944 resultados para Pre-natal care
Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer o perfil das gestantes adolescentes em consulta de enfermagem, ao primeiro atendimento da assistência ao Pré-natal na Clínica Materno Infantil em Sarandi – PR. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo no período de 23/09/2003 a 21/06/20004, avaliando o perfil das gestantes adolescentes através da investigação e análise de fichas perinatais dos prontuários de gestantes. Observamos a prevalência de evasão escolar entre as adolescentes que encontravam-se grávidas, além de iniciam o pré-natal mais cedo em relação as multíparas. Entretanto há uma preocupação em relação a idade gestacional de início do pré-natal pois podem haver fatores de risco associados e estes poderiam ser prevenidos, tornando-se evidente a importância do Programa de Agentes comunitários de Saúde de promover acessibilidade aos serviços de saúde e melhorar a qualidade da assistência no Planejamento Familiar e no Pré-natal para que os retornos destas mulheres sejam assegurados e efetivamente melhore os resultados perinatais.
Purpose This study investigated whether vergence and accommodation development in pre-term infants is pre-programmed or is driven by experience. Methods 32 healthy infants, born at mean 34 weeks gestation (range 31.2-36 weeks) were compared with 45 healthy full-term infants (mean 40.0 weeks) over a 6 month period, starting at 4-6 weeks post-natally. Simultaneous accommodation and convergence to a detailed target were measured using a Plusoptix PowerRefII infra-red photorefractor as a target moved between 0.33m and 2m. Stimulus/response gains and responses at 0.33m and 2m were compared by both corrected (gestational) age and chronological (post-natal) age. Results When compared by their corrected age, pre-term and full-term infants showed few significant differences in vergence and accommodation responses after 6-7 weeks of age. However, when compared by chronological age, pre-term infants’ responses were more variable, with significantly reduced vergence gains, reduced vergence response at 0.33m, reduced accommodation gain, and increased accommodation at 2m, compared to full-term infants between 8-13 weeks after birth. Conclusions When matched by corrected age, vergence and accommodation in pre-term infants show few differences from full-term infants’ responses. Maturation appears pre-programmed and is not advanced by visual experience. Longer periods of immature visual responses might leave pre-term infants more at risk of development of oculomotor deficits such as strabismus.
Background In the UK occupational therapy pre-discharge home visits are routinely carried out as a means of facilitating safe transfer from the hospital to home. Whilst they are an integral part of practice, there is little evidence to demonstrate they have a positive outcome on the discharge process. Current issues for patients are around the speed of home visits and the lack of shared decision making in the process, resulting in less than 50 % of the specialist equipment installed actually being used by patients on follow-up. To improve practice there is an urgent need to examine other ways of conducting home visits to facilitate safe discharge. We believe that Computerised 3D Interior Design Applications (CIDAs) could be a means to support more efficient, effective and collaborative practice. A previous study explored practitioners perceptions of using CIDAs; however it is important to ascertain older adult’s views about the usability of technology and to compare findings. This study explores the perceptions of community dwelling older adults with regards to adopting and using CIDAs as an assistive tool for the home adaptations process. Methods Ten community dwelling older adults participated in individual interactive task-focused usability sessions with a customised CIDA, utilising the think-aloud protocol and individual semi-structured interviews. Template analysis was used to carry out both deductive and inductive analysis of the think-aloud and interview data. Initially, a deductive stance was adopted, using the three pre-determined high-level themes of the technology acceptance model (TAM): Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Actual Use (AU). Inductive template analysis was then carried out on the data within these themes, from which a number of sub-thmes emerged. Results Regarding PU, participants believed CIDAs served as a useful visual tool and saw clear potential to facilitate shared understanding and partnership in care delivery. For PEOU, participants were able to create 3D home environments however a number of usability issues must still be addressed. The AU theme revealed the most likely usage scenario would be collaborative involving both patient and practitioner, as many participants did not feel confident or see sufficient value in using the application autonomously. Conclusions This research found that older adults perceived that CIDAs were likely to serve as a valuable tool which facilitates and enhances levels of patient/practitioner collaboration and empowerment. Older adults also suggested a redesign of the interface so that less sophisticated dexterity and motor functions are required. However, older adults were not confident, or did not see sufficient value in using the application autonomously. Future research is needed to further customise the CIDA software, in line with the outcomes of this study, and to explore the potential of collaborative application patient/practitioner-based deployment.
