982 resultados para Kinetic-parameters
The effect of temperature on the degradation of blackcurrant anthocyanins in a model juice system was determined over a temperature range of 4–140 °C. The thermal degradation of anthocyanins followed pseudo first-order kinetics. From 4–100 °C an isothermal method was used to determine the kinetic parameters. In order to mimic the temperature profile in retort systems, a non-isothermal method was applied to determine the kinetic parameters in the model juice over the temperature range 110–140 °C. The results from both isothermal and non-isothermal methods fit well together, indicating that the non-isothermal procedure is a reliable mathematical method to determine the kinetics of anthocyanin degradation. The reaction rate constant (k) increased from 0.16 (±0.01) × 10−3 to 9.954 (±0.004) h−1 at 4 and 140 °C, respectively. The temperature dependence of the rate of anthocyanin degradation was modelled by an extension of the Arrhenius equation, which showed a linear increase in the activation energy with temperature.
Simulations of ozone loss rates using a three-dimensional chemical transport model and a box model during recent Antarctic and Arctic winters are compared with experimental loss rates. The study focused on the Antarctic winter 2003, during which the first Antarctic Match campaign was organized, and on Arctic winters 1999/2000, 2002/2003. The maximum ozone loss rates retrieved by the Match technique for the winters and levels studied reached 6 ppbv/sunlit hour and both types of simulations could generally reproduce the observations at 2-sigma error bar level. In some cases, for example, for the Arctic winter 2002/2003 at 475 K level, an excellent agreement within 1-sigma standard deviation level was obtained. An overestimation was also found with the box model simulation at some isentropic levels for the Antarctic winter and the Arctic winter 1999/2000, indicating an overestimation of chlorine activation in the model. Loss rates in the Antarctic show signs of saturation in September, which have to be considered in the comparison. Sensitivity tests were performed with the box model in order to assess the impact of kinetic parameters of the ClO-Cl2O2 catalytic cycle and total bromine content on the ozone loss rate. These tests resulted in a maximum change in ozone loss rates of 1.2 ppbv/sunlit hour, generally in high solar zenith angle conditions. In some cases, a better agreement was achieved with fastest photolysis of Cl2O2 and additional source of total inorganic bromine but at the expense of overestimation of smaller ozone loss rates derived later in the winter.
Artificial diagenesis of the intra-crystalline proteins isolated from Patella vulgata was induced by isothermal heating at 140 °C, 110 °C and 80 °C. Protein breakdown was quantified for multiple amino acids, measuring the extent of peptide bond hydrolysis, amino acid racemisation and decomposition. The patterns of diagenesis are complex; therefore the kinetic parameters of the main reactions were estimated by two different methods: 1) a well-established approach based on fitting mathematical expressions to the experimental data, e.g. first-order rate equations for hydrolysis and power-transformed first-order rate equations for racemisation; and 2) an alternative model-free approach, which was developed by estimating a “scaling” factor for the independent variable (time) which produces the best alignment of the experimental data. This method allows the calculation of the relative reaction rates for the different temperatures of isothermal heating. High-temperature data were compared with the extent of degradation detected in sub-fossil Patella specimens of known age, and we evaluated the ability of kinetic experiments to mimic diagenesis at burial temperature. The results highlighted a difference between patterns of degradation at low and high temperature and therefore we recommend caution for the extrapolation of protein breakdown rates to low burial temperatures for geochronological purposes when relying solely on kinetic data.
Risk assessment for mammals is currently based on external exposure measurements, but effects of toxicants are better correlated with the systemically available dose than with the external administered dose. So for risk assessment of pesticides, toxicokinetics should be interpreted in the context of potential exposure in the field taking account of the timescale of exposure and individual patterns of feeding. Internal concentration is the net result of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). We present a case study for thiamethoxam to show how data from ADME study on rats can be used to parameterize a body burden model which predicts body residue levels after exposures to LD50 dose either as a bolus or eaten at different feeding rates. Kinetic parameters were determined in male and female rats after an intravenous and oral administration of 14C labelled by fitting one-compartment models to measured pesticide concentrations in blood for each individual separately. The concentration of thiamethoxam in blood over time correlated closely with concentrations in other tissues and so was considered representative of pesticide concentration in the whole body. Body burden model simulations showed that maximum body weight-normalized doses of thiamethoxam were lower if the same external dose was ingested normally than if it was force fed in a single bolus dose. This indicates lower risk to rats through dietary exposure than would be estimated from the bolus LD50. The importance of key questions that should be answered before using the body burden approach in risk assessment, data requirements and assumptions made in this study are discussed in detail.
