964 resultados para Oxygen-uptake


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The objective of this thesis was to quantify the physiological responses such as O2 uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR) and blood lactate ([LA]) to some types of activities associated with intermittent sports in athletes. Our hypothesis is that the introduction of accelerations and decelerations with or without directional changes results in a significative increase of the oxygen consumption, heart rate and blood lactate. The purpose of the first study was to measure and compare the VO2 and the HR of 6 on-court tennis drills at both high and low displacement speeds. These drills were done with and without striking the ball, over full and half-width court, in attack or in defense mode, using backhand or forehand strokes. Results show that playing an attacking style requires 6.5% more energy than playing a defensive style (p < 0.01) and the backhand stroke required 7% more VO2 at low speed than forehand stroke (p < 0.05) while the additional cost of striking the ball lies between 3.5 and 3.0 mL kg-1 min-1. Finally, while striking the ball, the energy expanded during a shuttle displacement on half-width court is 14% higher than running on full-width court. Studies #2 and #3 focused on different modes of displacement observed in irregular sports. The objective of the second study was to measure and compare VO2, HR and [LA] responses to randomly performed multiple fractioned runs with directional changes (SR) and without directional changes (FR) to those of in-line running (IR) at speeds corresponding to 60, 70 and 80% of the subject’s maximal aerobic speed (MAS). All results show that IR’s VO2 was significantly lower than SR’s and FR’s (p<0.05). SR’s VO2 was greater than FR’s only at speeds corresponding to 80%MAS. On the other hand, HR was similar in SR and FR but significantly higher than IR’s (p<0.05). [LA] varied between 4.2 ± 0.8 and 6.6 ± 0.9 mmol L-1 without significant differences between the 3 displacement modes. Finally, the third study’s objective was to measure and compare VO2 , HR and [LA] responses during directional changes at different angles and at different submaximal running speeds corresponding to 60, 70 and 80% MAS. Subjects randomly performed 4 running protocols 1) a 20-m shuttle running course (180°) (SR), 2) an 8-shaped running course with 90-degree turns every 20 m (90R), 3) a Zigzag running course (ZZR) with multiple close directional changes (~ 5 m) at different angle values of 91.8°, 90° and 38.6°, 4) an In-line run (IR) for comparison purposes. Results show that IR’s was lower (p<0.001) than for 90R’s, SR’s and ZZR’s at all intensities. VO2 obtained at 60 and 70%MAS was 48.7 and 38.1% higher during ZZR when compared to IR while and depending on the intensity, during 90R and SR was between 15.5 and 19.6% higher than during IR. Also, ZZR’s VO2 was 26.1 and 19.5% higher than 90R’s, 26.1 and 15.5% higher than SR’s at 60 and 70%MAS. SR’s and 90R’s VO2 were similar. Changing direction at a 90° angle and at 180° angle seem similar when compared to continuous in-line running. [LA] levels were similar in all modalities. Overall, the studies presented in this thesis allow the quantification of the specific energetic demands of certain types of displacement modes in comparison with conventional forward running. Also, our results confirm that the energy cost varies and increase with the introduction of accelerations and decelerations with and without directional changes.


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Estilos de vida activos y saludables se han asociado con mejoras en calidad de vida de mujeres trabajadoras. Objetivos: establecer la efectividad de un programa de actividad física para mejorar componentes del fitness en mujeres trabajadoras de dos empresas de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo de carácter exploratorio, con mediciones previas y posteriores de variables cuantitativas de componentes del fitness. Se incluyeron mujeres trabajadorasde 24 a 49 años, sin factores de riesgos asociados y sin restricciones para la práctica de actividad física de acuerdo con el cuestionario PARQ & YOU. Quince mujeres (37,33 ±9,3) se sometieron voluntariamente a la intervención en actividad física durante un período de 12 semanas, 60 minutos diarios. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos, se empleó el paquete estadístico SPSS 17. Resultados: se presentaron cambios significativos después de la intervención en el índice de masa corporal (IMC) (p = 0,023), resistencia abdominal (p = 0,004) y fuerza en miembros inferiores (MMII) (p = 0,001). No hubo cambios estadísticamente significativos en consumo pico de oxígeno y flexibilidad. Conclusión: a partir de estos resultados, se pudo establecer que el protocolo del programa de promoción de actividad física aplicado produjo cambios en el fitness de las mujeres que lo completaron, lo que significa que este puede ser replicado con resultados efectivos tras su desarrollo.


