974 resultados para Health Transition


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To investigate the influence of health locus of control on physical function, quality of life, depression and satisfaction with care transition in a sample of older adults after a hospital admission.


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Forensic mental health (FMH) clinicians sometimes feel unsupported and unprepared for their work. This article explores their experiences of working in a FMH setting in Australia. The research examined the clinical context of clinicians working with forensic patients (FP), particularly those individuals who have killed while experiencing a mental illness. A qualitative, exploratory design was selected. Data were collected through focus groups and individual interviews with hospital and community-based forensic clinicians from all professional groups: psychiatric medicine, social work, psychology, mental health nursing, occupational therapy, and psychiatric service officers. The main themes identified were orientation and adjustment to FMH, training in FMH, vicarious traumatization, clinical debriefing and clinical supervision, and therapeutic relationships. Participants described being frustrated and unsupported in making the transition to working with FP and felt conflicted by the emotional response that was generated when developing therapeutic relationships. Recommendations include the development of programmes that might assist clinicians and address gaps in service delivery, such as clinical governance, targeted orientation programmes, and clinical supervision.


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 Transition to Specialty Practice Programs (TSPPs) provide structured support and education to novice nurses. This study examined the prevalence, design, characteristics and functions of emergency nursing TSPPs in Australia, and found that TSPPs served an important function in recruitment, preparation and retention of emergency nurses. A framework for future emergency nursing TSPPs was developed based on study findings.


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Background: Plain packaging (PP) with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) was implemented in Australia in late 2012. This study examined effects of these packaging changes on short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours.
Methods: We used a series of cohorts of Australian adult cigarette smokers originally sourced from a nationally representative cross-sectional tracking survey, followed up approximately 1 month after their baseline interview (n(weighted)=5441). Logistic regression analyses compared changes in seven quitting-related outcomes over this 1-month follow-up period for the cohorts surveyed before PP, over the period of transition to PP, and during the first year of PP, adjusting for baseline levels of the outcome and covariates.
Results: Compared to the referent group of smokers who completed their follow-up survey pre-PP, those who were followed-up in the early transition period showed greater increases in rates of stopping themselves from smoking (OR=1.51, 95% CI (1.08 to 2.10)) and higher quit attempt rates (OR=1.43, 95% CI (1.00 to 2.03)), those followed-up in the late transition period showed greater increases in intentions to quit (OR=1.42, 95% CI (1.06 to 1.92)) and pack concealment (OR=1.55, 95% CI (1.05 to 2.31)), and those followed- up in the first year of PP showed higher levels of pack concealment (OR=1.65, 95% CI (1.01 to 2.72)), more premature stubbing out of cigarettes (OR=1.55, 95% CI (1.01 to 2.36)), and higher quit attempt rates (OR=1.52, 95% CI (1.01 to 2.30)).
Conclusions: These findings provide some of the strongest evidence to date that implementation of PP with larger GHWs was associated with increased rates of quitting cognitions, microindicators of concern and quit attempts among adult cigarette smokers.


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Background We assessed whether the Australian plain packs with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) achieved three specific objectives of reducing the appeal of tobacco, increasing health warning effectiveness and reducing the ability of packaging to mislead about smoking harms.
Methods We compared responses from continuous cross-sectional telephone surveys of n=2176 cigarette smokers during pre-plain packaging (April–September 2012, pre-PP) with n=759 surveyed in the transition period (October–November 2012) and n=4240 during the first year of implementation (December 2012–November 2013, PP year 1), using multivariate logistic regression analyses.
Results From pre-PP to PP year 1, more smokers disliked their pack (p<0.001), perceived lower pack appeal (p<0.001), lower cigarette quality (p<0.001), lower satisfaction (p<0.001) and lower value (p<0.001) and disagreed brands differed in prestige (p=0.003). There was no change in perceived differences in taste of different brands. More smokers noticed GHWs (p<0.001), attributed much motivation to quit to GHWs (p<0.001), avoided specific GHWs when purchasing (p<0.001), and covered packs (p<0.001), with no change in perceived exaggeration of harms. PP year 1 saw an increased proportion believing that brands do not differ in harmfulness (p=0.004), but no change in the belief that variants do not differ in strength or the perceived harmfulness of cigarettes compared with a year ago. Interactions signified greater change for four outcomes assessing aspects of appeal among young adults and two appeal outcomes among mid-aged adults.
Conclusions The specific objectives of plain packaging were achieved and generally sustained among adult smokers up to 12 months after implementation.


