208 resultados para Hawley


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The CARI1 draft dialysis guidelines propose evidence based targets for biochemical and haematological parameters in ESRF. As part of a prospective randomised trial we investigated our ability to apply the CARI and National Heart Foundation of Australia targets to a representative dialysis population. All patients aged between 18–80 yrs were encouraged to enroll regardless of prior history of non-compliance or co-morbidity. Patients were randomised to either usual care (U;n = 44) or focussed care (F;n = 45). Usual care involved monthly blood tests and pysician review second monthly. In addition focus care patients had a monthly review in a physician supervised trial clinic run by nurses. The groups were comparable at baseline in terms of age, gender, dialysis modality, proportion of diabetics, time on dialysis, haemoglobin, ferritin, % saturation, parathyroid hormone, serum corrected calcium, serum phosphate, total cholesterol and LDL. At 6 months there had been significant improvements in PTH (p < 0.05), total cholesterol (p < 0.05) and LDL (p < 0.001), and a trend to better BP control. The proportion of patients meeting targets at 6 months were as follows: tot chol < 5 mmol/l-U 63%, F 82%; LDL < 3 mmol/l-U 75%, F 91%; phosphate < 1.8 mmol/l- U 42%, F 62%; PTH < 21 pmol/l-U 21%, F 40%; BP sys < 140 mmHg-U 41% F 46%; Hb > 11.5 g/dl U 58% F 64%. In spite of an intensive programme to maximise management of the haematological and biochemical parameters in patients with ESRF it appears that in a significant proportion of patients these targets could not be reached. 1The CARI Guidelines (Caring for Australians with Renal Impairment). Australian Kidney Foundation & Australia New Zealand Society of Nephrology, 2001.


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A combined flow loop - jet impingement pilot plant has been used to determine mass loss rates in a mixed gas - saltwater - sand multiphase flow at impact velocities up to 70 m/s. Artificial brine with a salt content of 27 g/1 was used as liquid phase. Sand content, with grain size below 150 µ, was 2.7 g/l brine. CO at a pressure of 15 bar was used as gas phase. The impact angle between jet stream (nozzle) and sample surface was varied between 30 and 90°. Rectangular stainless steel disc samples with a size of 20 × 15 × 5 mm were used. They were mechanically ground and polished prior to testing. Damaged surfaces of specimens exposed to the high velocity multiphase flow were investigated by stereo microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an optical device for 3D surface measurements. Furthermore, samples were investigated by applying atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and nanoindentation. Influence of impact velocity and impact angle on penetration rates (mass loss rates) of two CRAs (UNS S30400 and N08028) are presented. Moreover effects of chemical composition and mechanical properties are critically discussed. © 2008 by NACE International.


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Lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) is a possible coolant for fast reactors and targets in spallation neutron sources. Its low melting point, high evaporation point, good thermal conductivity, low reactivity, and good neutron yield make it a safe and high performance coolant in radiation environments. The disadvantage is that it is a corrosive medium for most steels and container materials. This study was performed to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the austenitic stainless steel D9 in oxygen controlled LBE. In order to predict the corrosion behavior of steel in this environment detailed analyses have to be performed on the oxide layers formed on these materials and various other relevant materials upon exposure to LBE. In this study the corrosion/oxidation of D9 stainless steel in LBE was investigated in great detail. The oxide layers formed were characterized using atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, nanoindentation, and scanning electron microscopy with wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) to understand the corrosion and oxidation mechanisms of D9 stainless steel in contact with the LBE. What was previously believed to be a simple double oxide layer was identified here to consist of at least 4 different oxide layers. It was found that the inner most oxide layer takes over the grain structure of what used to be the bulk steel material while the outer oxide layer consists of freshly grown oxides with a columnar structure. These results lead to a descriptive model of how these oxide layers grow on this steel under the harsh environments encountered in these applications.


