953 resultados para Promoter Regions, Genetic


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Aspergillus fumigatus is a primary and opportunistic pathogen, as well as a major allergen, of mammals. The Ca+2-calcineurin pathway affects virulence, morphogenesis and antifungal drug action in A. fumigatus. Here, we investigated three components of the A. fumigatus Ca+2-calcineurin pathway, pmcA,-B, and -C, which encode calcium transporters. We demonstrated that CrzA can directly control the mRNA accumulation of the pmcA-C genes by binding to their promoter regions. CrzA-binding experiments suggested that the 5'-CACAGCCAC-3' and 5'-CCCTGCCCC-3' sequences upstream of pmcA and pmcC genes, respectively, are possible calcineurin-dependent response elements (CDREs)-like consensus motifs. Null mutants were constructed for pmcA and -beta and a conditional mutant for pmcC demonstrating pmcC is an essential gene. The Delta pmcA and Delta pmcB mutants were more sensitive to calcium and resistant to manganese and cyclosporin was able to modulate the sensitivity or resistance of these mutants to these salts, supporting the interaction between calcineurin and the function of these transporters. The pmcA-C genes have decreased mRNA abundance into the alveoli in the Delta calA and Delta crzA mutant strains. However, only the A. fumigatus Delta pmcA was avirulent in the murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.


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Supramolecular self-assembly represents a key technology for the spontaneous construction of nanoarchitectures and for the fabrication of materials with enhanced physical and chemical properties. In addition, a significant asset of supramolecular self-assemblies rests on their reversible formation, thanks to the kinetic lability of their non-covalent interactions. This dynamic nature can be exploited for the development of “self-healing” and “smart” materials towards the tuning of their functional properties upon various external factors. One particular intriguing objective in the field is to reach a high level of control over the shape and size of the supramolecular architectures, in order to produce well-defined functional nanostructures by rational design. In this direction, many investigations have been pursued toward the construction of self-assembled objects from numerous low-molecular weight scaffolds, for instance by exploiting multiple directional hydrogen-bonding interactions. In particular, nucleobases have been used as supramolecular synthons as a result of their efficiency to code for non-covalent interaction motifs. Among nucleobases, guanine represents the most versatile one, because of its different H-bond donor and acceptor sites which display self-complementary patterns of interactions. Interestingly, and depending on the environmental conditions, guanosine derivatives can form various types of structures. Most of the supramolecular architectures reported in this Thesis from guanosine derivatives require the presence of a cation which stabilizes, via dipole-ion interactions, the macrocyclic G-quartet that can, in turn, stack in columnar G-quadruplex arrangements. In addition, in absence of cations, guanosine can polymerize via hydrogen bonding to give a variety of supramolecular networks including linear ribbons. This complex supramolecular behavior confers to the guanine-guanine interactions their upper interest among all the homonucleobases studied. They have been subjected to intense investigations in various areas ranging from structural biology and medicinal chemistry – guanine-rich sequences are abundant in telomeric ends of chromosomes and promoter regions of DNA, and are capable of forming G-quartet based structures– to material science and nanotechnology. This Thesis, organized into five Chapters, describes mainly some recent advances in the form and function provided by self-assembly of guanine based systems. More generally, Chapter 4 will focus on the construction of supramolecular self-assemblies whose self-assembling process and self-assembled architectures can be controlled by light as external stimulus. Chapter 1 will describe some of the many recent studies of G-quartets in the general area of nanoscience. Natural G- quadruplexes can be useful motifs to build new structures and biomaterials such as self-assembled nanomachines, biosensors, therapeutic aptamer and catalysts. In Chapters 2-4 it is pointed out the core concept held in this PhD Thesis, i.e. the supramolecular organization of lipophilic guanosine derivatives with photo or chemical addressability. Chapter 2 will mainly focus on the use of cation-templated guanosine derivatives as a potential scaffold for designing functional materials with tailored physical properties, showing a new way to control the bottom-up realization of well-defined nanoarchitectures. In section 2.6.7, the self-assembly properties of compound 28a may be considered an example of open-shell moieties ordered