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Los bomberos aeronáuticos son los encargados de atender todas las emergencias en los aeropuertos y sus cercanías. Estas emergencias incluyen emergencias aéreas, en tierra, eventos con materiales peligros e incendios, entre otros. Su trabajo tiene como características la realización de actividades durante periodos largos de baja intensidad y periodos cortos de alta intensidad. De acuerdo con estas características, es necesario que los bomberos aeronáuticos tengan una buena condición física. El consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2 máx) como indicador de capacidad aeróbica resulta indispensable para conocer el desempeño de los bomberos en su trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la capacidad aeróbica de los bomberos aeronáuticos y sus factores determinantes. Por tanto se desarrolló un estudio transversal de tipo descriptivo en una muestra de 23 hombres bomberos aeronáuticos. Se obtuvo información acerca de sus variables socio-demográficas, se determinó el VO2 máx y umbral ventilatorio mediante análisis de gases espirados durante un protocolo de ejercicio máximo sobre tapiz rodante, se evaluó la composición corporal mediante adipometría y se determinó el nivel de actividad física mediante el cuestionario internacional de actividad física IPAQ. Se encontró que la muestra tenia una edad de 32,6 ± 4,8 años, peso de 78,4 ± 9,8 kg, porcentaje de grasa de 14,8 ± 3,8 %, índice de masa corporal de 25,7 ± 2,7 y VO2máx de 44,6 ± 6. No se encontraron cambios significativos del VO2máx con la edad, pero si con la actividad física, porcentaje de grasa e índice de masa corporal. Se sugiere que el entrenamiento de los bomberos aeronáuticos durante su jornada laboral sea de intervalos de alta intensidad y que se monitorice su nivel de actividad física y composición corporal.


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Oxidation of amorphous silicon (a-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition were investigated. Their hydrogen content has a great influence on the oxidation rate at low temperature. When the mass gain is recorded during a heating ramp in dry air, an oxidation process at low temperature is identified with an onset around 250°C. This temperature onset is similar to that of hydrogen desorption. It is shown that the oxygen uptake during this process almost equals the number of hydrogen atoms present in the nanoparticles. To explain this correlation, we propose that oxidation at low temperature is triggered by the process of hydrogen desorption


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El sistema de depuració de tipus Fangs Actius constitueix una de les tècniques més esteses arreu del món pel tractament biològic de les aigües residuals. Els softwares de modelització i simulació permeten adquirir coneixements de forma ràpida i senzilla sobre el funcionament dels processos de fangs actius, dur a terme la comparació entre diferents tecnologies de tractament i determinar les estratègies d'operació més rentables d'una EDAR minimitzant els costos. L'objectiu de la present tesi consisteix en la identificació dels principals paràmetres cinètics i coeficients estequiomètrics que caracteritzen el procés de fangs actius a partir de la mesura de la velocitat de consum d'oxigen de la biomassa. En aquest sentit s'ha dissenyat i desenvolupat un Respiròmetre Tancat Seqüencial (RTS), un Respiròmetre Tancat (RT) i un Programa d'Anàlisi de Respirometries (PAR) per la determinació dels paràmetres cinètics més representatius i característics dels sistemes de fangs actius en diferents casos.


