316 resultados para Hispania Ulterior


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Neste estudo foi realizado o monitoramento das vibrações geradas por explosivos em uma lavra de calcário e argilito localizada no município de Limeira (SP), com o objetivo de desenvolver equação de atenuação das vibrações e verificação da existência de variação nos níveis de vibração gerados pelo desmonte em diferentes níveis litológicos e estratigráficos. Os registros da velocidade de vibração de partícula e sua freqüência foram obtidos utilizando sismógrafos de engenharia, concentrando-se em área localizada a 300 m a sudoeste do empreendimento mineiro, no Bairro Belinha Ometto. Os trabalhos foram realizados em duas etapas. Na primeira foi gerada uma equação de atenuação que foi utilizada pela empresa e reduziu os incômodos causados à população pelas operações de detonação. Os valores obtidos na etapa seguinte indicaram que o principal fator na dispersão das velocidades de partícula seria a variação, em relação aos nominais, dos tempos de retardo dos acessórios de detonação que foram utilizados durante os trabalhos. Nas condições encontradas, considera-se imprópria a elaboração de planos de fogo que contemplem intervalos de tempo nominais entre a detonação de minas ou grupo de minas menores que 25 ms quando da utilização de acessórios de iniciação da coluna de explosivos dotados de tempo de retardo superior a 200 ms.


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This article presents a research aimed to analyze the approach and the definition of guiding curriculum of teacher training for work in the non-formal education in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We opted for a qualitative approach and case study of Te- acher Training Course for NGOs, developed by Ong São Paulo-SP. The research instruments were: analysis of documents of the cou- rse, interviews with trainers and coordinator and literature review. In this course, curriculum is defined as a path to be followed by students and instructors and the coordinator of the subjects studied. We adopted the so-called Integrated Curriculum, in which teaching occurs by the study of problem situations and integrators of learning projects. At the end, we suggest improving the course and following that information, it is hoped, one will support the production of fur- ther comparative research.


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This article presents research academic-scientific aimed to examine the definition and theoretical approach or model curriculum that organizes and guides the training of teachers to work in the field of non-formal education made in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We chose to adopt the perspective of qualitative research was conducted and the case study course called Teacher Training for NGOs, developed by an NGO based in the city of São Paulo. The research instruments were used: document analysis course, semi-directive interviews with their trainers and coordinator and literature review. Examined in the course curriculum is defined as a path to be followed by students and instructors and as organizer of the subjects studied. Adopts the approach named Integrated Curriculum, in which teaching occurs through the study of problem situations and integration projects of learning. At the end of the study, it is suggested that the improvement of the course and follow information that, hopefully, support the production of further comparative research.


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This article presents research that aimed to discuss the theoretical frameworks about civil associativism prescribed by the trainers of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) workers. The requirements for civil associations made by trainers were analyzed based on two data and reference categories, named empirical and analytical. The empirical categories emerged from the data collected by means of interviews with trainers and also examining the documents that guided the course. The analytical categories were constructed from the literature review on the approaches of civil associations, which are: North American Third Sector Approach; Critical Approach to the Third Sector and Social Local Development (DSL in the Portuguese acronym). The study presents indications that could support the development of other research on the topic and, mainly academic knowledge for further development of new training processes for NGO workers.


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This article presents research that examined work of a teacher trainer for professional education, which aimed to study the work of these professional instruments , the design of pedagogical mediation underlying the prescriptive texts of the work and the theoretical-methodological arrays deployed in labor activity . The theoretical framework was Clinical Activity , strand of Work Psychology . We adopt a simple self-confrontation for data collection , combining interviews , document analysis, and video recording of the work . Were the volunteer coordinator and three trainers course in São Paulo educational institution. The results showed that the work of trainers activity is directed to others , using concrete and intangible instruments . Prescriptive texts suggest the use of cognitive education approach , but in the effective action of the trainers was adopted cultural-historical perspective of human development . At the end there are the limitations of this research and indicates the need for further scientific research on the subject.


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This paper aims to present some characteristics of Hispania in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (4th-8th centuries). Search through a brief analysis of the relationship between Christianity and the Catholic Monarchy stood raise some issues and questions. We understand that Christianity has played and plays a significant role in the historical development of the Iberian countries. But in its installation and attempt to consolidation as hegemonic religion in the peninsula, faced several challenges. His alliance with the monarchy stood represented one of the ways to make stronger its dominance. In turn, the Monarchy, preserving its characteristic elective associated strongly with Christianity, giving him a theocratic character trying to raise the sovereign above the fray aristocratic, without much success. Thus, our text points to some of the paths followed by these two elements, Christianity and Monarchy at the time of the Kingdom of Toledo, proposing more reflections and ways that effectively covering them. We hope to have achieved it.


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[ES] El artículo, después de presentar de manera resumida cual era la realidad de la prensa canaria en el momento en el que la Biblioteca Universitaria de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria decide liderar el proyecto de digitalización, recoge los antecedentes históricos y técnicos de JABLE, portal de prensa digital canaria de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el primero en difundirse a través de Hispana y Europeana.


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[ES] Se estudia la diversidad de contextos de exhibición de las inscripciones romanas en la provincia Hispania citerior en época augustea, atendiendo a la importancia que adquirieron las ciudades en el proceso de romanización del territorio, así como a la configuración de nuevos espacios de exposición de las inscripciones, en algunos casos dentro de las estrategias de promoción y autorrepresentación de las elites locales.