985 resultados para Lie nilpotent
Braided m-Lie algebras induced by multiplication are introduced, which generalize Lie algebras, Lie color algebras and quantum Lie algebras. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the braided m-Lie algebras to be strict Jacobi braided Lie algebras are given. Two classes of braided m-Lie algebras are given, which are generalized matrix braided m-Lie algebras and braided m-Lie subalgebras of End(F)M, where M is a Yetter-Drinfeld module over B with dimB < infinity. In particular, generalized classical braided m-Lie algebras sl(q,f)(GM(G)(A),F) and osp(q,l)(GM(G)(A),M,F) of generalized matrix algebra GMG(A) are constructed and their connection with special generalized matrix Lie superalgebra sl(s,f)(GM(Z2)(A(s)),F) and orthosymplectic generalized matrix Lie super algebra osp(s,l) (GM(Z2)(A(s)),M-s,F) are established. The relationship between representations of braided m-Lie algebras and their associated algebras are established.
Questions about nilpotency of groups satisfying Engel conditions have been considered since 1936, when Zorn proved that finite Engel groups are nilpotent. We prove that 4-Engel groups are locally nilpotent. Our proof makes substantial use of both hand and machine calculations.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
We characterize the groups which do not have non-trivial perfect sections and such that any strictly descending chain of non-“nilpotent-by-finite” subgroups is finite.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 17A32; Secondary: 16R10, 16P99, 17B01, 17B30, 20C30
Еленка Генчева, Цанко Генчев В настоящата работа се разглеждат крайни прости групи G , които могат да се представят като произведение на две свои собствени неабелеви прости подгрупи A и B. Всяко такова представяне G = AB е прието да се нарича факторизация на G, а тъй като множителите A и B са избрани да бъдат прости подгрупи на G, то разглежданите факторизации са известни още като прости факторизации на G. Тук се предполага, че G е проста група от лиев тип и лиев ранг 4 над крайно поле GF (q). Ключови думи: крайни прости групи, групи от лиев тип, факторизации на групи.
Марта Теофилова - Конструиран е пример на четиримерно специално комплексно многообразие с норденова метрика и постоянна холоморфна секционна кривина чрез двупара-метрично семейство от разрешими алгебри на Ли. Изследвани са кривинните свойства на полученото многообразие. Дадени са необходими и достатъчни усло-вия за разглежданото многообразие да бъде изотропно келерово.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20M20, 20M10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17B01, 17B30, 17B40.
Ebben a tanulmányban ismertetjük a Nöther-tétel lényegi vonatkozásait, és kitérünk a Lie-szimmetriák értelmezésére abból a célból, hogy közgazdasági folyamatokra is alkalmazzuk a Lagrange-formalizmuson nyugvó elméletet. A Lie-szimmetriák dinamikai rendszerekre történő feltárása és viselkedésük jellemzése a legújabb kutatások eredményei e területen. Például Sen és Tabor (1990), Edward Lorenz (1963), a komplex kaotikus dinamika vizsgálatában jelent®s szerepet betöltő 3D modelljét, Baumann és Freyberger (1992) a két-dimenziós Lotka-Volterra dinamikai rendszert, és végül Almeida és Moreira (1992) a három-hullám interakciós problémáját vizsgálták a megfelelő Lie-szimmetriák segítségével. Mi most empirikus elemzésre egy közgazdasági dinamikai rendszert választottunk, nevezetesen Goodwin (1967) ciklusmodelljét. Ennek vizsgálatát tűztük ki célul a leírandó rendszer Lie-szimmetriáinak meghatározásán keresztül. / === / The dynamic behavior of a physical system can be frequently described very concisely by the least action principle. In the centre of its mathematical presentation is a specic function of coordinates and velocities, i.e., the Lagrangian. If the integral of the Lagrangian is stationary, then the system is moving along an extremal path through the phase space, and vice versa. It can be seen, that each Lie symmetry of a Lagrangian in general corresponds to a conserved quantity, and the conservation principle is explained by a variational symmetry related to a dynamic or geometrical symmetry. Briey, that is the meaning of Noether's theorem. This paper scrutinizes the substantial characteristics of Noether's theorem, interprets the Lie symmetries by PDE system and calculates the generators (symmetry vectors) on R. H. Goodwin's cyclical economic growth model. At first it will be shown that the Goodwin model also has a Lagrangian structure, therefore Noether's theorem can also be applied here. Then it is proved that the cyclical moving in his model derives from its Lie symmetries, i.e., its dynamic symmetry. All these proofs are based on the investigations of the less complicated Lotka Volterra model and those are extended to Goodwin model, since both models are one-to-one maps of each other. The main achievement of this paper is the following: Noether's theorem is also playing a crucial role in the mechanics of Goodwin model. It also means, that its cyclical moving is optimal. Generalizing this result, we can assert, that all dynamic systems' solutions described by first order nonlinear ODE system are optimal by the least action principle, if they have a Lagrangian.
We are able to give a complete description of four-dimensional Lie algebras g which satisfy the tame-compatible question of Donaldson for all almost complex structures J on g are completely described. As a consequence, examples are given of (non-unimodular) four-dimensional Lie algebras with almost complex structures which are tamed but not compatible with symplectic forms.? Note that Donaldson asked his question for compact four-manifolds. In that context, the problem is still open, but it is believed that any tamed almost complex structure is in fact compatible with a symplectic form. In this presentation, I will define the basic objects involved and will give some insights on the proof. The key for the proof is translating the problem into a Linear Algebra setting. This is a joint work with Dr. Draghici.
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