940 resultados para Industrial revolution
Mostly developed since the Industrial Revolution, the automation of systems and equipment around us is responsible for a technological progress and economic growth without precedents, but also by a relentless energy dependence. Currently, fossil fuels still tend to come as the main energy source, even in developed countries, due to the ease in its extraction and the mastery of the technology needed for its use. However, the perception of its ending availability, as well as the environmental impact of this practice has led to a growing energy production originated from renewable sources. Easy maintenance, coupled with the fact that they are virtually inexhaustible, makes the solar and wind energy very promising solutions. In this context, this work proposes to facilitate energy production from these sources. To this end, in this work the power inverter is studied, which is an equipment responsible for converting DC power available by solar or wind power in traditional AC power. Then it is discussed and designed a new architecture which, in addition to achieve a high energy e - ciency, has also the ability to adapt to the type of conversion desired by the user, namely if he wants to sell electricity to the power grid, be independent of it or bet on a self consumption system. In order to achieve the promised energy e ciency, the projected inverter uses a resonant DC-DC converter, whose architecture signi cantly decreases the energy dissipated in the conversion, allowing a higher power density. The adaptability of the equipment is provided by an adaptive control algorithm, responsible for assessing its behavior on every iteration and making the necessary changes to achieve maximum stability throughout the process. To evaluate the functioning of the proposed architecture, a simulation is presented using the PLECS simulation software.
This thesis examines the regulatory and legislative approach taken in the United Kingdom to deal with deaths arising from work related activities and, in particular, deaths that can be directly attributed to the behaviour of corporations and other organisations. Workplace health and safety has traditionally been seen in the United Kingdom as a regulatory function which can be traced to the very earliest days of the Industrial Revolution. With an emphasis on preventing workplace accidents and ill-health through guidance, advice and support, the health and safety legislation and enforcement regime which had evolved over the best part of two centuries was considered inadequate to effectively punish corporations considered responsible for deaths caused by their activities following a series of disasters in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. To address this apparent inadequacy, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 was introduced creating the offence of corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide. Based on a gross breach of a relevant duty of care resulting in the death of a person, the Act effectively changed what had previously considered a matter of regulation, an approach that had obvious weaknesses and shortcomings, to one of crime and criminal law. Whether this is the best approach to dealing with deaths caused by an organisation is challenged in this thesis and the apparent distinction between ‘criminal’ and ‘regulatory’ offences is also examined. It was found that an amended Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to include a specific offence of corporate killing, in conjunction with the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008 would almost certainly have resulted in a more effective approach to dealing with organisations responsible for causing deaths as consequence of their activities. It was also found that there was no substantive difference between ‘regulatory’ and ‘criminal’ law other than the stigma associated with the latter, and that distinction would almost certainly disappear, at least in the context of worker safety, as a consequence of the penalties available following the introduction of the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008.
The underdeveloped countries of today were those who came late to the industrial revolution, tomorrow will be those who fall behind in the information revolution, "this principle formulated by UNESCO is the reality that is experienced in the new economic and social era of knowledge, making Costa Rica is part of the countries of information as an essential element for development, is the purpose and underlying philosophy of the School of Library, Documentation and Information, National University, which its work in teaching, extension and research provides answers feasible and viable to do so.
According to many scientists third industrial revolution has already began and this primarily means the transition to renewable energy sources. Energy requirements are increasing rapidly due to fast industrialization and the increased number of vehicles on the roads. Massive consumption of fossil fuels leads to environmental pollution, therefore, biofuels are offered as an alternative. For example, the application of biodiesel in diesel engines instead of diesel results in the proven reduction of harmful exhaust emissions. One of the most important technologies, which has been already explored at the commercial level, is the production of a liquid biofuel applicable in compression-ignition engines (or diesel engines), from biomass rich in fats and oils. This biofuel is generically referred as biodiesel, and consists essentially of a mixture of FAME's (fatty acid methyl esters). This current work describes modern approaches of biodiesel production from vegetable oil and subsequent analysis of produced biodiesel main characteristics such as density, acidity, iodine value and FAME content.
According to the National Academy of Sciences of the United States was Modern electronics has given rise to a second Industrial Revolution ... its impact on society could be higher even than the original industrial revolution.The information is granted a number of attributes that have made valued as an asset as necessary as the energy source.Repeat with more conviction to as we move into the twenty-first century, that of scientific and technological development depends nations.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional, 2016.
