256 resultados para Nylink paragraph


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La Sentiment analysis, nata nell'ambito dell’informatica, è una delle aree di ricerca più attive nel campo dell’analisi del linguaggio naturale e si è diffusa ampiamente anche in altri rami scientifici come ad esempio le scienze sociali, l’economia e il marketing. L’enorme diffusione della sentiment analysis coincide con la crescita dei cosiddetti social media: siti di commercio e recensioni di prodotti, forum di discussione, blog, micro-blog e di vari social network. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro di tesi è stato quello di progettare un sistema di sentiment analysis in grado di rilevare e classificare le opinioni e i sentimenti espressi tramite chat dagli utenti della piattaforma di video streaming Twitch.tv. Per impostare ed organizzare il lavoro, giungendo quindi alla definizione del sistema che ci si è proposti di realizzare, sono stati utilizzati vari modelli di analisi in particolare le recurrent neural networks (RNNLM) e sistemi di word embedding (word2vec),nello specifico i Paragraph Vectors, applicandoli, dapprima, su dati etichettati in maniera automatica attraverso l'uso di emoticon e, successivamente, su dati etichettati a mano.


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PURPOSE Dyslexia is the most common developmental reading disorder that affects language skills. Latent strabismus (heterophoria) has been suspected to be causally involved. Even though phoria correction in dyslexic children is commonly applied, the evidence in support of a benefit is poor. In order to provide experimental evidence on this issue, we simulated phoria in healthy readers by modifying the vergence tone required to maintain binocular alignment. METHODS Vergence tone was altered with prisms that were placed in front of one eye in 16 healthy subjects to induce exophoria, esophoria, or vertical phoria. Subjects were to read one paragraph for each condition, from which reading speed was determined. Text comprehension was tested with a forced multiple choice test. Eye movements were recorded during reading and subsequently analyzed for saccadic amplitudes, saccades per 10 letters, percentage of regressive (backward) saccades, average fixation duration, first fixation duration on a word, and gaze duration. RESULTS Acute change of horizontal and vertical vergence tone does neither significantly affect reading performance nor reading associated eye movements. CONCLUSION Prisms in healthy subjects fail to induce a significant change of reading performance. This finding is not compatible with a role of phoria in dyslexia. Our results contrast the proposal for correcting small angle heterophorias in dyslexic children.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Zurückweisung der irrigen Auffassung, der Paragraph 51 der vom Frankfurter Gewerbekongreß beschlossenen Gewerbeordnung bedeute, daß auf dem Lande nur Wagner und Schmiede ihr Handwerk ausüben dürften. Plädoyer im Interesse der Stadthandwerker gegen die uneingeschränkt freie Ausübung städtischer Gewerbe durch Landbewohner. Replik des Kasselaner Schreinermeisters Eckell auf einen Beitrag in der Beilage zu Nr. 121 (1848) der 'Neuen Hessischen Zeitung'


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Continuando un artículo anterior en el que se definió el concepto de enfermedad, en orden al esclarecimiento del de enfermedad mental, en el presente estudio se desarrolla el tema de aquellas que pueden ser llamadas enfermedades en el estricto sentido del término. En un primer parágrafo, se mencionan los trastornos que son mencionados por Santo Tomás, y se los explica colocándolos en el contexto de la medicina medieval, con particular referencia al Canon de Medicina de Avicena. En un segundo parágrafo, se desarrolla el tema de las enfermedades psicosomáticas, es decir aquellas causadas por una “pasión animal". Se deja para un tercer artículo el esclarecimiento de la naturaleza de lo que el Aquinate llama “aegritudo animalis".


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In November 2001, two separate Campbell loggers ("Meteologger" and "Hydrologger", both type CR23X) were installed at the Vernagtbach site in the Oetztal Alps, Austria (Latitude: 46.85; Longitude: 10.82; Elevation: 2640 m). On these loggers, 10-minutes centred averages for the meteorological data and 5-minutes centred averages for the hydrological data are recorded. The meteorological parameters comprise air temperature, humidity of the air, air pressure, four radiation components, wind direction and speed, precipitation and snow height. For air temperature, two records are published, recorded with a ventilated and an unventilated Pt-100 in a Stevenson screen; for precipitation, three time series are available: (I) the cumulative record of a weighing gauge for the whole year, (II) single events derived from (I), and (III) single events from a tipping bucket; (II) and (III) are only provided for the period 1, May to 31, October of each year. Wind records are also given with a time step of one hour, as only these records include several statistics of speed and direction. Hydrological parameters are recorded on the "Hydrologger", they comprise water stage, discharge, water temperature and electrolytic conductivity of the water. An identifying number gives the kind of instrument used in the water stage time series. Daily photographs of the glacier are provided and analysed with respect to precipitation type.


