945 resultados para Leitura (Educação de adultos)
O estudo aqui apresentado integra o Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos: práticas e desafios (PEJA), que é um projeto de extensão desenvolvido na Unesp – Rio Claro, com uma das turmas - a turma da Comunidade - que é composta, na maioria, por mulheres. Sendo a multisseriação uma característica desta turma, fazse necessário um trabalho diferenciado dos que ocorrem em escolas que tem Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) “regular”. Tendo como foco a escrita significativa e sua prática, o estudo objetivou buscar compreendê-las na visão dessas mulheres, que estão imersas na sociedade letrada. Por meio do trabalho desenvolvido nos encontros, a cada aula, com diversos tipos de textos, principalmente poemas, procurei considerar o ponto de vista das educandas, tomando como aporte metodológico o relato de alguns aspectos de suas histórias de vida; ao mesmo tempo, tais relatos eram considerados em suas possibilidades criativas para a aprendizagem e uma aproximação do que poderia ser uma escrita significativa, para as próprias mulheres. Entre os estudos teóricos que deram sustentação à pesquisa, estão escritos de Jorge Larrosa e Paulo Freire, considerando, também, outros autores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo e teve como sujeitos participantes, educandas e educadores e a pesquisadora, aprendiz. Para desenvolver a pesquisa utilizei-me de elementos da história oral como recurso teórico-metodológico. Compõem o material de análise as produções escritas das educandas e os registros em diário de campo das atividades realizadas e observações pela pesquisadora. Como objeto de reflexão destaco dois conjuntos de atividades que nomeei de Projeto Poemas e Projeto Palavras Verdes, os quais sustentaram este trabalho. O estudo realizado traz argumentos que podem contribuir para a educação de jovens e adultos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A matemática está presente nas mais diversas atividades do nosso cotidiano. O interesse em realizar o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso no âmbito da Educação de Jovens e Adultos/EJA, surgiu a partir do meu ingresso no Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID no início do ano de 2010. O PIBID vem sendo desenvolvido em vários campi da Unesp, somente nos cursos de licenciatura e tem como financiadora a CAPES/MEC. No curso de licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, o Programa EJA/PIBID Rio Claro atua na escola Municipal Celeste Calil, localizada em um bairro periférico, que tem como público alvo pessoas de baixa renda, alfabetizadas ou não. O trabalho que a cada dia vem sendo construído com as educandas me despertou muito interesse, principalmente com relação ao ensino da matemática, uma vez que a mesma está presente nas diversas esferas do cotidiano. Podemos acompanhar (observar) que as alunas já trazem consigo uma experiência de vida muito grandiosa com relação à solução de questões pertinentes a matemática. Para auxiliar na aprendizagem, recursos matemáticos vêm sendo introduzidos nas aulas, entre eles jogos, onde as educandas podem reviver situações cotidianas que, à primeira vista, facilita o processo de aprendizagem e resolução de problemas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos fazer um levantamento de jogos matemáticos que poderão ser utilizados nas aulas da EJA, e também analisar o caderno de registros matemáticos do PIBID, no ano de 2010. Quanto à metodologia, buscam-se elementos na pesquisa qualitativa, bem como análise bibliográfica de jogos que foram levantados e também análise documental do caderno de registros do PIBID 2010, construído conjuntamente, pelo grupo de educandas e bolsistaseducadores
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
A proposta deste estudo teve início a partir das dificuldades apresentadas na formalização e sistematização dos cálculos matemáticos, por um grupo de alunas da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, em uma Escola Municipal de Rio Claro- SP. A pesquisa, que ora proponho, visa entender a importância das experiências e vivencias trazidas por pessoas com baixa ou nenhuma escolaridade, para entendermos o porquê de fazerem cálculos mentais matemáticos com alguma facilidade e encontrarem grandes dificuldades na sistematização/ formalização desses cálculos e como os jogos lúdicos matemáticos podem ser considerados fundamentais nesse processo de formalização das contas. Essa dificuldade, muitas vezes, repercute em entraves na escolarização regular dessas pessoas. Para pensar nessa problemática inicialmente elegemos como referenciais e materiais teóricos autores como Danyluk, Freire, Fonseca, Vigotsky, entre outros; são estudiosos que vêm contribuindo para a compreensão dos referidos processos e da linguagem matemática. No que concerne às experiências, buscaremos aportes em Larrosa. Em continuidade, será organizado um estudo baseado em registros, documentos e relatos de um acompanhamento da estagiária de aulas de matemática em uma sala de EJA, do Programa Institucional de Iniciação a Docência- PIBID que vem acontecendo na cidade de Rio Claro- SP, desde o ano de 2010. Os procedimentos de análise nortear-se-ão, além dos autores citados acima, pela análise do material gerado por meio dos registros, obtidos em sala de aula, pautando-nos pelas categorias de codificação (BOGDAN & BIKLEN). Entendemos que levantar elementos e analisar essas dificuldades podem contribuir para a compreensão do processo de construção da cultura e linguagem matemática, por essas pessoas, podendo assim contribuir para um novo olhar sobre a educação matemática nesse segmento da educação
Since the beginning of the first prisions, they were proposed to solely for custody of offenders while waiting for capital punishment. With the evolution of the society, also evolves to the form of the punishment of convicts, going to be adopted custodial sentences instead of tortured bodies, then came up a greater concern with the most suitable sites for this new purpose. This study aim to reflect and analyze the relationship between education and rehabilitation in the Brazilian criminal justice system, aiming to give the efficiency of these programs in the country and the emergence of the first forms of punishment and deprivation of liberty, presupposing the role that education presents in the social reintegration process, in a situation of deprivation of liberty and the existing public policies. Characterize and show the attempts made by the state of São Paulo in accomplishing new models of prisons, which since 2000 are called resocialization centers representing this new structure and proposed social work in relation to so-called traditional prisons
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
