964 resultados para Linear equations


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This paper explores automating the qualitative analysis of physical systems. It describes a program, called PLR, that takes parameterized ordinary differential equations as input and produces a qualitative description of the solutions for all initial values. PLR approximates intractable nonlinear systems with piecewise linear ones, analyzes the approximations, and draws conclusions about the original systems. It chooses approximations that are accurate enough to reproduce the essential properties of their nonlinear prototypes, yet simple enough to be analyzed completely and efficiently. It derives additional properties, such as boundedness or periodicity, by theoretical methods. I demonstrate PLR on several common nonlinear systems and on published examples from mechanical engineering.


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We present a mathematical analysis of the asymptotic preserving scheme proposed in [M. Lemou and L. Mieussens, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 31 (2008), pp. 334-368] for linear transport equations in kinetic and diffusive regimes. We prove that the scheme is uniformly stable and accurate with respect to the mean free path of the particles. This property is satisfied under an explicitly given CFL condition. This condition tends to a parabolic CFL condition for small mean free paths and is close to a convection CFL condition for large mean free paths. Our analysis is based on very simple energy estimates. © 2010 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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We construct $x^0$ in ${\Bbb R}^{\Bbb N}$ and a row-finite matrix $T=\{T_{i,j}(t)\}_{i,j\in\N}$ of polynomials of one real variable $t$ such that the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=T_tx(t)$, $x(0)=x^0$ in the Fr\'echet space $\R^\N$ has no solutions. We also construct a row-finite matrix $A=\{A_{i,j}(t)\}_{i,j\in\N}$ of $C^\infty(\R)$ functions such that the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=A_tx(t)$, $x(0)=x^0$ in ${\Bbb R}^{\Bbb N}$ has no solutions for any $x^0\in{\Bbb R}^{\Bbb N}\setminus\{0\}$. We provide some sufficient condition of solvability and of unique solvability for linear ordinary differential equations $\dot x(t)=T_tx(t)$ with matrix elements $T_{i,j}(t)$ analytically dependent on $t$.


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According to the Mickael's selection theorem any surjective continuous linear operator from one Fr\'echet space onto another has a continuous (not necessarily linear) right inverse. Using this theorem Herzog and Lemmert proved that if $E$ is a Fr\'echet space and $T:E\to E$ is a continuous linear operator such that the Cauchy problem $\dot x=Tx$, $x(0)=x_0$ is solvable in $[0,1]$ for any $x_0\in E$, then for any $f\in C([0,1],E)$, there exists a continuos map $S:[0,1]\times E\to E$, $(t,x)\mapsto S_tx$ such that for any $x_0\in E$, the function $x(t)=S_tx_0$ is a solution of the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=Tx(t)+f(t)$, $x(0)=x_0$ (they call $S$ a fundamental system of solutions of the equation $\dot x=Tx+f$). We prove the same theorem, replacing "continuous" by "sequentially continuous" for locally convex spaces from a class which contains strict inductive limits of Fr\'echet spaces and strong duals of Fr\'echet--Schwarz spaces and is closed with respect to finite products and sequentially closed subspaces. The key-point of the proof is an extension of the theorem on existence of a sequentially continuous right inverse of any surjective sequentially continuous linear operator to some class of non-metrizable locally convex spaces.


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Let $\Gamma$ be the class of sequentially complete locally convex spaces such that an existence theorem holds for the linear Cauchy problem $\dot x = Ax$, $x(0) = x_0$ with respect to functions $x: R\to E$. It is proved that if $E\in \Gamma$, then $E\times R^A$ is-an-element-of $\Gamma$ for an arbitrary set $A$. It is also proved that a topological product of infinitely many infinite-dimensional Frechet spaces, each not isomorphic to $\omega$, does not belong to $\Gamma$.


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In this thesis the author has presented qualitative studies of certain Kdv equations with variable coefficients. The well-known KdV equation is a model for waves propagating on the surface of shallow water of constant depth. This model is considered as fitting into waves reaching the shore. Renewed attempts have led to the derivation of KdV type equations in which the coefficients are not constants. Johnson's equation is one such equation. The researcher has used this model to study the interaction of waves. It has been found that three-wave interaction is possible, there is transfer of energy between the waves and the energy is not conserved during interaction.


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We present a technique for the rapid and reliable evaluation of linear-functional output of elliptic partial differential equations with affine parameter dependence. The essential components are (i) rapidly uniformly convergent reduced-basis approximations — Galerkin projection onto a space WN spanned by solutions of the governing partial differential equation at N (optimally) selected points in parameter space; (ii) a posteriori error estimation — relaxations of the residual equation that provide inexpensive yet sharp and rigorous bounds for the error in the outputs; and (iii) offline/online computational procedures — stratagems that exploit affine parameter dependence to de-couple the generation and projection stages of the approximation process. The operation count for the online stage — in which, given a new parameter value, we calculate the output and associated error bound — depends only on N (typically small) and the parametric complexity of the problem. The method is thus ideally suited to the many-query and real-time contexts. In this paper, based on the technique we develop a robust inverse computational method for very fast solution of inverse problems characterized by parametrized partial differential equations. The essential ideas are in three-fold: first, we apply the technique to the forward problem for the rapid certified evaluation of PDE input-output relations and associated rigorous error bounds; second, we incorporate the reduced-basis approximation and error bounds into the inverse problem formulation; and third, rather than regularize the goodness-of-fit objective, we may instead identify all (or almost all, in the probabilistic sense) system configurations consistent with the available experimental data — well-posedness is reflected in a bounded "possibility region" that furthermore shrinks as the experimental error is decreased.


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We study boundary value problems for a linear evolution equation with spatial derivatives of arbitrary order, on the domain 0 < x < L, 0 < t < T, with L and T positive nite constants. We present a general method for identifying well-posed problems, as well as for constructing an explicit representation of the solution of such problems. This representation has explicit x and t dependence, and it consists of an integral in the k-complex plane and of a discrete sum. As illustrative examples we solve some two-point boundary value problems for the equations iqt + qxx = 0 and qt + qxxx = 0.


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This paper represents the last technical contribution of Professor Patrick Parks before his untimely death in February 1995. The remaining authors of the paper, which was subsequently completed, wish to dedicate the article to Patrick. A frequency criterion for the stability of solutions of linear difference equations with periodic coefficients is established. The stability criterion is based on a consideration of the behaviour of a frequency hodograph with respect to the origin of coordinates in the complex plane. The formulation of this criterion does not depend on the order of the difference equation.