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This paper presents the 2005 Miracle’s team approach to the Ad-Hoc Information Retrieval tasks. The goal for the experiments this year was twofold: to continue testing the effect of combination approaches on information retrieval tasks, and improving our basic processing and indexing tools, adapting them to new languages with strange encoding schemes. The starting point was a set of basic components: stemming, transforming, filtering, proper nouns extraction, paragraph extraction, and pseudo-relevance feedback. Some of these basic components were used in different combinations and order of application for document indexing and for query processing. Second-order combinations were also tested, by averaging or selective combination of the documents retrieved by different approaches for a particular query. In the multilingual track, we concentrated our work on the merging process of the results of monolingual runs to get the overall multilingual result, relying on available translations. In both cross-lingual tracks, we have used available translation resources, and in some cases we have used a combination approach.


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El peso específico de las Comunicaciones Ópticas dentro del ámbito de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación no cesa de crecer. Sus aplicaciones, inicialmente dedicadas a las grandes líneas que enlazan las centrales de conmutación, alcanzan en la actualidad, como se ha mencionado, hasta los mismos hogares. Los progresos en este campo, con una sucesión sin tregua, no sólo se destinan a incrementar la capacidad de transmisión de los sistemas, sino a ampliar la diversidad de los procesos que sobre las señales se efectúan en el dominio óptico. Este dinamismo demanda a los profesionales del sector una revisión y actualización de sus conocimientos que les permitan resolver con soltura las cuestiones de su actividad de ingeniería. Por otra parte, durante los últimos años la importancia de las Comunicaciones Ópticas también se ha reflejado en las diferentes titulaciones de Ingenierías de Telecomunicación, cuyos planes de estudio contemplan esta materia tanto en asignaturas troncales como optativas. A menudo, las fuentes de información disponibles abordan esta disciplina con una orientación principalmente teórica. Profesionales y estudiantes de Ingeniería, pues, frente a esta materia se encuentran unos temas que tratan fenómenos físicos complejos, abundantes en conceptos abstractos y con un florido aparato matemático, pero muchas veces carentes de una visión práctica, importantísima en ingeniería, y que es, en definitiva, lo que se exige a alumnos e ingenieros: saber resolver problemas y cuestiones relacionados con las Comunicaciones Ópticas. Los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas, y en especial aquellos que utilizan la fibra óptica como medio para la transmisión de información, como se ha dicho, están alcanzando un desarrollo importante en el campo de las telecomunicaciones. Las bondades que ofrece la fibra, de sobra conocidos y mencionados en el apartado que antecede (gran ancho de banda, inmunidad total a las perturbaciones de origen electromagnético, así como la no producción de interferencias, baja atenuación, etc.), han hecho que, hoy en día, sea uno de los campos de las llamadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que presente mayor interés por parte de científicos, ingenieros, operadores de telecomunicaciones y, por supuesto, usuarios. Ante esta realidad, el objetivo y justificación de la realización de este proyecto, por tanto, no es otro que el de acercar esta tecnología al futuro ingeniero de telecomunicaciones, y/o a cualquier persona con un mínimo de interés en este tema, y mostrarle de una forma práctica y visual los diferentes fenómenos que tienen lugar en la transmisión de información por medio de fibra óptica, así como los diferentes bloques y dispositivos en que se divide dicha comunicación. Para conseguir tal objetivo, el proyecto fin de carrera aquí presentado tiene como misión el desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI, del inglés Graphic User Interface) que permita a aquel que la utilice configurar de manera sencilla cada uno de los bloques en que se compone un enlace punto a punto de fibra óptica. Cada bloque en que se divide este enlace estará compuesto por varias opciones, que al elegir y configurar como se quiera, hará variar el comportamiento del sistema y presentará al usuario los diferentes fenómenos presentes en un sistema de comunicaciones ópticas, como son el ruido, la dispersión, la atenuación, etc., para una mejor comprensión e interiorización de la teoría estudiada. Por tanto, la aplicación, implementada en MATLAB, fruto de la realización de este PFC pretende servir de complemento práctico para las asignaturas dedicadas al estudio de las comunicaciones ópticas a estudiantes en un entorno amigable e intuitivo. Optical Communications in the field of Telecommunications Engineering continues to grow. Its applications, initially dedicated to large central lines that link the switching currently achieved, as mentioned, to the same household nowadays. Progress in this field, with a relentless succession, not only destined to increase the transmission capacity of the systems, but to broaden the diversity of the processes that are performed on the signals in the optical domain. This demands to professionals reviewing and updating their skills to enable them resolve issues easily. Moreover, in recent years the importance of optical communications is also reflected in the different degrees of Telecommunications Engineering, whose curriculum contemplates this area. Often, the information sources available to tackle this discipline mainly theoretical orientation. Engineering professionals and students are faced this matter are few topics discussing complex physical phenomena, and abstract concepts abundant with a flowery mathematical apparatus, but often wotput a practical, important in engineering, and that is what is required of students and engineers: knowing how to solve problems and issues related to optical communications. Optical communications systems, particularly those using optical fiber as a medium for transmission of information, as stated, are reaching a significant development in the field of telecommunications. The advantages offered by the fiber, well known and referred to in the preceding paragraph (high bandwidth, immunity to electromagnetic disturbances of origin and production of non interference, low attenuation, etc..), have made today, is one of the fields of information and communication technology that this increased interest by scientists, engineers, telecommunications operators and, of course, users. Given this reality, the purpose and justification of this project is not other than to bring this technology to the future telecommunications engineer, and / or anyone with a passing interest in this subject, and showing of a practical and various visual phenomena occurring in the transmission of information by optical fiber, as well as different blocks and devices in which said communication is divided. To achieve that objective, the final project presented here has as its mission the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to configure each of the blocks in which divided a point-to-point optical fiber. Each block into which this link will consist of several options to choose and configure it as you like, this will change the behavior of the system and will present to the user with the different phenomena occurring in an optical communication system, such as noise, dispersion, attenuation, etc., for better understanding and internalization of the theory studied. Therefore, the application, implemented in MATLAB, the result of the completion of the thesis is intended to complement practical subjects for the study of optical communications students in a friendly and intuitive environment.


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The use of 3-D fundamental solution is some axisymmetric problems is straightforward. The resulting algorithms seem to work better than the usual ones (at least for static solutions) and for dynamic cases, than those presented in the previous paragraph. The robustness of the method allows the computations for very high and very low frequencies without any noticeable difficulty.


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Este proyecto pretende mostrar los desfases existentes entre señales de audio obtenidas de la misma fuente en distintos puntos distanciados entre sí. Para ello nos basamos en el análisis de la correlación de las señales de audio multi-microfónicas, para determinar los retrasos entre dichas señales. Durante las de tres partes diferentes que conforman este proyecto, explicaremos el dónde, cómo y por qué se produce este efecto en este tipo de señales. En la primera se presentan algunos de los conceptos teóricos necesarios para entender el desarrollo posterior, tales como la coherencia y correlación entre señales, los retardos de fase y la importancia del micro-tiempo. Además se explican diversas técnicas microfónicas que se utilizarán en la tercera parte. A lo largo de la segunda, se presenta el software desarrollado para determinar y corregir el retraso entre las señales que se deseen analizar. Para ello se ha escogido la herramienta de programación Matlab, ya que ha sido la más utilizada en la mayoría de las asignaturas que componen la titulación y por ello se posee el suficiente dominio de la misma. Además de presentar el propio software, al final de esta parte hay un manual de usuario del mismo, en el que se explica el manejo para posibles usos futuros por parte de otras personas interesadas. En la última parte se demuestra en varios casos reales, el estudio de la alineación de tomas multi-microfónicas en las cuales se produce en efecto que se intenta detectar y corregir. Aquí se realizan tres estudios de dicho fenómeno. En el primero se emplean señales digitales internas, concretamente ruido blanco, retrasando algunas muestras dichas señales unas de otras, para luego analizarlas con el software desarrollado y comprobar la eficacia del mismo. En el segundo se analizan la señales de audio obtenidas en el estudio de grabación de varios grupos de música moderna, mostrando los resultados del empleo del software en algunas de ellas, tales como las tomas de batería, bajo y guitarra. En el tercero se analizan las señales de audio obtenidas fuera del estudio de grabación, en donde no se dispone de las supuestas condiciones ideales que se tienen en el entorno que rodea a un estudio de grabación (acústicamente hablando). Se utilizan algunas de las técnicas microfónicas explicadas en el último apartado de la parte dedicada a los conceptos teóricos, para la grabación de una orquesta sinfónica, para luego analizar el efecto buscado mediante nuestro software, presentando los resultados obtenidos. De igual manera se realiza en el estudio con una agrupación coral de cuatro voces dentro de una Iglesia. ABSTRACT This project aims to show delays between audio signals obtained from the same source at diferent points spaced apart. To do this we rely on the analysis of the correlation of multi-microphonic audio signals, to determine the delay between these signals. During three diferent parts that make up this project, we will explain where, how and why this effect occurs in this type of signals. At the first part we present some of the theoretical concepts necessary to understand the subsequent development, such as coherence and correlation between signals, phase delays and the importance of micro-time. Also explains several microphone techniques to be used in the third part. During the second, it presents the software developed to determine and correct the delay between the signals that are desired to analyze. For this we have chosen the programming software Matlab , as it has been the most used in the majority of the subjects in the degree and therefore has suficient command of it. Besides presenting the software at the end of this part there is a user manual of it , which explains the handling for future use by other interested people. The last part is shown in several real cases, the study of aligning multi- microphonic sockets in which it is produced in effect trying to detect and correct. This includes three studies of this phenomenon. In the first internal digital signals are used, basically white noise, delaying some samples the signals from each other, then with software developed analyzing and verifying its efectiveness. In the second analyzes the audio signals obtained in the recording studio several contemporary bands, showing the results of using the software in some of them, such as the taking of drums, bass and guitar. In the third analyzes audio signals obtained outside the recording studio, where there are no ideal conditions alleged to have on the environment surrounding a recording studio (acoustically speaking). We use some of the microphone techniques explained in the last paragraph of the section on theoretical concepts, for the recording of a symphony orchestra, and then analyze the effect sought by our software, presenting the results. Similarly, in the study performed with a four-voice choir in a church.


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The European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a multipurpose species that has been widely cultivated around the Mediterranean basin since ancient times. New varieties were brought to the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire, which coexist since then with native populations that survived the last glaciation. The relevance of chestnut cultivation has being steadily growing since the Middle Ages, until the rural decline of the past century put a stop to this trend. Forest fires and diseases were also major factors. Chestnut cultivation is gaining momentum again due to its economic (wood, fruits) and ecologic relevance, and represents currently an important asset in many rural areas of Europe. In this Thesis we apply different molecular tools to help improve current management strategies. For this study we have chosen El Bierzo (Castile and Leon, NW Spain), which has a centenary tradition of chestnut cultivation and management, and also presents several unique features from a genetic perspective (next paragraph). Moreover, its nuts are widely appreciated in Spain and abroad for their organoleptic properties. We have focused our experimental work on two major problems faced by breeders and the industry: the lack of a fine-grained genetic characterization and the need for new strategies to control blight disease. To characterize with sufficient detail the genetic diversity and structure of El Bierzo orchards, we analyzed DNA from 169 trees grafted for nut production covering the entire region. We also analyzed 62 nuts from all traditional varieties. El Bierzo constitutes an outstanding scenario to study chestnut genetics and the influence of human management because: (i) it is located at one extreme of the distribution area; (ii) it is a major glacial refuge for the native species; (iii) it has a long tradition of human management (since Roman times, at least); and (iv) its geographical setting ensures an unusual degree of genetic isolation. Thirteen microsatellite markers provided enough informativeness and discrimination power to genotype at the individual level. Together with an unexpected level of genetic variability, we found evidence of genetic structure, with three major gene pools giving rise to the current population. High levels of genetic differentiation between groups supported this organization. Interestingly, genetic structure does not match with spatial boundaries, suggesting that the exchange of material and cultivation practices have strongly influenced natural gene flow. The microsatellite markers selected for this study were also used to classify a set of 62 samples belonging to all traditional varieties. We identified several cases of synonymies and homonymies, evidencing the need to substitute traditional classification systems with new tools for genetic profiling. Management and conservation strategies should also benefit from these tools. The avenue of high-throughput sequencing technologies, combined with the development of bioinformatics tools, have paved the way to study transcriptomes without the need for a reference genome. We took advantage of RNA sequencing and de novo assembly tools to determine the transcriptional landscape of chestnut in response to blight disease. In addition, we have selected a set of candidate genes with high potential for developing resistant varieties via genetic engineering. Our results evidenced a deep transcriptional reprogramming upon fungal infection. The plant hormones ET and JA appear to orchestrate the defensive response. Interestingly, our results also suggest a role for auxins in modulating such response. Many transcription factors were identified in this work that interact with promoters of genes involved in disease resistance. Among these genes, we have conducted a functional characterization of a two major thaumatin-like proteins (TLP) that belongs to the PR5 family. Two genes encoding chestnut cotyledon TLPs have been previously characterized, termed CsTL1 and CsTL2. We substantiate here their protective role against blight disease for the first time, including in silico, in vitro and in vivo evidence. The synergy between TLPs and other antifungal proteins, particularly endo-p-1,3-glucanases, bolsters their interest for future control strategies based on biotechnological approaches.