Em plena quarta revolução industrial, todas as industrias se estão a transformar para se ajustar aos novos paradigmas de relação com os clientes, altamente influenciados pelos pioneiros digitais como a Uber, Netflix ou Amazon, porém no setor financeiro há desafios acrescidos, pois os clientes esperam juntar essas expectativas digitais com a manutenção da iteração humana, enquanto, do lados bancos, em simultâneo, necessitam de recuperar da crise da dívida soberana que impôs necessidades de ajustamento dos balanços. O momento de desenvolvimento tecnológico potenciado pelo forte crescimento do acesso à internet em mobilidade traz novos hábitos e expectativas na relação com as entidades, com dispositivos cada vez mais potentes a cada vez menor custo, o que criou a oportunidade perfeita para o surgimento de startups tecnológicas dispostas a transformar os modelos de negócio de intermediação clássica, dando origem, no setor financeiro, às fintechs – empresas de base tecnológica dedicadas à prestação de serviços financeiros - impondo uma disrupção na industria financeira, com destaque para mercados como os EUA e Reino Unido. Olhando aos últimos cinco anos do setor financeiro, será muito difícil antecipar como estará o setor financeiro dentro de cinco anos, mas sabemos que estará seguramente muito diferente do que conhecemos hoje, por esse fato este trabalho é assente essencialmente em referências bibliográficas dos últimos 5 anos, tendo sido feito utilizados estudos de investigação de empresas e documentos académicos para a caracterização do setor neste contexto de inovação permanente e em que medida este processo de “digitalização” do setor financeiro influencia a propensão dos clientes na contratação de mais produtos e serviços, sendo esse um fator central para os bancos em Portugal recuperarem economicamente. É também analisada a dimensão seguida pelas instituições de regulação e supervisão do setor financeiro com vista a potenciar a concorrência e inovação do setor financeiro, enquanto mantém a garantia de segurança, confiança e controlo de risco sistémico. É bastante escassa a literatura disponível para caracterizar a banca em Portugal numa ótica de inovação e transformação, porém este trabalho procura caracterizar o sistema financeiro português face à forma como está a responder aos desafios de transformação tecnológica e digital. Procurou-se estabelecer uma metodologia de investigação que permita caracterizar a perceção de valor acrescentado para os clientes da utilização de serviços digitais e em que medida estes se podem substituir aos balcões e à intervenção humana dos profissionais dos bancos, tendo-se concluído que estes dois elementos são ainda fatores centrais para os clientes.
Significant advances in science should be given to addressing the needs of society and the historical context of the territories. Although technological developments that began with modernity and the industrial revolution allowed human beings to control the resources of nature to put to your service without limits, it is clear that the crisis of the prevailing development models manifest themselves in many ways but with three common denominators: environmental degradation, social injustice and extreme poverty. Consequently, today should not be possible to think a breakthrough in the development of science without addressing global environmental problems and the deep social injustices that increase at all scales under the gaze, impassively in many occasions, of formal science.
Semantics, knowledge and Grids represent three spaces where people interact, understand, learn and create. Grids represent the advanced cyber-infrastructures and evolution. Big data influence the evolution of semantics, knowledge and Grids. Exploring semantics, knowledge and Grids on big data helps accelerate the shift of scientific paradigm, the fourth industrial revolution, and the transformational innovation of technologies.
Disruptive Threads and Renegade Yarns: Domestic Textile Making in Selected Women's Writing 1811-1925
Thesis (Ph.D, English) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-03 13:57:45.102
Los residuos sólidos como consecuencia directa de las actividades humanas, han representado un reto desde sus inicios, de ahí se empezaron a desarrollar técnicas y prácticas para garantizar una adecuada gestión de los residuos, nuestros primeros ancestros encontraron en los botaderos a cielo abierto la solución más fácil para disponer los desechos de animales y residuos de comida en sitios cercanos a sus viviendas, por ejemplo, los griegos poseen registros de la inauguración del primer relleno municipal en la ciudad de Atenas hace más de 2000 años. La evolución de las culturas, la revolución industrial y el crecimiento poblacional acelerado han modificado no solo la composición sino también la cantidad de los residuos sólidos producidos, haciendo cada día más difícil su adecuada gestión debido a su alto grado de toxicidad, la ausencia de materiales biodegradables y su volumen, traduciendo esto en un gran impacto. El panorama no es muy alentador y los pronósticos emitidos por el Banco Mundial prevén que para el año 2025 los niveles mundiales de residuos sólidos urbanos alcanzaran 2,2 millones de toneladas por año. Basada en el interés por la adecuada gestión de los residuos y la disminución del impacto ambiental de las empresas Coraseo S.A y Seacor S.A, la presente investigación busca seleccionar la metodología y/o tecnología más apropiada teniendo en cuenta las condiciones económicas, logísticas y de infraestructura de la empresa y la comunidad involucrada. En primera instancia se estudió en profundidad el panorama empresarial y posteriormente se seleccionó un grupo de cuatro propuestas para la transformación y aprovechamiento de los residuos sólidos que fueron evaluadas a nivel económico, normativo, medio ambiental. Los datos analizados sugieren entre otras cosas, un robustecimiento del marco legal ambiental colombiano y mundial, una mayor colaboración económica de los organismos internacionales y las entidades bancarias y finalmente una reducción en los costos de las tecnologías disponibles para el aprovechamiento de los residuos sólidos, haría posible el sueño de las sociedades de gestionar efectivamente los residuos sólidos generando el menor impacto ambiental posible y en el caso del grupo empresarial Cordobés lograr innovar y emprender con un proyecto eco eficiente como el que se evaluó.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.