by a supramolecular guanosine architecture showing a new (magnetic) property. Chapter 3 will report on ribbon-like structures, supramolecular architectures formed by guanosine derivatives that may be of interest for the fabrication of molecular nanowires within the framework of future molecular electronic applications. In section 3.4 we investigate the supramolecular polymerizations of derivatives dG 1 and G 30 by light scattering technique and TEM experiments. The obtained data reveal the presence of several levels of organization due to the hierarchical self-assembly of the guanosine units in ribbons that in turn aggregate in fibrillar or lamellar soft structures. The elucidation of these structures furnishes an explanation to the physical behaviour of guanosine units which display organogelator properties. Chapter 4 will describe photoresponsive self-assembling systems. Numerous research examples have demonstrated that the use of photochromic molecules in supramolecular self-assemblies is the most reasonable method to noninvasively manipulate their degree of aggregation and supramolecular architectures. In section 4.4 we report on the photocontrolled self-assembly of modified guanosine nucleobase E-42: by the introduction of a photoactive moiety at C8 it is possible to operate a photocontrol over the self-assembly of the molecule, where the existence of G-quartets can be alternately switched on and off. In section 4.5 we focus on the use of cyclodextrins as photoresponsive host-guest assemblies: αCD–azobenzene conjugates 47-48 (section 4.5.3) are synthesized in order to obtain a photoresponsive system exhibiting a fine photocontrollable degree of aggregation and self-assembled architecture. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the experimental protocols used for the research described in Chapters 2-4.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden verschiedene Kandidatengene für den Wilmstumor (WT), eine Tumorerkrankung der Niere, identifiziert und charakterisiert. Da dieses frühkindliche Malignom aus einer inkorrekt ablaufenden Metanephrogenese resultiert, wurden die Genexpressionsmuster verschiedener humaner Wilmstumor- und Normalnierengewebe (adulte sowie fetale Niere) mit Hilfe der Technik des differential display verglichen und die als differenziell exprimiert identifizierten Gene kloniert und charakterisiert. Bei TM7SF1 handelt es sich um ein neues Gen, dessen Transkription im Zuge der Metanephrogenese angeschaltet wird. Das von ihm codierte putative Protein kann aufgrund von Strukturvorhersagen vermutlich zur Familie G Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren gezählt werden. Die ableitbare Funktion als Signalmolekül der Nierenentwicklung, sowie seine Lokalisation in einem WT-Lokus (1q42-q43) machen TM7SF1 zu einem aussichtsreichen Kandidatengen für den WT. Darüber hinaus konnten die Voraussetzungen für funktionelle Tests, die eine weitere Charakterisierung von TM7SF1 erlauben, geschaffen werden (Identifikation und Klonierung des murinen Homologen, stabil überexprimierende WT-Zelllinien, Antikörper gegen den Aminoterminus des putativen Proteins). Mit TCF2 wurde ein weiteres Gen identifiziert, dessen Produkt in Prozessen der Metanephrogenese eine Rolle spielt. Die signifikante Herunterregulation der TCF2-Expression in der großen Mehrzahl der untersuchten WTs, die innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigte Regulation durch das WT1-Genprodukt, sowie seine genomische Lokalisation in einem Intervall für die familiäre Form des WT (FWT1 in 17q12-q21) zeigen das Potenzial von TCF2, als Kandidatengen für den FWT zu gelten. Darüber hinaus wurde mit GLI3 ein in verschiedenen WTs stark exprimiertes Gen identifiziert. Sein Produkt ist eine Komponente des entwicklungsbiologisch relevanten und in verschiedene Tumorerkrankungen involvierten sonic hedgehog-Signaltransduktionsweges. Mit FE7A3 und CDT151 konnten zwei differenziell exprimierte cDNAs identifiziert werden, die Teile neuer Gene darstellen und die in WT-Loci kartiert werden konnten. Aufgrund von Homologievergleichen im Bereich der identifizierten offenen Leserahmen konnte eine mögliche Bedeutung der putativen Genprodukte für die WT-Pathogenese als Zelladhäsionsmolekül (FE7A3) bzw. als mit der Proliferation assoziiertem Transkriptionsfaktor (CDT151) herausgearbeitet werden. Neben den komparativen Genexpressionsuntersuchungen wurde in einem zweiten Ansatz die transkriptionelle Regulation des einzigen bisher klonierten Wilmstumorgens (WT1) analysiert. Mit Hilfe vergleichender Reportergenanalysen in WT1-exprimierenden und nicht-exprimierenden Zelllinien konnten neue für die transkriptionelle Regulation von WT1 relevante Bereiche identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde der für die Transkriptionsfaktoren SP1 und SP3 an anderen Promotoren beschriebene funktionelle Antagonismus für die WT1-Expression untersucht und in Gelretardationsanalysen mit dem WT1-Expressionsstatus oben genannter Zelllinien korreliert.


