967 resultados para Intuitive Expertise


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This paper begins by outlining and critiquing what we term the dominant anglophone model of neo-liberal community safety and crime prevention. As an alternative to this influential but flawed model, a comparative analysis is provided of the different constitutional-legal settlements in each of the five jurisdictions across the UK and the Republic of Ireland (ROI), and their uneven institutionalization of community safety. In the light of this it is argued that the nature of the anglophone community safety enterprise is actually subject to significant variation. Summarizing the contours of this variation facilitates our articulation of some core dimensions of community safety. Then, making use of Colebatch’s (2002) deconstruction of policy activity into categories of authority and expertise, and Brunsson’s (2002) distinction between policy talk, decisions and action, we put forward a way of understanding policy activity that avoids the twin dangers of ‘false particularism’ and ‘false universalism’ (Edwards and Hughes, 2005); that indicates a path for further empirical enquiry to assess the ‘reality’ of policy convergence; and that enables the engagement of researchers with normative questions about where community safety should be heading.


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The construction industry is responsible for 40% of European Union (EU) end-use emissions but addressing this is problematic, as evident from the performance gap between design intention and on-site energy performance. There is a lack of the expertise needed for low energy construction (LEC) in the UK as the complex work processes involved require ‘energy literacy’ of all construction occupations, high qualification levels, broad occupational profiles, integrated teamworking, and good communication . This research identifies the obstacles to meeting these requirements, the nature of the expertise needed to break down occupational divisions and bridge those interfaces where the main heat losses occur, and the transition pathway implied. Obstacles include a decline in the level, breadth and quality of construction vocational education and training (VET), the lack of a learning infrastructure on sites, and a fragmented employment structure. To overcome these and develop enhanced understanding of LEC requires a transformation of the existing structure of VET provision and construction employment and a new curriculum based on a broader concept of agency and backed by rigorous enforcement of standards. This can be achieved through a radical transition pathway rather than market-based solutions to a low carbon future for the construction sector.


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Daniel Bromley argues against Oran Young’s FIT model as a basis for environmental governance, on the grounds that humans cannot manage nature and that attempts to do so are based on a scientistic, modernist conceit. At issue is the role of natural and social scientists in adjudicating questions about what we ought to do to close governance gaps and address unsustainable behaviors. If Bromley is right, then the lessons of the American pragmatist tradition recommend against attempts to “fit” social institutions to the natural world. The first objective of this paper is to argue that Bromley’s view is not in keeping with the pragmatism of C. S. Peirce and John Dewey, which actually places a high value on natural and social scientific modes of inquiry in the service of social ends. I argue that Young’s proposal is in fact a development of the pragmatist idea that social institutions must be fit in the sense of fitness, i.e., resilient and able to navigate uncertainty. Social institutions must also evolve to accommodate the emerging values of the agents who operate within them. The second objective of this paper is to examine the role of social science expertise in the design of social policies. Governance institutions typically rely on the testimony of natural scientists, at least in part, to understand the natural systems they operate within. However, natural systems are also social systems, so it seems pertinent to ask whether there is a role for social systems experts to play in helping to design environmental governance institutions. I argue that social scientists can make a unique contribution as experts on social institutions, and as such, are necessary to bring about a transformation of the unsustainable institutions that are preventing us from achieving stated sustainable development goals.


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We at bepress are excited to announce the beta launch of the Expert Gallery, a new product for institutions eager to highlight the rich expertise of their faculty. The Expert Gallery facilitates the valuable work of connecting an institution’s researchers with opportunities that might otherwise be missed. Groups such as Marketing and Communications and the Office of Research can use the product to better land funding opportunities, speaking engagements, and professional collaborations for top faculty members. The Expert Gallery is designed to let stakeholders within and outside of the institution find researchers by interest, skill set, and research emphasis: simple searching and browsing, along with the flexibility to create and display custom galleries, helps facilitate targeted discovery for experts on campus. A built-in, rich toolset lets institutions organize, manage, and connect their researchers to the right opportunities and interested parties outside the institution. While most expert galleries contain just biographical information and a bibliography, integration of the bepress Expert Gallery with SelectedWorks profiles lets researchers prove their expertise with a full picture of their scholarly research, including published and unpublished works, datasets, teaching materials, and media appearances. Launching the Expert Gallery as a new product reflects an important expansion of bepress’s mission. For years we’ve helped libraries reclaim their central role through providing services across campus. We’ve especially focused on supporting the library in its important efforts to promote the institution through the scholarship it produces. With the Expert Gallery, the library can meet its campus’s needs to go beyond demonstrating the value of its scholarship. Now the library can offer a way to promote the institution through the rich skills of the people who make it unique. We plan to continue on this path of helping institutions maximize the impact of people as well as their people’s scholarship. In early 2017 we will launch a suite of services that includes SelectedWorks, the Expert Gallery, and a set of faculty reporting and analytics tools.


