998 resultados para Jornalismo - critica


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This experimental project focused on a specialization in journalism that is becoming increa-singly present in the media: the gastronomic journalism. The aim was to understand the speci-ficities of segmentation in the news and editorial spreads profile area for deepening the dining experience in contemporary society, considering the contribution of information to maintain proper eating habits and cultural enrichment of the reader. The research involved a literature review and survey of the history of gastronomy and cultural aspects, analysis and reporting framework for the months of August and September 2010 the Food section of the newspaper Folha de S. Paul, Taste of the book, the newspaper O Estado de S. Paul and the Menu maga-zine segment, Publisher of Three in order to identify the presence of aspects related to culture, history, health and nutrition


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Com o avanço da mídia televisiva e recentemente da internet, o jornalismo impresso parece estar perdendo força mercadológica, com tiragens cada ano menores. Em busca de novas formas de atrair o leitor e de obter maiores lucros, revistas brasileiras tentam modificar o tradicional texto jornalístico, puramente informativo, para um texto com nova linguagem, que possibilitasse a humanização dos relatos da notícia. Essa nova forma de escrever o texto jornalístico foi batizada no Brasil, nas últimas décadas, de jornalismo literário. Com influências do New Journalism americano, o jornalismo literário parece ter se tornado um fenômeno editorial no Brasil, com o surgimento de revistas que se dedicavam ao gênero e com o lançamento de coleções de livros por importantes editoras brasileiras. Entretanto, as pesquisas de avaliação desse novo jornalismo, tanto na área de comunicação, quanto na das letras, não têm atentado para a necessidade de contemplar a natureza literária para se avaliar a produção textual do dito jornalismo literário. Esta monografia tem como proposta estudar analiticamente a presença da literariedade no jornalismo literário brasileiro contemporâneo, avaliando textos do gênero Perfil das revistas Piauí e Brasileiros. Para isso, recorreremos às contribuições analíticas da teoria da literatura e do que já vem sendo publicado sobre jornalismo literário no Brasil


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The present study had the intention to demonstrate how the language used by official sources of economy helps to keep the limitation and lack of accessibility of economic journalism to non-specialist readers. Over two weeks, we compared the disclosures in the economics editorial office of the site Universo Online and the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo to those cited in official reports. From this analysis of more than 50 issues selected for the sample, was observed how the technical language used by the official press makes more difficult the access to information and citizenship. Besides the comparison and description of the reports, the study involved the content analysis employed in the media. It was noted the presence of biased approaches and materials poorly cleared. The language used in many cases was not appropriate to the type of audience for which the news was heading. One of the most serious problems, perhaps, was the copy and paraphrase of press releases. The reports, most are limited to the specialist showed, contrary to the duty of public transparency, while highlighting the problems, the study also showed well-written texts that indicate a promising future for citizen and economic journalism


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This work aims to situate the main conceptual aspects of regional and local media and draw a brief overview of current trends in online journalism, especially practiced by TV TEM, an affiliate of Rede Globo in São Paulo. The methodology of the study is based on literature and documents, as well as systematic analysis of G1 portals, TV HAS administered by the regional districts of Bauru, Itapetininga, São José do Rio Preto and Sorocaba. Data were collected through interviews with managers, editors, reporters and some interns. As a result, we observed the news-value criteria, selection and management of the responsible gatewatching adopted by major portals Globo.com homes and G1


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Este trabalho propôs a criação de um suplemento jornalístico infantil com abordagens informativas de temas culturais. A preocupação com a produção de matérias contextualizadas para crianças partiu da percepção da relativa escassez de produtos jornalísticos que tratem os leitores de dez e onze anos como público capaz de compreender textos pertinentes à cultura e que priorizem a informação e a prestação de serviços à infância. Partimos da concepção de que a mídia assume um papel importante para o desenvolvimento cognitivo da infância e que é possível construir um meio de comunicação favorável à formação integral, com abordagens contextualizadas. O resultado do trabalho foi o produto impresso Pingos, colocando os pingos nos is, com 28 páginas em formato A4, como projeto experimental de um jornalismo comprometido com a qualidade da informação para crianças e voltado para o incentivo à cultura