The Youth and Adult Education is a reality that still stands on the school benches of Brazil. Elderly people historically get more integration in the world when appropriate to the written code. One of the issues that touch this insertion is the right to vote and, more than that, the awareness of the vote of young and adult illiterate or poorly literate. Thus, this project aims to raise throug the point of view of this student how he see himself as voter and what is their role in the democratic consolidation of this act, even if he is in the condition of illiterate or poorly literate. Therefore, a qualitative approach to research will be conducted, in which individual audio recorded interviews will be held, later transcribed and the data will be analyzed in the light of the studied literature, based on the writings of Paulo Freire. Will participate as subjects Teachers of EJA and of study the students enrolled in the Education of Young Adults rooms on the city of Bauru. The results shown in interviews with the teachers confirmed the investigation of expectations in the study of Paulo Freire which has literacy training as part of the citizenship, the results allowed the construction of the profile of a group of students. We also concluded that it was possible to deconstruct the myth of non-political consciousness of the illiterate and the presence of dialogue in pedagogical practice enabling awareness of Educating
The goal for this communication is the speech development in children three to four years, and how games and child's plays can help them in the process. For this, we have set three specific goals. They are: select games and activities that serve as a means of furthering the development of speech; elect three activities, making sure at what point is the extra step to the outbreak of the sign/symbol and identify at what time of play the child uses more talk and no change in psychological structure. These games have been applied to children from three to four years in order to identify and record their actions and speeches during activities. Acquiring the ability to speak, the kids will be able to communicate socially and develop new forms of behavior. From young children already expresses themselves through babbling and even crying, because do not have a conventional language yet. From the social relationship, the child tends to become familiar with the language, and gradually learn how to use it, expressing her feelings and desires. When the development of language and thought intersect, transform the course of action of the child who begins to have control of your action. Such its importance in society, the language became the basis of childhood education and is the duty of teachers and educators to appropriate the necessary encouragement to the child to develop or improve her language
Literature sample that the basic literacy with literacy differentiates the development of the citizens forming them to act in critical way in society. This research had as objective to analyze nuances of the basic literacy process and literacy of a pupil who little if express verbally, in the classroom, having the discursivos sorts as entered. Case study is about a research of qualitative interpretativa boarding of the type. The data had been collected by the following instruments: systematic comment, interviews with three professors of the citizen, daily of field and written production of the citizen. The results of the research point, on the other hand, with respect to the education of the writing and initial reading that if restricts to the basic literacy concept as technique of the writing, codification and decoding, without advancing for the basic literacy as apprehension and understanding of meanings. On the other hand, they point that the initial writing is organized to reach only the independent literacy, while the ideological literacy is distant of the pertaining to school universe, in the initial years of Basic Education
The Youth and Adult Education is a reality that still stands on the school benches of Brazil. Elderly people historically get more integration in the world when appropriate to the written code. One of the issues that touch this insertion is the right to vote and, more than that, the awareness of the vote of young and adult illiterate or poorly literate. Thus, this project aims to raise throug the point of view of this student how he see himself as voter and what is their role in the democratic consolidation of this act, even if he is in the condition of illiterate or poorly literate. Therefore, a qualitative approach to research will be conducted, in which individual audio recorded interviews will be held, later transcribed and the data will be analyzed in the light of the studied literature, based on the writings of Paulo Freire. Will participate as subjects Teachers of EJA and of study the students enrolled in the Education of Young Adults rooms on the city of Bauru. The results shown in interviews with the teachers confirmed the investigation of expectations in the study of Paulo Freire which has literacy training as part of the citizenship, the results allowed the construction of the profile of a group of students. We also concluded that it was possible to deconstruct the myth of non-political consciousness of the illiterate and the presence of dialogue in pedagogical practice enabling awareness of Educating
The goal for this communication is the speech development in children three to four years, and how games and child's plays can help them in the process. For this, we have set three specific goals. They are: select games and activities that serve as a means of furthering the development of speech; elect three activities, making sure at what point is the extra step to the outbreak of the sign/symbol and identify at what time of play the child uses more talk and no change in psychological structure. These games have been applied to children from three to four years in order to identify and record their actions and speeches during activities. Acquiring the ability to speak, the kids will be able to communicate socially and develop new forms of behavior. From young children already expresses themselves through babbling and even crying, because do not have a conventional language yet. From the social relationship, the child tends to become familiar with the language, and gradually learn how to use it, expressing her feelings and desires. When the development of language and thought intersect, transform the course of action of the child who begins to have control of your action. Such its importance in society, the language became the basis of childhood education and is the duty of teachers and educators to appropriate the necessary encouragement to the child to develop or improve her language
Literature sample that the basic literacy with literacy differentiates the development of the citizens forming them to act in critical way in society. This research had as objective to analyze nuances of the basic literacy process and literacy of a pupil who little if express verbally, in the classroom, having the discursivos sorts as entered. Case study is about a research of qualitative interpretativa boarding of the type. The data had been collected by the following instruments: systematic comment, interviews with three professors of the citizen, daily of field and written production of the citizen. The results of the research point, on the other hand, with respect to the education of the writing and initial reading that if restricts to the basic literacy concept as technique of the writing, codification and decoding, without advancing for the basic literacy as apprehension and understanding of meanings. On the other hand, they point that the initial writing is organized to reach only the independent literacy, while the ideological literacy is distant of the pertaining to school universe, in the initial years of Basic Education