454 resultados para Maxime
Campylobacter est l’agent pathogène zoonotique responsable de la majorité des gastro-entérites d’origine bactérienne chez l’homme. Les produits de volaille représentent la principale source d’infection; toutefois, l’exposition peut également découler de contacts directs avec les animaux ou avec l’eau. Une forte variation saisonnière est présente dans les cas rapportés, qui n’est toujours pas élucidée : les eaux environnementales, sources d’infection connues, sont soupçonnées. Cette étude transversale a été réalisée dans la région Sud-Est du Québec (Canada) où Campylobacter fut quantifié et génotypé à partir de différentes sources d’eau (eaux de captage, récréatives et usées) et de cas cliniques afin d’évaluer les risques potentiels posé par l’eau environnementale. Différents essais PCR en temps réel furent appliqués à l’eau environnementale et comparés: 2 ont été sélectionnés pour leur spécificité et sensibilité de quantification. Les courbes standards ont été calibrées en utilisant la PCR digitale pour déterminer précisément les concentrations. Les isolats environnementaux et cliniques furent comparés génétiquement en utilisant le CGF (« comparative genomic fingerprinting »). Les eaux usées étaient plus contaminées que les eaux de captage et récréatives (3.9Log, 1.7Log et 1.0Log cellules/L en moyenne, respectivement). Six pour cent des isolats d’eaux environnementales étaient génétiquement similaires (100 % homologie) aux isolats cliniques. Les cas cliniques de campylobactériose d’été montraient des isolats avec davantage de similarités génétiques avec les isolats retrouvés dans l’eau environnementale comparativement aux autres saisons (p<0.01). Les faibles concentrations et similarités génétiques entre les isolats d’eau et cliniques suggèrent un risque de transmission possible, mais faible.
The goal of this study was to investigate the specific patterns of memory breakdown in patients suffering from early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD) and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). Twenty EOAD patients, twenty LOAD patients, twenty matched younger controls, and twenty matched older controls participated in this study. All participants underwent a detailed neuropsychological assessment, an MRI scan, an FDG-PET scan, and AD patients had biomarkers as supporting evidence of both amyloïdopathy and neuronal injury. Results of the neuropsychological assessment showed that both EOAD and LOAD groups were impaired in the domains of memory, executive functions, language, praxis, and visuoconstructional abilities, when compared to their respective control groups. EOAD and LOAD groups, however, showed distinct patterns of memory impairment. Even though both groups were similarly affected on measures of episodic, short term and working memory, in contrast semantic memory was significantly more impaired in LOAD than in EOAD patients. The EOAD group was not more affected than the LOAD group in any memory domain. EOAD patients, however, showed significantly poorer performance in other cognitive domains including executive functions and visuoconstructional abilities. A more detailed analysis of the pattern of semantic memory performance among patient groups revealed that the LOAD was more profoundly impaired, in tasks of both spontaneous recall and semantic recognition. Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) analyses showed that impaired semantic performance in patients was associated with reduced gray matter volume in the anterior temporal lobe region, while PET-FDG analyses revealed that poorer semantic performance was associated with greater hypometabolism in the left temporoparietal region, both areas reflecting key regions of the semantic network. Results of this study indicate that EOAD and LOAD patients present with distinct patterns of memory impairment, and that a genuine semantic impairment may represent one of the clinical hallmarks of LOAD.
Ce mémoire de recherche-création prend comme point de départ le film documentaire American Utopias que j’ai réalisé en 2014-2015. Le film nous plonge au cœur du quotidien de cinq communautés alternatives et expérimentales des États-Unis et réfléchit aux multiples défis et enjeux que vivent leurs membres. Organisé autour du thème de l’utopie, ce récit de voyage documentaire nous fait connaître tour à tour une communauté de mini-maisons à Washington D.C., une communauté « Earthship » à Ithaca, une communauté vivant sans électricité et sans pétrole au Missouri, un laboratoire urbain dans le désert de l’Arizona et le festival Burning Man au Nevada. La portion théorique de ce mémoire s’organise quant à elle autour de la question des approches du cinéma documentaire. Prenant comme appui la typologie de Bill Nichols, il s’agit ici de voir comment chaque approche privilégiée par le créateur de documentaire renvoie au réel d’une manière qui lui est propre. Grâce à une approche autopoïétique et un travail d’analyse de films, ce mémoire cherche également à circonscrire les forces et les limites intrinsèques à chaque mode. Ce faisant, le lecteur est amené à mieux comprendre les motivations qui soutiennent certains choix de création dans American Utopias.