in this paper a study of calcining conditions on the microstructural features of sugar cane waste ash (SCWA) is carried out. For this purpose, some microparticles (< 90 mu m) of sugar cane straw ash and sugar cane bagasse ash of samples calcined at 800 degrees C and 1000 are studied by combining the bright field and the dark field images with the electron diffraction patterns in the transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is appreciated that the morphology and texture of these microparticles change when silicon or calcium are present. Furthermore, it is observed that iron oxide (magnetite Fe(3)O(4)) is located in the calcium-rich particles. The microstructural information is correlated with the results of a kinetic-diffusive model that allows the computing of the kinetic parameters of the pozzolanic reaction (mainly the reaction rate constant). The results show that the sugar cane wastes ash calcined at 800 and 1000 degrees C have properties indicative of high pozzolanic activity. The X-ray diffraction patterns, the TEM images and the pozzolanic activity tests show the influence of different factors on the activation of these ashes. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Subtype F wild type HIV protease has been kinetically characterized using six commercial inhibitors (amprenavir, indinavir, lopinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir and saquinavir) commonly used for HIV/AIDS treatment, as well as inhibitor TL-3 and acetylpepstatin. We also obtained kinetic parameters for two multi-resistant proteases (one of subtype B and one of subtype F) harboring primary and secondary mutations selected by intensive treatment with ritonavir/nelfinavir. This newly obtained biochemical data shows that all six studied commercially available protease inhibitors are significantly less effective against subtype F HIV proteases than against HIV proteases of subtype B, as judged by increased K(i) and biochemical fitness (vitality) values. Comparison with previously reported kinetic values for subtype A and C HIV proteases show that subtype F wild type proteases are significantly less susceptible to inhibition. These results demonstrate that the accumulation of natural polymorphisms in subtype F proteases yields catalytically more active enzymes with a large degree of cross-resistance, which thus results in strong virus viability.
The structural stability of a peroxidase, a dimeric protein from royal palm tree (Roystonea regia) leaves, has been characterized by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism, steady-state tryptophan fluorescence and analytical ultracentifugation under different solvent conditions. It is shown that the thermal and chemical (using guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl)) folding/unfolding of royal palm tree peroxidase (RPTP) at pH 7 is a reversible process involving a highly cooperative transition between the folded dimer and unfolded monomers, with a free stabilization energy of about 23 kcal per mol of monomer at 25 degrees C. The structural stability of RPTP is pH-dependent. At pH 3, where ion pairs have disappeared due to protonation, the thermally induced denaturation of RPTP is irreversible and strongly dependent upon the scan rate, suggesting that this process is under kinetic control. Moreover, thermally induced transitions at this pH value are dependent on the protein concentration, allowing it to be concluded that in solution RPTP behaves as dimer, which undergoes thermal denaturation coupled with dissociation. Analysis of the kinetic parameters of RPTP denaturation at pH 3 was accomplished on the basis of the simple kinetic scheme N ->(k) D, where k is a first-order kinetic constant that changes with temperature, as given by the Arrhenius equation; N is the native state, and D is the denatured state, and thermodynamic information was obtained by extrapolation of the kinetic transition parameters to an infinite heating rate. Obtained in this way, the value of RPTP stability at 25 degrees C is ca. 8 kcal per mole of monomer lower than at pH 7. In all probability, this quantity reflects the contribution of ion pair interactions to the structural stability of RPTP. From a comparison of the stability of RPTP with other plant peroxidases it is proposed that one of the main factors responsible for the unusually high stability of RPTP which enhances its potential use for biotechnological purposes, is its dimerization. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The inactivation kinetics of enzymes polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) was studied for the batch (discontinuous) microwave treatment of green coconut water. Inactivation of commercial PPO and POD added to sterile coconut water was also investigated. The complete time-temperature profiles of the experimental runs were used for determination of the kinetic parameters D-value and z-value: PPO (D(92.20 degrees C) = 52 s and z = 17.6 degrees C); POD (D(92.92 degrees C) = 16 s and z = 11.5 degrees C); PPO/sterile coconut water: (D(84.45 degrees C) = 43 s and z = 39.5 degrees C) and POD/sterile coconut water: (D(86.54 degrees C) = 20 s and z = 19.3 degrees C). All data were well fitted by a first order kinetic model. The enzymes naturally present in coconut water showed a higher resistance when compared to those added to the sterilized medium or other simulated solutions