470 resultados para Interactionist postulates
This paper presents methodology based on Lev Vigotsky`s social interactionist theory through investigative activities, which integrates the teaching of physics to robotics, directed to students of the Physics degree course, seeking to provide further training for future teachers. The method is organized through educational robotics workshops that addresses concepts of physics through the use of low-cost educational robots along with several activities. The methodology has been presented and discussed and put into practice afterwards in workshops so that these future teachers may be able to take robotics to their classroom. Students from the last and penultimate semester of the Physics degree course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó campus participated in this project
In this work, we study the types of paraphrases used by the students of the Language and Literature Course when they reformulate a source text in the theoretical section of the monographs produced as texts for the conclusion of the course. Our main goal is to know how the process of textual reformulation takes place in the production of the monographic gender. From the used theoretical orientation (Fuchs,1982; 1994; Charaudeau and Maingueneau, 2006; Fávero et al, 2007; Hilgert, 1997, 2002, 2006; among others) we have worked with the paraphrase notion as an activity of discoursive reformulation, considering as the basic groundings the situation of communication and the subjects, or the wider context. In a more specific way, we have considered that the paraphrase performs alterations in the formal level, in the semantic level and in the functional level. Besides that, we sought to articulate the practice of paraphrasing to the gender of discourse in which it appears and to the contextual implications involved in the producing of the gender in question, and in doing so we were grounded in Baktin´s (2003) and Maingueneau´s (1998; 2001) postulates. For the analysis of the corpus that consists of 19 monographs, we have used the three categories defined by Hilgert (2002, 2006):expansion, condensation and parallelism as a way of identifying, describing and characterizing the types of paraphrases used by the students who produced the monographs when they take up Travaglia´s (1996) text about the language conceptions. The results show that the use of the paraphrastic parallelism (with 69.45 % in relation to only 18.41% of condensation and 12.13 % of expansion) was the most recurrent in the reformulations performed by the students who produced the monographs and this manifestation was characterized mainly by the lexical-semantic repetition of fragments of the source text. We have concluded that the high incidence of paraphrastic parallelism is an indication that the student does not have a command of the ways of production and circulation of the discoursive genders uttered in the academic-scientific realm
Studies about discursive genres peak at a necessity to understand how these genres work in a society that is more and more submissive to the technology of informatics such as ours. In acknowledging that the virtual context of the Internet provides the manifestation and development of new genres of the discourse, we perceived that the online journal, or blog, as commonly known, is responsible for a variety of linguistic phenomena that would normally take severaI years to consolidate. Since its appearance in 1997 blogs rush as a virtual version of the personal diary and in a short time due to communicative demands suffers several changes, making new categories of blog genres emerge. Facing such phenomena, this work intends at first to characterize blogs as a genre that exercises a social action, evidencing its formal, structural and pragmatic characteristics from the notion of recurrence and rhetoric in a discursive-semiotic perspective. The methodological postulates adopted by this research are considered of qualitative basis in the sense that they are not restricted to looking at the discursive events as a product, but mainly they take into consideration a group of situational, cultural and ideologic factors that are present in the constitution of genre.
This work has as objective generality to make a multidimensional analysis in the genre journalistic assay, communicative genre that, beyond complex and multimodal, presents hybrid characteristics. Specifically, with the intention to propose defining criteria of the cited genre, this research looks for to establish differences and similarities between the assay and other genres of the same sphere, from the description and interpretation of used multimodal resources. The analysis of the formal, schematical and rhetorical resources identified in the formatting of the journalistic assay sample that the analyses are supported in the socio-semiotic and socio-rhetorical approaches. In the formal dimension, we contemplate elements that constitute design of the text, including the forms of representation from the typography, the colors, images, as well as the aspects communicative-linguistics: the modalization indices, the communicative operators and the category time; in the schematical dimension, we present the organizational structure, considering the rhetorical movements postulates for Swales (1990) and in the rhetorical dimension we observe the categories: who writes, for who it writes, on what it writes and where writes. The adopted methodologicals postulates are of qualitative nature and the procedure is documentary, data that in we are valid them written texts of this genre as analysis object. Corpus it is constituted by a composed sample for 14 extracted texts of a set of 173 propagated journalistic assays weekly for the magazine Veja, in the period between August of 2004 and January of 2008. The analysis of the data showed that the journalistic assay, object of this study, materializes through multiple symbolic representations and multiple subjects that turn since a small episode of the daily facts of great social relevance in the present time, of historical and cultural nature, nationwide or international. Used for the first time by Montaigne in 1580, to assign, in saying of the proper author, written fast on its life and historical events, which could nor be remembered later , the