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Actualment, la legislació ambiental ha esdevingut més restrictiva pel que fa a la descàrrega d'aigües residuals amb nutrients, especialment en les anomenades àrees sensibles o zones vulnerables. Arran d'aquest fet, s'ha estimulat el coneixement, desenvolupament i millora dels processos d'eliminació de nutrients. El Reactor Discontinu Seqüencial (RDS) o Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) en anglès, és un sistema de tractament de fangs actius que opera mitjançant un procediment d'omplerta-buidat. En aquest tipus de reactors, l'aigua residual és addicionada en un sol reactor que treballa per càrregues repetint un cicle (seqüència) al llarg del temps. Una de les característiques dels SBR és que totes les diferents operacions (omplerta, reacció, sedimentació i buidat) es donen en un mateix reactor. La tecnologia SBR no és nova d'ara. El fet, és que va aparèixer abans que els sistema de tractament continu de fangs actius. El precursor dels SBR va ser un sistema d'omplerta-buidat que operava en discontinu. Entre els anys 1914 i 1920, varen sorgir certes dificultats moltes d'elles a nivell d'operació (vàlvules, canvis el cabal d'un reactor a un altre, elevat temps d'atenció per l'operari...) per aquests reactors. Però no va ser fins a finals de la dècada dels '50 principis del '60, amb el desenvolupament de nous equipaments i noves tecnologies, quan va tornar a ressorgir l'interès pels SBRs. Importants millores en el camp del subministrament d'aire (vàlvules motoritzades o d'acció pneumàtica) i en el de control (sondes de nivell, mesuradors de cabal, temporitzadors automàtics, microprocessadors) han permès que avui en dia els SBRs competeixin amb els sistemes convencional de fangs actius. L'objectiu de la present tesi és la identificació de les condicions d'operació adequades per un cicle segons el tipus d'aigua residual a l'entrada, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat desitjada de la sortida utilitzant la tecnologia SBR. Aquestes tres característiques, l'aigua a tractar, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat final desitjada determinen en gran mesura el tractament a realitzar. Així doncs, per tal d'adequar el tractament a cada tipus d'aigua residual i les seves necessitats, han estat estudiats diferents estratègies d'alimentació. El seguiment del procés es realitza mitjançant mesures on-line de pH, OD i RedOx, els canvis de les quals donen informació sobre l'estat del procés. Alhora un altre paràmetre que es pot calcular a partir de l'oxigen dissolt és la OUR que és una dada complementària als paràmetres esmentats. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen d'una aigua residual sintètica utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de l'estudi de l'efecte del nombre d'alimentacions, la definició de la llargada i el número de fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha aplicat l'estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada a dues aigües residuals diferents: una procedent d'una indústria tèxtil i l'altra, dels lixiviats d'un abocador. En ambdues aigües residuals es va estudiar l'eficiència del procés a partir de les condicions d'operació i de la velocitat del consum d'oxigen. Mentre que en l'aigua residual tèxtil el principal objectiu era eliminar matèria orgànica, en l'aigua procedent dels lixiviats d'abocador era eliminar matèria orgànica i nitrogen. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen i fòsfor d'una aigua residual urbana utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de la definició del número i la llargada de les fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha analitzat la influència del pH i la font de carboni per tal d'eliminar fòsfor d'una aigua sintètica a partir de l'estudi de l'increment de pH a dos reactors amb diferents fonts de carboni i l'estudi de l'efecte de canviar la font de carboni. Tal i com es pot veure al llarg de la tesi, on s'han tractat diferents aigües residuals per a diferents necessitats, un dels avantatges més importants d'un SBR és la seva flexibilitat.


