964 resultados para Mazur–Orlicz theorem


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In the article we shortly discuss the proof of the theorem of Dalang-Morton-Willinger. We show that the proof of the theorem depends on some interesting general properties of the stochastic convergence.


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A pénzügyi eszközök árazásának alaptétele - kissé pongyolán megfogalmazva - azt állítja, hogy egy értékpapírpiacon akkor nincs arbitrázs, ha létezik egy az eredetivel ekvivalens valószínűségi mérték, amelyre vonatkozóan az értékpapírok árait leíró folyamat egy bizonyos értelemben "martingál". Az első ilyen jellegű állítást M. Harrison és S. R. Pliska bizonyították arra esetre, amikor a valószínűségi mező végesen generált. Azóta a tételnek számos általánosítása született. Ezek közül az egyik legismertebb a Dalang{Morton{ Willinger-tétel, ami már teljesen általános valószínűségi mezőből indul ki, de felteszi, hogy az időparaméter diszkrét, és az időhorizont véges. Időközben a tételnek számos folytonos időparaméterű folyamatokra vonatkozó változata is született. Az alaptételt általános esetben, vagyis amikor valószínűségi mező teljesen általános, és az értékpapírok piaci árait leíró folyamat lokálisan korlátos szemimartingál, Delbaen és W. Schachermayer bizonyították be. A Delbaen{Schachermayer-féle alaptétel a maga nemében egy igen általános áll ítás. A tétel bizonyítása igen hosszadalmas, és a funkcionálanalízis valamint a sztochasztikus folyamatok általános elméletének mély eredményeit használja. Utóbbi tudományterület nagy részét P. A. Meyer és a francia strassbourgi iskola matematikusai dolgozták ki a 60-as évek végétől kezdve. A terület megértését tehát alaposan megnehezíti, hogy a felhasznált matematikai apparátus viszonylag friss, egy része pedig csak francia nyelven érhető el. Meggyőződésünk szerint az eredeti, 1994-es Delbaen és Schachermayer-féle bizonyítás csak kevesek által hozzáférhető. A tételnek tudomásunk szerint azóta sem született tankönyvi feldolgozása, annak ellenére, hogy maga az állítás közgazdász körökben is széles körben ismerté vált, és az eredeti cikket számos szerző idézi. Az itt bemutatott bizonyítás Delbaen és Schachermayer 1992 és 2006 közötti írásain alapul. ______ The Delbaen and Schachermayer's theorem is one of the deepest results of mathematical finance. In this article we tried to rethink and slightly simplify the original proof of the theorem to make understandable for nonspecialists who are familiar with general theory of stochastic processes. We give a detailed proof of the theorem and we give new proofs for some of the used statements.


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A dolgozatban röviden bemutatjuk az eszközárazás második alaptételét. A bizonyítás során felhasználjuk a Dalang-Morton-Wilinger tétel bizonyításában használt állításokat. ______ In the article we summarize the results about the second fundamental theorem of asset pricing.


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Peer reviewed


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Peer reviewed


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Peer reviewed


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Reasoning systems have reached a high degree of maturity in the last decade. However, even the most successful systems are usually not general purpose problem solvers but are typically specialised on problems in a certain domain. The MathWeb SOftware Bus (Mathweb-SB) is a system for combining reasoning specialists via a common osftware bus. We described the integration of the lambda-clam systems, a reasoning specialist for proofs by induction, into the MathWeb-SB. Due to this integration, lambda-clam now offers its theorem proving expertise to other systems in the MathWeb-SB. On the other hand, lambda-clam can use the services of any reasoning specialist already integrated. We focus on the latter and describe first experimnents on proving theorems by induction using the computational power of the MAPLE system within lambda-clam.


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We provide a nonparametric 'revealed preference’ characterization of rational household behavior in terms of the collective consumption model, while accounting for general (possibly non-convex) individual preferences. We establish a Collective Axiom of Revealed Preference (CARP), which provides a necessary and sufficient condition for data consistency with collective rationality. Our main result takes the form of a ‘collective’ version of the Afriat Theorem for rational behavior in terms of the unitary model. This theorem has some interesting implications. With only a finite set of observations, the nature of consumption externalities (positive or negative) in the intra-household allocation process is non-testable. The same non-testability conclusion holds for privateness (with or without externalities) or publicness of consumption. By contrast, concavity of individual utility functions (representing convex preferences) turns out to be testable. In addition, monotonicity is testable for the model that assumes all household consumption is public.


