1000 resultados para Plombières-lès-Dijon


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In questo TFM affronteremo un argomento di grande attualità le cui radici risalgono, però, a un passato ben più remoto: la questione del burocratese, termine con accezione negativa coniato in tempi relativamente recenti per descrivere lo stile comunicativo della pubblica amministrazione che, lungi dal restare confinato in un ambito specialistico della comunicazione, pervade ormai ogni sfera della vita quotidiana, rendendola sempre più complessa in un momento storico delicato dove l’equivoco è dietro l’angolo e spesso cela non pochi pericoli. Il presente lavoro si divide sostanzialmente in due parti. Nella prima, tracceremo una premessa teorica toccando le seguenti tematiche: il ruolo del/la docente di italiano LS (con particolare attenzione all’insegnamento agli adulti), le motivazioni scientifiche e personali che stanno alla base della scelta di questo argomento per un TFM, un breve ripasso delle principali tappe che hanno definito il dibattito sulla questione linguistica in Italia, le caratteristiche linguistiche e testuali del linguaggio burocratico amministrativo e un breve excursus sulle direttive e suggerimenti per la sua semplificazione. Nella seconda parte del lavoro (dal capitolo 3) sarà presentata in dettaglio l’unità didattica dal titolo Parla come mangi!, messa in pratica con un gruppo di studenti e studentesse di italiano di nivel avanzado 1 (B2 del QCER) della Escuela Oficial de Idiomas di Alcorcón, nell’ambito del tirocinio propedeutico all’ottenimento del titolo di Máster en formación del Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, FP y enseñanzas de idiomas. L’obiettivo finale delle attività proposte è stato quello di permettere alla classe di familiarizzare con le strutture lessicali, morfosintattiche e testuali del burocratese. Attraverso attività disegnate per il coinvolgimento delle quattro abilità fondamentali e suddivise in tre grandi categorie (pubblica amministrazione, trasporti e comunicazione formale scritta), gli alunni e le alunne hanno messo alla prova e migliorato la propria competenza sociolinguistica in contesti dove l’eccessiva formalità spesso mette in difficoltà gli/le stessi/e nativi/e.


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Resultat från både PISA och PIRLS visar att svenska elevers läsförmåga och läsförståelse har försämrats. År 2001 låg Sverige i topp bland de deltagande länderna. I den senaste mätningen som var gjord 2012 rankade sig Sverige totalt som 28 av 34 deltagande länder. Andreas Schleicher, chef för OECD utbildning och kompetens framhåller att Sverige måste enas om nationell utbildningsstrategi med tydligare prioriteringar och starkare ansvar för att kunna främja långsiktig kvalitet i skolan. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie har varit att få kunskaper om hur man kan arbeta med högläsning och vilka förmågor högläsning kan utveckla hos elever i grundskolans tidiga år. Frågeställningarna har besvarats genom en litteraturstudie där den utvalda litteraturen har granskats och analyserats. De databaser som har använts i studien är Summon, LIBRIS och DIVA. Vidare har manuella sökningar och sökningar på Skolverket genomförts. Resultatet visar att flertalet av de förmågor som finns i kursplanen i svenska (Lgr 2011:223-224) kan uppnås genom högläsning.