term `assay' was enriched with other specifications, of form to enclose the one that if they call scientific assay today, academic assay, journalistic assay and other types of specific assays. These denominations have to see with the enrollment of the members of diverse of practices communities, in virtue of the multiplicity of activities carried through in these spheres. The conclusions the one that we arrive had been the following ones: 1. the discursive genre is not a pure entity, in virtue of the multiplicity of situations where the sorts if insert in the social actions; 2. the institutions define the configuration of one definitive genre, also its proper assignment, since for backwards of all discursive genre a voice exists to discipline - institutional voice, and in the case of the assays for analyzed us, the institutional voice if it presents, really, as a defining trace; 3. the journalistic assay, for its multiple symbolic representations, multiple subjects and for passing explicit or implicit opinions of its author, resembles it other genres, being able, therefore, to be inserted in a colony of opinionatives genres
The present dissertation analyses the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the short story written by João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga (1946) seeking to point out the possibility of the philosophic application of some Nietzschean ideas to enlarge the aesthetic value of the short story. It has been especially aimed at applying the concept of the noble superior being described by Nietzsche, the ubermensch, to the hero s ontological nature, Augusto Matraga. Nietzsche s postulates of the will to power, the elements suggested of the trial between Dionysus and Apollo and the ascetic ideal, will be especially relevant to this work, which intends to establish until what point the hero can be conceived as a good ascetic person, in so far as his noble ontological nature trespass the Christian morality, bringing him closer to the man who, according to Nietzsche, is beyond good and evil. Some Heideggerian concepts will also be relevant in order to reinforce the idea that the judgment created about Matraga is just an appearance that does not contemplate his essential Being, contributing to veil his real tragic-ontological valour, what implies that the aesthetic power of the short has been under valued
This study is part of interactional perspective, focusing on Conversation Analysis theories, from the Textual Interactive Perspective and Text Linguistics . This research, from its guiding questions, aims at understanding the interaction between teacher and students in the process of the knowledge construction as well as at describing, analyzing and understanding aspects of topical organization speech in the classroom in elementary school, observing the opening and closing procedures of the speech topics in that particular space. Considering that the procedures for opening and closing of discursive topics occur through language marks, we tried to identify which speech marks are used in the opening and closing of the topics studied in the classroom, in interaction during the collaborative process of the discourse established between teacher and students. Therefore, this study is based on authors who analyze specific questions of the text in real context of language use: Koch (1993, 1999), Jubran et al (1991), Jubran (2006), Pine (2005), Penhavel (2010), Galembeck (2012), Barros (1991), Marcuschi (1986 , 1990, 1991 , 1998 , 1999, 2003 , 2004a), Kerbrat - Orecchioni (2006), Favero (1999, 2002) and Galvão (2004, 2010). As a methodology of investigation, the study is focused on the postulates of ethnographic research in order to carry out data collection, through audio and video recordings which were transcribed, according to the NURC project proposal, with some adaptations. Data analysis showed that the procedures for opening and closing of the speech topics occurred by the use of discourse markers, in particular the marker "then", allowing us to understand that these elements are important in the topical organization speech, contributing to ensure textual cohesion and coherence. We conclude that the organization of the discursive topic in the classroom occurs through events that support the explicitness of the content of teaching and learning, considering the diverse necessity of an institutional academic plan, whose main objective is the construction of knowledge
The elderly population growth in Brazil and in the world is an incontestable reality, arising from a significant declining rate in mortality and fertility, resulting from the remarkable improvements in the quality of life of the people. Associated with the introduction of new technologies in the medical area, these issues have been highly contributing for the increase of the population longevity. The numbers of the elderly in Brazil and in the world show female population predominance within the aging segment, a phenomenon known as the feminisation of the old-age . Aging, therefore, is nowadays one of the primary issues and that has been mobilizing the Brazilian s society, since the development raised from this new reality brought with it enormous challenges and complex social implications which are already felt in the daily lives of the societies. My work experience among some age groups has shown that aging is a much differentiated process which has instigated my interest in understanding why aging has to face an overwhelming and painful experience for some people and enriched and full of signification for others. Overviewing, this research aimed to understand the aging development through the analysis of the processes of signification and production of meaning that permeate the aging and the subjective well-being of three aged women participants of the Project Health and Citizenship on Third Age /CEFET-RN, that evidenced attitudes and behaviors concerning the integration and the activity toward the elderly population. The methodological strategy used was History of Life, starting from collecting data based on deep interviews. The analysis of data evidenced that the elderly well-being is a unique and distinct meaningful experience for each person, concerning each story of their lives within differentiated social, cultural, economic context, from