reported in the literature. The thermal inactivation of PPO and POD during microwave processing of green coconut water was significantly faster in comparison with conventional processes reported in the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The synthesis and study of the chemiluminescence parameters and thermal stability of 1,2-dioxetanes containing a spirofenchyl substituent are reported. Three fenchyl-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes were synthesized by photooxygenation of the corresponding alkenes, obtained by Barton-Kellogg olefination of the readily available (-)-fenchone. The fenchyl-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes showed thermal stabilities similar to those of the corresponding spiroadamantyl-substituted derivatives, although being slightly more labile with respect to unimolecular decomposition than the latter derivatives, which are widely utilized as labels in a great variety of chemiluminescent immunoassays. Fluoride induced decomposition of one triggerable fenchyl 1,2-dioxetane derivative showed kinetic parameters similar to those of the corresponding adamantyl-substituted derivative. The chemiluminescence quantum yields in the one percent range are also similar to that of other widely utilized chemiluminescence systems as the luminol reaction. These results indicate that fenchyl-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes can potentially be utilized as a cheaper alternative to substitute the corresponding spiroadamantyl derivatives in bioanalytical applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to examine the growth of Gracilaria cervicornis cultured in a shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond and to determine the absorption efficiency and the kinetics parameters (Vmax, Ks e Vmax:Ks) of this macroalgae for the nutrients N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO4-3, aiming at its use as bioremediatory of eutrophicated environments. For this study, two experiments (field and laboratory) were developed. In the field study, the seaweed was examined in relation to the growth and the biomass. In the laboratory experiment, the absorption efficiency of G. cervicornis was measured through the monitoring of the concentration of the three nutrients (N-NO3-, N-NH4+ e P-PO4-3) during 5 hours and the kinetic parameters were determined through the formula of Michaelis-Menten. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that G. cervicornis benefited from the available nutrients in the pond, increasing 52.4% of its biomass value after 30 days of culture. It was evidenced that the variability of the biomass could be explained through the salinity, availability of light (transparency and solid particle in suspension) and concentration of N-NO3- in the environment. In the laboratory experiment, the highest absorption efficiency was found in the treatments with low concentration (5 µmol.L-1), being evidenced a reduction of up to 85,3%, 97,5% and 81,2% of N-NH4+, N-NO3- and P-PO43-, respectively. Regarding the kinetic parameters, G. cervicornis presented better ability in absorbing N-NH4+ in high concentrations (Vmax = 158,5 µmol g-1 dry wt h-1) and P-PO43- in low concentrations (Ks = 5 µmol.L-1 e Vmax:Ks = 10,3). The results of this study show that G. cervicornis could be cultivated in shrimp ponds, presents a good capacity of absorption for the tested nutrients and is a promising candidate for biorremediation in shrimp pond effluent
This work studies the involved enzymatic way in the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans sulfateds in the mollusc Pomacea sp. Had been identified endoglycosidases and exoglycosidases in the enzymatic extract of the mollusc Pomacea sp by means of hydrolysis activity in condroitim sulphate of whale cartilage and of the p-Nitrofenil-β-glucuronide, respectively. The enzymatic extracts qere obtained of Pomacea sp. being used of 0.1 sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 and later centrifugated the 8,000 x g and the presents proteins in the sobrenadante were submitted to the fractionament with two crescents ammonium sulphate concentrations, the visualized activity biggest in the F2 fraction (50-80%). The β-glucuronidase (F3) was isolated in gel chromatography filtration Biogel 1.5m, the purification degree was ratified in Chromatography Liquid of high efficiency (HPLC). The enzyme was purificated 6.362,5 times with 35,6% yield. The β -glucuronidase isolated in this work showed a molecular mass of 100 kDa, determined for eletroforese in poliacrilamida gel . The determination of the ideal kinetic parameters for the catalysis of the p-nitrofenil- β -glucuronide for β-glucuronidase, showed excellent activity in pH 5,0 and temperature 65ºC for 6 hours and apparent Km of 72 x 10-2 mM. It is necessary for the total degradation of 3mM of p-N-β-glucoronide, the amount of 1,2μg of ss-glucuronidase. The BaCl2 increased the activity of ss-glucuronidase, and the activity was inhibited completely by the composites SDS and NaH2PO4