Background: The number of childbearing adolescents in Vietnam is relatively low but they are more prone to experience adverse outcome than adult women. Reports of increasing rates of abortion and prevalence of STIs including HIV among youth indicate a need to improve services and counselling for these groups. Midwives are key persons in the promotion of young people’s sexual and reproductive health in Vietnam. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to describe the prevalence and outcome of adolescent pregnancies in Vietnam (I), to explore the social context and health care seeking behavior of pregnant adolescents (II), as well as to explore the perspectives of health care providers and midwifery students regarding adolescent sexuality and reproductive health service needs (III, IV). Methods: The studies were conducted from 2002 to 2005, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. A population based prospective survey was used to estimate rates and outcomes of adolescent pregnancies (I). Pregnant and newly delivered adolescents’ experiences of childbearing and their encounters with health care providers were studied using qualitative interviews (II). Health care providers’ perspective on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) and views on how to improve the quality of abortion care was explored in focus group discussions (FGD). The values and attitudes of midwifery students about ASRH were investigated using questionnaires and interviews (IV). Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data (I, IV) and content analysis were applied for qualitative data (II, III, and IV). Findings: Adolescent birth rate was similar to previously reported in Vietnam but lower when compared to other Asian countries. The incidence of stillborn among adolescents was higher than for women in higher reproductive ages. The proportion of preterm deliveries was 20 % of all births, higher than previous findings from Vietnam. About 2 % of the deliveries were home deliveries, more common among women with low education, belonging to ethnic minority and/or living in mountainous areas (I). Ambivalence facing motherhood, pride and happiness but also worries and lack of self-confidence emerged as themes from the interviews; and experience of ‘being in the hands of others’ in a positive, caring sense but also in a sense of subordination in relation to husband, family and health care providers (II). Health care providers at abortion clinics and midwifery students generally disapproved of pre-marital sex, but had a pragmatic view on the need for contraceptive services and counselling to reduce the burden of unwanted pregnancies and abortions for young women. Providers and midwifery students expressed a need for training on ASRH issues (III, IV). Conclusion: Cultural norms and gender inequity make pregnant adolescent women in Vietnam vulnerable to sexual and reproductive health risks. Health care providers experience ethical dilemmas while counselling unmarried adolescents who come for abortion and this has a negative impact on the quality of care. Integrated ASRH in education and training programmes for health care providers, including midwives, as well as continued in-service training on these issues are suggested to improve reproductive health care services in Vietnam.
A ultra-sonografia obstétrica é um método diagnóstico tradicionalmente utilizado na rotina do atendimento pré-natal, tendo sido estudados de forma ampla suas vantagens e limitações. O advento do diagnóstico intra-uterino de cardiopatias congênitas e de arritmias através da ecocardiografia fetal modificou completamente o prognóstico perinatal dessas afecções, por permitir planejar o adequado manejo cardiológico no período neonatal imediato e, em algumas situações, o tratamento e sua resolução in utero. Sendo muito elevada a prevalência de cardiopatias congênitas durante a vida fetal, sua detecção torna-se fundamental. Considerando a inviabilidade operacional de realizar rotineiramente ecocardiografia fetal em todas as gestações, levando-se em conta as condições locais do sistema de saúde, o encaminhamento para exame por especialista passa a ser otimizado com a possibilidade da suspeita de alterações estruturais ou funcionais do coração e do sistema circulatório durante o exame ultra-sonográfico obstétrico de rotina. Não são conhecidos, em nosso meio, dados que avaliem de forma sistemática a acurácia da ultra-sonografia obstétrica no que se refere à suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatias. A partir deste questionamento, este trabalho foi delineado com o objetivo de avaliar o papel da ultra-sonografia obstétrica de rotina na suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatias congênitas ou arritmias graves e os fatores envolvidos na sua efetividade. A amostra foi constituída de 77 neonatos ou lactentes internados no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul / Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia (IC/FUC) no período de maio a outubro de 2000, com diagnóstico pós-natal confirmado de cardiopatia estrutural ou arritmia grave, que tenham sido submetidos, durante a vida fetal, a pelo menos uma ultra-sonografia obstétrica após a 18a semana de gestação. