940 resultados para Optimal power flow (OPF)
Recent Storms in Nordic countries were a reason of long power outages in huge territories. After these disasters distribution networks' operators faced with a problem how to provide adequate quality of supply in such situation. The decision of utilization cable lines rather than overhead lines were made, which brings new features to distribution networks. The main idea of this work is a complex analysis of medium voltage distribution networks with long cable lines. High value of cable’s specific capacitance and length of lines determine such problems as: high values of earth fault currents, excessive amount of reactive power flow from distribution to transmission network, possibility of a high voltage level at the receiving end of cable feeders. However the core tasks was to estimate functional ability of the earth fault protection and the possibility to utilize simplified formulas for operating setting calculations in this network. In order to provide justify solution or evaluation of mentioned above problems corresponding calculations were made and in order to analyze behavior of relay protection principles PSCAD model of the examined network have been created. Evaluation of the voltage rise in the end of a cable line have educed absence of a dangerous increase in a voltage level, while excessive value of reactive power can be a reason of final penalty according to the Finish regulations. It was proved and calculated that for this networks compensation of earth fault currents should be implemented. In PSCAD models of the electrical grid with isolated neutral, central compensation and hybrid compensation were created. For the network with hybrid compensation methodology which allows to select number and rated power of distributed arc suppression coils have been offered. Based on the obtained results from experiments it was determined that in order to guarantee selective and reliable operation of the relay protection should be utilized hybrid compensation with connection of high-ohmic resistor. Directional and admittance based relay protection were tested under these conditions and advantageous of the novel protection were revealed. However, for electrical grids with extensive cabling necessity of a complex approach to the relay protection were explained and illustrated. Thus, in order to organize reliable earth fault protection is recommended to utilize both intermittent and conventional relay protection with operational settings calculated by the use of simplified formulas.
Study on variable stars is an important topic of modern astrophysics. After the invention of powerful telescopes and high resolving powered CCD’s, the variable star data is accumulating in the order of peta-bytes. The huge amount of data need lot of automated methods as well as human experts. This thesis is devoted to the data analysis on variable star’s astronomical time series data and hence belong to the inter-disciplinary topic, Astrostatistics. For an observer on earth, stars that have a change in apparent brightness over time are called variable stars. The variation in brightness may be regular (periodic), quasi periodic (semi-periodic) or irregular manner (aperiodic) and are caused by various reasons. In some cases, the variation is due to some internal thermo-nuclear processes, which are generally known as intrinsic vari- ables and in some other cases, it is due to some external processes, like eclipse or rotation, which are known as extrinsic variables. Intrinsic variables can be further grouped into pulsating variables, eruptive variables and flare stars. Extrinsic variables are grouped into eclipsing binary stars and chromospheri- cal stars. Pulsating variables can again classified into Cepheid, RR Lyrae, RV Tauri, Delta Scuti, Mira etc. The eruptive or cataclysmic variables are novae, supernovae, etc., which rarely occurs and are not periodic phenomena. Most of the other variations are periodic in nature. Variable stars can be observed through many ways such as photometry, spectrophotometry and spectroscopy. The sequence of photometric observa- xiv tions on variable stars produces time series data, which contains time, magni- tude and error. The plot between variable star’s apparent magnitude and time are known as light curve. If the time series data is folded on a period, the plot between apparent magnitude and phase is known as phased light curve. The unique shape of phased light curve is a characteristic of each type of variable star. One way to identify the type of variable star and to classify them is by visually looking at the phased light curve by an expert. For last several years, automated algorithms are used to classify a group of variable stars, with the help of computers. Research on variable stars can be divided into different stages like observa- tion, data reduction, data analysis, modeling and classification. The modeling on variable stars helps to determine the short-term and long-term behaviour and to construct theoretical models (for eg:- Wilson-Devinney model for eclips- ing binaries) and to derive stellar properties like mass, radius, luminosity, tem- perature, internal