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Litteraturstudiens syfte är att undersöka hur elever med dyslexi i årskurs F-3 kan inkluderas utifrån en klassrumsdimension i läs- och skrivundervisningen.  Med studien vill vi söka svar på hur lärare kan genomföra en inkluderad läs- och skrivundervisning samt hur den fördelaktigt kan se ut för elever med dyslexi. Litteraturstudien utgår från ett inkluderingsperspektiv som har begränsats till en klassrumsdimension på grund av begreppets bredd. Därför har vi valt att fokusera på hur inkludering diskuteras i förhållande till klassrumssituationen. Genom informationssökningen hittades 13 vetenskapliga litteraturer som berör studiens ämne och som använts i resultatet. För att välja litteratur med relevant information till studiens syfte och frågeställningar utgick vi från fyra olika aspekter för att sedan kunna presentera ett resultat. Studiens resultat visar att elever med dyslexi har svårigheter med automatiserad avkodning samt rättskrivning för att det finns en brist i deras fonologiska system. För att inkludera elever med dyslexi i läs- och skrivundervisningen krävs ett varierat arbetssätt med tillgång till extra stöd i klassrummet som exempelvis specialpedagoger kan ge. Elever med dyslexi ska inte ses som problembärare i undervisningen. Istället ska undervisningen anpassas så att varje elevs förutsättningar och behov tillgodoses vilket möjliggör för att alla elever kan få samma chans till utveckling. Sammanlagt visar resultatet att tidiga insatser bör sättas in för att elever med dyslexi ska ha chans att utvecklas. Undervisningen ska även individanpassas för att möjliggöra ett inkluderande arbetssätt. Med inkludering som utgångspunkt finns goda förutsättningar för att skapa en skola för alla vilket grundskolans läroplan fastslår att alla skolor i Sverige ska vara. 


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Context. The gamma-ray binary LS I +61º303 is a well-established source from centimeter radio up to very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV). The broadband emission shows a periodicity of ∼26.5 days, coincident with the orbital period. A longer (super-orbital) period of 1667 ± 8 days was proposed from radio variability and confirmed using optical and high-energy (HE; E ¿ 100 MeV) gamma-ray observations. In this paper, we report on a four-year campaign performed by MAGIC together with archival data concentrating on a search for a long-timescale signature in the VHE emission from LS I +61º303. Aims. We focus on the search for super-orbital modulation of the VHE emission, similar to that observed at other energies, and on the search for correlations between TeV emission and an optical determination of the extension of the circumstellar disk. Methods. A four-year campaign has been carried out using the MAGIC telescopes. The source was observed during the orbital phases when the periodic VHE outbursts have occurred (φ = 0.55 – 0.75, one orbit = 26.496 days). Additionally, we included archival MAGIC observations and data published by the VERITAS collaboration in these studies. For the correlation studies, LS I +61◦303 has also been observed during the orbital phases where sporadic VHE emission had been detected in the past (φ = 0.75 – 1.0). These MAGIC observations were simultaneous with optical spectroscopy from the LIVERPOOL telescope. Results. The TeV flux of the periodical outburst in orbital phases φ = 0.5 – 0.75 was found to show yearly variability consistent with the long-term modulation of ∼4.5 years found in the radio band. This modulation of the TeV flux can be well described by a sine function with a best-fit period of 1610±58 days. The complete data, including archival observations, span two super-orbital periods. There is no evidence for a correlation between the TeV emission and the mass-loss rate of the Be star, but this may be affected by the strong, short-timescale (as short as intra-day) variation displayed by the Hα fluxes.


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A erosão é um grande problema para a sociedade e resulta em problemas ambientais e econômicos. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e identificar, através da elaboração e interpretação do Mapa de Fator Topográfico (Fator LS) da EUPS (Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo) em ambiente computacional, setores potencialmente susceptíveis aos processos erosivos na Bacia do Córrego Ibitinga na cidade de Rio Claro (Brasil - SP). Nos procedimentos metodológicos, é utilizada a abordagem sistêmica, onde o relevo e os seus componentes são analisados de forma integrada. Para a elaboração da Carta é necessária a criação das Cartas de Extensão de Vertentes e Classes de Declividade e, posteriormente cruzamento em ambiente GIS, produzindo a Carta de Fator Topográfico que indica os setores mais susceptíveis à dinâmica erosiva. Observou-se que as linhas de cumeada são suaves e possuem baixas vulnerabilidades erosivas. No entanto, uma ruptura topográfica representa uma diferenciação erosiva e aumento da declividade, gerando suscetibilidade do setor à erosão. Este maior potencial de erosão produz-se nos altos cursos d' água e também acompanhando toda a linha de ruptura topográfica que contorna o lado esquerdo do curso principal.