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Objectives: To examine the role of technology when introduced into the specific setting of residential aged care and then analyse the associated changes to this complex socio-technical network of human and technology actors on the introduction of this technology using the rich lens of Actor Network Theory. Methods: An exploratory qualitative single case study was conducted. The specific focus being the implementation of a nursing information system in an aged care context, i.e. the transition from paper-based nursing documentation to electronic nursing documentation. A series of 19 semi structured interviews with facility managers, nursing coordinators, and the nursing and care staff were conducted. The collected data were analysed using standard qualitative techniques such as thematic analysis and a priori themes were developed from the application of Actor Network Theory. Results: A priori themes coupled with emergent themes served to highlight the impact of a disruptive technology solution into a complex context. Conclusion: An Actor Network Theory analysis enables a rich theoretical lens to be used to examine the introduction of a disruptive technology into a complex context. On such examination critical success factors were identified as well as key barriers. Moreover, people issues were found to be central to the success of such a solution.


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 A re-conceptualisation of the risk process was an outcome of this research, from which a positioning theory of crime was developed to explain more comprehensively the causal mechanisms by which risk effects are exerted and conduce to offending behaviour.


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 Students commencing university were surveyed three times to identify what individual variables facilitated positive adjustment experiences. Student’s attachment orientations were found to be strongly associated with their university adjustment, and this was mediated by students’ use of different coping strategies and their negotiation of the developmental tasks of young adulthood.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: As patients move across transition points, effective medication management is critical for patient safety. The aims of this study were to examine how health professionals, patients and family members communicate about managing medications as patients moved across transition points of care and to identify possible sources of communication failure.

METHOD: A descriptive approach was used involving observations and interviews. The emergency departments and medical wards of two hospitals were involved. Observations focused on how health professionals managed medications during interactions with other health professionals, patients and family members, as patients moved across clinical settings. Follow-up interviews with participants were also undertaken. Thematic analysis was completed of transcribed data, and descriptive statistics were used to analyse characteristics of communication failure.

RESULTS: Three key themes were identified: environmental challenges, interprofessional relationships, and patient and family beliefs and responsibilities. As patients moved between environments, insufficient tracking occurred about medication changes. Before hospital admission, patients participated in self-care medication activities, which did not always involve exemplary behaviours or match the medications that doctors prescribed. During observations, 432 instances of communication failure (42.8%) were detected, which related to purpose, content, audience and occasion of the communication.

CONCLUSIONS: Extensive challenges exist involving the management of medications at transition points of care. Bedside handovers and ward rounds can be utilized as patient counselling opportunities about changes in the medication regimen. Greater attention is needed on how patients in the community make medication-related decisions.


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The relationship between sanitation policies (access and quality) and health in Brazilian municipalities was estimated from 2003 to 2010 using a panel data model with corrections for missing data. The results suggest a limited effect of sanitation policy on health. Compared with results from the literature, we found that the worsening quality of water appears to be associated with increased rates of mortality and hospitalization for children up to one month of age. Improvements in sewage sanitation have reduced the mortality and morbidity rates in children aged one to four. Improved access to piped water is associated with decreased hospitalization related to dysentery and acute respiratory infections (ARI) and does not have an effect on child mortality. Finally, epidemiological transition is only supported by weak evidence, including a more intense effect of reduced access to sanitation in municipalities with the worst mortality and morbidity indicators. In most models, this theory has been rejected


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Transition to diets that are high in saturated fat and sugar has caused a global public health concern as the pattern of food consumption is a mayor modifiable risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases Although agri food systems are intimately associated with this transition, agriculture and health sectors are largely disconnected in their priorities policy, and analysis with neither side considering the complex inter relation between agri trade patterns of food consumption health, and development We show the importance of connection of these perspectives through estimation of the effect of adopting a healthy diet on population health, agricultural production trade the economy and livelihoods, with a computable general equilibrium approach on the basis of case studies from the UK and Brazil we suggest that benefits of a healthy diet policy will vary substantially between different populations, not only because of population dietary intake but also because of agricultural production trade and other economic factors