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Das Chemokin 'Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1' (MCP-1) spielt bei inflammatorischen Erkrankungen eine wesentliche Rolle. Verschiedene Zelltypen produzieren MCP-1. Es interessierte, welche Stimuli in Monozyten MCP-1 induzieren können und welche Signaltransduktionskaskaden daran beteiligt sind. Darüber hinaus sollte die Rolle einzelner Transkriptionsfaktoren und Promotorregionen des MCP-1-Gens untersucht werden.Komponenten Gram-positiver und -negativer Bakterien, Phorbolester und Substanzen, die die intrazelluläre Calciumkonzentration erhöhen, induzierten die MCP-1-Expression in einer humanen myelomonozytären Zellinie (THP-1) und in frisch isolierten Monozyten. Die mit Lipopolysaccharid (LPS)-induzierte MCP-1-Expression war stark von der MAPK/ERK-Kinase (MEK)-1/-2 und von I-kappaB Kinasen beziehungsweise NF-kappaB abhängig, dagegen scheinen Calcineurin, Calmodulinkinasen und die 'Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase' p38 keine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen. Die Thapsigargin (TG)-induzierte MCP-1-Bildung durch Erhöhung der intrazellulären Calciumkonzentration war zusätzlich von Calcineurin und Calmodulinkinasen abhängig. Als nukleäre Transkriptionsfaktoren wurden bei der LPS-Stimulation NF-kappaB sowie AP-1 und zusätzlich NF-ATc3 bei Stimulation durch TG nachgewiesen. Die Untersuchung des MCP-1-Promotors konnte eine Bindung von NF-kappaB- und AP-1-Mitglieder an eine bislang nicht untersuchte distale Region und eine AP-1-Bindung an eine proximale Region nachweisen. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluß zu, daß die Aktivierung der MCP-1-Expression durch verschiedene Stimuli unter Beteiligung teilweise unterschiedlicher Signaltransduktionswege abläuft und sowohl eine proximale als auch eine distale Promotorregion des MCP-1-Gens daran beteiligt ist.


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MYC is a transcription factor that can activate transcription of several targets by direct binding to their promoters at specific DNA sequences (E-box). Recent findings have also shown that it can exert its biological role by repressing transcription of other set of genes. C-MYC can mediate repression on its target genes through interaction with factors bound to promoter regions but not through direct recognition of typical E-Boxes. In this thesis, we investigated whether MYCN can also repress gene transcription and how this is mechanistically achieved. Moreover, expression of TRKA, P75NTR and ABCC3 is attenuated in aggressive MYCN-amplified tumors, suggesting a causal link between elevated MYCN activity and transcriptional repression of these three genes. We found that MYCN is physically associated with gene promoters in vivo in proximity of the transcriptional start sites and this association requires interactions with SP1 and/or MIZ-1. Furthermore, we show that this interaction could interfere with SP1 and MIZ-1 activation functions by recruiting co-repressors such as DNMT3a or HDACs. Studies in vitro suggest that MYCN interacts through distinct domains with SP1, MIZ-1 and HDAC1 supporting the idea that MYCN may form different complexes by interacting with different proteins. Re-expression of endogenous TRKA and P75NTR with exposure to the TSA sensitizes neuroblastoma to NGF-mediated apoptosis, whereas ectopic expression of ABCC3 decreases cell motility without interfering with growth. Finally, using shRNA whole genome library, we dissected the P75NTR repression trying to identify novel factors inside and/or outside MYCN complex for future therapeutic approaches. Overall, our results support a model in which MYCN can repress gene transcription by direct interaction with SP1 and/or MIZ-1, and provide further lines of evidence on the importance of transcriptional repression induced by Myc in tumor biology.


