927 resultados para Mixed Reality framework


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The education of the radiography profession is based within higher education establishments, yet a critical part of all radiography programmes is the clinical component where students learn the practical skills of the profession. Assessments therefore not only have to assess a student’s knowledge, but also their clinical competence and core skills in line with both Health and Care Professions Council and the Society and College of Radiographers requirements. This timely thesis examines the possibility of using the Virtual Environment for RadioTherapy (VERT) as an assessment tool to evaluate a student’s competence so giving the advantage of a standard assessment and relieving time pressures in the clinical department. A mixed methods approach was taken which can be described as a Quantitative Qualitative design with the emphasis being on the Quantitative element; a so called QUAN  qual design. The quantitative evaluation compared two simulations, one in the virtual reality environment and another in the department using a real treatment machine. Students were asked to perform two electron setups in each simulation; the order being randomly decided and so the study would be described as a randomised cross-over design. Following this, qualitative data was collected in student focus groups to explore student perspectives in more depth. Findings indicated that the performance between the two simulators was significantly different, p < 0∙001; the virtual simulation scoring significantly lower than the hospital based simulation overall and in virtually all parameters being assessed. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data supported this finding and identified 4 main themes; equipment use, a lack of reality, learning opportunities and assessment of competence. One other sub-theme identified for reality was that of the environment and senses.


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Background For decades film has proved to be a powerful form of communication. Whether produced as entertainment, art or documentary, films have the capacity to inform and move us. Films are a highly attractive teaching instrument and an appropriate teaching method in health education. It is a valuable tool for studying situations most transcendental to human beings such as pain, disease and death. Objectives The objectives were to determine how this helps students engage with their role as health care professionals; to determine how they view the personal experience of illness, disease, disability or death; and to determine how this may impact upon their provision of patient care. Design, Setting and Participants The project was underpinned by the film selection determined by considerate review, intensive scrutiny, contemplation and discourse by the research team. 7 films were selected, ranging from animation; foreign, documentary, biopic and Hollywood drama. Each film was shown discretely, in an acoustic lecture theatre projected onto a large screen to pre-registration student nurses (adult, child and mental health) across each year of study from different cohorts (n = 49). Method A mixed qualitative method approach consisted of audio-recorded 5-minute reactions post film screening; coded questionnaires; and focus group. Findings were drawn from the impact of the films through thematic analysis of data sets and subjective text condensation categorised as: new insights looking through patient eyes; evoking emotion in student nurses; spiritual care; going to the moves to learn about the patient experience; self discovery through films; using films to link theory to practice. Results Deeper learning through film as a powerful medium was identified in meeting the objectives of the study. Integration of film into pre registration curriculum, pedagogy, teaching and learning is recommended. Conclusion The teaching potential of film stems from the visual process linked to human emotion and experience. Its impact has the power to not only help in learning the values that underpin nursing, but also for respecting the patient experience of disease, disability, death and its reality.


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The origins of agriculture and the shift from hunting and gathering to committed agriculture is regarded as one of the major transitions in human history. Archeologists and anthropologists have invested significant efforts in explaining the origins of agriculture. A period of gathering intensification and experimentation and pursuing a mixed economic strategy seems the most plausible explanation for the transition to agriculture and provides an approach to study a process in which several nonlinear processes may have played a role. However, the mechanisms underlying the transition to full agriculture are not completely clear. This is partly due to the nature of the archeological record, which registers a practice only once it has become clearly established. Thus, points of transitions have limited visibility and the mechanisms involved in the process are difficult to untangle. The complexity of such transitions also implies that shifts can be distinctively different in particular environments and under varying historical and social conditions. In this paper we discuss some of the elements involved in the transition to food production within the framework of resilience theory. We propose a theoretical conceptual model in which the resilience of livelihood strategies lies at the intersection of three spheres: the environmental, economical, and social domains. Transitions occur when the rate of change, in one or more of these domains, is so elevated or its magnitude so large that the livelihood system is unable to bounce back to its original state. In this situation, the system moves to an alternative stable state, from one livelihood strategy to another.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Knowledge on human behaviour in emergency is crucial to increase the safety of buildings and transportation systems. Decision making during evacuations implies different choices, of which one of the most important concerns the escape route. The choice of a route may involve local decisions between alternative exits from an enclosed environment. This work investigates the influence of environmental (presence of smoke, emergency lighting and distance of exit) and social factors (interaction with evacuees close to the exits and with those near the decision-maker) on local exit choice. This goal is pursued using an online stated preference survey carried out making use of non-immersive virtual reality. A sample of 1,503 participants is obtained and a Mixed Logit Model is calibrated using these data. The model shows that presence of smoke, emergency lighting, distance of exit, number of evacuees near the exits and the decision-maker, and flow of evacuees through the exits significantly affect local exit choice. Moreover, the model points out that decision making is affected by a high degree of behavioural uncertainty. Our findings support the improvement of evacuation models and the accuracy of their results, which can assist in designing and managing building and transportation systems. The main contribution of this work is to enrich the understanding of how local exit choices are made and how behavioural uncertainty affects these choices.