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizado um questionário padronizado, respondido pelos pais ou responsáveis, após consentimento informado. As variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado ou pelo teste de Fisher, com um alfa crítico de 0,05. Um modelo de regressão logística foi utilizado para determinar variáveis independentes eventualmente envolvidas na suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatia. Em 19 pacientes (24,7%), a ultra-sonografia obstétrica foi capaz de levantar suspeita de anormalidades estruturais ou de arritmias. Ao serem consideradas apenas as cardiopatias congênitas, esta prevalência foi de 19,2% (14/73). Em 73,7% destes, as cardiopatias suspeitadas eram acessíveis ao corte de 4-câmaras isolado. Observou-se que 26,3% das crianças com suspeita pré-natal de cardiopatia apresentaram arritmias durante o estudo ecográfico, enquanto apenas 3,4% dos pacientes sem suspeita pré-natal apresentaram alterações do ritmo (P=0,009). Constituiram-se em fatores comparativos significantes entre o grupo com suspeita pré-natal e o sem suspeita a paridade (P=0,029), o parto cesáreo (P=0,006), a internação em unidade de tratamento intensivo (P=0,046) e a escolaridade paterna (P=0,014). Não se mostraram significativos o número de gestações, a história de abortos prévios, o estado civil, o sexo dos pacientes, o tipo de serviço e a localidade em que foram realizados o pré-natal e a ultra-sonografia obstétrica, a indicação da ecografia, o número de ultra-sonografias realizadas, a renda familiar e a escolaridade materna. À análise multivariada, apenas a presença de alteração do ritmo cardíaco durante a ultra-sonografia obstétrica mostrou-se como variável independente associada à suspeita pré-natal de anormalidade cardíaca. Este trabalho demonstra que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica de rotina ainda tem sido subutilizada no rastreamento pré-natal de cardiopatias congênitas, levantando a suspeita de anormalidades estruturais em apenas um quinto dos casos. Considerando a importância prognóstica do diagnóstico intra-uterino de cardiopatias congênitas e arritmias graves, todos os esforços devem ser mobilizados no sentido de aumentar a eficácia da ecografia obstétrica de rotina para a suspeita de anormalidades cardíacas fetais. O treinamento dirigido dos ultra-sonografistas e a conscientização do meio obstétrico e da própria população são instrumentos para esta ação.
RAMOS, Ana Maria de Oliveira et al. Project Pró-Natal: population-based study of perinatal and infant mortality in Natal, Northeast Brazil. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, v.3, n.1, p.29-35, 2000
RODRIGUES, M. P.; LIMA, K. C.; RONCALLI, A. G. A representação social do cuidado no programa saúde da família na cidade de Natal. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82. 2008. ISSN 1413-8123.
RODRIGUES, Maisa Paulino; LIMA, Kenio Costa de; RONCALLI, Angelo Giuseppe. A representaçao social do cuidado no programa saúde da familia na cidade de Natal. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82, 2008.Disponivel em:
The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health
The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles
This research consists in studying the influence of the various type of construction systems of roofs with their energy efficiency as well as on the cost benefit for the commercial buildings on the temperatures condition of the city of Natal/RN. The main goal of this research is to analyze the cost benefit of the construction systems of roofs available on the market, taking into consideration the energy efficiency of the commercial buildings artificially air conditioned in order to be used by the projectors and to be adequated to the temperatures condition of the city of Natal/RN. The method of valuation of the cost benefit of roof systems consists in six steps: Features and simulation of the reference building; Analyze of sensitivity; Analyzes, features and simulation of alternatives of roof construction systems; Analyze of the cost of implementation; Analyze of the benefits of the alternatives comparing to the base case; And finally the analyze of the cost benefit. The model type chosen as reference was stores with pre molded buildings and system of roof with fiber ciment and ceiling . The thermal results showed the influence of the roof system on the energy efficiency of the building. The Final results of the simulations of the alternatives comes to a conclusion that the absortance is the variable that presents the best cost benefit relation and the reduction on the thermal transmittance still has limitations because of the high cost
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater
Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm
Herpes simplex is a virus that can be transmitted sexually and is potentially associated with vertical transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of genital infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 in pregnant and nonpregnant care in the city of Natal / RN, including a total of 222 women, 92 pregnant and 130 nonpregnant. The participants answered a questionnaire to obtain data and socio-demographic characteristics, as well as potential risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases. After the interview, we collected two cervical specimens, one for the Pap test and the other for DNA extraction and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect both virus serotypes. Then the women underwent a clinical examination by colposcopy. For statistical analysis, we used the chi-square and logistic regression by SSPS 17.0 Statistic. Most women were up to 30 years of age, nonwhite ethnicity, married, elementary education, family income below the poverty level; initiated sexual activity with age up to 18 years; had more than one sexual partner lifelong and was not pregnant, but has had at least one child. The HSV-1 showed a prevalence of 26.1% among pregnant women and 30.0% in non-pregnant women. While HSV-2 prevalence was found with 10.9% and 19.2% in pregnant and nonpregnant women, respectively. The largest proportion of morphological changes of the uterine cervix was detected among nonpregnant women, both in cytology and in colposcopy. The women were nonwhite ethnicity, married, became pregnant aged less than or equal to 18 years and who had one to two pregnancies had a lower risk of acquiring genital HSV infection. There was a high prevalence of genital HSV infection, HSV-1 is more prevalent than HSV-2. No association was found between morphological changes of the uterine cervix and the presence of the virus in pregnant and nonpregnant women, nor between genital HSV infection and the classic risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases