894 resultados para Objetivos do Desenvolvimento do Milênio


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this research, characterized as a qualitative study, we aimed to analyze the Job Profiles, Objectives and Curriculum Flows specified in Pedagogical Projects of the undergraduate Courses of Physical Education of public, state and federal universities, in the São Paulo state. We also analyzed their articulations and adequacy to the Institutional Pedagogical Project and Institutional Development Plan. The latest Resolutions of Physical Education in Higher Education and conceptualizations of the Pedagogical Project of Course are presented. The method of approach is current History. There was a documental research in order to analyze the official documents. A limited offering of public courses when compared to private institutions was verified and also, there was a greater offering of bachelor degree courses (expanded and generalized formation) concerning health, sport and leisure fields. Courses defined specifically for teachers' formation and educational gap between the pedagogical discourses and the curriculum structures were also presented. In conclusion, this research indicates the necessity of a change in the curricular mentality in order to implement the pedagogical discourses of courses.


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The Family Scolarship Program while public politics of intersectorial form developed by Social Development Department and Famine Combat having with partner the Education Department and Health Department inaugurate in the country a new integrity way of the public politics, reinforcing a precept of 2004 Social Protection National Politics (PNAS 2004) that places the social protection while allied to the social and human development. The research INCOME TRANSFER AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: the family scolarship program in Pedra Grande-RN municipally had as aim to avaluate the permanent Family Scolarship Program as a possible element in local development of Pedra Grande-RN municipally understood as capacity expansion and improvement of life quality from its users. For this means we elaborate specifically the families` socio-economical profile; we avaluate the program repercussion in these families` lives; we analyse in which proportion occurred the capacity expansion and improvement of life quality of the users. The methodologic process was constituted by: literarture review about Income Transfer, Social Vulnerability, Development and Public Politics Avaluation to the criation of a theoric picture analysis. The documental research joined to the Social Development Department and Famine Combat of Pedra Grande Municipally Hall to obtain of the aims, program goals, and the profile of users. And finally, carrying out the interviews with the managers and experts of the Municipally Program and focal groups with the users to avaluate the permanent of the Program starting by the points of view of those ones. It was verified that the program expand the capacity (food, consumer goods and services, bank services access and wages) and improvement in life quality of the users. Nevertheless, there are deficiencies in coming with conditionality and from the use of resources the by families users


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OBJETIVOS: comparar os achados da avaliação em situação de pré e pós-testagem em escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento e escolares bons leitores submetidos ao programa de remediação fonológica e verificar a eficácia terapêutica do programa de remediação fonológica em escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 40 escolares de 2ª a 4ª série de ensino público do município de Marília-SP, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 8 a 12 anos distribuídos em: GI: composto de 20 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia do desenvolvimento que foram submetidos a programa de remediação fonológica, GII: composto de 20 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem da rede municipal de ensino público, pareados segundo sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade com os escolares do GI que não foram submetidos aos programas de remediação. em situação de pré e pós-testagem, todos os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação do Teste de Desempenho Cognitivo-Linguístico nas versões coletiva e individual, seguido de leitura oral e compreensão de textos. RESULTADOS: foram evidenciadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes, indicando que os escolares do GI e GII submetidos ao programa de remediação fonológica apresentaram desempenho superior em situação de pós-testagem em comparação com a situação de pré-testagem para a maioria das habilidades cognitivo-linguísticas avaliadas, incluindo a leitura e compreensão de texto. CONCLUSÃO: o programa de remediação fonológica para crianças com e sem dislexia do desenvolvimento foi eficaz, sugerindo que a habilidade de relação letra-som deve ser utilizada em contexto de sala de aula favorecendo a leitura desses escolares.


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The game industry has been experiencing a consistent increase in production costs of games lately. Part of this increase refers to the current trend of having bigger, more interactive and replayable environments. This trend translates to an increase in both team size and development time, which makes game development a even more risky investment and may reduce innovation in the area. As a possible solution to this problem, the scientific community is focusing on the generation of procedural content and, more specifically, on procedurally generated levels. Given the great diversity and complexity of games, most works choose to deal with a specific genre, platform games being one of the most studied. This work aims at proposing a procedural level generation method for platform/adventure games, a fairly more complex genre than most classic platformers which so far has not been the subject of study from other works. The level generation process was divided in two steps, planning and viusal generation, respectively responsible for generating a compact representation of the level and determining its view. The planning stage was divided in game design and level design, and uses a goaloriented process to output a set of rooms. The visual generation step receives a set of rooms and fills its interior with the appropriate parts of previously authored geometry


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The software systems development with domain-specific languages has become increasingly common. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) provide increased of the domain expressiveness, raising the abstraction level by facilitating the generation of models or low-level source code, thus increasing the productivity of systems development. Consequently, methods for the development of software product lines and software system families have also proposed the adoption of domain-specific languages. Recent studies have investigated the limitations of feature model expressiveness and proposing the use of DSLs as a complement or substitute for feature model. However, in complex projects, a single DSL is often insufficient to represent the different views and perspectives of development, being necessary to work with multiple DSLs. In order to address new challenges in this context, such as the management of consistency between DSLs, and the need to methods and tools that support the development with multiple DSLs, over the past years, several approaches have been proposed for the development of generative approaches. However, none of them considers matters relating to the composition of DSLs. Thus, with the aim to address this problem, the main objectives of this dissertation are: (i) to investigate the adoption of the integrated use of feature models and DSLs during the domain and application engineering of the development of generative approaches; (ii) to propose a method for the development of generative approaches with composition DSLs; and (iii) to investigate and evaluate the usage of modern technology based on models driven engineering to implement strategies of integration between feature models and composition of DSLs


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The public policies must have as their aimed the primordial at improving quality of life of families of a given population, however, its performance must be constantly monitored and evaluated scoped to ascertain whether these policies are reaching those goals. This work consisted in search of bibliographies and analysis that addressed the historical evolution of the debate on the subject of agrarian reform in Brazil as public policy and on the policy of technical assistance and rural extension, and collecting data in loco, in order to assess whether the actions implemented under this latter contribute to improvements in local development of settlements projects (PA) land reform in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), this given the constant presented criticisms regarding their effectiveness, considering that it is difficult to empirically differentiate settlements they received of those who did not receive the technical assistance services. In this way, was held the data collection for comparison of characteristics (social organization, relationship with the local environment, form of producing and evaluation of technical assistance services) of two settlements in RN, being one you have received the technical assistance services and another who has not had access to these services in the past five years, at least, to confirm whether those who had access to the above services presents best features of social organization and the relationship with the local environment, mainly, which was confirmed in the results obtained, which still demonstrated that no significant differences on the forma to produce and of commercialization in PA studied. It was also found that the problems faced by families settled in PA studied resemble those seen verified in many other Brazilian states, especially as to how to use natural resources in the areas of land reform and the instability of the availability of technical assistance services. Should be guaranteed at continuity and universality of technical assistance services to settlements, seeking a higher focus on productive issues, which provide the income necessary for families settled can have a better quality of life


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INTRODUÇÃO: O ensaio do cometa ou técnica da eletroforese de células isoladas é largamente empregado para avaliação de danos e reparo do DNA em células individuais. O material pode ser corado por técnicas de fluorescência ou por sal de prata. Este último apresenta vantagens técnicas, como o tipo de microscópio utilizado e a possibilidade de armazenamento das lâminas. A análise dos cometas pode ser feita de modo visual, porém há a desvantagem da subjetividade dos resultados, que pode ser minimizada por análise digital automatizada. OBJETIVOS: Desenvolvimento e validação de método de análise digital de cometas corados por sal de prata. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta cometas foram fotografados de maneira padronizada e impressos em papel. Além de medidas manualmente, essas imagens foram classificadas em cinco categorias por três avaliadores, antes e depois de pré-processadas automaticamente pelo software ImageJ 1.38x. As estimativas geradas pelos avaliadores foram comparadas quanto sua correlação e reprodutibilidade. em seguida, foram desenvolvidos algoritmos de análise digital das medidas, com base em filtros estatísticos de mediana e de mínimo. Os valores obtidos foram comparados com os estimados manual e visualmente após o pré-processamento. RESULTADOS: As medidas manuais das imagens pré-processadas apresentaram maior correlação intraclasse do que as imagens preliminares. Os parâmetros automatizados apresentaram alta correlação com as medidas manuais pré-processadas, sugerindo que este sistema aumenta a objetividade da análise, podendo ser utilizado na estimativa dos parâmetros dos cometas. CONCLUSÃO: A presente análise digital proposta para o teste do cometa corado pela prata mostrou-se factível e de melhor reprodutibilidade que a análise visual.


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Coastal and marine protected areas are created to protect habitat, avoid biodiversity loss, and to help maintain viable fisheries. However, most of these areas in tropical countries occurs in impoverished regions and directly affect the livelihood and survival of coastal communities which directly depend on fisheries and shellfisheries. Therefore, socioeconomic and conservation goals overlap. In this context, fishers should have a central place in resource management. They are critical resource users and their behavior directly affects the system. Shellfish resources are important sources of food, employment and income to fishing communities in Latin America. But despite its widespread use for food and income, there is an urgent need of more research on shellfish management. This research discusses the artisanal fisheries of Venus clam (Anomalocardia brasiliana) (Gmelin, 1791) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Brazil, and points out strategies to improve the system. Venus clam is a small and commonly exploited species for food and income on the Brazilian coast. This research was carried out at Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve (Brazilian Northeast coast), where there was no information available about who harvest, where or how much Venus clam has been harvested, despite this resource being exploited for generations. Clam fishery follows the pattern of socio-economic invisibility that general clam exploitation has in Brazil. Methods used were interviews, participatory monitoring and focal follow observation from January 2010 to May 2011. Results include: (a) the identification of shell fishers, (b) how harvest and meat processing are performed (mollusk beds, time spent, gross and net production), (c) the analisis of shell fisher income and their economic sustentability, and (d) the involvement of shell fisher families in data gathering and analyses for the first time. Based on the acquired knowledge, we propose a new institutional arrangement for clam fishery including co-management, fisheries agreement, compensatory arrangements and improvements for the Venus clam value chain such as the establishment of a minimum price for clam meat. This research also includes two other results: a general description for Venus clam harvesting in the Brazilian Northeast coast and a specific discussion about co-management of Venus clam in Brazil. The first one was possible through the meeting of several shell fisherwomen from other states during activities promoted by People of the Tides (PoT) project. PoT was an international initiative aiming to develop coastal communities that depend on mollusk for their livelihood. The second one is a comparison between PoT and Venus clam management at Pirajubaé Marine Extractive Reserve (Santa Catarina). It evaluates the success and failures of these only two initiatives involving co-management of A. brasiliana in Brazil