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Alternate Reality Game (ARG) represent a new genre of transmedia practice where players hunt for scattered clues, make sense of disparate information, and solve puzzles to advance an ever-evolving storyline. Players participate in ARGs using multiple communications technologies, ranging from print materials to mobile devices. However, many interaction design challenges must be addressed to weave these everyday communication tools together into an immersive, participatory experience. Transmedia design is not an everyday process. Designers must create and connect story bits across multiple media (video, audio, text) and multiple platforms (phones, computers, physical spaces). Furthermore, they must engage with players of varying skill levels. Few studies to-date have explored the design process of ARGs in learning contexts. Fewer still have focused on challenges involved in designing for youth (13-17 years old). In this study, I explore the process of designing ARGs as vehicles for promoting information literacy and participatory culture for adolescents (13-17 years old). Two ARG design scenarios, distinguished by target learning environment (formal and informal context) and target audience (adolescents), comprise the two cases that I examine. Through my analysis of these two design cases, I articulate several unique challenges faced by designers who create interactive, transmedia stories for – and with – youth. Drawing from these design challenges, I derive a repertoire of design strategies that future designers and researchers may use to create and implement ARGs for teens in learning contexts. In particular, I propose a narrative design framework that allows for the categorization of ARGs as storytelling constructs that lie along a continuum of participation and interaction. The framework can serve as an analytic tool for researchers and a guide for designers. In addition, I establish a framework of social roles that designers may employ to craft transmedia narratives before live launch and to promote and scaffold player participation after play begins. Overall, the contributions of my study include theoretical insights that may advance our understanding of narrative design and analysis as well as more practical design implications for designers and practitioners seeking to incorporate transmedia features into learning experiences that target youth.


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A critical component of teacher education is the field experience during which candidates practice under the supervision of experienced teachers. Programs use the InTASC Standards to define the requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching. Practicing teachers are familiar with the concepts of knowledge and skills, but they are less familiar with dispositions. Practicing teachers who mentor prospective teachers are underrepresented in the literature, but they are critical to teacher preparation. The research goals were to describe the self-identified dispositions of cooperating teachers, identify what cooperating teachers consider their role in preparing prospective teachers, and explain challenges that cooperating teachers face. Using a mixed methods design, I conducted a quantitative survey followed by a qualitative case study. When I compared survey and case study data, cooperating teachers report possessing InTASC critical dispositions described in Standard 2: Learning Differences, Standard 3: Learning Environments, and Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice, but not Standard 6: Assessment and Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration. Cooperating teachers assume the roles of modeler, mentor and advisor, and informal evaluator. They explain student teachers often lack skills and dispositions to assume full teaching responsibilities and recommend that universities better prepare candidates for classrooms. Cooperating teachers felt university evaluations were not relevant to teaching reality. I recommend modifying field experiences to increase the quantity and duration of classroom placements. I suggest further research to detail cooperating teacher dispositions, compare cooperating teachers who work with different universities, and determine if cooperating teacher dispositions influence student teacher dispositions.