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A relação entre aptidão cardiorrespiratória e um menor perfil de risco cardiovascular tem sido demonstrado em crianças e adolescentes (Janssen & Leblanc, 2010; 2006; Kriemler et al., 2008). Objetivo: verificar a associação entre o consumo máximo de oxigénio ( 2max) e a circunferência da cintura (CC), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e glicemia em adolescentes utilizando a base de dados do projeto Rastresaúde. Método: este ro eto tin a co o ob etivo ava iar os rinci ais indicadores de sa de cardiovascu ar e inc u a as vari veis 2max A A e ice ia. ontudo nesse ro eto o 2max tinha sido obtido através do chester step test (CST) ue não estava va idado ara ado escentes. este sentido oi rea i ado u estudo re i inar co o ob etivo de estudar a associação entre va ores do 2max estimados utilizando o CST e o teste do Vaivém que está validado para adolescentes (Leger, Mercier, Gadoury, & Lambert, 1988). Pretendíamos com este objetivo poder eventualmente utilizar, os va ores do 2max da referida base de dados. endo-se veri icado u a associação estatistica ente si ni icativa orte e ositiva entre os va ores de 2max obtidos utilizando o CST e o teste Vaivém para o sexo masculino, r=0,92, p<0,05 e para o sexo feminino, r=0,78, p<0,05 decidimo-nos e a uti i ação da base de dados do astresa de. este sentido a re erida base de dados oi uti i ada ara investi ar a associação do 2max com a CC, PAS, PAD e glicemia em adolescentes. Resultados: verificou-se nos indivíduos do sexo feminino uma associação inversa e estatistica ente si ni icativa entre o 2max e a A r - 1 5 entre o 2max e a A r - 1 5 e entre o 2max e a CC, r=-0,182, p< 5. ara os indiv duos do se o ascu ino veri icou-se u a associação inversa e estatistica ente si ni icativa a enas entre o 2max e a CC, r=-0,229, p<0,05 sendo que todas as associações encontradas foram consideradas fracas, r<0,3 (Field, 2005). Conclusão: os resultados do estudo sugerem uma associação inversa entre o 2max e a PAS, PAD e CC em adolescentes do sexo feminino e entre 2max e a CC em adolescentes do sexo masculino. Dada a escassez de estudos e derivado ao aumento da prevalência dos fatores de risco associados às doenças cardiovasculares na infância e adolescência é relevante realizar mais estudos na população jovem.


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The purpose of this study was to apply and compare two time-domain analysis procedures in the determination of oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics in response to a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) exercise test. PRBS exercise tests have typically been analysed in the frequency domain. However, the complex interpretation of frequency responses may have limited the application of this procedure in both sporting and clinical contexts, where a single time measurement would facilitate subject comparison. The relative potential of both a mean response time (MRT) and a peak cross-correlation time (PCCT) was investigated. This study was divided into two parts: a test-retest reliability study (part A), in which 10 healthy male subjects completed two identical PRBS exercise tests, and a comparison of the VO2 kinetics of 12 elite endurance runners (ER) and 12 elite sprinters (SR; part B). In part A, 95% limits of agreement were calculated for comparison between MRT and PCCT. The results of part A showed no significant difference between test and retest as assessed by MRT [mean (SD) 42.2 (4.2) s and 43.8 (6.9) s] or by PCCT [21.8 (3.7) s and 22.7 (4.5) s]. Measurement error (%) was lower for MRT in comparison with PCCT (16% and 25%, respectively). In part B of the study, the VO2 kinetics of ER were significantly faster than those of SR, as assessed by MRT [33.4 (3.4) s and 39.9 (7.1) s, respectively; P<0.01] and PCCT [20.9 (3.8) s and 24.8 (4.5) s; P < 0.05]. It is possible that either analysis procedure could provide a single test measurement Of VO2 kinetics; however, the greater reliability of the MRT data suggests that this method has more potential for development in the assessment Of VO2 kinetics by PRBS exercise testing.