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Pour être performant au plus haut niveau, les athlètes doivent posséder une capacité perceptivo-cognitive supérieure à la moyenne. Cette faculté, reflétée sur le terrain par la vision et l’intelligence de jeu des sportifs, permet d’extraire l’information clé de la scène visuelle. La science du sport a depuis longtemps observé l’expertise perceptivo-cognitive au sein de l’environnement sportif propre aux athlètes. Récemment, des études ont rapporté que l’expertise pouvait également se refléter hors de ce contexte, lors d’activités du quotidien par exemple. De plus, les récentes théories entourant la capacité plastique du cerveau ont amené les chercheurs à développer des outils pour entraîner les capacités perceptivo-cognitives des athlètes afin de les rendre plus performants sur le terrain. Ces méthodes sont la plupart du temps contextuelles à la discipline visée. Cependant, un nouvel outil d’entraînement perceptivo-cognitif, nommé 3-Dimensional Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT) et dénué de contexte sportif, a récemment vu le jour et a fait l’objet de nos recherches. Un de nos objectifs visait à mettre en évidence l’expertise perceptivo-cognitive spécifique et non-spécifique chez des athlètes lors d’une même étude. Nous avons évalué la perception du mouvement biologique chez des joueurs de soccer et des non-athlètes dans une salle de réalité virtuelle. Les sportifs étaient systématiquement plus performants en termes d’efficacité et de temps de réaction que les novices pour discriminer la direction du mouvement biologique lors d’un exercice spécifique de soccer (tir) mais également lors d’une action issue du quotidien (marche). Ces résultats signifient que les athlètes possèdent une meilleure capacité à percevoir les mouvements biologiques humains effectués par les autres. La pratique du soccer semble donc conférer un avantage fondamental qui va au-delà des fonctions spécifiques à la pratique d’un sport. Ces découvertes sont à mettre en parallèle avec la performance exceptionnelle des athlètes dans le traitement de scènes visuelles dynamiques et également dénuées de contexte sportif. Des joueurs de soccer ont surpassé des novices dans le test de 3D-MOT qui consiste à suivre des cibles en mouvement et stimule les capacités perceptivo-cognitives. Leur vitesse de suivi visuel ainsi que leur faculté d’apprentissage étaient supérieures. Ces résultats confirmaient des données obtenues précédemment chez des sportifs. Le 3D-MOT est un test de poursuite attentionnelle qui stimule le traitement actif de l’information visuelle dynamique. En particulier, l’attention sélective, dynamique et soutenue ainsi que la mémoire de travail. Cet outil peut être utilisé pour entraîner les fonctions perceptivo-cognitives des athlètes. Des joueurs de soccer entraînés au 3D-MOT durant 30 sessions ont montré une amélioration de la prise de décision dans les passes de 15% sur le terrain comparés à des joueurs de groupes contrôles. Ces données démontrent pour la première fois un transfert perceptivo-cognitif du laboratoire au terrain suivant un entraînement perceptivo-cognitif non-contextuel au sport de l’athlète ciblé. Nos recherches aident à comprendre l’expertise des athlètes par l’approche spécifique et non-spécifique et présentent également les outils d’entraînements perceptivo-cognitifs, en particulier le 3D-MOT, pour améliorer la performance dans le sport de haut-niveau.


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Trois masses d’eau situées sur le littoral de l’île de la Réunion et de la Martinique présentent des fonctionnements et des caractéristiques atypiques, ce qui pose actuellement des difficultés dans le cadre de l’application de la DCE. Les deux masses d’eau réunionnaises, l’étang du Gol et l’étang de Saint-Paul, sont actuellement identifiées en tant que plans d’eau au titre de la DCE. La masse d’eau martiniquaise, l’étang des Salines, est quant à elle identifiée en tant que masse d’eau de transition. L’objectif de cette étude est d’apporter une expertise, sur la base des données disponibles et des échanges avec les experts locaux et nationaux, concernant : · la typologie des masses d’eau, · les paramètres chimiques, physico-chimiques et biologiques pertinents à suivre dans le cadre de la surveillance DCE, · des pistes de travail pour consolider des grilles de diagnostic sur les masses d’eau. Cette expertise s’appuie également sur les retours d’expériences et les études réalisées dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la DCE sur les lagunes des bassins Rhône Méditerranée et Corse, dont la morphologie et le fonctionnement se rapprochent des trois masses d’eau étudiées. L’analyse des données et études fournies sur les étangs réunionnais du Gol et de Saint-Paul conduit à poser la question de la pertinence de leur maintien dans le référentiel des masses d’eau au titre de la DCE. Si le choix est cependant fait de conserver ces étangs en tant que masses d’eau DCE, leurs caractéristiques correspondraient à la typologie des eaux de transition et à la gamme de salinité oligohaline. Des recommandations sont formulées en termes d’études complémentaires visant à préciser le fonctionnement hydrologique de ces étangs et de priorisation des suivis de leur qualité physico-chimique et biologique, pour aboutir à une surveillance DCE pérenne. Les recommandations formulées à partir des données fournies sur l’étang martiniquais des Salines concernent l’évaluation des pressions anthropiques pesant sur cette masse d’eau, la priorisation des suivis de sa qualité chimique, physico-chimique et biologique dans le cadre de la surveillance DCE. Des pistes sont également données pour l’élaboration et la consolidation de grilles de diagnostic adaptées à cet étang.


