures were positive in 40 (45 per cent) of 89 permanent implants and in 12 (52 per cent) of 23 temporary devices. Analysis of permanent implants showed that a positive bacterial culture after sonication correlated with the degree of capsular contracture: Baker I, two of 11 implants; Baker II, two of ten; Baker III, nine of 23; and Baker IV, 27 of 45 (P < 0·001). The most frequent organisms were Propionibacterium acnes (25 implants) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (21). CONCLUSION: Sonication cultures correlated with the degree of capsular contracture, indicating the potential causative role of bacterial biofilms in the pathogenesis of capsular contracture. Registration number: NCT01138891 (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov).