475 resultados para Mutações gênicas


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O 3’3-ditrifluormetildifenil disseleneto (DFDD) é um composto organoselenado análogo ao disseleneto de difenila (DPDS). No entanto, diferentemente do DPDS, maiores estudos em relação às atividades biológicas do DFDD ainda permanecem escassos na literatura. Com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento dos efeitos biológicos do DFDD, nesse estudo investigou-se a interferência desta molécula no neurocomportamento em camundongos. Além disso, as atividades genotóxicas deste organoselenado em linhagens de Salmonella typhimurium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae e em células de mamíferos em cultura (células V79) também foram avaliadas. Nos ensaios neurocomportamentais em camundongos, o DFDD apresentou uma interessante atividade bloqueadora da estereotipia induzida por apomorfina, que é um modelo animal de esquizofrenia, sem agir sobre outros parâmetros importantes como a memória, ansiedade, exploração e locomoção detectados nas tarefas de esquiva inibitória, campo aberto e habituação a um novo ambiente. Demonstrou-se também neste trabalho que o DFDD não foi mutagênico no Teste Salmonella/microssoma tanto na presença quanto na ausência de ativação metabólica. Entretanto, em linhagens de S. cerevisiae, o DFDD induziu mutações “forward” e reversa, porém lócus não-específico. Diferentemente do seu análogo estrutural DPDS, o DFDD não foi capaz de induzir mutações “frameshift” em S. typhimurium ou S. cerevisiae mesmo quando as linhagens foram tratadas em condições de crescimento. Deste modo, sugere-se que o DFDD não é capaz de se intercalar entre as bases do DNA e que, possivelmente, este efeito seja provocado por um impedimento alostérico causado pelos grupamentos CF3 presentes neste organoselenado. Além disso, o DFDD mostrou-se um fraco agente citotóxico e genotóxico em S. cerevisiae e células V79. Por outro lado, como foi demonstrado no Teste Salmonella/microssoma, o DFDD apresentou um efeito protetor contra a mutagenicidade induzida por peróxido de hidrogênio. De maneira interessante, utilizando um ensaio in vitro, mostrou-se que o DFDD possui uma atividade “catalase-like” até o momento não apresentada por nenhum outro composto organoselenado. No presente trabalho tornou-se evidente também que o DFDD atua de maneira distinta do seu análogo DPDS em vários modelos experimentais e que, provavelmente, os grupamentos CF3 presentes no DFDD sejam de fundamental importância para as interessantes atividades demonstradas por este disseleneto.


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Compreender a liderança numa organização escolar, nomeadamente num jardim-deinfância, numa sociedade em que a educação defronta inúmeras mutações que implicam a sua (re) construção numa amplitude focalizada em procedimentos políticoadministrativos. Desencadeamos um estudo que nos fez caminhar pelas histórias de vida, por via de entrevistas episódicas de uma líder escolar considerando o Infantário “O Carrocel”, no Concelho do Funchal, o locus privilegiado do nosso estudo de caso. O objeto de análise foi a liderança escolar em conformidade com as representações pessoais, profissionais e sociais da diretora. Questionámos os educadores e professores procurando, através dos inquéritos por questionário, compreender qual o estilo de liderança mais vivido pela líder. Sendo notório o desgaste psicológico referido pela líder, pelo efeito das burocracias, e pela sua tenacidade em desempenhar o seu papel, a sua liderança ajusta-se entre a liderança transacional e a liderança transformacional tendo como foco preliminar as relações humanas. É facto, que as representações, a ética e a educabilidade da líder coexistiram para uma boa liderança e respetivas relações grupais sendo que numa liderança, em educação, persiste a imprevisibilidade e a complexidade em torno de um contexto social e político. Uma liderança direcionada para os valores e princípios em que o desempenho da líder permitiu, apesar de dificuldades e receios sentidos no abraço a este projeto, encaminhar as suas práticas administrativas e pedagógicas com determinação num acreditar de uma estratégia de trabalho comum e de equipa. Certamente, com este estudo iremos refletir na educação de hoje e no entendimento do que é ser líder, e essencialmente na coexistência de líderes educadores num propósito de reconhecer que os infantários, apesar de pequenas organizações educativas, são fortes âncoras em contextos de diversidade.