and external structure, chemical composition and evolution. The classification requires the determination of the basic parameters like pe- riod, amplitude and phase and also some other derived parameters. Out of these, period is the most important parameter since the wrong periods can lead to sparse light curves and misleading information. Time series analysis is a method of applying mathematical and statistical tests to data, to quantify the variation, understand the nature of time-varying phenomena, to gain physical understanding of the system and to predict future behavior of the system. Astronomical time series usually suffer from unevenly spaced time instants, varying error conditions and possibility of big gaps. This is due to daily varying daylight and the weather conditions for ground based observations and observations from space may suffer from the impact of cosmic ray particles. Many large scale astronomical surveys such as MACHO, OGLE, EROS, xv ROTSE, PLANET, Hipparcos, MISAO, NSVS, ASAS, Pan-STARRS, Ke- pler,ESA, Gaia, LSST, CRTS provide variable star’s time series data, even though their primary intention is not variable star observation. Center for Astrostatistics, Pennsylvania State University is established to help the astro- nomical community with the aid of statistical tools for harvesting and analysing archival data. Most of these surveys releases the data to the public for further analysis. There exist many period search algorithms through astronomical time se- ries analysis, which can be classified into parametric (assume some underlying distribution for data) and non-parametric (do not assume any statistical model like Gaussian etc.,) methods. Many of the parametric methods are based on variations of discrete Fourier transforms like Generalised Lomb-Scargle peri- odogram (GLSP) by Zechmeister(2009), Significant Spectrum (SigSpec) by Reegen(2007) etc. Non-parametric methods include Phase Dispersion Minimi- sation (PDM) by Stellingwerf(1978) and Cubic spline method by Akerlof(1994) etc. Even though most of the methods can be brought under automation, any of the method stated above could not fully recover the true periods. The wrong detection of period can be due to several reasons such as power leakage to other frequencies which is due to finite total interval, finite sampling interval and finite amount of data. Another problem is aliasing, which is due to the influence of regular sampling. Also spurious periods appear due to long gaps and power flow to harmonic frequencies is an inherent problem of Fourier methods. Hence obtaining the exact period of variable star from it’s time series data is still a difficult problem, in case of huge databases, when subjected to automation. As Matthew Templeton, AAVSO, states “Variable star data analysis is not always straightforward; large-scale, automated analysis design is non-trivial”. Derekas et al. 2007, Deb et.al. 2010 states “The processing of xvi huge amount of data in these databases is quite challenging, even when looking at seemingly small issues such as period determination and classification”. It will be beneficial for the variable star astronomical community, if basic parameters, such as period, amplitude and phase are obtained more accurately, when huge time series databases are subjected to automation. In the present thesis work, the theories of four popular period search methods are studied, the strength and weakness of these methods are evaluated by applying it on two survey databases and finally a modified form of cubic spline method is intro- duced to confirm the exact period of variable star. For the classification of new variable stars discovered and entering them in the “General Catalogue of Vari- able Stars” or other databases like “Variable Star Index“, the characteristics of the variability has to be quantified in term of variable star parameters.
Nach einem einleitenden ersten Kapitel wird im zweiten Kapitel der Stand der Technik für Regelungs- und Monitoringsysteme mit vernetzten Systemen dargestellt. Daraus wird die Motivation zur Entwicklung neuer, kostengünstiger Systeme abgeleitet. Im dritten Kapitel folgt eine Darstellung der verschiedenen Arten marktverfügbarer Embedded Systems und dafür geeigneter Betriebssysteme. Anforderungen an verteilte Regelungssysteme, unterschiedliche Strukturen dieser Systeme und deren Vor- und Nachteile sind Gegenstand des vierten Kapitels. Anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen Erzeugungsmanagement für den Betrieb von KWK-Anlagen, Energieverbrauchsmonitoring und Smart-Metering wird der Einsatz von verteilten Regelungs- und Monitoringsystemen im fünften Kapitel dargestellt. Im folgenden sechsten Kapitel wird die Bedeutung normierter Kommunikation für den Einsatz in verteilten Systemen sowie dafür vorhandene Standards aus der elektrischen Energieversorgungstechnik und der Automatisierungstechnik behandelt. Der Stand der Internet-Technik für verteilte Systeme ist Gegenstand des siebten Kapitels. Dabei werden zunächst die verschiedenen drahtlosen und drahtgebundenen Kommunikationsmedien vorgestellt und ihre Eigenschaften und die Randbedingungen für ihren Einsatz erörtert. Ebenso