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Obesity is associated with development of the cardiorenal metabolic syndrome, which is a constellation of risk factors, such as insulin resistance, inflammatory response, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure that predispose affected individuals to well-characterized medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular and kidney chronic disease. The study was designed to establish relationship between metabolic and inflammatory disorder, renal sodium retention and enhanced blood pressure in a group of obese subjects compared with age-matched, lean volunteers. The study was performed after 14 h overnight fast after and before OGTT in 13 lean (BMI 22.92 ± 2.03 kg/m(2)) and, 27 obese (BMI 36.15 ± 3.84 kg/m(2)) volunteers. Assessment of HOMA-IR and QUICKI index were calculated and circulating concentrations of TNF-α, IL-6 and C-reactive protein, measured by immunoassay. THE STUDY SHOWS THAT A HYPERINSULINEMIC (HI: 10.85 ± 4.09 μg/ml) subgroup of well-characterized metabolic syndrome bearers-obese subjects show higher glycemic and elevated blood pressure levels when compared to lean and normoinsulinemic (NI: 5.51 ± 1.18 μg/ml, P < 0.027) subjects. Here, the combination of hyperinsulinemia, higher HOMA-IR (HI: 2.19 ± 0.70 (n = 12) vs. LS: 0.83 ± 0.23 (n = 12) and NI: 0.98 ± 0.22 (n = 15), P < 0.0001) associated with lower QUICKI in HI obese when compared with LS and NI volunteers (P < 0.0001), suggests the occurrence of insulin resistance and a defect in insulin-stimulated peripheral action. Otherwise, the adiponectin measured in basal period was significantly enhanced in NI subjects when compared to HI groups (P < 0.04). The report also showed a similar insulin-mediated reduction of post-proximal urinary sodium excretion in lean (LS: 9.41 ± 0.68% vs. 6.38 ± 0.92%, P = 0.086), and normoinsulinemic (NI: 8.41 ± 0.72% vs. 5.66 ± 0.53%, P = 0.0025) and hyperinsulinemic obese subjects (HI: 8.82 ± 0.98% vs. 6.32 ± 0.67%, P = 0.0264), after oral glucose load, despite elevated insulinemic levels in hyperinsulinemic obeses. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of adiponectin levels and dysfunctional inflammatory modulation associated with hyperinsulinemia and peripheral insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and renal dysfunction in a particular subgroup of obeses.


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To analyze the effects of treatment approach on the outcomes of newborns (birth weight [BW] < 1,000 g) with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), from the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (BNRN) on: death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH III/IV), retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgical (ROPsur), necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery (NECsur), and death/BPD. This was a multicentric, cohort study, retrospective data collection, including newborns (BW < 1000 g) with gestational age (GA) < 33 weeks and echocardiographic diagnosis of PDA, from 16 neonatal units of the BNRN from January 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2011. Newborns who died or were transferred until the third day of life, and those with presence of congenital malformation or infection were excluded. Groups: G1 - conservative approach (without treatment), G2 - pharmacologic (indomethacin or ibuprofen), G3 - surgical ligation (independent of previous treatment). Factors analyzed: antenatal corticosteroid, cesarean section, BW, GA, 5 min. Apgar score < 4, male gender, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE II), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), late sepsis (LS), mechanical ventilation (MV), surfactant (< 2 h of life), and time of MV. death, O2 dependence at 36 weeks (BPD36wks), IVH III/IV, ROPsur, NECsur, and death/BPD36wks. Student's t-test, chi-squared test, or Fisher's exact test; Odds ratio (95% CI); logistic binary regression and backward stepwise multiple regression. Software: MedCalc (Medical Calculator) software, version p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. 1,097 newborns were selected and 494 newborns were included: G1 - 187 (37.8%), G2 - 205 (41.5%), and G3 - 102 (20.6%). The highest mortality was observed in G1 (51.3%) and the lowest in G3 (14.7%). The highest frequencies of BPD36wks (70.6%) and ROPsur were observed in G3 (23.5%). The lowest occurrence of death/BPD36wks occurred in G2 (58.0%). Pharmacological (OR 0.29; 95% CI: 0.14-0.62) and conservative (OR 0.34; 95% CI: 0.14-0.79) treatments were protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks. The conservative approach of PDA was associated to high mortality, the surgical approach to the occurrence of BPD36wks and ROPsur, and the pharmacological treatment was protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of two substrates (enamel and dentin) considering two study factors: type of composite resin [methacrylate-based (Filtek Supreme) or silorane-based (Filtek LS)] and aging time (24 h or 3 months). Twenty human molars were selected and divided into 2 groups (n=10) considering two dental substrates, enamel or dentin. The enamel and dentin of each tooth was divided into two halves separated by a glass plate. Each tooth was restored using both tested composite resins following the manufacturer's instructions. The samples were sectioned, producing 4 sticks for each composite resin. Half of them were tested after 24 h and half after 3 months. µTBS testing was carried out at 0.05 mm/s. Data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests at α=0.05. Significant differences between composite resins and substrates were found (p<0.05), but no statistically significant difference was found for aging time and interactions among study factors. The methacrylate-based resin showed higher µTBS than the silorane-based resin. The µTBS for enamel was significantly higher than for dentin, irrespective of the composite resin and storage time. Three months of storage was not sufficient time to cause degradation of the bonding interaction of either of the composite resins to enamel and dentin.