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Die Herzinsuffizienz (HI) ist eine der häufigsten und teuersten medizinischen Indikationen in der heutigen Zeit. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal die Topoisomerase 2b (Top2b) in Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie gebracht werden. rnIn einem speziellen Mausmodell war es möglich, die Top2b gewebsspezifisch und zeitspezifisch nur in Kardiomyozyten zu deletieren. Dies geschah mittels eines Tamoxifen-induzierten Cre-Rekombinase-Gendeletionsmodells. Phänotypisch zeigten die Top2b-deletierten Mäuse 8 Wochen nach der Tamoxifen-Gabe signifikant reduzierte kardiale Ejektionsfraktionen sowie erhöhte linksventrikuläre enddiastolische und endsystolische Volumina. Weder Schlagvolumen noch Körpergewicht waren verändert. Die natriuretischen Peptide ANP und BNP waren in den Top2b-deletierten Tieren ebenfalls signifikant erhöht. Zusätzlich zeigten sowohl elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen als auch klassische histologische Verfahren fibrotische Veränderungen und erhöhte Kollagenablagerungen in Top2b-deletierten Tieren. Begleitend dazu stiegen die mRNA-Expressionslevel von Col1a1, Col3a1, Tgfβ1 und Tgfβ2 in den deletierten Tieren 8 Wochen nach der Implementierung der Deletion signifikant an. rnIn einer genomweiten Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung waren bereits 2 Wochen nach Tamoxifen-Gabe 128 Gene mindestens 2-fach gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe differentiell exprimiert. Eine genauere Analyse der veränderten Genexpression ließ bereits 14 Tage nach Implementierung der Deletion kardiale Verschlechterungen vermuten. So waren neben dem atrialen natriuretischen Peptid ANP die beiden häufigsten Kollagenarten im Herzen, Col3a1 und Col1a1, hochreguliert. rnInteressanterweise beinhalteten die 37 herunterregulierten Gene 11 Transkriptionsfaktoren. Da der Top2b in den letzten Jahren eine immer stärker werdende Bedeutung in der Transkription zugesprochen wird, sollte mittels Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Top2b-Deletion und der Herunterregulierung der 11 Transkriptionsfaktoren sowie die Bindung der Top2b an Promotoren ausgewählter, differentiell-exprimierter Gene untersucht werden. Generell konnte keine vermehrte Bindung von Top2b an Promotorbereiche gezeigt werden, was aber nicht dem generellen Fehlen einer Bindung gleichkommen muss. Vielmehr gab es methodische Schwierigkeiten, weshalb die Bedeutung der Top2b in der Transkription im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht ausreichend geklärt werden konnte.rnEine Kardiomyozyten-spezifische Top2b-Deletion mündete 8 Wochen nach Tamoxifen-Gabe in eine dilatative Kardiomyopathie. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt sind keine klaren Aussagen zum zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der entstehenden Herzschädigung in Folge einer Top2b-Deletion zu treffen. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise darauf, dass der Tumorsuppressormarker p53 eine wichtige Rolle in der Entstehung der dilatativen Kardiomyopathie spielen könnte. So konnte 8 Wochen nach der Top2b-Deletion mittels Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation eine erhöhte Bindung von p53 an Promotorregionen von Col1a1, Tgfβ2 und Mmp2 detektiert werden. Die Bedeutung dieser Bindung, und ob aufgrund dessen die Entstehung der Fibrose erklärt werden könnte, ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unklar.rn


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A number of molecular tools enable us to study the mechanisms of muscle plasticity. Ideally, this research is conducted in view of the structural and functional consequences of the exercise-induced changes in gene expression. Muscle cells are able to detect mechanical, metabolic, neuronal and hormonal signals which are transduced over multiple pathways to the muscle genome. Exercise activates many signaling cascades--the individual characteristic of the stress leading to a specific response of a network of signaling pathways. Signaling typically results in the transcription of multiple early genes among those of the well known for and jun family, as well as many other transcription factors. These bind to the promoter regions of downstream genes initiating the structural response of muscle tissue. While signaling is a matter of minutes, early genes are activated over hours leading to a second wave of transcript adjustments of structure genes that can then be effective over days. Repeated exercise sessions thus lead to a concerted accretion of mRNAs which upon translation results in a corresponding protein accretion. On the structural level, the protein accretion manifests itself for instance as an increase in mitochondrial volume upon endurance training or an increase in myofibrillar proteins upon strength training. A single exercise stimulus carries a molecular signature which is typical both for the type of stimulus (i.e. endurance vs. strength) as well as the actual condition of muscle tissue (i.e. untrained vs. trained). Likewise, it is clearly possible to distinguish a molecular signature of an expressional adaptation when hypoxic stress is added to a regular endurance exercise protocol in well-trained endurance athletes. It therefore seems feasible to use molecular tools to judge the properties of an exercise stimulus much earlier and at a finer level than is possible with conventional functional or structural techniques.