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Chagas` disease is accompanied by severe anemia and oxidative stress, which may contribute to mortality. In this study, we investigated the role of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) in the control of parasitism and anemia associated with oxidative damage of erythrocytes in experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Wild-type C57BL/6, 129Sv mice treated or not with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, 5-LO inhibitor), mice lacking the 5-LO enzyme gene (5-LO(-/-)) and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (iNOS(-/-)) were infected with the Y strain of T cruzi. impairment of 5-LO resulted in increased numbers of trypomastigote forms in the blood and amastigote forms in the heart of infected mice. We assessed oxidative stress in erythrocytes by measuring oxygen uptake, induction time and chemiluminescence following treatment with tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBH). Our results show that 5-LO metabolites increased lipid peroxidation levels in erythrocytes during the early phase of murine T cruzi infection. NDGA treatment reduced oxidative damage of erythrocytes in C57BL/6 T cruzi-infected mice but not in C57BL/6 iNOS-/- infected mice, showing that the action of NDGA is dependent on endogenous nitric oxide (NO). In addition, our results show that 5-LO metabolites do not participate directly in the development of anemia in infected mice. We conclude that 5-LO products may not only play a major role in controlling heart tissue parasitism, i.e., host resistance to acute infection with T cruzi in vivo, but in the event of an infection also play an important part in erythrocyte oxidative stress, an NO-dependent effect. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Copper sulfate is widely used in aquaculture. Exposure to this compound can be harmful to fish, resulting in oxidative metabolism alterations and gill tissue damage. Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, (wt = 43.4 +/- A 3.35 g) were distributed in experimental tanks (n = 10; 180 l) and exposed for 48 h to control (without copper addition), 0.4Cu (0.4 mg l(-1)), 0CupH (without copper addition, pH = 5.0) and 0.4CupH (0.4 mg l(-1), pH = 5.0). In liver and red muscle, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) was responsive to the increases in the aquatic copper. The plasmatic intermediary metabolites and hematological variables in the fish of group 0.4Cu were similar to those of the control group. Conversely, the exposure to 0.4CupH caused an increase in the plasmatic lactate, number of red blood cells (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb). Plasmatic copper concentration [Cu(p)] increased in group 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH, which is higher in group 0.4CupH, suggests an effect of water pH on the absorbed copper. Exposure to 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH resulted in a reduction in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and an increase in metallothionein (MT) in the gills. Exposure to 0CupH caused a decrease in glucose and pyruvate concentrations and an increase in RBC, Hb, and the branchial Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. These responses suggest that the fish triggered mechanisms to revert the blood acidosis, save energy and increase the oxygen uptake. MT was an effective biomarker, responding to copper in different pHs and dissolved oxygen. Combined-factors caused more significant disturbance in the biomarkers than single-factors.


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Diacetyl, like other alpha-dicarbonyl compounds, is reportedly cytotoxic and genotoxic. A food and cigarette contaminant, it is related with alcohol hepatotoxicity and lung disease. Peroxynitrite is a potent oxidant formed in vivo by the diffusion-controlled reaction of the superoxide radical anion with nitric oxide, which is able to form adducts with carbon dioxide and carbonyl compounds. Here, we investigate the nucleophilic addition of peroxynitrite to diacetyl forming acetyl radicals, whose reaction with molecular oxygen leads to acetate. Peroxynitrite is shown to react with diacetyl in phosphate buffer (bell-shaped pH profile with maximum at 7.2) at a very high rate constant (k(2) = 1.0 X 10(4) M-1 s(-1)) when compared with monocarbonyl substrates (k(2) < 10(3) M-1 s(-1)). Phosphate ions (100-500 MM) do not affect the rate of spontaneous peroxynitrite decay, but the H2PO4- anion catalyzes the nucleophilic addition of the peroxynitrite anion to diacetyl. The intermediacy of acetyl radicals is suggested by a three-line spectrum (a(N) = a(H) = 0.83 mT) obtained by EPR spin trapping of the reaction mixture with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane. The peroxynitrite reaction is accompanied by concentration-dependent oxygen uptake. Stoichiometric amounts of acetate from millimolar amounts of peroxynitrite and diacetyl were obtained under nonlimiting conditions of dissolved oxygen. In the presence of either L-histidine or 2`-deoxyguanosine, the peroxynitrite/diacetyl system afforded the corresponding acetylated molecules identified by HPLC-MS"". These studies provide evidence that the peroxynitrite/diacetyl reaction yields acetyl radicals and raise the hypothesis that protein and DNA nonenzymatic acetylation may occur in cells and be implicated in aging and metabolic disorders in which oxygen and nitrogen reactive species are putatively involved.