Las vivencias presentadas, están basadas en la experiencia de trabajo de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, en el establecimiento penitenciario de régimen cerrado Piedras Gordas ubicada en Ancón a 50 minutos fuera de la ciudad de Lima. Siendo la educación un derecho humano que opera como un derecho llave, ya que abre el conocimiento de otros derechos. El Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas - SNB a través del centro coordinador de la Red Bibliotecas Educativas y Especializadas, realizó en forma experimental el servicio de maletas viajeras, como actividad de extensión bibliotecaria con el Programa Lectura sin barreras, enmarcado en los Derechos Humanos, accesibilidad a la información y la animación y fomento de la lectura. Así como el desarrollo de dos proyectos: Despertando talentos ocultos (2005) y Libres por la creatividad (2006).
Hacer filosofía es indagar sobre las normas de fundar tales normas, a pesar de todas las tensiones de una sociedad pluralista. Es meditar sobre los modos de justificar aquello que se concibe como bueno y justo. Así, el valor de la filosofía no reside en proporcionar soluciones sino en definir dificultades y sugerir métodos par enfrentarlas. Las dificultades son múltiples, pero los educadores de los futuros docentes son demasiado propensos a traducirlas en problemas técnicos a resolver a través de aplicaciones cada vez más precisas de la técnica. Hacer filosofía es embarcarse en un nuevo comienzo, aunque difícil. Es confrontar lo que no tiene respuesta e ir aún más allá. Es interrogarse, reflexionar, es avanzar hacia la posibilidad.
Introducción en español. Textos en español, francés y latín. Artículos : Le Latin et la Communication scientifique / H. des Abbayes.p. 1258-1263. Non sufficit Latinum sermonem inter doctos communem esse / Clement Desessar. p. 1263-1267. De novis methodis linguas docendi / Goodwin B. Beach. p. 1267-1272. Latinus sermo omnium scientiae rerum magnarum atque artium utilis / Vandick L. da Nobrega. p. 1272-1274. Ut Latina lingua vivat et vincat, libertas et concordia sunt maxime necessaria / Ricardo Avallone. p. 1274-1277. Vocabulorum collocatio quantum ad brevitatem et subtilitatem linguae latinae proficiat / Albert Grisart. p. 1278-1285. Letture Latine / Enrica Malcovati. p. 1285-1293. Textes latins et Latin vivant / René Fohalle. p. 1294-1305. Del valor educativo de los textos latinos / Karl Büchner. p. 1305-1314. La position présente du latin en Grèce : une réaction contre la décadence / Th. S. Tsannetatos. p. 1314-1315. La situation des langues classiques dans l'enseignement français / Robert Schilling. p. 1316-1320. La stylistique d'Albert Camus et la tradition latine / Alain Michel. p. 1320-1323. Cur et quomodo usus est Sienkiewicz Polonus lingua latina in opere suo polonice scripto cui titulus Trilogjia est / Jean B. Neveux. p. 1323. De Sebastiano Brant argentoratensi nobili scriptore restituendo / José Jiménez Delgado. p. 1324-1334. Votos del Tercer Congreso Internacional de Latín Vivo : Estrasburgo, 2-4 septiembre 1963. p. 1334-1335
The Southern Ocean circulation consists of a complicated mixture of processes and phenomena that arise at different time and spatial scales which need to be parametrized in the state-of-the-art climate models. The temporal and spatial scales that give rise to the present-day residual mean circulation are here investigated by calculating the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) in density coordinates from an eddy-permitting global model. The region sensitive to the temporal decomposition is located between 38°S and 63°S, associated with the eddy-induced transport. The ‘‘Bolus’’ component of the residual circulation corresponds to the eddy-induced transport. It is dominated by timescales between 1 month and 1 year. The temporal behavior of the transient eddies is examined in splitting the ‘‘Bolus’’ component into a ‘‘Seasonal’’, an ‘‘Eddy’’ and an ‘‘Inter-monthly’’ component, respectively representing the correlation between density and velocity fluctuations due to the average seasonal cycle, due