werden technische Probleme beim Einsatz der Internet-Technik aufgezeigt und Lösungsmöglichkeiten für diese Probleme dargestellt. Es folgt eine Übersicht von Netzwerkdiensten, die für den Betrieb von verteilten Systemen notwendig sind. Außerdem werden Techniken zur Überwachung von verteilten Systemen behandelt. Kapitel acht zeigt Sicherheitsrisiken bei der Nutzung des Internets auf und bewertet verschiedene Techniken zur Absicherung des Netzwerkverkehrs. Kapitel neun stellt ein Internet-basiertes Client-Server-System zur Online-Visualisierung von Anlagendaten im Webbrowser mit Hilfe von Java-Applets und XML-RPC vor. Die Visualisierung von Anlagendaten auf Mobiltelefonen mit Hilfe des Wireless Application Protocol sowie die dafür notwendige Software und Infrastruktur ist Gegenstand des zehnten Kapitels. Im elften Kapitel wird eine neuartige Software für die Simulation von dezentralen Energiesystemen und deren Regelungssystemen auf Basis von virtuellen Maschinen, virtuellen Netzwerken und einer thermischen Simulationsumgebung vorgestellt sowie deren Anwendung für die Reglerentwicklung erklärt. Verschiedene Techniken für die Installation von Betriebssystemen und Software für die Embedded Systems eines verteilten Systems werden im Kapitel zwölf untersucht. Im Kapitel 13 werden verschiedene Technologien zur Konfiguration und Parametrierung von Regelungssystemen in der industriellen Prozess- und Fertigungsautomatisierung hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für dezentrale Energiesysteme analysiert. Anschließend wird eine Software zur Installation und Parametrierung von Monitoringsystemen sowie der dazugehörigen Infrastruktur vorgestellt. Kapitel 14 beschäftigt sich mit Anforderungen an die Hardware für verteilte Systeme und mit Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Betriebs- und der Datensicherheit. Im 15. Kapitel werden die in den bisherigen Kapiteln vorgestellten Techniken anhand eines großen verteilten Monitoringsystems und anhand eines Power Flow and Power Quality Management Systems auf Basis von verteilten Embedded Systems evaluiert. Kapitel 16 fasst die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zusammen und enthält einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen.
Introducción: Las guías KDOQI del 2006 utilizan patrón de adecuación de diálisis el Kt/V, donde V es volumen de distribución de la úrea, pacientes de bajo peso tienen menor agua corporal total, menor V, que podrían reducir el requerimiento de Qd sin afectar la eficiencia de la diálisis. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto sobre la adecuación de hemodiálisis que produce la reducción del Qd en pacientes con peso menor o igual a 60 kg . Metodología: Se incluyeron pacientes con Enfermedad Renal crónica en hemodiálisis de forma regular con peso menor o igual a 60 Kg de la unidad renal, para evaluar dos períodos I y II, se continuaron los parámetros de la terapia, con descenso del Qd para el segundo período . Las variables fueron recolectadas de forma directa por los investigadores de la historia clínica . Los valores así obtenidos serían comparados mediante prueba t para variables relacionadas o pareadas, y significancia estadística de la prueba inferior a 0,05. Resultados: Se incluyeron 61 pacientes, el 60.7% sexo femenino, promedio de edad 57,3 años (DE 14,8). Edad promedio de los hombres 60,1 (DE 13,9) y de las mujeres fue de 55,9 (DE 15,4). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las variables Kt/V y Hb, con descenso significativo del P. (p 0.015) Conclusiones: Este estudio demuestra que se logra una adecuada terapia con Qd inferiores a los estándares tradicionales, con 400ml /min en pacientes de bajo peso, siempre y cuando se mantengan los demás parámetros de suplencia renal.
Objetivos: Determinar si existe diferencia en la ganancia interdialítica entre los pacientes al ser tratados con flujo de dializado (Qd) de 400 mL/min y 500 mL/min. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio de intervención, cruzado, aleatorizado, doble ciego en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis para determinar diferencias en la ganancia de peso interdialítica entre los pacientes tratados con flujo de dializado (Qd) de 400 ml/min y 500 ml/min. Pacientes: Se analizaron datos de 46 pacientes en hemodiálisis crónica con Qd de 400 ml/min y 45 con Qd de 500 ml/min. Análisis: La prueba de hipótesis para evaluar diferencias en la ganancia interdialítica y las otras variables entre los grupos se realizó mediante la prueba T para muestras pareadas. Para el análisis de correlación se calculó el coeficiente de Pearson. Resultados: No hubo diferencia significativa en ganancia interdialítica usando Qd de 400 ml/min vs 500 ml/min (2.37 ± 0.7 vs 2.41 ± 0.6, p=0.41) ni en Kt/V (1.57 ± 0.25 vs 1.59 ± 0.23, p = 0.45), potasio (4.9 ± 1.1 vs 5.1 ± 1.0, p=0.45), fosforo (4.5 ± 1.2 vs 4.4 ± 1.2, p=0.56) o hemoglobina (11.3 ± 1.8 vs 11.3 ± 1.6, p=0.96). Conclusiones: En pacientes con peso ≤ 65 Kg el uso de Qd de 400 ml/min no se asocia con menor ganancia interdialítica de peso. No hay diferencia en la eficiencia de diálisis lo que sugiere que es una intervención segura a corto plazo.