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Acetoacetate (AA) and 2-methylacetoacetate (MAA) are accumulated in metabolic disorders such as diabetes and isoleucinemia. Here we examine the mechanism of AA and MAA aerobic oxidation initiated by myoglobin (Mb)/H(2)O(2). We propose a chemiluminescent route involving a dioxetanone intermediate whose thermolysis yields triplet alpha-dicarbonyl species (methylglyoxal and diacetyl). The observed ultraweak chemiluminescence increased linearly on raising the concentration of either Mb (10-500 mu M) or AA (10-100 mM). Oxygen uptake studies revealed that MAA is almost a 100-fold more reactive than AA. EPR spin-trapping studies with MNP/MAA revealed the intermediacy of an alpha-carbon-centered radical and acetyl radical. The latter radical, probably derived from triplet diacetyl, is totally suppressed by sorbate, a well-known quencher of triplet carbonyls. Furthermore, an EPR signal assignable to MNP-AA(center dot) adduct was observed and confirmed by isotope effects. Oxygen consumption and a-dicarbonyl yield were shown to be dependent on AA or MAA concentrations (1-50 mM) and on H(2)O(2) or tert-butOOH added to the Mb-containing reaction mixtures. That ferrylMb is involved in a peroxidase cycle acting on the substrates is suggested by the reaction pH profiles and immunospin-trapping experiments. The generation of radicals and triplet dicarbonyl products by Mb/H(2)O(2)/beta-ketoacids may contribute to the adverse health effects of ketogenic unbalance. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Introduction Performance in cross-country skiing is influenced by the skier’s ability to continuously produce propelling forces and force magnitude in relation to the net external forces. A surrogate indicator of the “power supply” in cross-country skiing would be a physiological variable that reflects an important performance-related capability, whereas the body mass itself is an indicator of the “power demand” experienced by the skier. To adequately evaluate an elite skier’s performance capability, it is essential to establish the optimal ratio between the physiological variable and body mass. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the importance of body-mass exponent optimization for the evaluation of performance capability in cross-country skiing. Methods In total, 83 elite cross-country skiers (56 men and 27 women) volunteered to participate in the four studies. The physiological variables of maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and oxygen uptake corresponding to a blood-lactate concentration of 4 mmol∙l-1 (V̇O2obla) were determined while treadmill roller skiing using the diagonal-stride technique; mean oxygen uptake (V̇O2dp) and upper-body power output (Ẇ) were determined during double-poling tests using a ski-ergometer. Competitive performance data for elite male skiers were collected from two 15-km classical-technique skiing competitions and a 1.25-km sprint prologue; additionally, a 2-km double-poling roller-skiing time trial using the double-poling technique was used as an indicator of upper-body performance capability among elite male and female junior skiers. Power-function modelling was used to explain the race and time-trial speeds based on the physiological variables and body mass. Results The optimal V̇O2max-to-mass ratios to explain 15-km race speed were V̇O2max divided by body mass raised to the 0.48 and 0.53 power, and these models explained 68% and 69% of the variance in mean skiing speed, respectively; moreover, the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the body-mass exponents did not include either 0 or 1. For the modelling of race speed in the sprint prologue, body mass failed to contribute to the models based on V̇O2max, V̇O2obla, and V̇O2dp. The upper-body power output-to-body mass ratio that optimally explained time-trial speed was Ẇ ∙ m-0.57 and the model explained 63% of the variance in speed. Conclusions The results in this thesis suggest that V̇O2max divided by the square root of body mass should be used as an indicator of performance in 15-km classical-technique races among elite male skiers rather than the absolute or simple ratio-standard scaled expression. To optimally explain an elite male skier’s performance capability in sprint prologues, power-function models based on oxygen-uptake variables expressed absolutely are recommended. Moreover, to evaluate elite junior skiers’ performance capabilities in 2-km double-poling roller-skiing time trials, it is recommended that Ẇ divided by the square root of body mass should be used rather than absolute or simple ratio-standard scaled expression of power output.