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A quasigeostrophic model is developed to diagnose the three-dimensional circulation, including the vertical velocity, in the upper ocean from high-resolution observations of sea surface height and buoyancy. The formulation for the adiabatic component departs from the classical surface quasigeostrophic framework considered before since it takes into account the stratification within the surface mixed layer that is usually much weaker than that in the ocean interior. To achieve this, the model approximates the ocean with two constant stratification layers: a finite-thickness surface layer (or the mixed layer) and an infinitely deep interior layer. It is shown that the leading-order adiabatic circulation is entirely determined if both the surface streamfunction and buoyancy anomalies are considered. The surface layer further includes a diabatic dynamical contribution. Parameterization of diabatic vertical velocities is based on their restoring impacts of the thermal wind balance that is perturbed by turbulent vertical mixing of momentum and buoyancy. The model skill in reproducing the three-dimensional circulation in the upper ocean from surface data is checked against the output of a high-resolution primitive equation numerical simulation


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Einleitung: In Deutschland leiden derzeit etwa eine Million Menschen an einer Demenzerkrankung. Aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung ist mit einem deutlichen Anstieg der Häufigkeit solcher Erkrankungen in den kommenden Jahren zu rechnen. Demenz ist in höherem Alter die häufigste Ursache von Pflegebedürftigkeit. Da diese Krankheiten in der Regel nicht heilbar sind, liegt der Fokus der Pflege auf der Verzögerung des Voranschreitens der Erkrankung sowie der Aufrechterhaltung von Funktionsfähigkeit und Lebensqualität der Betroffenen. Fragestellung: Wie ist die Evidenz für pflegerische Konzepte für Patienten mit Demenz hinsichtlich gebräuchlicher Endpunkte wie kognitive Funktionsfähigkeit, Fähigkeit zur Durchführung von Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens, Lebensqualität, Sozialverhalten? Wie ist die Kosten-Effektivität der betrachteten Pflegekonzepte zu bewerten? Welche ethischen, sozialen oder juristischen Aspekte werden in diesem Kontext diskutiert? Methoden: Auf Basis einer systematischen Literaturrecherche werden randomisierte kontrollierte Studien (RCT) mit mindestens 30 Teilnehmern zu folgenden Pflegekonzepten eingeschlossen: Validation/emotionsorientierte Pflege, Ergotherapie, sensorische Stimulation, Entspannungsverfahren, Realitätsorientierung und Reminiszenz. Die Studien müssen ab 1997 (für den ökonomischen Teil ab 1990) in deutscher oder englischer Sprache publiziert worden sein. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt 20 Studien erfüllen die Einschlusskriterien. Davon befassen sich drei Studien mit der Validation/emotionsorientierte Pflege, fünf Studien mit der Ergotherapie, sieben Studien mit verschiedenen Varianten sensorischer Stimulation, je zwei Studien mit der Realitätsorientierung und der Reminiszenz und eine Studie mit einem Entspannungsverfahren. Keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe berichten zwei von drei Studien zur Validation/emotionsorientierten Pflege, zwei von fünf Studien zur Ergotherapie, drei von sieben Studien zur sensorischen Stimulation, beide Studien zur Reminiszenz, und die Studie zur Entspannung. Von den verbleibenden zehn Studien berichten sieben teilweise positive Ergebnisse zugunsten der Intervention und drei Studien (Ergotherapie, Aromatherapie, Musik/Massage) berichten positive Effekte der Intervention hinsichtlich aller erhobenen Zielkriterien. Sechs Publikationen berichten ökonomische Ergebnisse von Pflegemaßnahmen. Eine Studie berichtet Zusatzkosten von 16 GBP (24,03 Euro (2006)) pro Patient pro Woche für Beschäftigungstherapie. Zwei weitere Veröffentlichungen geben inkrementelle Kosten von 24,30 USD (25,62 Euro (2006)) pro gewonnenen Mini-mental-state-examination-(MMSE)-Punkt pro Monat bzw. 1.380.000 ITL (506,21 Euro (2006)) pro gewonnenen MMSE-Punkt an. Zwei Publikationen berichten über Mischinterventionen, wobei einmal die Zusatzkosten für ein Aktivitätsprogramm (1,13 USD (1,39 Euro (2006)) pro Tag pro Pflegebedürftigem) und einmal der zeitliche Mehraufwand für die Betreuung mobiler Demenzpatienten (durchschnittlich 45 Minuten zusätzliche Pflegezeit pro Tag) berichtet wird. Hinsichtlich ethisch-sozialer Aspekte wird vor allem die Selbstbestimmung von Demenzpatienten diskutiert. Aus einer Demenzdiagnose lässt sich danach nicht zwingend schließen, dass die Betroffenen nicht eigenständig über eine Studienteilnahme entscheiden können. Im juristischen Bereich versucht die Regierung mit dem Pflege-Weiterentwicklungsgesetz (PfWG) die finanzielle Lage und die Betreuung der Pflegenden und Gepflegten zu verbessern. Weitere Fragestellungen rechtlicher Natur betreffen die Geschäftsfähigkeit bzw. die rechtliche Vertretung sowie die Deliktfähigkeit von an Demenz erkrankten Personen. Diskussion: Es gibt nur wenige methodisch angemessene Studien zu den in diesem Bericht berücksichtigten pflegerischen Konzepten für Demenzkranke. Die Studien haben überwiegend kleine Fallzahlen, und weisen erhebliche methodische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Einschlusskriterien, der Durchführung, und der erfassten Zielkriterien auf. Diese Heterogenität zeigt sich auch in den Ergebnissen: in der Hälfte der eingeschlossen Studien gibt es keine positiven Effekte der Intervention im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Die andere Hälfte der Studien berichtet zum Teil positive Effekte bezüglicher unterschiedlicher Zielkriterien. Die ökonomischen Studien sind methodisch und thematisch nicht dazu geeignet die aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen zu beantworten. Ethische, soziale und juristische Aspekte werden diskutiert, aber nicht systematisch im Rahmen von Studien erfasst. Schlussfolgerung: Basierend auf der derzeitigen Studienlage liegt für keines der untersuchten Pflegekonzepte ausreichende Evidenz vor. Fehlende Evdienz bedeutet in diesem Kontext jedoch nicht zwingend fehlende Wirksamkeit. Vielmehr sind weitere Studien zu diesem Thema notwendig. Wünschenswert wären insbesondere Studien, die in Deutschland unter den Rahmenbedingungen des hiesigen Ausbildungs- und Pflegesystems durchgeführt werden. Dies gilt auch für die gesundheitsökonomische Bewertung der Pflege