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The genome of all organisms constantly suffers the influence of mutagenic factors from endogenous and/or exogenous origin, which may result in damage for the genome. In order to keep the genome integrity there are different DNA repair pathway to detect and correct these lesions. In relation to the plants as being sessile organisms, they are exposed to this damage frequently. The Base Excision DNA Repair (BER) is responsible to detect and repair oxidative lesions. Previous work in sugarcane identified two sequences that were homologous to Arabidopsis thaliana: ScARP1 ScARP3. These two sequences were homologous to AP endonuclease from BER pathway. Then, the aim of this work was to characterize these two sequence using different approaches: phylogenetic analysis, in silico protein organelle localization and by Nicotiana tabacum transgenic plants with overexpression cassette. The in silico data obtained showed a duplication of this sequence in sugarcane and Poaceae probably by a WGD event. Furthermore, in silico analysis showed a new localization in nuclei for ScARP1 protein. The data obtained with transgenic plants showed a change in development and morphology. Transgenic plants had slow development when compared to plants not transformed. Then, these results allowed us to understand better the potential role of this sequence in sugarcane and in plants in general. More work is important to be done in order to confirm the protein localization and protein characterization for ScARP1 and ScARP3


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The sequencing of the genome of Chromobacterium violaceum identified one single circular chromosome of 4.8 Mb, in which approximately 40% of the founded ORFs are classified as hypothetical conserved or hypothetical. Some genic regions of biotechnological and biological interest had been characterized, e. g., environmental detoxification and DNA repair genes, respectively. Given this fact, the aim of this work was to identify genes of C. violaceum related to stress response, as the ones involved with mechanisms of DNA repair and/or genomic integrity maintenance. For this, a genomic library of C. violaceum was built in Escherichia coli strain DH10B (RecA-), in which clones were tested to UVC resistance, resulting in five candidates clones. In the PLH6A clone were identified four ORFs (CV_3721 to 3724). Two ORFs, CV_3722 and CV_3724, were subcloned and a synergic complementation activity was observed. The occurrence of an operon was confirmed using cDNA from C. violaceum in a RT-PCR assay. Further, it was observed the induction of the operon after the treatment with UVC. Thus, this operon was related to the stress response in C. violaceum. The mutagenesis assay with rifampicin after the treatment with UVC light showed high frequency of mutagenicity for the ORF CV_3722 (Pol III δ subunit). In this way, we propose that the C. violaceum δ subunit can act in DH10B in the translesion synthesis using Pol IV in a RecA independent-manner pathway. In growth curve assays other four clones (PLE1G, PLE7B, PLE10B and PLE12H) were able to complement the function at the dose 5 J/m2 and in mutagenicity assays PLE7B, PLE10B and PLE12H showed frequencies of mutation with significant differences upon the control (DH10B), demonstrating that in some way they are involved with the stress response in C. violaceum. These clones appear to be interrelated, probably regulated by a messenger molecule (eg., nucleotide c-di-GMP) and/or global regulatory molecule (eg., σS subunit of RNA polymerase).The results obtained contribute for a better genetic knowledge of this specie and its response mechanisms to environmental stress.