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O bloqueio de eventos dependentes da sinalização do etileno pode afetar de maneira positiva ou negativa a qualidade de frutos tropicais após o armazenamento refrigerado. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram estudar o envolvimento do etileno no desenvolvimento de injúrias de frio em tangor 'Murcott' e avaliar as respostas envolvidas no processo de resistência às injúrias. Os frutos foram expostos a 500nL L-1 de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) durante 12 horas ou imersos em soluções contendo 2000nL L-1 de ethephon ou ácido salicílico durante cinco minutos antes de serem armazenados a 1°C, por 90 dias. Como controle, parte dos frutos foi armazenada a 1°C. O tratamento de frutos com ethephon ou ácido salicílico antecipou e intensificou as injúrias de frio. Por outro lado, a inibição do etileno pelo 1-MCP retardou o surgimento dos sintomas e resultou em menor índice de injúrias e percentual de frutos podres ao final do armazenamento. A atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) foi intensificada aos 45 dias, contudo em menor intensidade nos frutos tratados com ácido salicílico. Nas avaliações subsequentes, houve decréscimo na atividade da SOD em todos os tratamentos, porém aos 90 dias a intensidade manteve-se levemente superior à observada nos primeiros 30 dias de armazenamento. Os teores de putrescina (Put) e espermina (Spm), no flavedo dos frutos, não sofreram significativa alteração durante o armazenamento. em contrapartida, os teores de espermidina (Spd) foram mais afetados pelo estresse ocasionado pelo frio.


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FUNDAMENTOS: A leishmaniose tegumentar americana permanece doença endêmica em diversas regiões brasileiras. A sobrevivência do parasita no interior dos macrófagos se deve, em parte, pela atividade de uma K+/H+-ATPase de membrana que pode ser inibida pelo omeprazol. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia do omeprazol na prevenção do desenvolvimento de lesões de leishmaniose em hamsters. MÉTODOS: Empregaram-se 18 hamsters, divididos em três grupos: o grupo L recebeu apenas a inoculação de L. brasiliensis na pata anterior direita, o grupo O recebeu apenas doses diárias de 0,4mg de omeprazol subcutâneo, e o grupo L+O recebeu o inóculo de leishmanias e o tratamento com omeprazol desde o dia da inoculação. O estudo foi conduzido por 42 dias, realizaram-se medidas dos diâmetros das patas semanalmente, e, ao final do estudo, foram realizados esfregaços das lesões para verificação dos parasitas. RESULTADOS: Os hamsters dos grupos L e L+O desenvolveram lesões de leishmaniose tegumentar havendo ulceração em duas patas do grupo L e uma do grupo L+O. Ao final do estudo, a mobilidade e vitalidade no grupo L foram menores que em L+O, e estas menores que no grupo O. Os diâmetros das patas inoculadas nos grupos L e L+O foram significativamente maiores que no início do estudo (p<0.05). Não houve diferença significativa entre os diâmetros das patas dos grupos L e L+O ao final do estudo (p0,05), sendo detectados parasitas no esfregaço das lesões dos dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Omeprazol, no protocolo utilizado, não evitou o desenvolvimento de lesões de leishmaniose tegumentar em hamsters.


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram desenvolver um sistema computacional que efetue o dimensionamento e a evolução de rebanhos bovinos e criar uma ferramenta que possibilite ao usuário efetuar simulações em um sistema de produção de carne e/ou leite. Foi utilizada a linguagem CA Clipper. As rotinas foram desenvolvidas de forma conversacional, com acesso aos diversos programas, por meio de menus auto-explicativos. O sistema desenvolvido pode auxiliar o técnico e o pecuarista no dimensionamento e na evolução de um rebanho bovino com precisão e considerável rapidez; possibilita ao usuário efetuar inúmeras simulações; e constitui -se em importante ferramenta no auxílio da tomada de decisões.


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Incluye Bibliografía