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Introduction Researchers have, for decades, contributed to an increased collective understanding of the physiological demands in cross-country skiing; however, almost all of these studies have used either non-elite subjects and/or performances that emulate cross-country skiing. To establish the physiological demands of cross-country skiing, it is important to relate the investigated physiological variables to the competitive performance of elite skiers. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was, therefore, to investigate the external validity of physiological test variables to determine the physiological demands in competitive elite cross-country skiing. Methods The subjects in Study I – IV were elite male (I – III) and female (III – IV) cross-country skiers. In all studies, the relationship between test variables (general and ski-specific) and competitive performances (i.e. the results from competitions or the overall ski-ranking points of the International Ski Federation (FIS) for sprint (FISsprint) and distance (FISdist) races) were analysed. Test variables reflecting the subject’s general strength, upper-body and whole-body oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake and work intensity at the lactate threshold, mean upper-body power, lean mass, and maximal double-poling speed were investigated. Results The ability to maintain a high work rate without accumulating lactate is an indicator of distance performance, independent of sex (I, IV). Independent of sex, high oxygen uptake in whole-body and upper-body exercise was important for both sprint (II, IV) and distance (I, IV) performance. The maximal double-poling speed and 60-s double-poling mean power output were indicators of sprint (IV) and distance performance (I), respectively. Lean mass was correlated with distance performance for women (III), whereas correlations were found between lean mass and sprint performance among both male and female skiers (III). Moreover, no correlations between distance performance and test variables were derived from tests of knee-extension peak torque, vertical jumps, or double poling on a ski-ergometer with 20-s and 360-s durations (I), whereas gross efficiency while treadmill roller skiing showed no correlation with either distance or sprint performance in cross-country skiing (IV). Conclusion The results in this thesis show that, depending on discipline and sex, maximal and peak oxygen uptake, work intensity at the lactate threshold, lean mass, double-poling mean power output, and double-poling maximal speed are all externally valid physiological test variables for evaluation of performance capability among elite cross-country skiers; however, to optimally indicate performance capability different test-variable expressions should be used; in general, the absolute expression appears to be a better indicator of competitive sprint performance whereas the influence of body mass should be considered when evaluating competitive distance performance capability of elite cross-country skiers.


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The aim of this study was 1) to validate the 0.5 body-mass exponent for maximal oxygen uptake (V. O2max) as the optimal predictor of performance in a 15 km classical-technique skiing competition among elite male cross-country skiers and 2) to evaluate the influence of distance covered on the body-mass exponent for V. O2max among elite male skiers. Twenty-four elite male skiers (age: 21.4±3.3 years [mean ± standard deviation]) completed an incremental treadmill roller-skiing test to determine their V. O2max. Performance data were collected from a 15 km classicaltechnique cross-country skiing competition performed on a 5 km course. Power-function modeling (ie, an allometric scaling approach) was used to establish the optimal body-mass exponent for V . O2max to predict the skiing performance. The optimal power-function models were found to be race speed = 8.83⋅(V . O2max m-0.53) 0.66 and lap speed = 5.89⋅(V . O2max m-(0.49+0.018lap)) 0.43e0.010age, which explained 69% and 81% of the variance in skiing speed, respectively. All the variables contributed to the models. Based on the validation results, it may be recommended that V. O2max divided by the square root of body mass (mL⋅min−1 ⋅kg−0.5) should be used when elite male skiers’ performance capability in 15 km classical-technique races is evaluated. Moreover, the body-mass exponent for V . O2max was demonstrated to be influenced by the distance covered, indicating that heavier skiers have a more pronounced positive pacing profile (ie, race speed gradually decreasing throughout the race) compared to that of lighter skiers.