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This paper examines the relationship between the state and the individual in relation to an aspect of mundane family life – the feeding of babies and young children. The nutritional status of children has long been a matter of national concern and infant feeding is an aspect of family life that has been subjected to substantial state intervention. It exemplifies the imposition upon women the ‘biologico-moral responsibility’ for the welfare of children (Foucault 1991b). The state’s attempts to influence mothers’ feeding practices operate largely through education and persuasion. Through an elaborate state-sponsored apparatus, a strongly medicalised expert discourse is disseminated to mothers. This discourse warns mothers of the risks of certain feeding practices and the benefits of others. It constrains mothers through a series of ‘quiet coercions’ (Foucault 1991c) which seek to render them self-regulating subjects. Using data from a longitudinal interview study, this paper explores how mothers who are made responsible in these medical discourses around child nutrition, engage with, resist and refuse expert advice. It examines, in particular, the rhetorical strategies which mothers use to defend themselves against the charges of maternal irresponsibility that arise when their practices do not conform to expert medical recommendations.


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Efforts to ‘modernize’ the clinical workforce of the English National Health Service have sought to reconfigure the responsibilities of professional groups in pursuit of more effective, joined-up service provision. Such efforts have met resistance from professions eager to protect their jurisdictions, deploying legitimacy claims familiar from the insights of the sociology of professions. Yet to date few studies of professional boundaries have grounded these insights in the specific context of policy challenges to the inter- and intra-professional division of labour, in relation the medical profession and other health-related occupations. In this paper we address this gap by considering the experience of newly instituted general practitioners (family physicians) with a special interest (GPSIs) in genetics, introduced to improve genetics knowledge and practice in primary care. Using qualitative data from four comparative case studies, we discuss how an established intra-professional division of labour within medicine—between clinical geneticists and GPs—was opened, negotiated and reclosed in these sites. We discuss the contrasting attitudes towards the nature of genetics knowledge and its application of GPSIs and geneticists, and how these were used to advance conflicting visions of what the nascent GPSI role should involve. In particular, we show how the claims to knowledge of geneticists and GPSIs interacted with wider policy pressures to produce a rather more conservative redistribution of power and responsibility across the intra-professional boundary than the rhetoric of modernization might suggest.


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Purpose: To explore the influence of pharmacist factors on prescription decisions of physicians. Methods: A survey of literature was carried out across online databases and 12 relevant articles were identified. The influence of pharmacist factors on physician prescription decisions was identified in the articles. A conceptual model for investigating pharmacist factors that influence physicians’ prescription decisions was then developed. Results: The main factors identified were pharmacist expertise, pharmacist – physician collaboration, and trust between physician and pharmacist. There was no direct evidence of influence of pharmacist expertise on prescription, but some studies indicated that pharmacist recommendation is in tandem with the prescribing behaviour of physicians. One study reported that pharmacist–physician collaboration positively influenced physicians’ prescribing decision, while others found no relationship between these. Conclusion: Existing literature on the influence of pharmacist factors on prescription behaviour of physicians are limited and debatable. There is no consistency in these studies. Moreover, studies that reported a strong connection between the trustworthiness and pharmacist–physician collaboration in drug prescription lack hard evidence.