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El presente documento tiene como objetivo general desarrollar un plan de negocio para analizar la viabilidad de la creación de una nueva empresa, “MyTested S.L.”. Pretende ofrecer una herramienta para que las personas puedan comunicar a sus familiares el acceso a sus cuentas digitales una vez fallecidos. En cuanto a cómo surge la idea, fue a través de una noticia que trataba sobre el derecho al olvido en las redes sociales y en internet. Investigando un poco y prestando atención a los movimientos de las grandes empresas de internet, mi compañero/socio y yo, nos dimos cuenta de que ofrecer este servicio podría valer como negocio, ya que no existe mucha competencia en el mercado. Gracias a eso, nos planteamos en más de una ocasión la posibilidad de montar nuestro propio negocio, de forma que pudiéramos utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos en la universidad como base para crear la herramienta web. Escogimos empezar el proyecto utilizándolo como materia para el trabajo de fin de grado porque nos aporta dos valores muy importantes, ayuda de la comunidad de profesores existentes en la UPM, siendo una persona de gran aporte nuestro tutor Oscar Corcho y también, porque como estamos dedicando todo el tiempo a este proyecto, tener una fecha límite para presentar tanto la parte de modelo de negocio como la parte de desarrollo en una fecha concreta, nos ayuda a planificar y mantener una presión constante sobre el proyecto y así forzar a no abandonarlo ni prolongarlo. Con ello, nos encontramos con dos grupos de dificultades, la escasa formación a nivel empresarial y creación de modelos de negocio y en el ámbito del desarrollo al desconocimiento de tecnologías y APIs de las redes sociales. Al tratarse de una herramienta Web, parte de unos costes muy bajos como el alojamiento del servidor o la contratación temporal de comerciales para publicitar la herramienta entre funerarias y hospitales. Estos factores positivos benefician tanto la realización del proyecto como su avance. Como ya se puede intuir de la lectura del párrafo anterior, el servicio que ofrece la herramienta “MyTested S.L.” está relacionado con el segmento testamental de una persona fallecida, podríamos definirlo como testamento digital. Actualmente, vivimos en un mundo que se centra cada vez más en la parte digital y es por ello, que en un futuro cercano, todas las cuentas que creamos en internet tendrán que ser cerradas o bloqueadas cuando caen en el desuso por el fallecimiento del propietario, es en ese hueco donde podemos situarnos, ofreciendo una herramienta para poder trasladar la información necesaria a las personas elegidas por el cliente para que puedan cerrar o bloquear sus cuentas digitales. Consideramos que existe una interesante oportunidad debido a la escasez de oferta de este tipo de servicios en España y a nivel mundial. En Abril de 2015 hay inscritos en el registro Nacional de últimas voluntades 185.6651 personas por lo que encontramos que un 0,397%1 de las personas en España ha registrado su testamento. El gasto medio al hacer un testamento vital ante notario de tus bienes tiene un coste de 40 a 80 euros2 , este es el principal motivo por el que la mayoría de españoles no realiza su testamento antes de morir. Con este dato obtenemos dos lecciones, lo que la herramienta ofrece no es el documento notarial de los bienes del cliente, sino la sistema, puedan bloquear o cerrar sus cuentas. La segunda lección que obtenemos es que el precio tiene que ser muy reducido para poder llegar a un gran número de personas, añadiendo también el criterio de que el cliente podrá actualizar su información, ya que la información digital es muy fácil de cambiar y frecuente. Como se podrá leer en al apartado dedicado a nuestra visión, misión y valores, aunque estamos convencidos que se puede extraer de la lectura de cualquier parte de este documento, todos nuestros objetivos los queremos conseguir no sólo buscando un enfoque empresarial a nuestro día a día, sino convirtiendo nuestra responsabilidad social sincera, en uno de los retos que más nos ilusionan, fomentando para ello, aspectos como el desarrollo web, estudios de mercado, conocimiento de las necesidades de la población, nuevas tecnologías y negocio. En general, los objetivos que se pretenden cumplir con este estudio son: - Conocer los pasos para crear una empresa - Desarrollar un documento de plan de negocio que contenga lo siguiente: - Análisis de mercado - Definición de productos y/o servicios - Plan de publicidad y expansión (marketing) - Plan financiero - Capacidad para definir los requisitos de una aplicación Web. - Capacidad de elegir la tecnología idónea y actual de un sistema Web. - Conocer el funcionamiento de una empresa y cómo comunicarse con las herramientas gubernamentales. - Comprobar si las posibilidades que nos ofrece el entorno son las adecuadas para nuestras actividades. - Estudio, análisis de la competencia - Definir los diferentes perfiles de cliente para nuestro negocio. - Analizar la viabilidad de nuestro modelo de negocio. Para ello, comenzamos realizando una definición de las características generales del proyecto, detallando cuáles son las motivaciones que han hecho a los emprendedores embarcarse en el mismo, qué servicios ofreceremos a nuestros clientes, el porqué de la elección del sector, así́ como nuestra misión, visión y valores.