RESUMO: O espaço tem sido considerado como uma matéria-prima de interesse para uma pluralidade de ciências. A sua abordagem vai da Física à Geometria, da Economia à Sociologia e assume várias e diversas reflexões teóricas sobre as diferentes temáticas de que é detentor. Se nos primórdios da Sociologia não havia um interesse particular sobre o espaço e, em particular, sobre o fenómeno urbano e pelas suas reconfigurações resultantes da Revolução Industrial, não é menos verdade que a influência exercida hoje sobre a Sociologia e os sociólogos foi, e continua a ser exercida, por parte dos autores que estão na base do edifício da teoria sociológica. E essa influência foi a grande responsável pelo desenvolvimento dos saberes específicos de que são detentoras a Sociologia Espacial, Sociologia Urbana e a Sociologia Rural e a atual Sociologia do Território, que para além das teorias produzidas são ainda responsáveis pelos debates em torno de velhas e de novas questões que a Sociologia procura resolver. ABSTRACT: Space has been considered as a raw material of interest to a plurality of sciences. His approach goes from Physics to Geometry, from Economics to Sociology and assumes several and diverse theoretical reflections on the different themes of which he holds. If in the early days of Sociology there was no particular interest in space and in particular in the urban phenomenon and its reconfigurations resulting from the Industrial Revolution, it is no less true that the influence exerted today on sociology and sociologists was, and continues To be exercised, on the part of the authors who are at the base of the building of the sociological theory. And this influence was the great responsibility for the development of the specific knowledge that holds Space Sociology, Urban Sociology and Rural Sociology and the current Sociology of the Territory, which in addition to the theories produced are still responsible for the debates around old and New questions that Sociology seeks to solve.
A Revolução Industrial consistiu num amplo conjunto de mudanças que ocorreu nos séculos XVIII e XIX na Europa, em que a grande metamorfose na sociedade sucedeu devido à substituição do trabalho manual pelo uso da máquina. Constituiu-se como fenómeno abrangente que congregou fatores demográficos, sociais, ideológicos, políticos e económicos. A busca de melhores condições de vida e de trabalho, foi fator decisivo para o aumento de população nos grandes núcleos urbanos, circunstância que determinou a procura de uma solução que resolvesse a questão do alojamento da classe trabalhadora. Surgiram assim teorias utópicas e sociais e também modelos urbanísticos dos quais se salientam: o Falanstério de Charles Fourier, Familistério de Jean-Baptiste Godin entre outros. Em Portugal, a industrialização ocorreu mais tarde que na restante Europa, assim como as evoluções e transformações associadas a esta. É neste contexto, que a partir do século XIX, o sector agrícola no país foi sendo gradualmente substituído pela indústria. O aumento da industrialização conduziu a um incremento da concentração de mão-de-obra próxima de grandes cidades industriais, ocorrência que fomentou o aparecimento dos primeiros núcleos habitacionais destinados à classe operária. A cidade sofreu, assim, alterações assinaladas por uma série de acontecimentos resultantes da Revolução Industrial, a par da falta de estratégias ligadas à questão da habitação para as classes desfavorecidas. É neste enquadramento que surge o Bairro do Pessoal da Empresa de Cimento de Leiria, Maceira-Liz. Este procurou responder às necessidades dos trabalhadores oferecendo-lhes boa qualidade de vida. Foi dotado de infraestruturas e equipamentos como a “Casa do Pessoal” ou a Cooperativa Abastecedora, entre outros, necessários ao bom funcionamento e permitindo uma maior sociabilidade entres os seus habitantes Desta forma, para demostrar a sua importância, introduz-se o Bairro do Pessoal da E.C.L no estudo do contexto internacional e nacional. Observam-se e criam-se relações com os modelos das cidades utópicas do século XIX e os conjuntos industriais em Portugal, detentores de alojamento destinado à classe trabalhadora, fazendo uma análise urbanística detalhada do Bairro do Pessoal de Maceira- Liz, uma “Utopia” construída segundo o espirito progressista do seu fundador Henrique Sommer.A partir do estudo dos fundamentos teórico-práticos, da forma de implantação e construção, bem como dos vários planos elaborados para este complexo - que demonstravam uma tentativa de inovar, através da construção de respostas às mudanças da sociedade e arquitetura em Portugal- poderá observar- -se que Maceira-Liz tinha alternativas para resolver a situação sócio- laboral dos operários e tentava resolver questões como a insalubridade da habitação operária da I República. O Bairro do Pessoal de E.C.L. ou Bairro de Maceira-Liz é um dos mais significativos exemplos de urbanismo do tipo fabril em Portugal, que