The cerium oxide has a high potential for use in removing pollutants after combustion, removal of organic matter in waste water and the fuel-cell technology. The nickel oxide is an attractive material due to its excellent chemical stability and their optical properties, electrical and magnetic. In this work, CeO2-NiO- systems on molars reasons 1:1(I), 1:2(II) e 1:3(III) metal-citric acid were synthesized using the Pechini method. We used techniques of TG / DTG and ATD to monitor the degradation process of organic matter to the formation of the oxide. By thermogravimetric analysis and applying the dynamic method proposed by Coats-Redfern, it was possible to study the reactions of thermal decomposition in order to propose the possible mechanism by which the reaction takes place, as well as the determination of kinetic parameters as activation energy, Ea, pre-exponential factor and parameters of activation. It was observed that both variables exert a significant influence on the formation of complex polymeric precursor. The model that best fitted the experimental data in the dynamic mode was R3, which consists of nuclear growth, which formed the nuclei grow to a continuous reaction interface, it proposes a spherical symmetry (order 2 / 3). The values of enthalpy of activation of the system showed that the reaction in the state of transition is exothermic. The variables of composition, together with the variable temperature of calcination were studied by different techniques such as XRD, IV and SEM. Also a study was conducted microstructure by the Rietveld method, the calculation routine was developed to run the package program FullProf Suite, and analyzed by pseudo-Voigt function. It was found that the molar ratio of variable metal-citric acid in the system CeO2-NiO (I), (II), (III) has strong influence on the microstructural properties, size of crystallites and microstrain network, and can be used to control these properties
Bioidentical hormones are defined as compounds that have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the human body. It is believed that the use of hormones may be safer and more effective than the non-bioidentical hormones, because binding to receptors in the organism would be similar to the endogenous hormone. Bioidentical estrogens have been used in menopausal women, as an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy. Thermal data of these hormones are scarce in literature. Thermal analysis comprises a group of techniques that allows evaluating the physical-chemistry properties of a drug, while the drug is subjected to a controlled temperature programming. The thermal techniques are used in pharmaceutical studies for characterization of drugs, purity determination, polymorphism identification, compatibility and evaluation of stability. This study aims to characterize the bioidentical hormones estradiol and estriol through thermal techniques TG/DTG, DTA, DSC, DSC-photovisual. By the TG curves analysis was possible to calculated kinetic parameters for the samples. The kinetic data showed that there is good correlation in the different models used. For both estradiol and estriol, was found zero order reaction, which enabled the construction of the vapor pressure curves. Data from DTA and DSC curves of melting point and purity are the same of literature, showed relation with DSC-photovisual results. The analysis DTA curves showed the fusion event had the best linearity for both hormones. In the evaluation of possible degradation products, the analysis of the infrared shows no degradation products in the solid state
Since its synthesis over 48 years rifampicin has been extensively studied. The literature reports the characterization of thermal events for rifampicin in nitrogen atmosphere, however, no characterization in synthetic air atmosphere. This paper aims to contribute to the thermal study of rifampicin through thermal (TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and DSC - FOTOVISUAL ) and non-thermal (HPLC, XRPD , IR - FTIR , PCA) and its main degradation products ( rifampicin quinone , rifampicin N-oxide 3- formylrifamicin). Rifampicin study was characterized as polymorph form II from techniques DSC, IR and XRPD. TG curves for rifampicin in synthetic air atmosphere showed higher thermal stability than those in N2, when analyzed Ti and Ea. There was characterized as overlapping events melting and recrystallization under N2 with weight loss in the TG curve, suggesting concomitant decomposition. Images DSCFotovisual showed no fusion event and showed darkening of the sample during analysis. The DTA curve in synthetic air atmosphere was visually different from DTA and DSC curves under N2, suggesting the absence of recrystallization and melting or presence only decomposition. The IV - FTIR analysis along with PCA analysis and HPLC and thermal data suggest that rifampicin for their fusion is concomitant decomposition of the sample in N2 and fusion events and recrystallization do not occur in synthetic air atmosphere. Decomposition products studied in an air atmosphere showed no melting event and presented simultaneously to the decomposition initiation of heating after process loss of water and / or solvent, varying the Ti initiating events. The Coats - Redfern , Madsudhanan , Van Krevelen and Herwitz - Mertzger kinetic parameters for samples , through the methods of OZAWA , in an atmosphere of synthetic air and / or N2 rifampicin proved more stable than its degradation products . The kinetic data showed good correlation between the different models employed. In this way we contribute to obtaining information that may assist studies of pharmaceutical compatibility and stability of substances
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)