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El objetivo del artículo es analizar algunos aspectos de los orígenes de la “política cultural” estadounidense en Argentina. La atención se concentrará en el pasaje desde las declaraciones del presidente Hoover, que contribuyeron a favorecer un clima útil y propicio a la intensificación de los intercambios, a los primeros pasos concretos realizados en el periodo de la presidencia de Roosevelt. Se tratará, en particular, de individualizar las características de la cooperación establecida entre organismos estadounidenses y argentinos para favorecer la proyección cultural estadounidense en el país y el intercambio cultural entre Estados Unidos y Argentina, donde se iba intensificando la difusión de un sentimiento anti-imperialista, y que era entonces objetivo de formas de propaganda particularmente agresivas por parte de los regímenes totalitarios.


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Syfte - Studien avser att undersöka om prestation gällande maximalstyrka och explosivitet varierar under menstruationscykeln. Dessutom undersöks om den psykologiska motivationen eller känslan korrelerar med prestationen. Studiens syfte är att skapa en utgångspunkt för att se om periodisering av styrketräning i relation till menstruationscykeln faser är aktuell för kvinnor inom prestationsidrotter. Metod - Testerna genomfördes under en menstruationscykel, fyra veckor. Ett test genomfördes varje vecka för att täcka in fyra faser under menstruationscykeln och för att erhålla ett konsekvent veckomönster. Menstruationscykelns faser räknades ut i efterhand för att inte i förhand påverka testdeltagarnas motivation och prestation i förhållande till menstruationscykeln. Fas 1 menstruationsfas, fas 2 intermenstruation, fas 3 intermenstruation/ägglossning och fas 4 premenstruation. I testgruppen ingick fyra kvinnor, 32 år (± 10), längd 162,8 cm (± 7,32), vikt 57,4 kg (± 5,79). I kontrollgruppen ingick en man och två kvinnor utan menstruation, 26,67 år (± 9,02), längd 168,3 cm (± 8,96), vikt 71,7 kg (± 11,02). Fysiska tester, längdhopp och knäböj. En standardiserad uppvärmning genomfördes inför varje test, följdes av tre stycken jämfota längdhopp utan ansats med två minuter vila mellan hoppen. Bästa hoppet av tre dokumenterades. Längdhopp (CV 1,8 %) (Hopkins, Schabort & Hawley, 2001), knäböj, en repetition max [1RM] (CV 1,57 %) (Urquhart, Moir, Graham & Connaboy, 2015). En specifik uppvärmning genomfördes även inför 1RM knäböj därefter försök på en repetition på 1RM. Frågeformulär gällande hälsotillstånd och motivation “Snabbkollen” (Cross & Lyle, 1999) besvarades inför varje testtillfälle. Vid sista testtillfället fick alla testdeltagare fylla i ett frågeformulär om upplevda symptom och tillstånd under den gångna menstruationscykeln. Resultat och slutsats - Det är ur denna studie svårt att tyda om menstruationscykelns olika faser skulle ha någon relevant effekt värd att ta hänsyn till när det gäller prestationen hos idrottande kvinnor. Dock visar resultaten att menstruationscykeln påverkar motivationen.  


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The addition of an adjuvant to a pesticide usually occurs in a mix-tank, before spray application to the crop. Their interaction is potentially crucial to overall efficacy but has received little attention from a physical-chemical perspective. Study was undertaken by laser diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering to resolve these physical processes. It was shown that migration of the pesticide into the adjuvant droplet occurred in all cases studied. The level of transfer was dependent upon adjuvant level, adjuvant solubility, and surfactant level. For suspension pesticides, dissolution of crystallites within the droplet occurred to a degree limited by solubility. The results directly demonstrate the transfer of the pesticide into the adjuvant carrier. This indicates that for emulsion-based pesticides, application to the target is likely as a homogeneously mixed droplet, whereas for suspension pesticides, solubility may limit transfer and dissolution, leading to heterogeneity in the applied particles.


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Thresh, hold reviews an illustrated oral history of the impact of industrialization and its decline on a regional metropolis. This discullsion's primary focus are the photographic collections of Charles Daniel Pratt and Wolfgang Sievers.