permite fazer uma reflexão crítica e arquitetónica do papel que a arquitetura assume face à questão das diferenças sociais de classes, ao mesmo tempo que se propõe uma solução de revitalização do Bairro a fim de contribuir para a sua preservação e conservação da sua identidade; ABSTRACT: The Industrial Revolution consisted in a wide range of changes that occurred in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe, where the great metamorphosis in society succeeded due to the replacement of manual work by the use of machinery. It was established as a wide-ranging phenomenon which gathered demographic, social, ideological, political and economic factors. The search of better conditions of life and work was a decisive factor for the increase of population in major urban centers, a circumstance that led to the search for a solution to solve the question of working-class housing. Thus, utopian and social theories emerged, as also as urban models, of which we stand out: the Charles Fourier Phalanstery, Jean- Baptiste Godin Familistère and others. In Portugal, the industrialization occurred later than in the rest of Europe, as well as developments and changes associated with this. It is in this context that, starting in the nineteenth century, the agricultural sector in the country had been gradually replaced by the industry. The increased industrialization has led to an enlarged concentration of labor work close to major industrial cities, occurrence that fomented the appearance of the first housing units for the working class. So, the city suffered changes shown by a series of events resulting from the Industrial Revolution, together with the lack of strategies linked to the issue of housing for disadvantaged classes. It is in this context that comes the Neighborhood “Bairro do Pessoal da Empresa de Cimento de Leirio, Maceira – Liz”. This tried to respond to workers’ needs by offering them good quality of life. It was gifted with infrastructure and equipment as the “Staff Home” or the Cooperative Supplying, among others, needed for a proper functioning and allowing a greater sociability among its inhabitants. So, to demonstrate its importance, the Quarter of the Cement Company is introduced in the study of national and international context. Relationships with models of utopian cities in the nineteenth and the industrial plants in Portugal, owners of housing for the working class, are observed and created, making a detailed and urban analysis of the Quarter of the Cement Company, a “utopia “ built according to the progressive spirit of its founder Henry Sommer . From the study of the theoretical and practical fundamentals, the way of implementation and construction, as well as the various plans drawn up for this complex - which showed a determination to innovate by building responses to changes in society and architecture in Portugal - it can be founded that Maceira -Liz had alternatives to solve the socio- labor situation of the workers and tried to solve issues such as the unhealthiness of the working room of the First Republic. The Quarter of the Cement Company is one of the most significant examples of the industrial type urbanism in Portugal, which allows a critical and architectural reflection of the role that architecture assumes in what concerns the social class differences issues, while it is proposed a revitalization solution for the Neighborhood in order to contribute to the preservation and conservation of its identity
The new digital technologies have led to widespread use of cloud computing, recognition of the potential of big data analytics, and significant progress in aspects of the Internet of Things, such as home automation, smart cities and grids and digital manufacturing. In addition to closing gaps in respect of the basic necessities of access and usage, now the conditions must be established for using the new platforms and finding ways to participate actively in the creation of content and even new applications and platforms. This message runs through the three chapters of this book. Chapter I presents the main features of the digital revolution, emphasizing that today’s world economy is a digital economy. Chapter II examines the region’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to digital access and consumption. Chapter III reviews the main policy debates and urges countries to take a more proactive approach towards, for example, regulation, network neutrality and combating cybercrime. The conclusion highlights two crucial elements: first, the need to take steps towards a single regional digital market that can compete in a world of global platforms by tapping the benefits of economies of scale and developing network economies; and second, the significance of the next stage of the digital agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC2018), which will embody the latest updates to a cooperation strategy that has been in place for over a decade.