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To identify components of the copper homeostatic mechanism of Lactococcus lactis, we employed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to detect changes in the proteome in response to copper. Three proteins upregulated by copper were identified: glyoxylase I (YaiA), a nitroreductase (YtjD), and lactate oxidase (LctO). The promoter regions of these genes feature cop boxes of consensus TACAnnTGTA, which are the binding site of CopY-type copper-responsive repressors. A genome-wide search for cop boxes revealed 28 such sequence motifs. They were tested by electrophoretic mobility shift assays for the interaction with purified CopR, the CopY-type repressor of L. lactis. Seven of the cop boxes interacted with CopR in a copper-sensitive manner. They were present in the promoter region of five genes, lctO, ytjD, copB, ydiD, and yahC; and two polycistronic operons, yahCD-yaiAB and copRZA. Induction of these genes by copper was confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR. The copRZA operon encodes the CopR repressor of the regulon; a copper chaperone, CopZ; and a putative copper ATPase, CopA. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the copRZA operon conferred copper resistance, suggesting that it functions in copper export from the cytoplasm. Other member genes of the CopR regulon may similarly be involved in copper metabolism.


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Repression of many tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in cancer is mediated by aberrantly increased DNA methylation levels at promoter CpG islands (CGI). About one-fourth of empirically defined human promoters are surrounded by or contain clustered repetitive elements. It was previously observed that a sharp transition of methylation occurs between highly methylated repetitive elements (SINE or LINE) and unmethylated CGI-promoters (e.g. P16, VHL, CDH and RIL) in normal tissues. The functions that lead to increased CGI methylation in cancer remain poorly understood. We propose that CGI-promoters contain cis-elements for triggering de novo DNA methylation. In the first part of our project, we established a site-specific integration system with enforced local transcriptional repression in colorectal cancer cells and monitored the occurrence of de novo DNA methylation in exogenous fragments containing a CGI-promoter and repetitive elements. Initial de novo methylation was seeded at specific CG sites in a repetitive element, and accelerated by persistent binding of a KRAB-containing transcriptional repressor. Furthermore, additional repetitive elements (LINE and SINE) located adjacent to the promoter could confer DNA methylation spreading into the CGI particularly in the setting of KRAB-factor binding. However, a repressive chromatin alone was not sufficient to initiate DNA methylation, which required specific DNA sequences and was integration-site (and/or cell-line) specific. In addition, all the methylation observed showed slow and gradual accumulation over several months of culture. Overall, these results demonstrate a requirement for specific DNA sequences to trigger de novo DNA methylation, and repetitive elements as cis-regulatory factors to cooperate with strengthened transcriptional repression in promoting methylation spreading. In the second part, we re-introduced disrupted DNMT3B or DNMT1 into HCT116 DKO cells and mapped the remethylation pattern through a profiling method (DREAM). Moderate remethylation occurred when DNMT3B was re-expressed with a preference toward non-CGI and non-promoter regions. Hence, there exists a set of genomic regions with priority to be targets for DNMT3B in somatic cells.