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The proposed paper aims to understand and analyze how the sporting television journalism has changed in Brazil, affecting the coverage of major events like the World Cup. The impact of these changes are reflected in the use of interactivity, entertainment and presentation of news, in pictures and on television news programs inserted in Brazilian TV News. Using as an object of study the Central da Copa (presented in 2010), from Globo Television Network the study aims to examine concepts of interactivity, journalistic content and infotainment through Content Analysis and under journalistic theories of optics


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The literary criticism was developed in Brazil in the period that comprehends the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. During that time, the mean of dissemination of the criticism were the footnotes of the newspapers, places in which literature was discussed and the critics expressed their personal impressions about literary works with the objective of orientating the good taste of the readers. With the progressive evolution of journalism and of the newspaper's audience, the criticism columns became incompatible with the informative part of the periodicals, being transferred to the literary supplements, during a transition phase, until it was concentrated in the universitary field. This change in the paradigms of the production of criticism also caused a change in the profile of the literary critics and in the criteria to do the criticism. Before, if the critics were professionals that only needed to have enough erudition to judge the literary works, they turn into literature experts and need to use scientific methodologies in the literary analysis, while the cultural journalist begins to look at the events and literary works as products which belong to a market that needs to be reported. This research proposes studying and comparing the critics published in the column Prosa de Sábado, of the literary supplement Sabático, produced by Silviano Santiago, critic of an academic origin, and Sérgio Augusto, journalist critic, with the objective of identifying similarities and contrasts between them, and analyse the relation of this critics with their distinct fields of literary legitimation, as well as reflecting about the presence of the literary criticism and of the critics in the current press


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The cinematographic language is notedly plural and heterogeneous. There are many filmic elements that “narrate” all the time, in different ways. Besides enumerating some of them, this study seeks to analyse if the criticism is attentive to all of these tools or if it sticks only to some of them. It’s also reflects if this activity uses more objectives or subjectives aspects as basis for its conclusions. Here, a very specific field was chosen: the study is done by a comparative analysis of the reception of Brazilian’s and European’s criticism from two Lars Von Trier’s films, Antichrist and Melancholia. After explaining how the narrative elements are used in the cinema, it’s demonstrated that, in general, the criticism is negligent and does not analyze all of those tools. In some cases, the analysis of some elements is done in a superficial way, so others aspects can be highlighted


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This project aims to analyze and understand the extension project called Observatório do Esporte, and especially, the radio program Observatório do Esporte, aired weekly on Rádio Unesp FM that reached the 100th edition in October 2012. Constructed on a research of structure and style of the program, based on eleven chosen editions, this project tries to identify regularities and changes during the almost three years of existence, as well as their linking with the original project configuration to which it is linked and which has as its main objective the realization of a differentiated thematic approach in relation to sports journalism commonly practiced in the media


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The improvements on the quality of life are causing the number of the elderly to grow on a global level, which is causing changes in our society. This new phenomenon demands that some actions are executed in several areas. On the communications field, it is needed to put the older people in the spotlight, so they can know themselves better and be included in the society. The goal of this work is to investigate if there is visibility for the elderly on Folha de São Paulo, using the daily cultural section (Ilustrada) and the weekly papers (the extinct Mais! and Ilustríssima) as a basis for the study. In order to find out the main aspects of the newspaper’s coverage, the Content Analysis is going to be used, a methodology that includes quantitative and qualitative techniques and which intent is to reveal the material’s implicit content. Through it, it will to be possible to understand how the elderly are treated on Folha de São Paulo, and what can be done to better their position in the newspaper