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Traditional decision making research has often focused on one's ability to choose from a set of prefixed options, ignoring the process by which decision makers generate courses of action (i.e., options) in-situ (Klein, 1993). In complex and dynamic domains, this option generation process is particularly critical to understanding how successful decisions are made (Zsambok & Klein, 1997). When generating response options for oneself to pursue (i.e., during the intervention-phase of decision making) previous research has supported quick and intuitive heuristics, such as the Take-The-First heuristic (TTF; Johnson & Raab, 2003). When generating predictive options for others in the environment (i.e., during the assessment-phase of decision making), previous research has supported the situational-model-building process described by Long Term Working Memory theory (LTWM; see Ward, Ericsson, & Williams, 2013). In the first three experiments, the claims of TTF and LTWM are tested during assessment- and intervention-phase tasks in soccer. To test what other environmental constraints may dictate the use of these cognitive mechanisms, the claims of these models are also tested in the presence and absence of time pressure. In addition to understanding the option generation process, it is important that researchers in complex and dynamic domains also develop tools that can be used by `real-world' professionals. For this reason, three more experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a new online assessment of perceptual-cognitive skill in soccer. This test differentiated between skill groups and predicted performance on a previously established test and predicted option generation behavior. The test also outperformed domain-general cognitive tests, but not a domain-specific knowledge test when predicting skill group membership. Implications for theory and training, and future directions for the development of applied tools are discussed.


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In this paper, we present norms concerning the perceived association that two sets of stimuli (photos of people and photos of objects) establish with the concept of expertise. Participants were presented with a set of words associated with the expertise dimension and subsequently asked to judge each stimulus on how much it related with the learned (expertise) dimension on a 7-point scale (1 – Not at all related; 7 – Very related). The interpretation of means’ confidence intervals allowed us to distinguish between images highly related with the expertise dimension and images highly unrelated with this dimension. Summarized results are presented and photos made available to support future research requiring stimuli associated with the expertise dimension.


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Background: Diagnostic decision-making is made through a combination of Systems 1 (intuition or pattern-recognition) and Systems 2 (analytic) thinking. The purpose of this study was to use the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) to evaluate and compare the level of Systems 1 and 2 thinking among medical students in pre-clinical and clinical programs. Methods: The CRT is a three-question test designed to measure the ability of respondents to activate metacognitive processes and switch to System 2 (analytic) thinking where System 1 (intuitive) thinking would lead them astray. Each CRT question has a correct analytical (System 2) answer and an incorrect intuitive (System 1) answer. A group of medical students in Years 2 & 3 (pre-clinical) and Years 4 (in clinical practice) of a 5-year medical degree were studied. Results: Ten percent (13/128) of students had the intuitive answers to the three questions (suggesting they generally relied on System 1 thinking) while almost half (44%) answered all three correctly (indicating full analytical, System 2 thinking). Only 3-13% had incorrect answers (i.e. that were neither the analytical nor the intuitive responses). Non-native English speaking students (n = 11) had a lower mean number of correct answers compared to native English speakers (n = 117: 1.0 s 2.12 respectfully: p < 0.01). As students progressed through questions 1 to 3, the percentage of correct System 2 answers increased and the percentage of intuitive answers decreased in both the pre-clinical and clinical students. Conclusions: Up to half of the medical students demonstrated full or partial reliance on System 1 (intuitive) thinking in response to these analytical questions. While their CRT performance has no claims to make as to their future expertise as clinicians, the test may be used in helping students to understand the importance of awareness and regulation of their thinking processes in clinical practice.


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L’objet de cette recherche concerne le développement de l’expertise enseignante chez les enseignantes et les enseignants d’histoire au secondaire. Une recension des écrits nous a permis d’identifier des aspects qui contribuent au développement professionnel comme les réseaux professionnels, la formation continue ou congrès, le mentorat, des lectures d’ouvrages spécialisés, des collègues de travail et l’expérience. L’objectif de recherche était d’identifier, auprès d’enseignantes et d’enseignants d’histoire au secondaire, quels sont les aspects et les expériences professionnelles qui ont contribué au développement de leur expertise professionnelle. Cette recherche, dite qualitative/interprétative de type exploratoire, repose sur la stratégie du récit de vie. Les participants sont quatre enseignants d’histoire au secondaire considérés comme experts. L’entrevue semi-dirigée a permis de colliger des données qualitatives quant aux aspects et aux expériences professionnelles ayant contribué au développement de leur expertise enseignante. Les résultats de recherche indiquent que les aspects ciblés au départ ont influencé à divers degrés le cheminement des experts participants. D’autres aspects ont émergé comme étant marquants dans le développement professionnel comme la passion ou l’intérêt pour l’enseignement de l’histoire, la qualité des relations tant avec les élèves qu’avec les collègues et la capacité de réfléchir sur sa pratique. Toutefois, trois aspects favorisent plus particulièrement le développement de l’expertise soit l’expérience, les compétences professionnelles en enseignement qui regroupent la préparation de cours, la réflexion sur sa pratique et la relation maitre/élève puis les collègues de travail. Cette recherche est utile parce qu’elle apporte un éclairage sur les aspects contribuant au développement de l’expertise enseignante et peut ouvrir la voie vers une autre étude qui mettrait en évidence les différences entre les voies empruntées pour développer cette dernière.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física