---ABSTRACT---The goal and aim of the present document is to develop a business plan in order to analyze the viability of build a new enterprise, that we will name MyTested S.L., it wants offer a tool for sharing and to facilitate to the relatives of a dead person the access to the digital accounts. Talking about how come up the idea, it was once a have read a news over the “right of forgotten” throughout social nets and inside internet, researching a little and paying attention to the different movements of the biggest internet companies, my peer ( and partner) and I were aware that to offer this service might be a good business, because does not exist many competitors on this kind of market service, mainly thanks of that, we have planned on several times the possibility to build our owner company, in the way to use the capabilities that we achieved in the University as based to develop and make a web tool. We choose begin this project as subject of our Final Project Degree after analyze the positive and negative point of views: The positive was because it has two main values, firstly the support of the current teachers UPM community, specially our fellow Oscar Corcho and also because we can´t dedicate all our time to this project, so to have a deadline to present either the business model as the develop on time, help us to plan and remain a constant pressure over the project and neither drop out it or extend it more that the necessary. As a web tool, neither the hosting of maintenance or for sort out a net of temporary commercials for visiting hospitals or undertaker´s or insurances, the cost don´t are expensive In the negative side, however, we found twice some main difficulties, the few training as entrepreneur level and how to build a business model and on the other hand the lack of awareness of the technologies and apps of the social net software as well. As summary, these positives facts enhance to work project out and also to develop it. As we could understand reading on the latest paragraph, the service that will do MyTested tool is relation with the testament issue of a dead person, we might call as a digital testament. Currently we are living in world which is focus further on the digital life, for that in a near future every internet accounts should be closed or locked whenever aren´t used by the dead of the owner, this is a market niche (never better said) where we can lead, offering a tool that might transfer the necessary information to the chosen persons by the client in order to allow either close or lock his digital accounts. We are considering that there are interesting opportunities due to the few offers of that kind of service in Spain and at global level. In April 2015 there were 185.6651 persons registered in the Official National last will and testament, this figure mean that the 0,397%1 of the Spaniards citizens have registered their testaments. The average cost of doing the testament of your assets with a Notary is since 40 up to 80€2, this is one of the principal motives because the majority of the Spaniards don´t do it before dead. With these data we might get two lessons, we are not talking about an official notary testament at all, it is only for close or lock the digital accounts by the chosen person by the dead client, and the latest lesson, but not least, the price of our service must be very cheaper in order to achieve touch an important amount of people, knowing also that he client will be able update the information filled, considering that this kind of information is very easy to change and update frequently. As we can read on the stage dedicated to our Vision, Mission and Values, although we are persuaded that can be read in everywhere of this document as well, our aim doesn´t be an business focus on day to day, is also to become our honest social responsibility in this challenge, that is our mainly eagerness, enhancing some aspects as the web development, market research and the knowledge of the population needs, new technologies and new market opportunities. In general the goals that we would like get within this project are: - Achieve the knowledge needs for be an entrepreneurial, and find out the steps for star a business - Achieve market research skills - Products and services definitions - Advertising plan and growth (marketing plan) - Financial plan knowledge - Capability of a web design requirements - Capability for choose the best and actual technology for web design - Knowledge over how work out inside a company and how communicate with official tools. - Check whether the possibilities of the environment are the adequate for our activities. - Research and competitiveness analysis - Define the different profiles of the target for our business. - Analyze the viability of the business model For all that, we began with a definition of the general features of the project, detailing which are the motivations those done to the entrepreneurial get on board, which kind of service we offered to the client, also why the selection of the market sector and our mission, vision and value as well.