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Rationale: In line with complex intervention development, this research takes a systematic approach to examining the feasibility and acceptability of delivering Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) to older people who experience symptoms of depression. Methods: A mixed methods approach was adopted in line with recommendations made by the MRC Complex Intervention Development framework. Quantitative and qualitative methods were combined by administering questionnaires as well as conducting post intervention interviews. A number of trial feasibility factors were examined such as recruitment and attrition rates. Qualitative data was analysed using Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis framework. Results: Nine participants started the MBCT intervention and six completed the 8-week programme. The results suggest that MBCT for older people is feasible and acceptable. Participants reported improved mindfulness skills. Participants responded positively to being asked to take part in research and appeared to particularly value the group delivery format of the intervention. Conclusions: MBCT is both feasible and acceptable for older people experiencing symptoms of depression. Further research is required with larger sample sizes to allow for more robust statistical exploration of outcome measures, including mechanisms of change.


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This dissertation research project uses the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine to inform and shape a theory of augmented dissent to help explain the complex ways in which protest participants guided by the political, social, and cultural contexts engage in dissent augmented by ICTs in a reality where both the physical and the digital are used in concert. The purpose of this research is to conceptualize the use and perception of ICTs in protest activity using the communicative affordances framework. Through a mixed-method research approach involving interviews with protest participants, as well as qualitative and thematic analysis of online content from social media pages of several key Euromaidan protest communities, the research project examines the role ICTs played in the information and media landscape during the Euromaidan protest. The findings of the online content analysis were used to inform the questions for the 59 semi-structured, open-ended interviews with Euromaidan protest participants in Ukraine and abroad. The research findings provide in-depth insights about how ICTs were used and perceived by protest participants, and their role as vehicles for information and civic media content. The study employs the theoretical framework of social media affordances to interpret the data gathered during the interviews and content analysis to better understand how digital media augmented citizens’ protest activity through affording them new possibilities for dissent, and how they made meaning of said protest activity as augmented by ICTs. The findings contribute towards shaping a theory of digitally augmented dissent that conceptualizes the complex relationship between citizens and ICTs during protest activity as an affordance-driven one, where online and offline tools and activity merge into a unified dissent space and extend or augment the possibilities for action in interesting, and sometimes unexpected ways. Such a conceptual model could inform broader theories about civic participation and digital activism in the post-Soviet world and beyond, as ICTs become an inseparable part of civic life.