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The decoction of Brazilian pepper tree barks (Schinus terebinthifolius, Raddi), is used in medicine as wound healing and antiinflamatory. Once extracts from this plant are used for acceleration of scar s process, it is important to study their mutagenic and genotoxic potential. In previous works in our laboratory, it was observed mutagenicity caused by the decoction when in high concentrations. Among the chemical compounds of this plant that could be able to induce mutation, the flavonoids were the only group that was referred to have either an oxidant or antioxidant potential. The flavonoids were isolated, purified and quantified by adsorptive column chromatography under silica gel, bacterial and in vitro genotoxic tests were realized to determine if the flavonoids were the responsible agents for this mutagenicity found. The tests realized with plasmidial DNA were indicative that the flavonoids are probably genotoxic, due to the presence of correlation between increase of the flavonoid concentration and in plasmidial DNA double strand breakage visualized in agarose gel, as well as they were capable to generated abasic sites shown by the in vitro treatment with exonuclease III. The same tests with plasmidial DNA in the presence of copper [10 µM] and of a Tris-HCl pH 7.5 [10 µM] buffer were realized with the isolated flavonoids to determine if there would be or not participation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The transformation of plasmidial DNA in different bacterial strains proficient and deficient in DNA repair enzymes in the presence or not of a Tris-HCl buffer, suggests that the enzymes that repair oxidative lesions are necessary to repair the lesions generated by the flavonoids and that ROS are generated and are necessary to promote the lesions. Bacterial tests with Escherichia coli strains of the CC collection (deficient or not for DNA repair enzymes), showed that the flavonoids are able to increase the frequency of mutations, mainly in strains mutated in repair enzymes (MutM, MutY-glicosylases and double mutant), suggesting that these agents are responsible for the enhancement in the mutation rate. In order to determine the mutation spectrum caused by the flavonoids of the Brazilian pepper tree stem bark, plasmidial DNA previously treated with the flavonoids were transformed in bacterial strains deficient and proficient in the DNA repair enzymes, followed by a blue-white selection with X-gal, DNA amplification by PCR and sequencing the positive mutant clones. Analysis of the mutants obtained from strains CC104, CC104mutM, CC104mutY, CC104mutMmutY, BW9101, BW9109 indicated a predominance of some mutations like G:C to C:G that can be correlated with the origin of 8-oxoG, due to oxidative lesions caused by the flavonoids. So it can concluded that the flavonoid isolated or in fractions enriched on them are genotoxic and mutagenic, and their mutations are predominantly oxidative, mediated by ROS, and the lesions are recognized by the BER system. In this way it is proposed that the flavonoids can act in two different ways to generate the DNA lesion: 1. in a Fenton-like reaction, when the flavonoid are in the presence of metal ions and that together with the water generate ROS that promotes the DNA lesions; 2. in another way the lesions can be generated by the formation of ROS due to the internal chemical structure of the flavonoid molecule due to the quantity and location of hydroxyl groups, and so producing the DNA lesions, those lesions can be directly (suggested by the in vitro experiments) or indirectly done (supported by the experiments using the CC bacterial strains)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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A Síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip (SBS) é um distúrbio raro do metabolismo dos lipídios, caracterizada pela ausência quase total de tecido adiposo subcutâneo, hipertrigliceridemia, hipoleptinemia e diabetes insulino resistente ou lipoatrófico. Sua etiologia envolve implicações hipotalâmicas, alterações nos receptores de insulina e mutações nos genes AGPAT2, Gng3lg, CAV1 e PTRF. O tecido adiposo secreta diversas substâncias, tais como: leptina, resistina, adiponectina, esteróides, TNF , IL-6, PAI-1, angiotensinogênio, IGF-1. Muitas delas estão associadas ao diabetes mellitus tipo 2, obesidade e hipertensão. Os PPARs são fatores transcricionais pertencentes à superfamília de receptores nucleares ligantes ativados. Sabe-se que o PPAR , é importante para o metabolismo lipídico e glicídico e que o ligante natural do PPAR é derivado do ácido graxo. Nesse sentido, foram avaliados 24 pacientes portadores da SBS, provenientes do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, com a mediana das idades de 18,5 anos (0,55 a 47 a), sendo 9 (37,5 %) do gênero masculino e 15 (62,5 %) do gênero feminino. Quanto ao grupo étnico, foram classificados em caucasóides (brancos) 21 (87,5 %) e negróides 3 (12,5 %) pacientes. Foram feitas avaliações clínico-endocrinológica, bioquímica, hormonal, molecular e o estudo dos polimorfismos Adiponectina ADIPOQ, PPARγ2 Pro12Ala, LPL-PvuII, APOC3-SstI e LDLR-AvaII em portadores da SBS. Nesta população nós não encontramos nenhuma associação de parâmetros lipídicos e glicídicos com os polimorfismos LPL-PvuII, APOC3-SstI e LDLR-AvaII. Porém, observamos associação entre Adiponectina ADIPOQ e PPARγ2 Pro12Ala e níveis lipídicos mais elevados, sugerindo um papel biológico para estes fatores, indicando estudos mais aprofundados