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En este documento se van a desarrollar las técnicas para la creación de páginas web utilizando uno de los sistemas de gestión de contenido, también llamado CMS, por sus siglas en inglés, Content Manager System, más potentes del mercado, y open source, es decir de código abierto, como es el caso de Drupal. Se usará este sistema de gestión en su versión 7, y la actualización 37, o lo que es lo mismo, se usará Drupal 7.37, aunque se actualizará a la versión 38, puesto que esta versión fue publicada a mitad de los desarrollos y la versión 8 todavía está en versión beta y no es suficientemente estable como para crear una página web robusta con esa versión del CMS. Estas explicaciones están basadas en dos páginas web creadas en dicho gestor de contenidos, una de ellas ya en producción, www.lrl.es, que también podrá ser accedida desde www.luqueagentescomerciales.es, página web diseñada para un agente comercial de herramientas. La segunda, todavía no está en producción pero se puede acceder a ella desde el servidor wamp montado en local,, que es una mejora de la página www.elpactoinvisible.es, diseñada para una galería de arte de Málaga. A lo largo del documento se verán distintas opciones que se pueden llegar a utilizar gracias a Drupal para obtener el resultado esperado y se darán las explicaciones pertinentes para saber cuál de ellas usar para focalizar distintos aspectos según se decida ir por una vía u otra de desarrollo, y se mostraran, con código cuando sea necesario, las soluciones utilizadas en las distintas páginas, de las que se ha hablado en el párrafo precedente, y el porqué de usar esa solución en vez de otras alternativas que también son viables para dichos objetivos. ABSTRACT This paper will develop techniques for creating web pages using one of the systems content management, also called CMS, for its acronym in English, Content Manager System, and the most powerful in the market, and open source, as is the case of Drupal. This management system in its version 7, and updating 37, or as it is called, Drupal 7.37 is used, although it will be updated to version 38, because this version was published in the middle of the developments and version 8 is still in beta and is not stable enough to create a robust site with this version of CMS. These explanations are based on two websites created in this CMS, one of them already in production, www.lrl.es, which also can be accessed from www.luqueagentescomerciales.es, web page designed for a tools commercial agent. The second one, is not yet in production but can be accessed from the WAMP server installed locally,, which is an improvement to www.elpactoinvisible.es page, designed for an art gallery in Malaga. Throughout the document you can get several options to be used thanks to Drupal in order to achieve result and explanations will be given to indicate one of theme to use for targeting different aspects and which developing method or path to follow and will be shown, in code if it should be necessary, the solutions used in different pages which have been discussed in the preceding paragraph, and why to use that solution instead of other alternatives are also viable for such purposes.


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One folio-sized leaf containing a handwritten copy of a transcribed extract from the Charter of 1650 regarding property tax exemption, and followed with accounting figures related to rents and valuations of College properties. The verso has a handwritten paragraph on the unconstitutionality of the taxation practices towards the College.


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Short one-paragraph letter declining to write "in the paper" of the recent death of President Edward Holyoke, and suggesting Mr. Winthrop as the "most proper person."


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