to mesoscale eddies and due to large-scale motion on timescales longer than one month that is not due to the seasonal cycle. The ‘‘Seasonal’’ bolus cell is important at all latitudes near the surface. The ‘‘Eddy’’ bolus cell is dominant in the thermocline between 50°S and 35°S and over the whole ocean depth at the latitude of the Drake Passage. The ‘‘Inter-monthly’’ bolus cell is important in all density classes and is maximal in the Brazil–Malvinas Confluence and the Agulhas Return Current. The spatial decomposition indicates that a large part of the Eulerian mean circulation is recovered for spatial scales larger than 11.25°, implying that small-scale meanders in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), near the Subantarctic and Polar Fronts, and near the Subtropical Front are important in the compensation of the Eulerian mean flow.
At the age of multi-media, portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, personal digital assistant and handheld gaming systems have increased the demand for high performance displays with low cost production. Inkjet printing color optical filters (COF) for LCD applications seem to be an interesting alternative to decrease the production costs. The advantage of inkjet printing technology is to be fast, accurate, easy to run and cheaper than other technologies. In this master thesis work, we used various disciplines such as optical microscopy, rheology, inkjet printing, profilometering and colorimetry. The specific aim of the thesis was to investigate the feasibility of using company-A pigment formulation in inkjet production of COF for active matrix LCD applications. Ideal viscosity parameters were determined from 10 to 20mPa·s for easy inkjet printing at room temperature. The red pigments used are fully dispersed into the solvent and present an excellent homogenous repartition after printing. Thickness investigations revealed that the printed COF were equal or slightly thicker than typically manufactured ones. The colorimetry investigations demonstrated color coordinates very close to the NTSC red standard. LED backlighting seems to be a valuable solution to combine with the printed COF regarding to the spectrum and color analysis. The results on this thesis will increase the understanding of inkjet printing company-A pigments to produce COF for LCD applications.
This paper proposes an efficient pattern extraction algorithm that can be applied on melodic sequences that are represented as strings of abstract intervallic symbols; the melodic representation introduces special “binary don’t care” symbols for intervals that may belong to two partially overlapping intervallic categories. As a special case the well established “step–leap” representation is examined. In the step–leap representation, each melodic diatonic interval is classified as a step (±s), a leap (±l) or a unison (u). Binary don’t care symbols are used to represent the possible overlapping between the various abstract categories e.g. *=s, *=l and #=-s, #=-l. We propose an O(n+d(n-d)+z)-time algorithm for computing all maximal-pairs in a given sequence x=x[1..n], where x contains d occurrences of binary don’t cares and z is the number of reported maximal-pairs.
This paper proposes an efficient pattern extraction algorithm that can be applied on melodic sequences that are represented as strings of abstract intervallic symbols; the melodic representation introduces special “binary don’t care” symbols for intervals that may belong to two partially overlapping intervallic categories. As a special case the well established “step–leap” representation is examined. In the step–leap representation, each melodic diatonic interval is classified as a step (±s), a leap (±l) or a unison (u). Binary don’t care symbols are used to represent the possible overlapping between the various abstract categories e.g. *=s, *=l and #=-s, #=-l. We propose an O(n+d(n-d)+z)-time algorithm for computing all maximal-pairs in a given sequence x=x[1..n], where x contains d occurrences of binary don’t cares and z is the number of reported maximal-pairs.