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Considerando que a notícia impressa, televisual ou on-line não se restringe à elaboração do texto com aporte visual; de que, ao contrário, muitas vezes o projeto gráfico, o fotográfico e o videográfico, além da composição e estrutura de seus elementos, têm participação determinante na construção da notícia, este projeto parte da necessidade de um estudo crítico sobre a forma como a criança vem sendo representada (em imagens, sejam ilustrações ou fotografias) pelo jornalismo dirigido ao público adulto e geral. Diferentemente dos estudos no campo da Psicologia Social, do Direito ou da Comunicação com ênfase no agendamento social que dão destaque para temas de grande apelo social como violência, educação ou direito da criança e do adolescente, este estudo delimita seu objeto, abordagem e fundamentação na investigação da imagem e nas teorias da imagem e da mídia, abarcando, com isso, a variedade de temas que envolvem o universo infantil (desde os aspectos lúdicos e imaginativos até aqueles de maior dramaticidade e de grande apelo midiático). O objetivo deste projeto é demonstrar qual é a imagem (ou imagens) que a mídia brasileira contemporânea (jornais impressos e on-line) tem da criança (ou das crianças) e qual o comportamento dessa mídia no agendamento, pautagem e produção de tais imagens que representam as crianças em diversas situações. Para isso, serão analisadas as imagens de crianças apresentadas nos jornais Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal da Tarde, Jornal do Brasil e O Dia. Esses formam o corpus principal e dão enlevo para as imagens com produção em processo “mais imediato” – onde nota-se um tipo de jornalismo mais factual


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This monograph presents a study about organizational communication, outlining concepts, Brazilian historic, interfering factors and other considerations on the subject, introducing a survey with twelve communication agencies in Bauru as a result, explaining, in practical terms, how processes of organizational communication occur and the journalist's work in this area. Therefore, the organizational communication offers many possibilities for journalists, either as writers or press officers, or even in positions directly related to the Internet. As a key sector for all types of organizations, communication has gained notability, establishing itself as a strategic area for organizational management, especially in the form of integrated communication


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Dentro da perspectiva delineada por Jürgen Habermas, que delineia um conceito normativo de esfera pública e de sua importância na democracia, esta pesquisa se propõe a analisar como o jornalismo pode contribuir para a construção da opinião pública, que pressiona os poderes formais. Diante das mudanças nos modos de participação da sociedade civil no poder político, as informações e opiniões relacionadas aos movimentos sociais na imprensa são de extrema importância para a reflexão sobre a democracia. Com o objetivo de entender as contribuições do jornalismo sobre as questões levadas ao público pelos movimentos sociais, este trabalho propõe uma análise do jornal Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil. A partir do método de Análise de Conteúdo proposto por Laurence Bardin, que prioriza a análise qualitativa, a pesquisa busca compreender a constituição e as ideias presentes nos textos e sua relevância para os debates na esfera pública. Desse modo, busca-se apontar pontos positivos e negativos na cobertura jornalística do veículo, que possam contribuir tanto para a prática quanto para os estudos do jornalismo


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This work aims to investigate more deeply the concept of Newsgame in order to map essencial features for this new type of media product. Based on several examples, we will analyze the different ways in which a game can behave journalistically. We shall seek the author who coined the term “newsgame”, Gonzalo Frasca, and other international authors, based or not on the first, that attempt to point out limits for these electronic games that aspire Journalism. Some models are harsh, while others are more embracing, but all are intended to achieve a new paradigm in communication that releases itself from static representation stemmed from analog media and ventures into the potential of simulation brought from the digital platform. Examples of newsgames and its theories set forth herein also include Brazilian cases, which we will try to prove to be the most laymen on the subject


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O presente trabalho tem como proposta a curadoria e produção de notícias positivas, de modo que o público tenha acesso ao seu conteúdo em um único lugar, ao invés de procurá-lo em outros veículos. Além da seleção de informação, o projeto ainda conta com outros recursos jornalísticos e projetos que agregam valores positivos ao site. Se faz importante frisar que o conteúdo deste trabalho tem o intuito de contribuir para o exercício da função social do jornalista, a de informar o que é bom para o leitor, de modo a causar um impacto positivo na sociedade. Ao contrário dos jornais tradicionais, que carregam em suas páginas, na maioria das vezes, conteúdos negativos ou violentos