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The aim of this note is to formulate an envelope theorem for vector convex programs. This version corrects an earlier work, “The envelope theorem for multiobjective convex programming via contingent derivatives” by Jiménez Guerra et al. (2010) [3]. We first propose a necessary and sufficient condition allowing to restate the main result proved in the alluded paper. Second, we introduce a new Lagrange multiplier in order to obtain an envelope theorem avoiding the aforementioned error.


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The aim of this paper is to extend the classical envelope theorem from scalar to vector differential programming. The obtained result allows us to measure the quantitative behaviour of a certain set of optimal values (not necessarily a singleton) characterized to become minimum when the objective function is composed with a positive function, according to changes of any of the parameters which appear in the constraints. We show that the sensitivity of the program depends on a Lagrange multiplier and its sensitivity.


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Unintended effects are well known to economists and sociologists and their consequences may be devastating. The main objective of this article is to formulate a mathematical theorem, based on Gödel's famous incompleteness theorem, in which it is shown, that from the moment deontical modalities (prohibition, obligation, permission, and faculty) are introduced into the social system, responses are allowed by the system that are not produced, however, prohibited responses or unintended effects may occur.


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We generalize the Liapunov convexity theorem's version for vectorial control systems driven by linear ODEs of first-order p = 1 , in any dimension d ∈ N , by including a pointwise state-constraint. More precisely, given a x ‾ ( ⋅ ) ∈ W p , 1 ( [ a , b ] , R d ) solving the convexified p-th order differential inclusion L p x ‾ ( t ) ∈ co { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e., consider the general problem consisting in finding bang-bang solutions (i.e. L p x ˆ ( t ) ∈ { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e.) under the same boundary-data, x ˆ ( k ) ( a ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( a ) & x ˆ ( k ) ( b ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( b ) ( k = 0 , 1 , … , p − 1 ); but restricted, moreover, by a pointwise state constraint of the type 〈 x ˆ ( t ) , ω 〉 ≤ 〈 x ‾ ( t ) , ω 〉 ∀ t ∈ [ a , b ] (e.g. ω = ( 1 , 0 , … , 0 ) yielding x ˆ 1 ( t ) ≤ x ‾ 1 ( t ) ). Previous results in the scalar d = 1 case were the pioneering Amar & Cellina paper (dealing with L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) ), followed by Cerf & Mariconda results, who solved the general case of linear differential operators L p of order p ≥ 2 with C 0 ( [ a , b ] ) -coefficients. This paper is dedicated to: focus on the missing case p = 1 , i.e. using L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) + A ( ⋅ ) x ( ⋅ ) ; generalize the dimension of x ( ⋅ ) , from the scalar case d = 1 to the vectorial d ∈ N case; weaken the coefficients, from continuous to integrable, so that A ( ⋅ ) now becomes a d × d -integrable matrix; and allow the directional vector ω to become a moving AC function ω ( ⋅ ) . Previous vectorial results had constant ω, no matrix (i.e. A ( ⋅ ) ≡ 0 ) and considered: constant control-vertices (Amar & Mariconda) and, more recently, integrable control-vertices (ourselves).


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è studiare alcune proprietà di base delle algebre di Hopf, strutture algebriche emerse intorno agli anni ’50 dalla topologica algebrica e dalla teoria dei gruppi algebrici, e mostrare un collegamento tra esse e le algebre di Lie. Il primo capitolo è un’introduzione basilare al concetto di prodotto tensoriale di spazi vettoriali, che verrà utilizzato nel secondo capitolo per definire le strutture di algebra, co-algebra e bi-algebra. Il terzo capitolo introduce le definizioni e alcune proprietà di base delle algebre di Hopf e di Lie, con particolare attenzione al legame tra le prime e l’algebra universale inviluppante di un’algebra di Lie. Questo legame sarà approfondito nel quarto capitolo, dedicato allo studio di una particolare classe di algebre di Hopf, quelle graduate e connesse, che terminerà con il teorema di Cartier-Quillen-Milnor-Moore, un teorema strutturale che fornisce condizioni sufficienti affinché un’algebra di Hopf sia isomorfa all’algebra universale inviluppante dei suoi elementi primitivi.