this perspective one can demystify the concept of that aging occurs in a homogeneous way for everyone, everywhere and with the same rhythm. The narratives presented in this research showed the human development as being a dialectic, discursive and interactionist process which extends throughout the adult life and continues to the aging life. The guarantee that development and aging are a parallel phenomenon always in interdependence on the preceding phases of live, are corroborated within the studies. This present study confirms that the elderly population can be a phase of growth, personal realization and continued development, without disrespecting the heterogeneous and the subjectivity of the person who ages. Notifying those healthy and well-succeeded aging experiences, this issue has the intention to contribute to demystify the concept of aging as a social problem, illness needed to be treated, and the stereotypy of the elderly being dependent and unproductive
This present article describes a research on the development, under the approach of participatory design, a virtual teaching-learning of Histology in which students and teachers participated actively in all stages of development of the educational environment. We postulates that the development of virtual learning environment of Histology, through the Participatory Design approach, contributes to greater acceptance and use by students and that the adoption of virtual environment for teaching and learning by teachers is a determining factor of use by students
This work presents a proposal for introducing the teaching of Geometry Space study attempts to demonstrate that the use of manipulatives as a teaching resource can be an alternative learning facilitator for fixing the primitive concepts of geometry, the postulates and theorems, position relationships between points, lines and planes and calculating distances. The development makes use of a sequence of activities aimed at ensuring that students can build a more systematic learning and these are divided into four steps
Este trabalho, de natureza qualitativa e de cunho etnográfico, tem como cenário um Projeto de Línguas Estrangeiras, implementado nos Ciclos 1 e 2 do Ensino Fundamental Público de uma cidade do interior paulista. O objetivo principal do estudo é investigar as visões implícitas da avaliação proposta pelo livro didático em uso no mencionado contexto de ensino, confrontando-as com a abordagem explícita do material acerca do processo avaliatório e com as crenças dos professores sobre a avaliação em foco. Para tanto, tomamos como referencial os princípios sociointeracionistas (Vygotsky, 1978) e comunicacionais (Almeida Filho, 1993, 2005) de linguagem e aprendizagem, assim como construtos referentes às crenças sobre ensino e aprendizagem de línguas (Barcelos, 1995, 2004a, b; Silva, 2005) e também referentes à avaliação (Scaramucci, 1997, 2004) no ensino de línguas para crianças (Cameron, 2001).
O artigo postula a necessidade de uma concepção afirmativa sobre o ato de ensinar e analisa criticamente algumas concepções consideradas negativas em relação ao ensino como transmissão de conhecimento. Nesse sentido, defende que a Escola Nova e o Construtivismo estabelecem uma dicotomia entre a transmissão de conhecimentos pelo professor e a conquista da autonomia intelectual pelo aluno, secundarizando, assim, o ensino e descaracterizando o papel do professor. O artigo analisa, ainda, alguns postulados defendidos por Vigotski e seguidores, que iriam numa direção oposta à das idéias defendidas pela Escola Nova e pelo Construtivismo.
O artigo aborda as relações entre a Psicologia e a Educação, tomando especialmente a perspectiva psicogenética, cujas teorias enriquecem tanto a Psicologia quanto a Educação. Apresenta, inicialmente, breve histórico dos estudos psicológicos do desenvolvimento humano, salientando as várias fases pelas quais se constituiu a Psicologia do Desenvolvimento. Trata, em seguida, das idéias centrais da teoria psicogenética piagetiana e de suas vertentes funcionalista e sócio-interacionista e comenta, por fim, a tendência das pesquisas sobre os conhecimentos sociais e conteúdos escolares, levantando suas contribuições para a educação escolar.
O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer uma interpretação funcional para a ordem de constituintes da sentença do português falado no Brasil (PB). Segundo a metodologia aqui adotada, as generalizações de natureza sintática decorrem necessariamente de generalizações de natureza semântica e pragmática. Os dados constituem uma amostragem representativa de sentenças do português falado, extraída de inquéritos do Projeto NURC. Como enfoque funcional prevê a coexistência de diferentes padrões de ordenação de constituintes, usados em diferentes condições e para diferentes propósitos, postula-se que o PB dispõe de dois padrões igualmente relevantes: a ordem SVO e a ordem VSO, ambos pragmaticamente motivados. Argumenta-se ainda que tais motivações pragmáticas relaciona, diacronicamente, os padrões funcionais em uso a uma mudança em curso na classificação tipológica do PB de um tipo primitivo VSO para o tipo SVO atualmente predominante.
Um dos postulados da linguística do início do século XX é o de que o objeto da linguística deveria identificar-se com a parte homogênea dos fenômenos observáveis. Na segunda metade desse século, a sociolinguística representou uma ruptura significativa com o formalismo teórico mediante a introdução do conceito de variável linguística, mas, ao mesmo tempo, dele se aproximou ao adotar o conceito de regra variável. Este trabalho pretende discutir criticamente essa posição encarecendo a necessidade de repropor mais plenamente o falante enquanto agente condutor de seu próprio discurso e, consequentemente, a noção de variável linguística como o espaço privilegiado da construção do significado social da linguagem.
Functionalism, in its postulates and in its methods, can be seen not only as a reaction to geographical positivism and evolutionism but as a reflection of political tendencies and interests in the 20th century. Brazilian academic geography of the functionalist school showed itself resolute in attacking Darwinist interpretations, but concerned itself very little with theoretical systematization, methodology, discussion or reflection. -J.Naylon