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O objetivo deste artigo é abordar a questão das vivências na perspectiva de L.S. Vigotski, tratando de suas fontes epistemológicas, de suas raízes na língua russa e de seus sentidos específicos, priorizando "A Tragédia do Hamlet, Príncipe da Dinamarca" (1916) e os textos pedológicos dos anos 1930, com destaque para "A questão do meio na pedologia". Destacam-se as transformações das ideias do autor sobre vivências e sua contribuição metodológica à  análise da relação indivíduo-meio no desenvolvimento humano, articulada aos conceitos de consciência e sistema.


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Background: Studies suggest that leucine supplementation (LS) has a therapeutic potential to prevent obesity and to promote glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, regular physical exercise is a widely accepted strategy for body weight maintenance and also for the prevention of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chronic LS alone or combined with endurance training (ET) as potential approaches for reversing the insulin resistance and obesity induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) in rats. Methods: Forty-seven rats were randomly divided into two groups. Animals were fed a control diet-low fat (n = 10) or HFD (n = 37). After 15 weeks on HFD, all rats received the control diet-low fat and were randomly divided according to treatment: reference (REF), LS, ET, and LS+ET (n = 7-8 rats per group). After 6 weeks of treatment, the animals were sacrificed and body composition, fat cell volume, and serum concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerol, glucose, adiponectin, leptin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were analyzed. Results: At the end of the sixth week of treatment, there was no significant difference in body weight between the REF, LS, ET and LS+ET groups. However, ET increased lean body mass in rats (P = 0.019). In addition, ET was more effective than LS in reducing adiposity (P = 0.019), serum insulin (P = 0.022) and TNF-alpha (P = 0.044). Conversely, LS increased serum adiponectin (P = 0.021) levels and reduced serum total cholesterol concentration (P = 0.042). Conclusions: The results showed that LS had no beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity or adiposity in previously obese rats. On the other hand, LS was effective in increasing adiponectin levels and in reducing total cholesterol concentration.