The stability of stationary flow of a two-dimensional ice sheet is studied when the ice obeys a power flow law (Glen's flow law). The mass accumulation rate at the top is assumed to depend on elevation and span and the bed supporting the ice sheet consists of an elastic layer lying on a rigid surface. The normal perturbation of the free surface of the ice sheet is a singular eigenvalue problem. The singularity of the perturbation at the front of the ice sheet is considered using matched asymptotic expansions, and the eigenvalue problem is seen to reduce to that with fixed ice front. Numerical solution of the perturbation eigenvalue problem shows that the dependence of accumulation rate on elevation permits the existence of unstable solutions when the equilibrium line is higher than the bed at the ice divide. Alternatively, when the equilibrium line is lower than the bed, there are only stable solutions. Softening of the bed, expressed through a decrease of its elastic modulus, has a stabilising effect on the ice sheet.
Algoritmo genético para seleção de contingências na análise estática de segurança em redes elétricas
In this paper, a multi-objective approach for observing the performance of distribution systems with embedded generators in the steady state, based on heuristic and power system analysis, is proposed. The proposed hybrid performance index describes the quality of the operating state in each considered distribution network configuration. In order to represent the system state, the loss allocation in the distribution systems, based on the Z-bus loss allocation method and compensation-based power flow algorithm, is determined. Also, an investigation of the impact of the integration of embedded generators on the overall performance of the distribution systems in the steady state, is performed. Results obtained from several case studies are presented and discussed. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O método de fluxo de carga convencional é considerado inadequado para se obter o ponto de máximo carregamento (PMC) de sistemas de potência, devido à singularidade da matriz Jacobiana neste ponto. Os métodos da continuação são ferramentas eficientes para a solução deste tipo de problema, visto que técnicas de parametrização podem ser utilizadas para evitar a singularidade da matriz Jacobiana. Neste trabalho, novas opções para a etapa de parametrização do método da continuação são apresentadas. Mostra-se que variáveis com claro significado físico podem ser utilizadas na etapa de parametrização. As seguintes variáveis foram testadas: perda total de potência ativa e reativa, potência ativa e reativa na barra de referência, potência reativa das barras de geração, e as perdas de potência ativa e reativa nas linhas de transmissão (LT). Além de facilitar a implementação computacional do método de continuação, as técnicas de parametrização apresentadas simplificam a definição matemática e o entendimento do método por parte de engenheiros de potência, visto que os métodos de continuação existentes na literatura sempre utilizam técnicas de parametrização complexas, e de interpretação puramente geométrica. Resultados obtidos com a nova metodologia para os sistemas testes do IEEE (14, 30, 57 e 118 barras) mostram que as características de convergência do método de fluxo de carga convencional são melhoradas na região do PMC. Além disso, durante o traçado das curvas PV, as diversas técnicas de parametrização podem ser comutadas entre si possibilitando o cálculo de todos os pontos da curva com um número reduzido de iterações. Diversos testes são realizados para proporcionar a comparação do desempenho dos esquemas de parametrização propostos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper an efficient algorithm for probabilistic analysis of unbalanced three-phase weakly-meshed distribution systems is presented. This algorithm uses the technique of Two-Point Estimate Method for calculating the probabilistic behavior of the system random variables. Additionally, the deterministic analysis of the state variables is performed by means of a Compensation-Based Radial Load Flow (CBRLF). Such load flow efficiently exploits the topological characteristics of the network. To deal with distributed generation, a strategy to incorporate a simplified model of a generator in the CBRLF is proposed. Thus, depending on the type of control and generator operation conditions, the node with distributed generation can be modeled either as a PV or PQ node. To validate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, the IEEE 37 bus test system is used. The probabilistic results are compared with those obtained using the Monte Carlo method.