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Incluye bibliografía.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da sonolência diurna excessiva (SDE) e identificar os fatores associados em mulheres de 35 a 49 anos de idade do "Projeto de Saúde de Pindamonhangaba" (PROSAPIN). MÉTODOS: O estudo foi observacional transversal com 372 mulheres com idade entre 35 e 49 anos selecionadas aleatoriamente da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) do município de Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, onde é desenvolvido o "Projeto de Saúde de Pindamonhangaba" (PROSAPIN). A SDE foi avaliada por entrevista utilizando a Escala de Sonolência de Epworth e os fatores associados por meio de questões que investigaram as características sócio-demográficas, a história ginecológica, a presença de comorbidades, o estilo de vida, a rotina de sono e o uso de medicamentos capazes de alterar o estado de alerta, além de mensuradas as variáveis antropométricas. Estimou-se a prevalência da SDE com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) e foram identificados os fatores associados por meio de um modelo de regressão logística múltipla realizado no Programa Stata, versão 10.0. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da SDE foi de 18,5% (IC 95%: 14,7- 22,9) e os fatores associados foram: profissão relacionada a serviços domésticos (OR = 2,2; IC 95%: 1,1-4,3), nível de atividade física acima da média da população estudada (OR = 1,9; IC 95%: 1,1-3,4); e a presença de características sugestivas de ansiedade (OR = 1,9; IC 95%: 1,1-3,4). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da SDE em mulheres de 35 a 49 anos do PROSAPIN foi elevada e associada à característica sociodemográfica, à presença de comorbidades e ao estilo de vida.


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Nutritionists are important professionals for ensuring the implementation of health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation. However, their participation in primary healthcare from a quantitative standpoint is limited. The city of Sao Paulo has experienced an uneven urbanization process triggering new problems of insecurity in terms of food and nutrition. This article analyzes the performance of the primary healthcare nutritionist in a large urban center. It is a quantitative study that used data from the Municipal Health Department, population data of Sao Paulo and a semi-structured questionnaire applied in individual interviews. All regions of the city are found to have fewer nutritionists than the recommendation of the Federal Council of Nutritionists. There are 123 nutritionists in the basic healthcare network and 51 in the Family Health Support Nuclei (FHSN) (57.3%). Each nutritionist from the FHSN accompanies 7.1 family health strategy teams on average. The age groups corresponding to children are less frequently seen by nutritionists. Comparing the activities, the transition from a model of primary health care focused on individual care to a model that prioritizes group care was observed.


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Background: Evaluating child growth is, in practice, performed by measuring the development of a child's weight, height, and body composition in comparison to averages observed among a reference population. Objective: To describe the nutritional status of children of low income families who live in urban region in northeastern Brazil. Methods: This study is a population case series with a transversal and observational design. The study population consisted of 257 children, aged 5 to 10 years, who were enrolled in a public school to children of low income families. We used the cutoff point for short stature of -2 Z scores for age, and underweight, overweight, and obese were classified as the 5th, 85th, and 95th percentiles, respectively, of the body mass index (BMI) for age, with both classifications in accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2000). Comparisons by gender were performed for the measures of the central tendency and the frequency of diagnoses, in addition to the tendency of the evolution of BMI by age. Results: The prevalence of short stature was 3.5% (95% CI: 1.9-6.5). In the evaluation of BMI for age, the prevalences found for underweight, overweight, and obese were 5.8% (95% CI: 3.6-9.4), 4.7% (95% CI: 2.7-8.0), and 2.3% (95% CI: 1.1-5.0), respectively. We found a significant trend in the reduction of BMI with the increase in age. Conclusions: According to CDC references, the prevalences of underweight and short stature were higher than expected and for the overweight and obesity were lower than expected, indicating that the nutritional transition had still not reached, as commonly is described, these low income children from the urban outskirts of the Northeast region.