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We show, using ab initio density functional theory calculations, that Mn dimers adsorbed on graphene nanoribbons (Mn(2)/GNRs) present a magnetic bistability, as does the isolated Mn dimer. Our total energy results indicate that Mn dimers lying along the edge sites of zigzag GNRs represent the most likely configuration. We find that similar to the isolated Mn(2) molecule, the antiferromagnetic coupling represents the ground state for Mn(2)/GNR, and the spin density configuration of the GNR does not play an important role on the net magnetic moment of Mn(2), which makes GNRs an ideal substrate for adsorption of these molecules. The ground state and the excited state configuration of the Mn dimer, viz., low-spin (LS) and high-spin (HS), are maintained in the face of changes in the spin density configuration of the substrate. Here we find that the Mn(2)/GNR systems exhibit a LS <-> HS binary behavior, which can be considered as a useful property in the development of nanomemories based upon metallic clusters. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3553849]


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For environmental quality assessment, INAA has been applied for determining chemical elements in small (200 mg) and large (200 g) samples of leaves from 200 trees. By applying the Ingamells` constant, the expected percent standard deviation was estimated in 0.9-2.2% for 200 mg samples. Otherwise, for composite samples (200 g), expected standard deviation varied from 0.5 to 10% in spite of analytical uncertainties ranging from 2 to 30%. Results thereby suggested the expression of the degree of representativeness as a source of uncertainty, contributing for increasing of the reliability of environmental studies mainly in the case of composite samples.


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Obesity has been shown to impair myocardial performance. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the participation of calcium (Ca(2+)) handling on cardiac dysfunction in obesity models remain unknown. L-type Ca(2+) channels and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a), may contribute to the cardiac dysfunction induced by obesity. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether myocardial dysfunction in obese rats is related to decreased activity and/or expression of L-type Ca(2+) channels and SERCA2a. Male 30-day-old Wistar rats were fed standard (C) and alternately four palatable high-fat diets (Ob) for 15 weeks. Obesity was determined by adiposity index and comorbidities were evaluated. Myocardial function was evaluated in isolated left ventricle papillary muscles under basal conditions and after inotropic and lusitropic maneuvers. L-type Ca(2+) channels and SERCA2a activity were determined using specific blockers, while changes in the amount of channels were evaluated by Western blot analysis. Phospholamban (PLB) protein expression and the SERCA2a/PLB ratio were also determined. Compared with C rats, the Ob rats had increased body fat, adiposity index and several comorbidities. The Ob muscles developed similar baseline data, but myocardial responsiveness to post-rest contraction stimulus and increased extracellular Ca(2+) was compromised. The diltiazem promoted higher inhibition on developed tension in obese rats. In addition, there were no changes in the L-type Ca(2+) channel protein content and SERCA2a behavior (activity and expression). In conclusion, the myocardial dysfunction caused by obesity is related to L-type Ca(2+) channel activity impairment without significant changes in SERCA2a expression and function as well as L-type Ca(2+) protein levels. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 2934-2942, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This paper presents first material tests on HDPE and PVC, and subsequently impact tests on plates made of the same materials. Finally, numerical simulations of the plate impact tests are compared with the experimental results. A rather comprehensive series of mechanical material tests were performed to disclose the behaviour of PVC and HDPE in tension and compression. Quasi-static tests were carried out at three rates in compression and two in tension. Digital image correlation. DIC, was used to measure the in-plane strains, revealing true stress-strain curves and allowing to analyze strain-rate sensitivity and isotropy of Poisson`s ratio. In addition, dynamic compression tests were carried out in a split-Hopkinson pressure bar. Quasi-static and dynamic tests were also performed on clamped plates made of the same PVC and HDPE materials, using an optical technique to measure the full-field out-of-plane deformations. These tests, together with the material data, were used for comparative purposes of a finite element analysis. A reasonable agreement between experimental and numerical results was achieved. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a comparison between laser weld (LBW) and electric resistance spot weld (ERSW) processes used for assemblies of components in a body-in-white (BIW) at a world class automotive industry. It is carried out by evaluating the mechanical strength modeled both by experimental and numerical methods. An ""Arcan"" multiaxial test was designed and manufactured in order to enable 0 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees directional loadings. The welded specimens were uncoated low carbon steel sheets (S-y = 170 MPa) used currently at the automotive industry, with two different thicknesses: 0.80 and 1.20 mm. A numerical analysis was carried out using the finite element method (FEM) through LS-DYNA code. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.