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The corepressor complex Tup1-Ssn6 regulates many classes of genes in yeast including cell type specific, glucose repressible, and DNA damage inducible. Tup1 and Ssn6 are recruited to target promoters through their interactions with specific DNA binding proteins such as α2, Mig1, and Crt1. Most promoters that are repressed by this corepressor complex exhibit a high degree of nucleosomal organization. This chromatin domain occludes transcription factor access to the promoter element resulting in gene repression. Previous work indicated that Tup1 interacts with underacetylated isoforms of H3 and H4, and that mutation of these histones synergistically compromises repression. These studies predict that Tup1-hypoacetyalted histone interaction is important to the repression mechanism, and in vivo hyperacetylation might compromise the corepressors ability to repress target genes. ^ One way to alter histone acetylation levels in vivo is to alter the balance between histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases. To date five histone deacetylases (HDACs) have been identified in yeast Rpd3, Hos1, Hos2, Hos3 and Hda1. Deletion of single or double HDAC genes had little to no effect on Tup1-Ssn6 repression, but simultaneous deletion of three specific activities Rpd3, Hos1, and Hos2 abolished repression in vivo. Promoter regions of Tup1-Ssn6 target genes in these triple deacetylase mutant cells are dramatically hyperacetylated in both H3 and H4. Examination of bulk histone acetylation levels showed that this specific HDAC triple mutant combination (rpd3 hos1 hos2) caused a dramatic and concomitant hyperacetylation of both H3 and H4. The loss of repression in the rpd3 hos1 hos2 cells, but not in other mutants, is consistent with previous observations, which indicate that histones provide redundant functions in the repression mechanism and that high levels of acetylation are required to prevent Tup1 binding. Investigation into a potential direct interaction between the Tup1-Ssn6 corepressor complex and one or more HDAC activities showed that both Rpd3 and Hos2 interact with the corepressor complex in vivo. These findings indicate that Tup1-Ssn6 repression involves the recruitment of histone deacetylase activities to target promoters, where they locally deacetylate histone residues promoting Tup1-histone tail interaction to initiate and/or maintain the repressed state. ^


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Increasing evidence demonstrates that the thrombin receptor (protease activated receptor-1, PAR-1) plays a major role in tumor invasion and contributes to the metastatic phenotype of human melanoma. We demonstrate that the metastatic potential of human melanoma cells correlates with overexpression of PAR-1. The promoter of the PAR-1 gene contains multiple putative AP-2 and Sp1 consensus elements. We provide evidence that an inverse correlation exists between the expression of AP-2 and the expression of PAR-1 in human melanoma cells. Re-expression of AP-2 in WM266-4 melanoma cells (AP-2 negative) resulted in decreased mRNA and protein expression of PAR-1 and significantly reduced the tumor potential in nude mice. ChIP analysis of the PAR-1 promoter regions bp −365 to −329 (complex 1) and bp −206 to −180 (complex 2) demonstrates that in metastatic cells Sp1 is predominantly binding to the PAR-1 promoter, while in nonmetastatic cells AP-2 is bound. In vitro analysis of complex 1 demonstrates that AP-2 and Sp1 bind to this region in a mutually exclusive manner. Transfection experiments with full-length and progressive deletions of the PAR-1 promoter luciferase constructs demonstrated that metastatic cells had increased promoter activity compared to low and nonmetastatic melanoma cells. Our data shows that exogenous AP-2 expression decreased promoter activity, while transient expression of Sp1 further activated expression of the reporter gene. Mutational analysis of complex 1 within PAR-1 luciferase constructs further demonstrates that the regulation of PAR-1 is mediated through interactions with AP-2 and Sp1. Moreover, loss of AP-2 in metastatic cells alters the AP-2 to Sp1 ratio and DNA-binding activity resulting in overexpression of PAR-1. In addition, we evaluated the expression of AP-2 and PAR-1 utilizing a tissue microarray of 93 melanocytic lesions spanning from benign nevi to melanoma metastasis. We report loss of AP-2 expression in malignant tumors compared to benign tissue while PAR-1 was expressed more often in metastatic melanoma cells than in benign melanocytes. We propose that loss of AP-2 results in increased expression of PAR-1, which in turn results in upregulation of gene products that contribute to the metastatic phenotype of melanoma. ^