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Background. Gaucher Disease (GD) is a hereditary lysosomal storage disorder characterized by the accumulation of glucosylceramide, mainly in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, due to a deficiency of the enzyme acid β-glucosidase (GBA). Diagnosis is usually based on measurement of GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of screening for GBA and chitotriosidase activity using Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper (DBS-FP) to identify individuals at high risk for GD in high-risk populations such as that of Tabuleiro do Norte, a small town in Northeastern Brazil. Methods. Between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008, 740 consented residents and descendants of traditional families from Tabuleiro do Norte were submitted to screening with DBS-FP. Subjects with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL were referred to analysis of GBA and chitotriosidase activity in peripheral leukocytes and in plasma, respectively. Subjects at highest risk for GD (GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes <5.6 nmol/h/mg protein) were submitted to molecular analysis to confirm diagnosis. Results. Screening with DBS-FP identified 135 subjects (18.2%) with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL, 131 of whom remained in the study. In 10 of these (7.6%), GBA activity in leukocytes was 2.6 5.5 nmol/h/mg protein. Subsequent molecular analysis confirmed 6 cases of heterozygosity and 4 normals for GD. Conclusion. DBS-FP assay was shown to be an effective initial GD screening strategy for high-prevalence populations in developing regions. Diagnosis could not be established from GBA activity in leukocytes alone, but required confirmation with molecular analysis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Beta thalassemia arises as a consequence of the reduction (β+, β++, βsilent) or absence (β0) of beta globin chain synthesis and results from a number of mechanisms that lead to genetic defects. The inheritance of beta thalassemia is characterized by the existence of heterozygous individuals, compound heterozygotes, homozygotes and those with coinheritance of beta thalassemia allele and other thalassemias and/or hemoglobin variants. The aim of this study was to perform molecular and laboratory characterization of beta thalassemia in heterozygous and homozygous individuals and in those with coinheritance of S beta thalassemia. A total of 48 individuals were included (35 heterozygotes, 4 homozygotes and 9 S beta thalessemia carriers) referred to the Integrated Laboratory of Clinical Analyses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and the Hematology Ambulatory Facility of the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hemocenter (Hemonorte Natal, Brazil). Peripheral blood samples form each patient underwent the following laboratory examinations: erythrogram, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurements of Hb A2, Fetal Hb and serum ferritin. DNA was extracted using the illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit and molecular characterization was performed by the PCR/RFLP technique, which involves digestion with specific restriction enzymes for IVS-1 nt 1 (G®A), IVS-1 nt 6 (T®C) and codon 39 (CAG®TAG) mutations. Of the 35 heterozygotes, 37.1% showed IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, 42.9% IVS-1 nt 1 and 20% were carriers of other mutations not identified by the technique used. The four homozygous patients presented with the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, while 66.7% of the individuals with S beta thalassemia had the IVS-1 nt 1 mutation. Codon 39 was not detected in any of the patients investigated. Of the thallasemic alleles found, 40.4% were IVS- 1 nt 1, 40.4% IVS-1 nt 6 and 19.2% were not identified. Laboratory data showed that the heterozygotes exhibited microcytosis and hypochromia, evidenced by MCV ranging from 57 to 75fL and MCH from 15.9 to 23.6 pg. Hemoglobin A2 varied between 3.7 and 7.2%. The homogygotes also showed reduced MCV and MCH and elevated HbA2.. Comparison of laboratory data between heterozygous individuals with IVS-1 nt 1 and IVS-1 nt 6 mutations showed that heterozygotes for the IVS1-1 mutation had significantly lower mean MCV and MCH (p = 0.023 and 0.007, respectively) and significantly higher hemoglobin A2 (p < 0.001) when compared to heterozygotes for the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation. PCR/RFLP was useful in identifying the presence or absence of IVS-1 nt 6, IVS-1 nt 1 and codon 39 mutations in most of the patients investigated here. This is the first study conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil aimed at identifying beta thalassemia mutations and represents an important contribution to the knowledge regarding the molecular profile of beta thalassemia in our country


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This study aims to problematize the history of mixed schools in Pará, from 1870 to 1901, highlighting women participation that helped to build them. The analytical focus of the research fell on the changes and the continuities of the mixed school in Pará. The object of analysis is the Paraense mixed schools, formed by women. The study also brings out arguments that the mixed school was set up in variable forms, concepts, times and spaces, in an overlapping with the inclusion of women in educational universe, either through education, professionalization or teaching in schools of girls and boys. The documentary sources privileged by the study are: the educational law, the newspapers, the government reports and the journals of education, which were examined in a confrontation between what was said and done. The evidential method helped the documentary reading revealed that, in small lines, the linkages built in the search for clues and signs of Paraense mixed schools was assembled with the participation of women, from the perception that historical knowledge is indirect, conjectural. Evidences indicated that the school for both sexes, legally established in the Province of Grão-Pará in 1870, gave the signals of the junction of girls and boys in school, at a time when the presence of women in education was suggested. Mutations related to the educational organization, with the introduction of mixed school in the following decade had a closer relationship with restrictive settings and more effective integration of women in that school. The inaccuracies of the Republican mixed school have revealed, through winding paths, that signal of contradictions between the modern discourse and conservative practices regarding this school, in communion with the expansion of the mixed school throughout the state, including in groups schools, observing the presence of effective women teachers in the regency of such schools and an expansion of students in relation to the equity between the sexes


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INTRODUÇÃO: As hemoglobinopatias resultam de alterações hereditárias, sendo prevalentes em muitas regiões do mundo, mas atingem a população brasileira de forma significativa. Elas são decorrentes de alterações em genes estruturais responsáveis pelo aparecimento das hemoglobinas variantes e/ou em genes reguladores, resultando nas talassemias. A identificação dessas patologias tem sido rotineiramente realizada por procedimentos eletroforéticos, contudo nossa experiência laboratorial evidencia que as mesmas nem sempre apresentam resoluções suficientes para a correta caracterização da mutação. CASUÍSTICAS E MÉTODOS: O propósito deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia válida para a caracterização das hemoglobinas S, C e D em homozigose ou heterozigose, e suas possíveis interações, baseada na amplificação gênica alelo-específica (PCR-AE) com a utilização de primers sense, antisense e primers que se acoplam na posição do alelo mutante e na respectiva posição do alelo normal. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados evidenciaram a validade dessa metodologia na caracterização das mutações, sendo esse procedimento de fácil realização, reprodutível e possível de ser aplicado em um significativo número de amostras.