743 resultados para Introductory accounting
These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using a Tablet PC. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.
These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using PowerPoint. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.
What are Rich Apps? How can students develop their career prospects as well as develop software? This lecture describes the aims and objectives of the course, and gives an outline of the first assessment.
Use across a series of lectures to introduce the module, focus on the topic of interdisciplinarity and get to know the group. Includes link to mendeley group
The relative stability of aggregate labor's share constitutes one of the great macroeconomic ratios. However, relative stability at the aggregate level masks the unbalanced nature of industry labor's shares – the Kuznets stylized facts underlie those of Kaldor. We present a two-sector – one labor-only and the other using both capital and labor – model of unbalanced economic development with induced innovation that can rationalize these phenomena as well as several other empirical regularities of actual economies. Specifically, the model features (i) one sector ("goods" production) becoming increasingly capital-intensive over time; (ii) an increasing relative price and share in total output of the labor-only sector ("services"); and (iii) diverging sectoral labor's shares despite (iii) an aggregate labor's share that converges from above to a value between 0 and unity. Furthermore, the model (iv) supports either a neoclassical steadystate or long-run endogenous growth, giving it the potential to account for a wide range of real world development experiences.
Este recurso se refiere principalmente a la labor docente en las escuelas secundarias. Aunque este enfoque no puede ser separado de otras muchas cuestiones de interés educativo, su principal objetivo es introducir a los profesores en formación en una serie de temas que son de decisiva importancia en el desarrollo profesional para todos los que enseñan en la educación secundaria. Algunos de ellos son cuestiones fundamentalmente cognitivas, por ejemplo, la naturaleza y el desarrollo de la inteligencia, o diferentes estilos de aprendizaje y cómo se relacionan con los estilos de enseñanza. Otros, sin embargo, tienen que ver con el desarrollo personal, moral, espiritual, social y político de los jóvenes, cuestiones que son fundamentales para la enseñanza secundaria en el nuevo milenio.
Dos psicólogos especializados en dislexia presentan esta guía para los profesionales y para los lectores que son disléxicos. Ofrece una visión general de la dislexia y trastornos asociados, como dispraxia, trastorno por déficit de atención. Se abordan problemas emocionales relacionados con la dislexia y problemas en el trabajo y cómo los jefes y otros profesionales pueden ayudar. Ofrece listas de comprobación de los síntomas, ejercicios de relajación, direcciones de las organizaciones del Reino Unido y sitios webs, sugerencias para una lectura adicional. También hay descripciones de los diferentes tipos de tecnología de asistencia, tales como el software de reconocimiento de voz, teléfonos inteligentes, software texto de voz, grabadoras de voz digitales y dispositivos GPS.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
In This work we present a Web-based tool developed with the aim of reinforcing teaching and learning of introductory programming courses. This tool provides support for teaching and learning. From the teacher's perspective the system introduces important gains with respect to the classical teaching methodology. It reinforces lecture and laboratory sessions, makes it possible to give personalized attention to the student, assesses the degree of participation of the students and most importantly, performs a continuous assessment of the student's progress. From the student's perspective it provides a learning framework, consisting in a help environment and a correction environment, which facilitates their personal work. With this tool students are more motivated to do programming
Dynamic optimization methods have become increasingly important over the last years in economics. Within the dynamic optimization techniques employed, optimal control has emerged as the most powerful tool for the theoretical economic analysis. However, there is the need to advance further and take account that many dynamic economic processes are, in addition, dependent on some other parameter different than time. One can think of relaxing the assumption of a representative (homogeneous) agent in macro- and micro-economic applications allowing for heterogeneity among the agents. For instance, the optimal adaptation and diffusion of a new technology over time, may depend on the age of the person that adopted the new technology. Therefore, the economic models must take account of heterogeneity conditions within the dynamic framework. This thesis intends to accomplish two goals. The first goal is to analyze and revise existing environmental policies that focus on defining the optimal management of natural resources over time, by taking account of the heterogeneity of environmental conditions. Thus, the thesis makes a policy orientated contribution in the field of environmental policy by defining the necessary changes to transform an environmental policy based on the assumption of homogeneity into an environmental policy which takes account of heterogeneity. As a result the newly defined environmental policy will be more efficient and likely also politically more acceptable since it is tailored more specifically to the heterogeneous environmental conditions. Additionally to its policy orientated contribution, this thesis aims making a methodological contribution by applying a new optimization technique for solving problems where the control variables depend on two or more arguments --- the so-called two-stage solution approach ---, and by applying a numerical method --- the Escalator Boxcar Train Method --- for solving distributed optimal control problems, i.e., problems where the state variables, in addition to the control variables, depend on two or more arguments. Chapter 2 presents a theoretical framework to determine optimal resource allocation over time for the production of a good by heterogeneous producers, who generate a stock externalit and derives government policies to modify the behavior of competitive producers in order to achieve optimality. Chapter 3 illustrates the method in a more specific context, and integrates the aspects of quality and time, presenting a theoretical model that allows to determine the socially optimal outcome over time and space for the problem of waterlogging in irrigated agricultural production. Chapter 4 of this thesis concentrates on forestry resources and analyses the optimal selective-logging regime of a size-distributed forest.