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Cell signaling by nitric oxide (NO) through soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and cGMP production regulates physiological responses such as smooth muscle relaxation, neurotransmission, and cell growth and differentiation. Although the NO receptor, sGC, has been studied extensively at the protein level, information on regulation of the sGC genes remains elusive. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved at the level of gene expression, cDNA and genomic fragments of the murine sGCα1 subunit gene were obtained through library screenings. Using the acquired clones, the sGCα 1 gene structure was determined following primer extension, 3 ′RACE and intron/exon boundary analyses. The basal activity of several 5′-flanking regions (putative promoter regions) for both the α1 and β1 sGC subunits were determined following their transfection into mouse N1E-115 neuroblastoma and rat RENE1Δ14 uterine epithelial cells using a luciferase reporter plasmid. Using the sGC sequences, real-time RT-PCR assays were designed to measure mRNA levels of the sGC α1 and β1 genes in rat, mouse and human. Subsequent studies found that uterine sGC mRNA and protein levels decreased rapidly in response to 17β-estradiol (estrogen) in an in vivo rat model. As early as 1 hour following treatment, mRNA levels of both sGC mRNAs decreased, and reached their lowest level of expression after 3 hours. This in vivo response was completely blocked by the pure estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182,780, was not seen in several other tissues examined, did not occur in response to other steroid hormones, and was due to a post-transcriptional mechanism. Additional studies ex vivo and in various cell culture models suggested that the estrogen-mediated decreased sGC mRNA expression did not require signals from other tissues, but may require cell communication or paracrine factors between different cell types within the uterus. Using chemical inhibitors and molecular targeting in other related studies, it was revealed that c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling was responsible for decreased sGC mRNA expression in rat PC12 and RFL-6 cells, two models previously determined to exhibit rapid decreased sGC mRNA expression in response to different stimuli. To further investigate the post-transcriptional gene regulation, the full length sGCα1 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) was cloned from rat uterine tissue and ligated downstream of the rabbit β-globin gene and expressed as a chimeric mRNA in the rat PC12 and RFL-6 cell models. Expression studies with the chimeric mRNA showed that the sGCα 1 3′UTR was not sufficient to mediate the post-transcriptional regulation of its mRNA by JNK or cAMP signaling in PC12 and RFL-6 cells. This study has provided numerous valuable tools for future studies involving the molecular regulation of the sGC genes. Importantly, the present results identified a novel paradigm and a previously unknown signaling pathway for sGC mRNA regulation that could potentially be exploited to treat diseases such as uterine cancers, neuronal disorders, hypertension or various inflammatory conditions. ^


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Expression of the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins is coordinately controlled by host-related signals such as elevated CO2 , and the trans-acting positive regulator, AtxA. No specific binding of AtxA to the toxin gene promoters has been demonstrated and no sequence-based similarities are apparent in the promoter regions of toxin genes. We hypothesized that the toxin genes possess common structural features that are required for positive regulation. To test this hypothesis, I performed an extensive characterization of the toxin gene promoters. I determined the minimal sequences required for atxA-mediated toxin gene expression and compared these sequences for structural similarities. In silico modeling and in vitro experiments indicated significant curvature within these regions. Random mutagenesis revealed that point mutations associated with reduced transcriptional activity, mostly mapped to areas of high curvature. This work enabled the identification of two potential cis-acting elements implicated in AtxA-mediated regulation of the toxin genes. In addition to the growth condition requirements and AtxA, toxin gene expression is under growth phase regulation. The transition state regulator AbrB represses atxA expression to influence toxin synthesis. Here I report that toxin gene expression also requires sigH, a gene encoding the RNA polymerase sigma factor associated with development in B. subtilis. In the well-studied B. subtilis system, σH is part of a feedback control pathway that involves AbrB and the major response regulator of sporulation initiation, Spo0A. My data indicate that in B. anthracis, regulatory relationships exist between these developmental regulators and atxA . Interestingly, during growth in toxin-inducing conditions, sigH and abrB expression deviates from that described for B. subtilis, affecting expression of the atxA gene. These findings, combined with previous observations, suggest that the steady state level of atxA expression is critical for optimal toxin gene transcription. I propose a model whereby, under toxin-inducing conditions, control of toxin gene expression is fine-tuned by the independent effects of the developmental regulators on the expression of atxA . The growth condition-dependent changes in expression of these regulators may be crucial for the correct timing and uninterrupted expression of the toxin genes during infection. ^