451 resultados para Mantila, Harri
In this research, manufacturability analysis is made for an SMA connector. Analysis and aspects of applying virtual prototyping for an SMA connector design and manufacturing are also investigated. Special questionnaires for the component and machining are made in order to enable necessary information to ensure DFM(A) –aspects of products. The aspects of easy manufacturing for machining the SMA connector are collected. Material selection is discussed, and manufacturing stages of prototype manufacturing are presented. The main focus of this research is on prototype manufacturing, but also aspects considering volume production are discussed. A special purpose SMA connector is designed for printed circuit board edge mounting.
In this paper, manufacturability analysis and collection of design aspects is made for a microwave test-fixture. Aspects of applying systematic design for a microwave test-fixture design and manufacturing are also analysed. Special questionnaires for the component and machining are made in order to enable necessary information to ensure DFM(A) – aspects of the component. The aspects of easy manufacturing for machining the microwave test-fixture are collected. Material selection is discussed and manufacturing stages of prototype manufacturing are presented.
Sähköinen huutokauppapaikka on internetissä sijaitseva huutokauppalaitos. Sähköiset huutokauppapaikat ovat kasvattaneet suosiotaan huimasti, mistä johtuen sähköisten huutokauppojen kehittäminenkin on lisääntynyt. Tässä työssä tutkitaan kuinka sähköisen huutokaupan järjestäjä voi kasvattaa tuloaan kutsumalla vain potentiaalisimmat huutajat huutokauppaansa. Huutajien kutsuminen perustuu webpalveluiden käyttöön, joiden avulla huutajia voidaan koordinoida heidän ominaisuuksiensa mukaan. Asian tutkimiseksi selvitetään mitkä tekijät tekevät huutajasta potentiaalisen huutajan, ja miten huutokaupan järjestäjä voi kasvattaa tuloaan kutsumalla nämä huutajat huutokauppaansa web-palveluiden avulla. Työssä toteutetaan koordinointipalvelu, jonka avulla tutkitaan kuinka huutajien koordinointi voidaan toteuttaa web-palveluiden avulla. Toteutettu web-palvelu etsii potentiaalisimmat huutajat oletetusta huutajarekisteristä, ja voisi toimia esimerkiksi sähköisen huutokauppatalon promootiotyökaluna asiakkaille.
Digitoitu 29. 12. 2008
Stratospheric ozone can be measured accurately using a limb scatter remote sensing technique at the UV-visible spectral region of solar light. The advantages of this technique includes a good vertical resolution and a good daytime coverage of the measurements. In addition to ozone, UV-visible limb scatter measurements contain information about NO2, NO3, OClO, BrO and aerosols. There are currently several satellite instruments continuously scanning the atmosphere and measuring the UVvisible region of the spectrum, e.g., the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) launched on the Odin satellite in February 2001, and the Scanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) launched on Envisat in March 2002. Envisat also carries the Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS) instrument, which also measures limb-scattered sunlight under bright limb occultation conditions. These conditions occur during daytime occultation measurements. The global coverage of the satellite measurements is far better than any other ozone measurement technique, but still the measurements are sparse in the spatial domain. Measurements are also repeated relatively rarely over a certain area, and the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere changes dynamically. Assimilation methods are therefore needed in order to combine the information of the measurements with the atmospheric model. In recent years, the focus of assimilation algorithm research has turned towards filtering methods. The traditional Extended Kalman filter (EKF) method takes into account not only the uncertainty of the measurements, but also the uncertainty of the evolution model of the system. However, the computational cost of full blown EKF increases rapidly as the number of the model parameters increases. Therefore the EKF method cannot be applied directly to the stratospheric ozone assimilation problem. The work in this thesis is devoted to the development of inversion methods for satellite instruments and the development of assimilation methods used with atmospheric models.
Keskustelua / Kommentti Harri Siiskosen kirja-arvosteluun: Historiallinen aikakauskirja 99 (2001) : 2, s. 205-208.