953 resultados para Literary Studies
This thesis represents the first extensive critical study of the relationship between Robert Burns and the early United States of America. Spanning literature, history and memory studies, the following chapters take an interdisciplinary approach towards investigating the methods by which Burns and his works rose to prominence and came to be of cultural and literary significance in America. Theoretically, these converging disciplines intersect through a transnational, Atlantic Studies perspective that shifts emphasis from Burns as the 'national poet of Scotland' onto the various socio-cultural connections that facilitated the spread of his work and reputation. In addition to Scottish literary studies, the thesis contributes to the broader fields of Transatlantic, Transnational and American Studies. Previous studies have suggested that Burns's popularity in the early United States might be attributed to his kinship with 'national' American ideals of freedom, egalitarianism and individual liberty. While some of the evidence supports this claim, this thesis argues that it also wrongly assumes a spatiotemporal unity for the nineteenth-century American nation. It concludes by suggesting that future critical studies of the poet must heed the multifarious complexities of 'national' paradigms, pointing the way to further work on the reception and influence of Burns in other 'global' or, indeed, transnational contexts.
A adaptação relaciona-se com as produções cinematográficas e televisivas quase desde o princípio da história destes meios. Os primeiros filmes exibidos eram frequentemente baseados em obras literárias históricas ou ficcionais, sendo um importante factor na evolução e desenvolvimento da produção cinematográfica como a conhecemos. Neste estudo, será analisada, segundo o ponto de vista dos estudos da tradução intersemiótica, a obra The Hound of The Baskervilles, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, sendo esta uma das obras mais populares do género literário criminal. Esta análise pretende servir de “ponte” para estabelecer a relação entre o processo de tradução e o da adaptação, comparando as suas semelhanças e diferenças, além de exemplificar um processo para a análise crítica de adaptações que não se baseie meramente na perspectiva dos estudos literários acerca deste tipo de trabalhos.
I seek to create a Lucretius text useful for a high school classroom including a commentary on four sections of the poem. The passages include 2.998 – 1047 which explains how the Epicurean atomic theory, 3.912—979 the famous passage that denies the underworld and its tortures, 5.855 – 923 the semi-Darwinian passage detailing the sorts of creatures that can exist in this world, and 5.1194– 1240 about the detrimental effects of humans fearing gods. In addition to writing a commentary on these passages, I will explore the perception of Lucretius though the present day, in hopes of discovering how and why this important and influential author has been so systematically excluded from secondary latin literary studies. My discussion will include an overview of how modern Latin textbooks do or do not mention Lucretius and how his presence in these textbooks compares to his role in university-level Latin course offerings. In addition to writing a commentary on these passages, I will explore the perception of Lucretius though the present day, in hopes of discovering how and why this important and influential author has been so systematically excluded from secondary latin literary studies. My discussion will include an overview of how modern Latin textbooks do or do not mention Lucretius and how his presence in these textbooks compares to his role in university-level Latin course offerings. I am hoping this research will be useful both pedagogically and for learning how decisions about literary content are made in American secondary and higher education in Latin.
La ironía como figura retórica es un asunto de particular riqueza en los estudios literarios. En este artículo se analiza un conjunto de causas que podrían explicar el concepto de ironía y sus correspondencias con la sátira, la parodia y la comicidad.Irony as a rhetorical figure is of particular interest in literary studies. Here a number of causes are analyzed which could explain the concept of irony and its correspondences with satire, parody and humor.
This book explores the supernatural literature of Walter Scott, James Hogg, Théophile Gautier, Charles Nodier and G rard de Nerval from a European perspective that casts them as part of a network rather than as the discrete, isolated artistic outcomes of different national literatures, by focusing on the central role played by the literature of E.T.A. Hoffmann during the first half of the nineteenth century. The author claims that Hoffmann had a seminal role through the reactions that his literature aroused. These reactions took place both in the realm of theory, for Hoffmann’s works provoked a great deal of discussion on the nature and purposes of supernatural literature, and also in the realm of their literary writings themselves, with much cross-fertilisation taking place, sometimes enabled through translation and sometimes from direct experience. The author focuses on shared themes like the idealized dead beloved, and dreams, reveries and altered states.
This thesis titled Pues no soy mujer: The Upheaval of Singularity in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz centers on the revolution that sor Juana (San Miguel Nepantla 1648?- Mexico City 1695) started in the debate about singularity, sexedness, and in-betweenness—not only in the field of literary studies and literary criticism, but also in the broad landscape of feminist and gender studies. By defining herself neither as a woman, nor as a stable subject belonging to a fixed homogeneous group or genre, sor Juana opens an interesting debate about difference and non-binarism. In sor Juana’s literary corpus identities are endless and impossible to grasp in their ultimate meaning. They remain forever impossible to place, neither fully present nor fully absent. They exist in a dangerous balance between (nepantla) life and death, dancing and moving, following the chaotic geometry of points, folding the ordinate symmetry of lines, and subverting the hegemonic order of the patriarchal and colonial world.
My thesis investigates the forms, modalities and issues related to the notion of 'silence' in the texts and poetics of Virginia Woolf, Marguerite Duras, Georges Perec and Gianni Celati. This study relates to the 20th century European context and is set within the framework of music-literary studies, since silence is an acoustic phenomenon that concerns the whole word, thus also the written word. The material is structured according to a distribution that firstly involves the construction of a methodological framework that employs music-literary studies, the philosophy of language, the aesthetics of reception and psychoanalytic trauma studies; secondly, an analysis of some of the autobiographical works of the mentioned writers was undertaken, with a particular focus on the notion of trauma associated with silence; thirdly, the focus was placed on the theme of silence in the novelistic and fictional writings of the same authors; finally, a reflection on the poetics and aesthetics of silence was proposed. This study, which brings together several perspectives on silence, aims to shed light, through a comparative and transmedial approach, on the necessity of silence that is inherent in the word, and not a phenomenon opposed to it.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Vol.3-4 published by James Christie [etc.], printed by J.F. Dove.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Six hundred copies only of this edition are printed for sale in the United States."