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Doutoramento em Economia


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A presente investigação visa aferir formas de cooperação institucional entre o Destacamento Territorial de Sintra e os atores locais na prevenção do consumo/tráfico juvenil de estupefacientes. Pretende-se verificar que ações são desenvolvidas para prevenir este comportamento desviante; que vulnerabilidades são identificadas ao nível da cooperação institucional e melhorias para colmatar essas mesmas vulnerabilidades; e ainda propor possíveis ações ou medidas a serem realizadas, no âmbito da cooperação institucional, na prevenção do consumo/tráfico de estupefacientes. Neste sentido, a Guarda Nacional Republicana, enquanto força de segurança, tem incumbências na prevenção destes comportamentos e na criação de laços cooperativos com outros atores, para que este tipo de ações contribua para a promoção do sentimento de segurança. Além do patrulhamento que os militares efetuam diariamente, os militares das secções de programas especiais do Destacamento Territorial são os que mais lidam com esta problemática, essencialmente na prevenção desenvolvida junto da comunidade escolar. O presente estudo adota uma metodologia de tipo qualitativo. Combina a análise documental sobre a atividade policial do Destacamento Territorial de Sintra com as entrevistas realizadas a militares com funções de chefia e a entidades externas que atuam na zona de ação da subunidade. Os resultados decorrentes das entrevistas revelam sintonia no balanço da cooperação institucional, que tanto a Guarda Nacional Republicana como os atores locais consideram ser positiva. As ações de sensibilização junto dos jovens contam-se entre as atividades realizadas conjuntamente, mas a cooperação também proporciona a partilha de informação que permite agir mais rapidamente. Entre as potencialidades desta cooperação elencadas pelos entrevistados salientou-se assim a experiência adquirida e a facilitação das relações entre instituições, que desbloqueia situações e permite resolver problemas de forma mais célere. No âmbito das potencialidades referiu-se ainda o duplo papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana, que por atuar na prevenção e na aplicação da lei causa mais impacto junto dos jovens. No que diz respeito às vulnerabilidades da cooperação existente, foram apontadas limitações quanto aos recursos humanos e materiais e foi salientada a ausência de uma política de prevenção nas escolas. Mencionaram-se ainda algumas dificuldades pontuais de articulação entre entidades, o que também ocorre por via da falta de interoperabilidade entre sistemas de informação. Por último, no que concerne a recomendações de ações a desenvolver apurou-se a necessidade de reforçar a formação específica no sentido de qualificar um leque mais abrangente de intervenientes; considerou-se pertinente a celebração de contratos locais de segurança; e a especialização dos militares da Guarda Nacional Republicana para se dedicarem unicamente a este tipo de temas. Em suma, a prevenção do consumo/tráfico juvenil de estupefacientes passa, cada vez mais, pela cooperação institucional entre atores, visto que é desta forma que se consegue alcançar um maior número de indivíduos e pelo facto de esta realidade ser um problema socialmente relevante na estruturação social, pelo que reclama esforços e ações conjuntas.


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Ce0.64Zr0.27Nd0.09Oδ mixed oxides have been prepared by three different methods (nitrates calcination, coprecipitation and microemulsion), characterized by N2 adsorption, XRD, H2-TPR, Raman spectroscopy and XPS, and tested for soot combustion in NOx/O2. The catalyst prepared by microemulsion method is the most active one, which is related to its high surface area (147 m2/g) and low crystallite size (6 nm), and the lowest activity was obtained with the catalyst prepared by coprecipitation (74 m2/g; 9 nm). The catalyst prepared by nitrates precursors calcination is slightly less active to that prepared by microemulsion, but the synthesis procedure is very straightforward and surfactants or other chemicals are not required, being very convenient for scaling up and practical utilization. The high activity of the catalyst prepared by nitrates calcination can be attributed to the better introduction of Nd cations into the parent ceria framework than on catalysts prepared by coprecipitation and microemulsion, which promotes the creation of more oxygen vacancies.